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What kind of map do you want?


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I mean aesthetically. What kind of map with a preferably new idea and concept would you like? We have snow, desert, fields, caves, water, etc...I'd personally looove a map that is mostly a creepy forest, like a bigger version of the aberrant forest. Something like dusk wood from wow. A creepy forest, with a dark town, a graveyard, ghosts spiders, and other monsters. I think gw2 could use some more creepy enemies too, without it being a creepy game.What would YOU like?

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Jade Sea, now that it's melted or almost melted completely back to its original form and how the Luxons have resettled the region.

Large cave system map with plenty of tunnels to explore and maybe even an underground civilization.

Something similar to The Time Hub that was going to be in the cancelled Utopia Expansion to GW1.

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@Randulf.7614 said:One that is organically put together and not just a mesh of biomes/differing corner sections stapled together (see Bitterfrost and Bjora Marches)

Bjora woulda been way way cooler if they had just done Snow and then the haunted forest, or hell, made the whole thing a haunted forest filled with frozen trees, but nothing to be done now ;(

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Randulf.7614 said:One that is organically put together and not just a mesh of biomes/differing corner sections stapled together (see Bitterfrost and Bjora Marches)

Bjora woulda been way way cooler if they had just done Snow and then the haunted forest, or hell, made the whole thing a haunted forest filled with frozen trees, but nothing to be done now ;(

I largely agree. Such a tiny little forest tucked away in a small hollow didn't feel right. And then you have a weird frozen canyon area for the the place Jormag fought Aesir just shoved in another corner which made even less sense. The forest could have spread further across that entire side and a bit into the main map, leaving mountain and tundra across the rest. That would leave the barrier into the next map as thick, darkened forest rather than what will prob be a small passageway.

It just felt like they wanted to ram too much in to too small an area. Much like Bitterfrost which is contender for worst map design ever despite having sections which are individually really good.

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@coso.9173 said:I mean aesthetically. What kind of map with a preferably new idea and concept would you like? We have snow, desert, fields, caves, water, etc...I'd personally looove a map that is mostly a creepy forest, like a bigger version of the aberrant forest. Something like dusk wood from wow. A creepy forest, with a dark town, a graveyard, ghosts spiders, and other monsters. I think gw2 could use some more creepy enemies too, without it being a creepy game.What would YOU like?

This. Right here.

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I'll counter all the doom'n'glooms -- tropical island paradise that isn't Southsunned. Pristine beaches, lush vegetation, blue skies, wheeling birds. That doesn't mean nothing bad can happen there, or there can't be a ton of danger. I just like sunny green places and warm ocean air :)

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@"Zephyr.5382" said:Underwater! ducks for cover ...but in the way I've suggested before, like how the Gungans from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace had their cities underwater, enclosed in domes. So, you know...minimal swimming, for those who hate it.


Yes, an underwater city with a Victorian feel, crazy inhabitants and champs in steampunk diving suits. :)

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I think Anet tend to excel at shiverpeaks maps, especially rolling hills, mountains and forests (the forest sections in ls3 ep3 and ls5 ep1 are my favourite areas in the game). Their spring/summer woodlands are also nice, but are comparable to gw1 pre searing ascalon...

In terms of map design, I prefer maps like Tangled Depths - something that's initially scary to navigate, but becomes easier once you carve out a path and discover shortcuts.

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For PvE, a true forest map, all the ones we have are jungle, not forest. (Yes, there's a difference.)

For WvW, anything, I beg of you. The few maps that were added to this game mode over many years were terribly ambitious and then abandoned, so either add something new or fix them up to actually be playable/have a reason to play them..

I have a feeling that in the next expo (if there is one) we'll be visiting underwater cities, because now that we've mastered gliding and mounts and even had some aerial combat in Bloodstone Fen, underwater is the only thing that GW2 hasn't done, and they'll need something entirely new for an expansion. Besides, an underwater combat overhaul has been due for most of the game's life.

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wow nice to see so many people also want some creepier map! Glad to see I'm not alone on this.also a creepy swamp, something like this would be awesome marek-madej-swamp-village-by-marekmadej.let's hope they expand the forest in the second half of bjora's marches, and that could be a good start!

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@SoulGuardian.6203 said:

@"Elric.4713" said:Echovald Forest.


Also unfrozen Jade Sea.I really want a big water based map with small islands dotted about.

I don't want to be a smart buttocks nerd, but jade sea isn't exactly "frozen".It's solidified Jade. Hence the

It's frozen in the sense that it's petrified from the Jade Wind but it's not frozen like ice frozen :)Didn't know what other word to use, guess you could say crystalized but that doesn't quite feel right lol

After Shiro's defeat though both the Jade Sea and Echovald Forest have started showing signs of reversion to their original state so by the time we get there in Gw2 they should be largely restored to a living forest and a water ocean.. which will be fascinating to see :D

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