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Do you want new Character Selection Screen?

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This has been asked many times before, and I even gave suggestions that I knew they would not do. Path of Fire is done so it doesn't make sense to keep that background when you change the launcher to Iceberg Saga. For a bare minimum low-effort change, they can use the old white background, and it would match.

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@Tyson.5160 said:

@"DaFishBob.6518" said:I wonder if selling character select screens would convince Anet to get on it.

I'd only accept such an option if we got as detailed login screens as GW1 had later on with that slowly scrolling, epic vista such as

The Eye of the North screen comes to mind. It was stunning.

And would be perfect for the current story, too.

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@yoni.7015 said:I don’t really care about the screen. They should invest in new content.

@"Kruhljak.2705" said:Yes, because it's been a long time looking at the same background and something new would be nice. Though I'd much rather they added some new sorting options instead of having just the "last played" sorting we've been using forever. Mainly for those of us with tons of characters, but still potentially useful to all.Pretty much this. Idc how it looks really so gun to my head I would say no, but if they were talking about actual improvements to the character select screen rather than just a cosmetic change, I'd be all for it . . .

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Definitely would be happy to be rid of the PoF starting screen. I never really liked it, lookswise but mostly the lighting is a bit weird at times.An option to switch between the previous ones and a new, frosty one would be the best though, I miss the previous ones.

Overall I understand the question differently at first, whether there should be more functionality to the character selection screen, like being able to sort your characters.To that I would also put forward a massive "YES, PLEASE".

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