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For the love of consequences... (Repair costs)


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@BENICE.3284 said:

@"Solvar.7953"Repairs are typically meant to be a minor annoyance more than anything but with the recent addition of Strike missions they seem to be trying to encourage more people to get used to harder mechanics. The game is actually filled with mechanics but with so little reason to take them seriously. So if they did bring it back it'd have to be less trivial and more annoying.I think they need to fix the core of the character build system if they want more people to participate in structured group content. I don't think that the difficulty of mechanics is the primary issue but rather why a lot of people tend to have sucky builds to begin with. That needs to be addressed first.Instant repair kits are practically useless, they shouldn't be afraid to remove such a thing if they were to go that route. I'd prefer they improve the armor damage/repair system though instead or remove it. The game would still play pretty darn casual but with a subtle reminder for people to die less (I hope).I agree with the removal of them. Some items have become superfluous and should be removed from the game. However, for the game to make death "meaningful" again would cause issues with the primarily casual player base. And it's a weird thing in a game that has a downed state and insta-kill powers at the same time. That by itself makes it pointless. This game relies too much on the dodge system to make it fair to charge for repairs again. In a lot of scenarios where people are downed you can be ressed still with unlimited attempts per battle. And in other scenarios there are too many one-shot abilities that bosses have regardless of whether you have a more defensive build or not.

I just don't get why ArenaNet are trying to push casuals into not being casuals. Even though I've raided quite a bit I haven't done so in GW2. So I chose to be a casual player here and have no interest in getting better until they fix some things at the core of how my character is built up with, skills, gear, traits, etc. I think it's done horribly and can't really appeal to casual players. And that won't change by adding strike missions.

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I was thinking the same thing recently. For me the reason would be that it could make people a little bit more social (or even more social then they already are) since you can then actually save people some cost when you help them out or resurrect them.

It would also make me think twice before tackling some difficult HP on my own, and rather shout out for some help, which again would help with the community feel.

Not saying this sort of helping out does not exist yet, but it could be enhanced a little bit.

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@Tyncale.1629 said:I was thinking the same thing recently. For me the reason would be that it could make people a little bit more social (or even more social then they already are) since you can then actually save people some cost when you help them out or resurrect them.

It would also make me think twice before tackling some difficult HP on my own, and rather shout out for some help, which again would help with the community feel.

Not saying this sort of helping out does not exist yet, but it could be enhanced a little bit.You can't force people into being more social by punishing them. Rather you'll find most people trying to save their skin (or armor repair cost) at the expense of others, making the whole game less social and cooperative than it is now.

What's wrong about trying to tackle something difficult on your own to see how you hold up? For a lot of people that's the best way to learn, but they won't learn anything if they never even try, for fear of being punished for not having mastered the fight mechanics from the get go.

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@BENICE.3284 said:

@Svarty.8019No, this is more about giving people incentive to get better and stay that way. Discipline works when it's not overdose. Repair costs are the nudge, but I'll admit broken gear that cannot be repaired is the harsh reality that'll upset some too much. =P

Penalties aren't always incentives. Why should you care how well other players play the game or not? Why should this even bother you or impact your enjoyment of the game? This is a solution looking for a problem.

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There is already a cost associated with ressing, no need to add a repair cost too. The reason that in other games the cost is tied to repairs rather than death is because when you are broke and dead, you stay dead forever, unless there is some special mechanic implemented to deal with that situation. Well, in GW2 there is such a mechanic, so may as well remove gear damage entirely.

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@Excursion.9752 said:

@"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:GW1 had no gear damage system, I really don't see much point with it here either.The point is that they hope people buy/sell enough gems to get the
. Its all about the money and since this item exists we will always have to repair in some way.

The "point" was to replace Death Penalty, a system where the consequence for failing content was to make the content harder for you, which makes no logical sense. It's like a bank issuing you a fine for not having enough money.

Armor degradation was included to replace the "you probably shouldn't be here" signalling that Death Penalty imposed, back when players could (try to) run their level 2 characters all the way to Orr.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:GW1 had no gear damage system, I really don't see much point with it here either.The point is that they hope people buy/sell enough gems to get the
. Its all about the money and since this item exists we will always have to repair in some way.

The "point" was to replace Death Penalty, a system where the consequence for failing content was to make the content harder for you, which makes no logical sense. It's like a bank issuing you a fine for not having enough money.

Armor degradation was included to replace the "you probably shouldn't be here" signalling that Death Penalty imposed, back when players could (try to) run their level 2 characters all the way to Orr.

I mean they still can run their characters to orr at level 2. i have one in POF right now >:D

To the OPs point, i disagree on pretty much everything. Armor repair is fine as is. The cost was so trivial as to not matter, and having my gear be completely destroyed if it broke would make me stop playing. ascended and legendary gear isnt cheap or easily replaced.

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@BENICE.3284 said:Please bring back the consequence of death, repair costs. It doesn't have to be incredibly expensive but it should not be too cheap either.

There shouldn't even be damage to gear without it costing us to repair otherwise it's just there for show. As it stands players can die repeatedly without a care in the world, just run back and be as reckless as before.

(Extra thought: If GW2 wasn't trying to be a mobile game I'd dare say it should even require you to completely replace broken gear. That would certainly light a fire under butts to be more cautious in combat, not to mention add a reason for us to (maybe sometimes) use all that gear in the game after actually setting up a set.)

the consequence? like, 2 silver or whatever it was? Oh dear.

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Maybe they can make it a 3 tier system of dinged, damaged, and broken and it affects all armor pieces at once. Each stage of damage reduces its effectiveness (both in armor stat and relevant other stats) by a third until reduced to zero. And armor repair cost should also go up in cost depending on the level of damage here the broken state is a gold to repair it. This gives repair cannisters a bit more worth and it makes people more wary of running around with broken armor as they are more squishy AND less effective with broken armor. This will also make getting downed or rather trying to avoid it much more meaningful.

The repair cost should still be waved in WvW simply because it happens more often BUT, it shouldn't be automatic as it is now either. Its a good way to slow down players trying to rush right back into the fray or having them decide if being a little less effective is a good trade off for a big fight.

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@Excursion.9752 said:

@"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:GW1 had no gear damage system, I really don't see much point with it here either.The point is that they hope people buy/sell enough gems to get the
. Its all about the money and since this item exists we will always have to repair in some way.

Who is even dying that often while NOT doing WvW/fractals/raids/strikes? WvW has autorepair at citadel/border, fractal has repair from the mistlocks, raid has repair from the ley rifts.

@Dante.1763 said:To the OPs point, i disagree on pretty much everything. Armor repair is fine as is. The cost was so trivial as to not matter, and having my gear be completely destroyed if it broke would make me stop playing. ascended and legendary gear isnt cheap or easily replaced.

Which is a bit ironic since that is the sort of suggestion someone would make while not thinking of the consequences.

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I posted my not so serious take on this topic. Here is what I wouldn't mind seeing.

Internal Timer on Repair:Everyone would have to visit a anvil to repair once every 2 hours before your overall effectiveness starts to go down Starting at 10% then every 30 minutes 5% more.

Deaths should have a penalty:Lose 15% overall effectiveness every time you die.

Repair Cost:Free, The real cost is it will take the player more time to kill something because their overall effectiveness will not be at 100% of what their stats are when they are 100% repaired.

Whats the point:I have always thought it was funny that your weapons and armor never wear out from normal wear and tear. The 2 hours on the internal timer would be there for that reason. Deaths need to matter. If you die your equipment should take a hit because you took enough damage to be killed. Even if your resurrected from a full down your equipment still suffered.

Yes this is not a popular opinion but I believe keeping your equipment in the back of your mind would help people be more mindful of the suicidal tendencies that most seem to have. Just look at the current Drakkar fight and how many bodies you end up resurrecting there.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@"Excursion.9752" said:

Deaths should have a penalty:
Lose 15% overall effectiveness every time you die.Why don't you go play WoW and always revive at the spirit healer, if you enjoy your character being kitten?I certainly don't want my character getting weaker and weaker during fractal runs without healers.

Maybe you should level up your Fractal Attunement Masteries. Because what I am suggesting wouldn't effect most people in fractals because of the Mistlock Singularities that are in each fractal. But thanks for proving my point that having a reduction in overall effectiveness would make people actually think about death.

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@Excursion.9752 said:[...] having a reduction in overall effectiveness would make people actually think about death.

It would make people think about quitting the game, and thus hammering even more nails into the coffin than there already are.If they can't do something and even lose a substantial percentage of their chance to succeed on another try, many people simply stop trying and do easier things - like other games.It might be hard for you, but try to imagine:People play games to relax from their stressing work/school hours, not to stress out even more.Not everyone is a hardcore perfect-play addict that feels the needs to get punished for mistakes.

Having to pay for waypointing after death and the setback are sufficient punishment.MMORPGs used to have EXP loss as punishing death mechanics.And can you guess why that practice died out? Because most people do not appreciate to get punished in the leisure time.

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