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Most abused current broken un nerfed class (Or now overpowered)


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Hold your horses... it is way too early. I mean after 1 day? And with some very specific options to choose? XD. We all knew some specs / builds would stay the same and thus be labeled as strong early on. I am sure many builds will come after and maybe be worst…If I have to answer right now, with only a few 2V2 played (less than 10 matchs at the moment), I will also keep an eye on condi revs. I never liked the mix of defense / pressure but after the patch I saw some in 2V2 and that was really painful to fight.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

The classes that are most complained about in mobility are thief mesmer eles (not necro)

The classes most complained about with 1hko burst are: Thief, mesmers, (sometimes Holosmiths) a lot of times Deadeye (not necro)The classes who tend to abuse stealth the most are the obvious ones: Thief mesmers are top of the list followed by holo to escape(not necro)The classes who abuse invulns(Rangers mesmers guardians) (no necro)

Necromancers took nerfs like every class and right now reaper does a lot less damage.

Necros don't spam invulns they don't have invisibility and stealth spam like a thief they don't have evades like ele mesmers or thief and they don't spam 1hko really.

If you got to worry about a class its firebrands right now. Mes took nerfs already they might have problems

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

Says the op god mode classes

Soulbeast? infinite engages spam dmg invulnsMirage? spam evades non stop blow up everyone with infinite condi burst and PU mesers with 1 shots that are bad for game and make everyone wanna quitWarr? go ham spam CC blow, people, up with 1 hit. They were as bad as mesmers broken with cc spam and massive amounts of sustain combinedRev? combined massive burst mobility with teleports.

Really? you are complaining about the least mobile least amount of ability to avoid CCs least amount of invulns when you got classes like thief mesmer holosmith and rangers with invulns and you go after necro? or what about warriors with that aegis or guardians with invulns teleports retaliation and massive boonspam to boot?

It seems like you are on drugs or you live in a alternate reality

LOL what are you talking about dude? My point was that a Reaper of all things is calling Mirage EZ mode. Last I checked reaper could sit on mid pretty well compared to a mirage with little effort. Sure if said reaper is dumb enough to actually chase the Mirage and get kited it might get killed, that isnt the point. The point is reaper the ultimate EZ spec according to most people. Just look all over the internet with people asking the question: What is EZ and good? to Which people often reply Necro/reaper and yes also Mirage.

The fact is mesmer hate is so broadly accepted on the forums and in game that no one thinks twice about insulting players openly with no real basis for what they say.

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Ranger in general not on the list...Anyone who voted mirage take note of this anet mirage is dead and they are not satisfied, you've given these people to much credit they are not worth listening to.

Rangers can drop 21k by them selfs and another 20k from there pet im sorry no Firebrand is gonna do that to you.

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@Moradorin.6217 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

Says the op god mode classes

Soulbeast? infinite engages spam dmg invulnsMirage? spam evades non stop blow up everyone with infinite condi burst and PU mesers with 1 shots that are bad for game and make everyone wanna quitWarr? go ham spam CC blow, people, up with 1 hit. They were as bad as mesmers broken with cc spam and massive amounts of sustain combinedRev? combined massive burst mobility with teleports.

Really? you are complaining about the least mobile least amount of ability to avoid CCs least amount of invulns when you got classes like thief mesmer holosmith and rangers with invulns and you go after necro? or what about warriors with that aegis or guardians with invulns teleports retaliation and massive boonspam to boot?

It seems like you are on drugs or you live in a alternate reality

LOL what are you talking about dude? My point was that a Reaper of all things is calling Mirage EZ mode. Last I checked reaper could sit on mid pretty well compared to a mirage with little effort. Sure if said reaper is dumb enough to actually chase the Mirage and get kited it might get killed, that isnt the point. The point is reaper the ultimate EZ spec according to most people. Just look all over the internet with people asking the question: What is EZ and good? to Which people often reply Necro/reaper and yes also Mirage.

The fact is mesmer hate is so broadly accepted on the forums and in-game that no one thinks twice about insulting players openly with no real basis for what they say.

Reapers in the past were basically cced and when out of shroud blown up cause dmg was too high. There was a reason why necros and other classes alike complained about TTK(time to kill) it made reaper shroud less viable than say: Evades stealth invulns and blocks, because with invuln you can take an infinite amount of damage and outplay a person, but tankiness meant nothing in the light of fast-moving one-hit kill attacks.

It sounds misleading when you portray necromancer, especially reaper as this ez god mode class, which in reality it isn't. Easy to learn? Sure but it has a ceiling that had limited room to outplay.

The proof is in better players losing to a thief simply because the thief has better evades and mobility and could burst real hard with signet or mesmers with mirage spamming Condis like mad while evading, and core necro was literally unplayable and life was made miserable by classes like PU mesmers rangers thieves for instance.

It's still too soon to tell, I'd like more time to pass before any nerfs happen. I want some analysis before any class gets nerfed to the point of being void.

most of the points above you should at least reasonable since the most complained classes were those like thief ranger mesmers eles firebrands warriors.

we'd like to give other classes benefit of the doubt let necros get the same treatment too.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

The classes that are most complained about in mobility are thief mesmer eles (not necro)

The classes most complained about with 1hko burst are: Thief, mesmers, (sometimes Holosmiths) a lot of times Deadeye (not necro)The classes who tend to abuse stealth the most are the obvious ones: Thief mesmers are top of the list followed by holo to escape(not necro)The classes who abuse invulns(Rangers mesmers guardians) (no necro)

Necromancers took nerfs like every class and right now reaper does a lot less damage.

Necros don't spam invulns they don't have invisibility and stealth spam like a thief they don't have evades like ele mesmers or thief and they don't spam 1hko really.

If you got to worry about a class its firebrands right now. Mes took nerfs already they might have problems

necro has invluneralbility.its called shroud and it lasts like 20s, then you wait 10s and have another one.I dont really know what can pop through 35k HP shroud on 3,5k toughtness with pusling protection.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

The classes that are most complained about in mobility are thief mesmer eles (not necro)

The classes most complained about with 1hko burst are: Thief, mesmers, (sometimes Holosmiths) a lot of times Deadeye (not necro)The classes who tend to abuse stealth the most are the obvious ones: Thief mesmers are top of the list followed by holo to escape(not necro)The classes who abuse invulns(Rangers mesmers guardians) (no necro)

Necromancers took nerfs like every class and right now reaper does a lot less damage.

Necros don't spam invulns they don't have invisibility and stealth spam like a thief they don't have evades like ele mesmers or thief and they don't spam 1hko really.

If you got to worry about a class its firebrands right now. Mes took nerfs already they might have problems

necro has invluneralbility.its called shroud and it lasts like 20s, then you wait 10s and have another one.I dont really know what can pop through 35k HP shroud on 3,5k toughtness with pusling protection.

Shroud isn't a real invuln, as it has a damage cap it can take, while invulns itself don't have a damage cap. Then again like I said: Its too soon to pass judgment, I'd like at least analysis give necros benefit of the doubt

Here is the thing invulns and evades are stronger tools when TTK is very high like it was. If you can 1 hit or 2 hit kill, then evades and invulns are a lot stronger.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

The classes that are most complained about in mobility are thief mesmer eles (not necro)

The classes most complained about with 1hko burst are: Thief, mesmers, (sometimes Holosmiths) a lot of times Deadeye (not necro)The classes who tend to abuse stealth the most are the obvious ones: Thief mesmers are top of the list followed by holo to escape(not necro)The classes who abuse invulns(Rangers mesmers guardians) (no necro)

Necromancers took nerfs like every class and right now reaper does a lot less damage.

Necros don't spam invulns they don't have invisibility and stealth spam like a thief they don't have evades like ele mesmers or thief and they don't spam 1hko really.

If you got to worry about a class its firebrands right now. Mes took nerfs already they might have problems

necro has invluneralbility.its called shroud and it lasts like 20s, then you wait 10s and have another one.I dont really know what can pop through 35k HP shroud on 3,5k toughtness with pusling protection.

Shroud isn't a real invuln, as it has a damage cap it can take, while invulns itself don't have a damage cap. Then again like I said: Its too soon to pass judgment, I'd like at least analysis give necros benefit of the doubt

I wanted that too, but after I got hit with backstab for 2,5k on my 60k eHP monstrum i just cant take this seriously

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

The classes that are most complained about in mobility are thief mesmer eles (not necro)

The classes most complained about with 1hko burst are: Thief, mesmers, (sometimes Holosmiths) a lot of times Deadeye (not necro)The classes who tend to abuse stealth the most are the obvious ones: Thief mesmers are top of the list followed by holo to escape(not necro)The classes who abuse invulns(Rangers mesmers guardians) (no necro)

Necromancers took nerfs like every class and right now reaper does a lot less damage.

Necros don't spam invulns they don't have invisibility and stealth spam like a thief they don't have evades like ele mesmers or thief and they don't spam 1hko really.

If you got to worry about a class its firebrands right now. Mes took nerfs already they might have problems

necro has invluneralbility.its called shroud and it lasts like 20s, then you wait 10s and have another one.I dont really know what can pop through 35k HP shroud on 3,5k toughtness with pusling protection.

Shroud isn't a real invuln, as it has a damage cap it can take, while invulns itself don't have a damage cap. Then again like I said: Its too soon to pass judgment, I'd like at least analysis give necros benefit of the doubt

I wanted that too, but after I got hit with backstab for 2,5k on my 60k eHP monstrum i just cant take this seriously You serious? invulns and shroud aren't the same

Are you seriously going to compare invulns and evades to a hp bar? also keep in mind that doing anything in shroud eats away the shroud life force by a lot, combined with being comboed by 2 or more and cced, is a death sentence.

While mesmers have their issues, so do necros.

" our" stab abilities got nerfed other classes did not, so we still are vulnerable.

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@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

The classes that are most complained about in mobility are thief mesmer eles (not necro)

The classes most complained about with 1hko burst are: Thief, mesmers, (sometimes Holosmiths) a lot of times Deadeye (not necro)The classes who tend to abuse stealth the most are the obvious ones: Thief mesmers are top of the list followed by holo to escape(not necro)The classes who abuse invulns(Rangers mesmers guardians) (no necro)

Necromancers took nerfs like every class and right now reaper does a lot less damage.

Necros don't spam invulns they don't have invisibility and stealth spam like a thief they don't have evades like ele mesmers or thief and they don't spam 1hko really.

If you got to worry about a class its firebrands right now. Mes took nerfs already they might have problems

necro has invluneralbility.its called shroud and it lasts like 20s, then you wait 10s and have another one.I dont really know what can pop through 35k HP shroud on 3,5k toughtness with pusling protection.

Shroud isn't a real invuln, as it has a damage cap it can take, while invulns itself don't have a damage cap. Then again like I said: Its too soon to pass judgment, I'd like at least analysis give necros benefit of the doubt

I wanted that too, but after I got hit with backstab for 2,5k on my 60k eHP monstrum i just cant take this seriously You serious? invulns and shroud aren't the same

Are you seriously going to compare invulns and evades to a hp bar? also keep in mind that doing anything in shroud eats away the shroud life force by a lot, combined with being composed by 2 or more and cced, is a death sentence.

While mesmers have their issues, so do necros.

" our" stab abilities got nerfed other classes did not, so we still are vulnerable.

sorry mate, I can get CC chained for 10s and live. shroud gives too much raw hp and generates too fast -> expecially generation, and combined with perma protection on top of 3,5k toughtness means that power builds have to usually chew throught 100k+ damage on a guy with 3,5k armor and prot.... feelstankyman.and yes, I will compare invluns to shroud, if you dodge you dodge now and the dodge is gone. if you pop shroud you have shroud untill someone puts effort to chew through it. after the patch i have NEVER dropped out of full shroud in under 10s. not once, not even against berserker deadeye shooting at me.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@Axl.8924 said:

@"James.1065" said:All these mesmer cry babies, so sad they had 1 dodge removed! LOL

Maybe you all got to used to playing EZ mode and should have L2P on a more challenging profession like a reaper with no dodge,no evade, no invisibility, no invunerbility and no blinks.

Try that first and then re-read your post!

OMG OMG the REAPER is SAYING OTHERS ara PLAYING the "EASY" CLASS. Reaper = 11111111111. Sounds more like you never bothered to learn to cleave through the clones and mesmer all at once with perma 25 stacks of might and quickness. Nice call m8!

The classes that are most complained about in mobility are thief mesmer eles (not necro)

The classes most complained about with 1hko burst are: Thief, mesmers, (sometimes Holosmiths) a lot of times Deadeye (not necro)The classes who tend to abuse stealth the most are the obvious ones: Thief mesmers are top of the list followed by holo to escape(not necro)The classes who abuse invulns(Rangers mesmers guardians) (no necro)

Necromancers took nerfs like every class and right now reaper does a lot less damage.

Necros don't spam invulns they don't have invisibility and stealth spam like a thief they don't have evades like ele mesmers or thief and they don't spam 1hko really.

If you got to worry about a class its firebrands right now. Mes took nerfs already they might have problems

necro has invluneralbility.its called shroud and it lasts like 20s, then you wait 10s and have another one.I dont really know what can pop through 35k HP shroud on 3,5k toughtness with pusling protection.

Shroud isn't a real invuln, as it has a damage cap it can take, while invulns itself don't have a damage cap. Then again like I said: Its too soon to pass judgment, I'd like at least analysis give necros benefit of the doubt

I wanted that too, but after I got hit with backstab for 2,5k on my 60k eHP monstrum i just cant take this seriously You serious? invulns and shroud aren't the same

Are you seriously going to compare invulns and evades to a hp bar? also keep in mind that doing anything in shroud eats away the shroud life force by a lot, combined with being composed by 2 or more and cced, is a death sentence.

While mesmers have their issues, so do necros.

" our" stab abilities got nerfed other classes did not, so we still are vulnerable.

sorry mate, I can get CC chained for 10s and live. shroud gives too much raw hp and generates too fast -> expecially generation, and combined with perma protection on top of 3,5k toughtness means that power builds have to usually chew throught 100k+ damage on a guy with 3,5k armor and prot.... feelstankyman.and yes, I will compare invluns to shroud, if you dodge you dodge now and the dodge is gone. if you pop shroud you have shroud untill someone puts effort to chew through it. after the patch i have NEVER dropped out of full shroud in under 10s. not once, not even against berserker deadeye shooting at me.

There is no way you can attack necros for 100k and not down and even kill them, no way.

necros have like 20-30k life force and some attacks can do 6 7 or 8k.

60k? that's a stretch considering you are hitting for less and they cannot escape easily. No disengages.

I'd like to see video evidence of the damage too I'd also like analysis before nerfing so I'm going to have to pass.

These changes are recent and necro was a punching bag in the recent past, and I really don't want them to be one anymore.

If it's overpowered then a minor nerf to life force generation maybe but nothing major in nerfs, since it needs to survive to kill. You need to feel threatened and consider should you attack the necro first? or not rather than the strategy is to simply attack necro on sight and cc and blow them up and camp them.

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