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It's time to restore Manual Upgrades for structures in WvW.


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  • Auto upgrades is too easy and requires no investment - just a lack of players on the other servers.
  • Rewards and loot have got better and there are more players with more currency - we can afford manual upgrades now.
  • It will promote fights - if a structure upgrades you know there's someone there (who is likely to call for defensive help)
  • Encourages a few more players - there is a type of player who will happily sit in structures and keep watch and upgrade them. You don't have to do this if you don't want, but they will. It's ok to let them do their thing.
  • Server linking means wild population imbalances are much less likely, so upgrades should be matched to activity not the default "nothing happening".
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a) 1 players spending 60 silver to choose from Tier 1 tree : NPCs are getting stronger , or your keep's suply is increased from 150 to 200 and w8 for 8 min .In order to procced to Tier 2 and choose from (cost 80 silver)

b) Or succefully escord 40 dolyaks to upgrade the Keep . If not properly defended you wont get the upgrades

I really wonder some times , which path offers the ability to the enemy to counter your moves .

old system:In order for you to buy the Tier 1 talent , your Keep must have 100 suplies in his Deposit . Tier 2 need 150 ...which will lead in a scenario where your Keep Deposit wont have enought materials for YOU to repair the Keep Door/Walls in a fight + Cost Silver + Troll players choosing worst option + You still have to kill the yaks + Solo players coming and stealing the Suplies , because they dont go in the in the far Supply Deposit + what suplies remains where used to build Rams...inside .... by trolls

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I would be okay with some form of hybrid system where the players could actively choose to consume structure supply to have the workers speed up the process of upgrading. Oh the whole I'm in favor of active contribution over automation, so long as its not something that can be abused by a large number of players.

~ Kovu

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I think the only change needed is that a player should be present to manually approve the upgrade after the requisite number of yaks are met. Any additional yaks should do nothing until approval, just like supply gets /dev/nulled when the depot is full. Stop rewarding non-presence.

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@DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:Yes It is time. I always felt that the old upgrade system added more gameplay, felt kinda useless for awhile after the switch. Also lets find a way to more closer tie the clamim guild to the objective, maybe special tactics which can only be used by the claiming guild.It didnt add gameplay. It just added more busywork for the players that was willing to pour money into upgrades and quite frankly, the system was shit for a 24/7 mode.

Personally I'd rather just see more impactful ways that tactivators work so that we see much more frequent use of them, but shorter effects.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:Yes It is time. I always felt that the old upgrade system added more gameplay, felt kinda useless for awhile after the switch. Also lets find a way to more closer tie the clamim guild to the objective, maybe special tactics which can only be used by the claiming guild.It didnt add gameplay. It just added more busywork for the players that was willing to pour money into upgrades and quite frankly, the system was kitten for a 24/7 mode.

Personally I'd rather just see more impactful ways that tactivators work so that we see much more frequent use of them, but shorter effects.

Eh dvid was crazy about his NET. When it just auto upgrades it takes away that feel of ownership those kinds of people enjoyed. I think he would enjoy new variety of siege more than manual upgrades though. Better customization.

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@Sviel.7493 said:No.

If clicking a button is what gives you a feeling of ownership, you're doing something terribly wrong.

Actually sounds like you have been doing WvW wrong, or at least missing an aspect of the game that is extremely more immersive then zerging. I play defense/roaming with occasional guild rallies. My fun is derived from conquering and holding an objective nd like so many other defenders on HoD I put a lot into it, knowing that the longer I can hold the more points HoD gets.. It is very satisfying when you can get a tower sieged up and defend it till it gets T3. Also along with the Tower you must defend the camps and yaks which makes for a lot of PvP play. But I guess full immersion isn't for everyone, Thank God HoD has an abundance of roamers/defenders. I think the best.

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No, used to upgrade structures all the time and wasn't for the auto changes at the time they were made. That said I wouldn't go back. There is less arguments of upgrades, less supply trolling, less griefing between defenders and attackers, less griefing between multiple defenders wanting to siege it their way, and more fights in open fields. You can still choose an objective and defend all day long as you want in the current route but there is less questions on how the upgrades will go. Could I see additional changes to how players interact with objectives, yes. Would I want a return of the old system, no. Was nothing worse than when you spent all that time and the coin and upgraded a thing just to have your side not respond to an attack and see it all wash away. The difference here is the players that defended had a stake in it, but quite often the zerg didn't. 'Don't worry we will come back and cap it later'. No if there are individual features I would say suggest the details of them, but an overall return, no thanks.

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Personally I'm Okay for it, but only when alliances are there and everyone in alliance can up or activate a tactic.However, Improvements and tactics shouldn't cost or consume anything, it should be like a skill or trait that you attribute to a structure when it's up.Upgrades, tactics and Improvements you pay for them already by taking camps and escorting dolyaks to up your structure.It should just be a tactical choice, choose the defense you want.Or it would have to cost some supplies.

  • to promote WvW even in off-peak hours, many people have difficulty taking T2 or T3 with very few people.
  • To avoid that anyone uses tactics, no matter how.

After we put that back in place, alliance that holds the structure should be a bonus for holding that structure even if it's just cosmetic.it would also be necessary to add new improvements and either remove or change the turtle and centaur banners.

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Can't remember - does Auto-upgrade of a structure use up supply? If not then manual upgrade shouldn't either.I know I'm biased but it seems like enough people would be happy to see manual upgrades return - even if it is simply to require a player to confirm the upgrade with the keep Lord (or whoever).

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@Yuffi.2430 said:Can't remember - does Auto-upgrade of a structure use up supply? If not then manual upgrade shouldn't either.I know I'm biased but it seems like enough people would be happy to see manual upgrades return - even if it is simply to require a player to confirm the upgrade with the keep Lord (or whoever).Autoupgrades use a fixed amount of dollys, but they all carry supply and comes from held camps so... Yes, but actually no.

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@DaVid Darksoul.4985 said:

@Sviel.7493 said:No.

If clicking a button is what gives you a feeling of ownership, you're doing something terribly wrong.

Actually sounds like you have been doing WvW wrong, or at least missing an aspect of the game that is extremely more immersive then zerging. I play defense/roaming with occasional guild rallies. My fun is derived from conquering and holding an objective nd like so many other defenders on HoD I put a lot into it, knowing that the longer I can hold the more points HoD gets.. It is very satisfying when you can get a tower sieged up and defend it till it gets T3. Also along with the Tower you must defend the camps and yaks which makes for a lot of PvP play. But I guess full immersion isn't for everyone, Thank God HoD has an abundance of roamers/defenders. I think the best.

I've zerged about four hours worth in all the years I played WvW. All the rest has been defense or, if I have naught to defend, havoc. I've swung matches, at times.

At no point did I feel that my immersion was less than 100% because I was missing one extra button to click.

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As someone who spent so much time on defense back when manual upgrades were a thing 4(?) years later I'm still in the top 50 for Yak Escorts and camp defense ( GW2Efficiency ) despite never doing it anymore... I assure you you don't want this.

It may add a dynamic to WvW that some players can invest themselves in but it becomes torturous over time and is not at all enjoyable when you've spent hours getting something tiered up only to have it flip in a heartbeat when a blob drops several rams and you have no one to stop them.

WvW is a 24/7 game mode. Although manual upgrades promote more active defense, it does more harm than good in ways other than just becoming soul sucking for the people that care enough to do it ( which is a small minority at that ).

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