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Have you ever regret a character/profession so much?

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@tinyasian.8941 said:I have a soulbeast which I spent tons of gold on and now I'm just regretting it.

Have you ever had any characters like that?

I know how u feel, BUT I think u are massively overreacting about SlB (ranger). I have about 2700 hours on my ranger. SlB was changed. It is still good. However, I am currently playing core ranger for pvp/wvw and some times support druid in wvw. Core ranger feels very strong right now as power. It even seems like condi would work. So I think you may want to just take a deep breath and take another look at ranger. Its for sure solid. Really!

Now on the other hand I used to play Mesmer. I have over 4k hours on my Mesmer, BUT mesmer IS in a bad way. I DID remove all my legendary armor and gear from my mesmer and now its on a necromancer and may end up on an ele soon. That said, after mesmer I have the most hours on my ranger so Im playing ranger since mesmer is dead.

So yeah odly I understand the feeling I mean I invested over 4000 hours, got legendary armor, backpack, weapons, a trinket and full infusions for my Mesmer who I loved and played in all 3 game modes since release. I did fractals with my mesmer back when Maw was the final fract (50 was the max). I leveled a mesmer, ranger and guardian in fractals all up to 50, then they made fractal level accout wide o.0 (wasted effort). That mesmer is now sitting naked because it makes me sad to even play mesmer presently. SO I play ranger and necro cause I know ranger well and cause necro can use my mesmers gear and had one rolled up. Now necro is up to 60 hours an counting. Ranger 2700 hours an counting.

Am I pissed? Hell Yeah! I dont buy gems with real money anymore EVER! I stopped buying gems a few months ago due to the direction Mesmer was going. Its been almost a year now and I dont expect to ever give Anet another dollar as long as I live. (Unless Mesmer changes are reverted by some miracle)

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The things I regret happened early on and were mostly character bound: bag slots, level boosts, or even additional bank slots. After a while I figured how to maximize my account and make more account bound items.

I have enough character slots that I can delete one or two and experiment with new combinations every few months.

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@Yasai.3549 said:My Revenant.

Oh don't get me wrong, I love playing Revenant.I just don't like the race I picked.

Back when I made my Revenant, I made it a Norn purely because my Guildmates told me Norn master race.

I grew to like Humans and Asura over time, and Norn female's voice actress annoyed me on several occasions (Norn Female VA was kinda bad at the start though she did improve over the span of HoT and PoF, she still uses the old voice lines when gaining boons and for prof mechanics)

Yo Anet sell me a race change huh ;D


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I haven't had regrets in the sense the OP seems to, but have made characters that I later wished I'd done differently. Most prominent was a sylvari thief I made so as to get medium sylvari cultural wear, and used a makeover kit on to get the alien face, and then realized that she creeped me out plus I really couldn't abide leveling a second thief (this was before Elites and a massive supply of tomes). I ended up deleting her.

I thought I would do a male human revenant, and even made him as a placeholder for the name before HoT launch (as a warrior, I think). Then I went male charr instead and the placeholder languished for a birthday or two before I wanted the slot for something else. I also still have a male sylvari mesmer who is an exact visual duplicate of my main male sylvari mesmer, made to placehold the mesmer's "real name" since he was a Scarlet Pimpernel type and roaming around with his fop name showing. That RP group is gone and he hasn't had any rp to speak of for years now, so I have a boring extra character with no mechanical difference. He gets used for occasional farming or jp parking.

But I like having a stable of every possible elite, each one quite different from the other characters in terms of race/gender/looks/personality/color palette, and I have a lot of empty slots now waiting for new elites to show up, and I've gotten a ton of great birthday dyes, so even the characters I don't really play (eg my female norn Renegade, who has yet to even be geared and tested since unlocking the spec) are not cause for regret.

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For me, it's my recently-created Charr Thief (teef). Even though I have several thousand hours in this game, I don't have a lot of gold. I very rarely have more than 100g on any given point and I think the height of my gold was around 250g. Tend to average about 30-40g. But! I was really wanting a new Charr character. I've been really getting into Charr lately and maps like Grothmar Valley really does it for me. The problem was I already have at least two of every profession except Thief! Mostly because I just never really got into the class. Probably have like 30 hours playtime on my thief. Still, decided thief was going to be my new Charr!

I created the character, leveled to 80 with Tomes and had to click on every level, then bought her a full set of level 80 exotics, exotic sigils for her weapons (that I ended up changing and having to get more sigils), like another 10g on runes, and the last few of my transmutation charges since I haven't been doing maps but have been going through charges like crazy. I essentially broke the bank for her! Joined an HP train for HoT and unlocked Deadeye for her. Have yet to log on her since spending all this time and gold on her. I made a Charr Mesmer a couple of days later and have been playing her occasionally. The teef is pretty much already shelved and she never had a chance!

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Something occured to me today: I think part of the reason I don't end up regretting my permanent characters is I spend a lot of time designing them. Today I made a new tempoary character, basically a key runner, and when I went through the character creator I had no particular plan for her but by the end I had a vague concept. As I started playing her I realised I liked the idea but I'd make a few changes to her looks, her biography choices and switch her from a necromancer to an elementalist. If this was going to be a permanent character I'd delete her and start over right away, but since she's only tempoary I'll keep going and make those changes if I create her again.

Most of my characters go through the same sort of process. If it's a permanent character most of that happens outside the game, I take my starting point (the reason I want a new character) and mentally build around it - what kind of person would this be? Which race suits them best? Which biography choices are they going to have and how would that affect them? What skills will they use? What will they look like? Then I experiment in the character creator and sometimes make a temp version in-game if I feel like I need to.

There's others who I intend to be tempoary characters but I like the concept and keep re-making them, and very occasionally they end up being permanent. In that case each time I remake them I'll make small changes, kind of perfecting the design. I didn't consider that when I first replied because I'm not deleting them due to not liking them, I know from the moment I hit 'Create' that I'm going to delete them when they're done. It's just sometimes I like them enough to do it again, and again.

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@NorthernRedStar.3054 said:Expand a bit. Why are you regretting making a ranger (which includes druid and core, too, btw - and druid is still prevalent in fractals/raids)?

You actually have to plan a bit on what pet you want to spend time merged with, now. I.e. wyverns are pretty great against larger amounts of trash mobs which you want to pile up, CC and take out fast - on top of good break bar damage.

In terms of single-target end game -content, nothing's changed. You'll still spend most of the time merged with a ferocious pet. The only thing that changed, pve-wise, is the amount of flexibility and ease you'll have soloing champion bosses, really. In PvP, it brought SLB closer to core in terms of how much 'freeway leeway' they got. No more warrior GS levels of mobility combined with druid's burst heal every 30 seconds, on top of all that free damage and CC.

So, I ask you, why do you feel that gold went to waste?

I find your questioning odd and unncessary, and your points do not seem to relate to what he is talking about, not everyone plays multiple modes for many reasons, like not enough time to dedicate to other modes or they do not enjoy it for example.

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@tinyasian.8941 said:I have a soulbeast which I spent tons of gold on and now I'm just regretting it.

Have you ever had any characters like that?Not really, but then i have a character of every class, with several duplicates. If one class gets nerfed, i can switch to another one if i want to, and i have switched my mains several times over during my GW2 history (curiously enough, at this point i'm back to the very first one, once again).

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My seven-plus years old main is a male human ranger. My only regret is that if I had known more lore back when I made him, I might have made him a different race.

My male Asura warrior has one small regret: as a melee class, he gets lost in the dogpile easily. It's hard to avoid damage when I can't even see my own toon amid the horde of bodies sharing the same few square meters of space beating on Drakkar, just for example.

The one character I truly regret making was a female Norn Revenant. She started with a RP idea but after getting her to 80, I could not find a build I was happy with, hated having to constantly swap spirits, and ended up deleting her as a waste of time.

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Guardian to dh to firebrand ... made me quit class doe how spam based it was outside it’s key skills/counters of something, it’s a class designed to stack n Spam gameplay..

The way classes were made for players thinking they were great’players:Low effort builds at release to make players feel the need to low effort eficiency and carry momentum’s. no wonder game achieved the game of low skill gameplay with cute animations...On firebrand everything is booons booons and fire spam...While dh on release was an absurd where easily could melt a full team cought in traps...

Firebrand should be the one ended with barrier not scourge... scourge theme is more plague control and condition/debilitating combat...Class design in this game has been very poor and confusing towards low effort gimmicks, i feel even some of mallyx stuff should be in scourge while Malays should be something else... it’s a weird class system when a bow m8 become a meleenwepon and a hammer a range weapon... meme joke.

Moved to herald/Ventari support build.

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Not really. I have an level 80 of each core profession. (5 of them back until end of 2013, the other 3 I finished when I returned 2019 and revenant is still leveling.) My main (engineer) is doing HoT now and unlocked scrapper. Planning to unlock all elite specs on all my 9 chars.

While some are less fun (and some I really dislike to play) it is nice to have them ready to try something different every now and then or if some achievement is said to be easier with a different char.

Had a hard time with engineer at some points but that was especially back then in the beginning when I started him as my main and played "wrong" (using usless turrets). Now the revenant seems a bit boring with the locked/fixed utility skills. Then again (he is only level 50 atm) I like that he feels "faster" in damaging/killing mobs than the other core classes felt while leveling. (Leveling = I often have outdaded gear ... I only get good gear when I'm 80 so I don't need to replace it every thime.) He has good AoE and that one trait line gives +20 or +25 percent damage for mobs above 80 percent and below 50 percent (so if I pick both almost all the time - except if they are between 50 and 80 percent health) a nice damage bonus.

So yeah ... there is thief which I really don't like (most boring class while I liked it most in the few other MMORPG I played) but I didn't regret getting him to 80 and I'l eventually continue playing him and trying the elite specs.

(Edit: Btw ... my revenant is a tiny female asuran with hugest possible ears that joined the vigil. :D )

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Seems like overall mesmer takes the crown here. I too am no exception. I enjoyed the class at core, even tho it wasnt my main back then. Chronomancer really stood out for me from the very beginning, to a point where i was playing it exclusively. Till mid last year where Anet started nerfing it. The SoI going from boonshare to extending made the drop for me. Since then i was playing Mirage. Which was nice but it wasnt on the level of chrono, not to mention this spec is mostly niche. So it didnt take long before i went to a different class/spec entirely. And with the latest balance patch, mirage has only one dodge in pvp/wvw (which may occur in pve in future as well). i dont even want to look back.

Best part: during my "spree" in chrono/mirage. I went for full legendary equipment's. Duo to how versatile mesmer is/was. So now it just sits there collecting dust since i have no real use for it anymore. Not to mention build templates added another step on top of that.

aka tldr: rip ~6k hours and a shitload of investment i have put into mesmer.

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@"GWMO.4785" said:Seems like overall mesmer takes the crown here. I too am no exception. I enjoyed the class at core, even tho it wasnt my main back then. Chronomancer really stood out for me from the very beginning, to a point where i was playing it exclusively. Till mid last year where Anet started nerfing it. The SoI going from boonshare to extending made the drop for me. Since then i was playing Mirage. Which was nice but it wasnt on the level of chrono, not to mention this spec is mostly niche. So it didnt take long before i went to a different class/spec entirely. And with the latest balance patch, mirage has only one dodge in pvp/wvw (which may occur in pve in future as well). i dont even want to look back.

Best part: during my "spree" in chrono/mirage. I went for full legendary equipment's. Duo to how versatile mesmer is/was. So now it just sits there collecting dust since i have no real use for it anymore. Not to mention build templates added another step on top of that.

aka tldr: rip ~6k hours and a kitten of investment i have put into mesmer.

What do you play now?Support Chrono is no longer viable in raids?

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@Jimbru.6014 said:My seven-plus years old main is a male human ranger. My only regret is that if I had known more lore back when I made him, I might have made him a different race.

My male Asura warrior has one small regret: as a melee class, he gets lost in the dogpile easily. It's hard to avoid damage when I can't even see my own toon amid the horde of bodies sharing the same few square meters of space beating on Drakkar, just for example.

The one character I truly regret making was a female Norn Revenant. She started with a RP idea but after getting her to 80, I could not find a build I was happy with, hated having to constantly swap spirits, and ended up deleting her as a waste of time.

Offtopic: You can adjust the character model limit so that there fewer characters in the dogpile when doing large scale events. Also, it does wonders for FPS.

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@tinyasian.8941 said:What do you play now?Support Chrono is no longer viable in raids?

Thief mainly. i like the evasive/stealthy playstyle. I guess that's why liked mirage as well since that kinda comes close to how thief is. But then again mirage relies heavily on torment and confusion which is very niche in pve. So naturally i went (back to) thief. It does make me wonder what i saw in chrono in the first place, now i think about it in all honesty....

As for raid viability. Chrono still remains good in raids. But that is essentially the only place i would use it. IF i where to play that is... And even than there is the fb/ren comp that proofs to work better in some if not most encounters. All other places support chrono is either lack luster or just no longer effective at all. And then there is the dps chrono. Which is like a minion build (heavy reliant on clones and phantasms). But thats something i do not enjoy.

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For me It's more like disappoint than regret when I try to build my Spell Breaker and found out how terrible dps his dagger provide and lack of flashy effect (except for bladestorm which event if it deal twice dps still seem too low). his utilities skill also seem underpowered consider I came from Revenant main. only good thing I can say about this class would be his sustain compare to other trait but still far behind rev/javis except I doing something wrong...

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