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In-Game Housing [Merged]

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3 hours ago, Moira Shalaar.5620 said:

Apparently I am a poster child for internal inconsistency. 

No, I don't think that makes you inconsistent, it just means you'd want something different from housing if it ever got added. For housing to work to best effect, I think being creative in its implementation would be necessary in order for it to appeal broadly.

Some people want to decorate. Some want to show off accomplishments. Some want a private instance with lounge-like capabilities (merchants/bank, etc.). Some want a convenient cluster of nodes to hit up daily. Some want other things entirely (menageries of pets, aquarium, pretty places to vibe while waiting for friends to get online, etc.) and as Danikat mentioned above, that difference of vision is part of the reason the community can't easily come to a consensus about housing. I haven't seen any evidence that it's just a 'vocal minority' who's interested in the feature, only that those who do want housing haven't decided across the board what it should be like.

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If we get more expansions, housing becomes increasingly inevitable. There's only so many big back-of-the-box features still floating around that they could conceivably do in GW2.


Granted, I wouldn't have called fishing as an expansion-selling feature, so maybe that pool is deeper than I think.

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Like many have brought up before, we already have the Guild Hall for decos and Home Instance for personal space. Having Player Housing is a total waste of resources when the Guild Halls and Home Instances are still grossly under utilised even after 10 years.

Don't overdo it. This is  Guild Wars not Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer 😄

Edited by Mil.3562
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On 1/7/2022 at 11:06 PM, Marikus.1875 said:

Ignore anyone that tells you they can't [won't] add player housing.

These are the same ignorant words that were spoken about mounts for literal YEARS.

This is a lame argument, just because mounts got added doesn't mean everything or anything some people ask for is an inevitability.  Mounts are at least useful to the majority of actual game play rather than the separate niche that player housing would be.

19 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

Well we got 2 terrible adds in Capes and fishing, let's go for 3!!! Instanced player housing for all!! Let's all rent different instances of the exact same address!

Whats wrong with Capes?  They work quite well as far as I've seen or heard from anyone but yourself.



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I don't think houses in the open world are feasible because of the instanced nature of it. And if they offered limited, expensive real estates the players would just go crazy. The portable tent idea was actually quite funny and more feasible than permanent open world estates.

I think the feature that makes sense is just to improve the home instance. And could make scribing much more useful. 

Not that I would care much about any of it.

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11 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I don't think houses in the open world are feasible because of the instanced nature of it. And if they offered limited, expensive real estates the players would just go crazy. The portable tent idea was actually quite funny and more feasible than permanent open world estates.

I think the feature that makes sense is just to improve the home instance. And could make scribing much more useful. 

Not that I would care much about any of it.

Yikes, there are people that want housing in the Open World?  That's a good way to kill any chance of this feature ever happening and people shutting up about it.

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Dear ArenaNet -- I would like to put my name on the list of players who want proper player housing. The Home Instance is NOT it. I never go there and don't care about it at all. Give us what we actually want. HOW MANY YEARS have we been asking for this? Signed, Me

Edited by TheOuroborus.6387
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39 minutes ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

Dear ArenaNet -- I would like to put my name on the list of players who want proper player housing. The Home Instance is NOT it. I never go there and don't care about it at all. Give us what we actually want. HOW MANY YEARS have we been asking for this? Signed, Me

Please spend resources on something else Anet counter signed Me

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8 hours ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

HOW MANY YEARS have we been asking for this?

If all it takes to get what I want is to keep asking for it, then I've done it wrong all these years 😉 .

Back to the main topic, I'm in the camp of those having a hard time envisioning how housing could be created to be a positive contribution to the game.

Either you make it instanced like e.g. ESO does it, or even instanced neighbourhoods like LotRO. Instances automatically means less people in the open world, which is something ANet has mostly tried to avoid.

Or you make it part of the open world, which severely limits the places you can put housing without having a (likely negative) impact on other players, e.g. by obstructing events and interactables, or just littering the view.

Or you make room for open world housing, but severely restrict availability, thus putting players in direct competition with each other for that "exclusive beach front property". With GW2's focus on cooperative over competitive PvE, I honestly can't see this.

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  • 1 year later...

Title. Home instance is great...but I like that one over there *points to ESO/FFXIV player housing*...

and achktually, cus GW2 did such an AMAZING and industry-setting job with the mounts...I think they can do the same with player housing...

what if instead each race got a unique abode? Tree ppl could carry with them a giant seed that they can plant anywhere on any zone and a plant house would sprout up in the gamespace (only one is allowed up at a time). or the gnome looking tinies could use a little rubix cube looking device to call down a pyramid home from the sky with a teleporter shining on the ground to beam you up into it and it just hovers above the zone?

etc. etc.

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it's you 3k+ players that used to say "No." to mounts years and years ago...boy do I vividly remember your type. you had convinced yourselves that your opinions were the only right ones and that "gw2 didn't need mounts lul" or that it would "kill the game lul"

then, when mounts were introduced, boy did you change your tune.

suddenly none of you claimed such things...

player housing would be a HUGE win for GW2 and add a new evergreen system that crosses expansions AND can become a gold/gem sink. 

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Here are some receipts on some of the first mount discussions in GW2 I started over ten years ago. I don't remember you @vares.8457 back then.


There was resistance to mounts even back then. The moment they were introduced years later, everyone loved it (for the most part)...

Now, I'm here to talk about player housing next. 

GW2 needs it.

Lol, here's a great comment I got on mounts 11 years ago:

"NO NO NO NO NO… there are not and will never be mounts. the game has no room for them. waypoints every other 10 metres, asuran gates.. why? to stand in LA at X spot to sit on X mount to show you have done something? Try rolling a new character and run everywhere. Kill all on the way, gather all nodes, jeez.."

Edited by Marikus.1875
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I don't like this idea and there were already multiple threads about this. The idea about players being able to pop up random houses in random places in ow just makes it that much worse for me. 

@Marikus.1875 literally nothing about "mounts" is remotely relevant to anything here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

literally nothing about "mounts" is remotely relevant to anything here.

Wrong. It's absolutely relevant because mounts received the same commentary of "no, never in GW2, no thanks" lip service that some of you give player housing today. The parallels are undeniable. 

That lip service was wrong back then and is still wrong today. 

Player housing is a no-brainer for this already very casual game. 

Edited by Marikus.1875
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1 minute ago, Marikus.1875 said:

Wrong. It's absolutely relevant because mounts received the same commentary of "no, never in GW2, no thanks" lip service that some of you give player housing today. 

That lip service was wrong back then and is still wrong today. 

Player housing is a no-brainer for this already very casual game. 

No, not wrong. When you're trying to sell an idea, saying "see, there was that other idea some people disliked and now it's in the game" does aboslutely nothing. The only thing it shows is that you actually can't "sell" your current idea.

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