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Expac bringing new weapons to the game?

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Imagine there won't be new elite specs or a new class but instead a new weapon for every class. Not a necessarily a different one each. But for exanple 4 or 5 new weapons and every class gets one of them? Would you like the idea? Maybe that would be better than elite specs bevcause of the balancing problem they couly cause.

Weapon ideas:Terrestrial speerWhipThrowing daggerCrossbow

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@Dante.1763 said:See...this is why just announcing a thing is a bad idea. The Hype that players make up on their own will never live up to what actually comes out...

It isn't a bad idea. It isn't the fault on ANets part that people get unrealistic, unsubstantiated and unreasonable expectations stuck in their heads, never let them go, and when ANet doesn't deliver on that thing they have said absolutely nothing about the people get angry, throw a fit, etc.

They told us what they told us, people just need to get it into their heads to not build up these crazy expectations as to what could be in the expansion and just simply speculate but take none of it as fact nor an expectation.

TLDR; people need dial it back.

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They can't just go back and add a million skins for a new weapon type, which is why they release new playing styles instead. Though sometimes that doesn't work out the best either (Daredevil and Revenant look silly with some Staves in melee).

That said, they could bring Spear onto land. Speargun and Trident are unlikely as they're too similar to other land weapons.

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New weapon types will only be available for elite specs. So only level 80 versions will need to be created. Whether crafted, looted, ascended, and legendary.

Three new weapons can be distributed to nine classes as follows:

, Spear, Guardian, Elementalist, Revenant, 2H Axe, Warrior, Ranger, Engineer, Whip, Mesmer, Necromancer, Thief

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As it has been seven and a half years since GW2 launched it is my opinion that there are three things we should not realistically expect: anymore new professions, any new playable races, and any new types of weapons. I personally wouldn't have been opposed to some new stuff like Spears/Pole-arms in in the past, at this point in time its really too late. Just the huge pool of skins that new weapons would have to try to catch up with is a significant consideration.

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Would really like to see a greataxe added if any new weapons are made. we have one and two handed guns, swords, hammer/mace, staff/wand. however the axe is kind of sitting by its lonesome without a 2h version. could be a good warrior weapon with the burst skill being similar in animation to the old great sword burst, like a guillotine. possibly guardian, necro, ranger, or revenant as well. TASTE ONE THOUSAND AXES!

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