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Legendary Equipment and Templates - [Merged]

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Cyninja.2954 said:this change essentially makes ascended gear nearly useless. Even T1 legendary weapons, given they are then available on multiple equipment templates and multiple characters, are even cheaper than alternative ascended gear.

Let's remember though, as of last Tuesday, ANET made it possible to acquire ascended weapons and armor by spending a few days farming strikes and paying out 15g or so. I think this indicates they have a desire to make ascended gear easier to obtain.

Does this mean they intend to scale future raids and strikes with the stats of ascended gear in mind vs. exotics which is what current raids are presumably balanced towards ? Does this mean they are going to put even more emphasis on fractal content or a requirement for agony resist infusions in future updates, making ascended gear more important to endgame content? Are we reaching at straws, and this has nothing to do with their vision towards where the new expansion is headed, but merely want to inject some more life and excitement to the current player base? All interesting questions.

Even at that price, given 6 possible gear sets (not counting potentially more in the future) and 9 classes, that's 54 possible loadouts. Let's assume "only" 1/3 of those make use of a weapon. That's the equivalent of 810 gold for a unique skin AND never having to worry about sigils in weapons (let's not even do the math for armor, that one is even worse for ascended) and never having to worry about where the item is.

Also that calculation is ONLY for 9 characters. I have 31 atm.

So yes, this change is rather huge and I hope it is being handled with sufficient long-term consideration.

I get it, players are excited and trust me, the prospect of getting all my 31 characters full legi overnight is very tempting to me. I do still wonder what and how the effect will be on this games itemization. If one doesn't consider the itemization of value or as integral part of the game, then I do understand this would be a non issue.

I feel the same way about my 70 characters.

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Nice feature, but I would like too is to be able to stock the aura given by a legendary (footsteps and light around your body) into a kind of wardrobe, this way I can apply the predator effect on my arcane marksman rifle as example. (edit: same type of weapon, of course.)

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What happens if we choose not to use the templates because we can't afford to buy new slots?

What if we choose not to use the overcomplicated system you have set up?

What if we choose not to use templates just because we don't like your system?

I don't like being forced to use the templates and I would like to opt-out of this Legendary theft.

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I wonder how this legendary templates will work with racial armor.I have a norn using my legendary heavy armor and im using racial armor for the looks. if I have this same armor go to my human warrior, will I get a warning saying its not possible or will the armor work perfectly fine and have different skins when its on different characters?

if the characters all have to share the same look, then its kinda useless with this as the convenience with ascended armor is that you can have different outfits on different stats of gear/builds. I dont want all my characters using shared legendary to look the same....

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What if you take the gear and the skin and the different stat options apart and treat crafting a legendary item as an unlock to that armor weight/weapon typeSo lets say you add an extra menu button to each equipment tab slot and when a legendary becomes crafted and bound to account you can customize that slot with whatever legendary stat/item/skin you want, so essentially legendary item bounding to account would work as an unlock and repeatable use of legendary features on all characters

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For those who crafted multiple on the same sets, they could get a free unlock of the different legendary skins of the same weapon type/armor weightLike if you crafted heavy wvw full leg set 2x you get the pvp set skin unlock for free if you crafted 3 sets you get the pve heavy tooIm afraid if you crafted more than 3 of the same set you need to get a life ?

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You're introducing a feature that appeals to a tiny, tiny portion of your playerbase.


You're not making any progress on how to fix the glaring issues surrounding your raid system. No mention of elitists using KPs to judge player skill. Of course, how silly of me. Investing money into pleasing more of your playerbase is stupid because it doesn't net you any money quickly.

As time goes on, I am slowly warming to the idea that the developers do not play their game outside of testing and small, inter-company groups.

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@"Black Wolf.7348" said:I wonder how this legendary templates will work with racial armor.I have a norn using my legendary heavy armor and im using racial armor for the looks. if I have this same armor go to my human warrior, will I get a warning saying its not possible or will the armor work perfectly fine and have different skins when its on different characters?

if the characters all have to share the same look, then its kinda useless with this as the convenience with ascended armor is that you can have different outfits on different stats of gear/builds. I dont want all my characters using shared legendary to look the same....

That's how it works right now. Basically you have to change the skin on a character that can wear it before you can use it on a different race. Bit annoying, but transmutation charges are a small price to pay tbh

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While this is deff a plus for most ( i mean look at the majority or responses lol) this does render going for multiple legendary armors and trinkets for your various characters useless and therefore on top of devalueing thousands upon thousands of invesment from a section of the playerbase it also makes the pursuit of additional sets, therefor replaying raids, pvp and wvw less lucrative.

I wouldnt hold it to you for not adressing this but i think we need some system that rewards players who have made multiples of legendary armors and sigils/trinkets etc.

Edit: as cy said this also puts the finish line on itemisation way way closer than it originally was, now a player is looking to be done with the game after 3 legendary armors, 1 set or trinkets, and 1 of each weapon if not just the mostly used ones.

I get qol but i think this will overall hurt longevity.

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I like the changes you make to the template system.But sadly it wont help me with my main problem:

I have the most fun in Gw2 when I play my main character in every gamemode. I play WvW-Zerg, WvW-Roaming, PvE-Raids and PvP.The most proffession have:1 WvW-Zerg-Build2 WvW-Roaming-Builds2 PvP-Builds1 PvE-Support1 PvE-Condi-DPS-Build1 PvE-Power-DPS-Build

8 or more Builds

The balance in Gw2 is in a stage where every proffession can have multiple roles in every gamemode BUT the Template limit is at 6/character.

This makes me very sad.

The only improvement that I need for your template system is a increased number of templates per character.In opinion is this increase the last missing thing that is needed, to make the system perfect :)

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Does this mean those who have two of the same weapon, for purpose of “twice told legend”, can only put one weapon in the armory? Also, if they put a single one in, can it be dual used? For example: bolt. If I placed a single bolt in the legendary armory, would I be able to put it in both hands on another character?

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@Dumat.1479 said:I have a question: I have 9 legendary armor sets, 9 legendary backpacks, a lot of weapons. What compensation will I get when this update comes?

you are now able to use 9 legendary armor sets and backpacks on 9 characters and after this update you can still do so, what compensation do you expect exactly? When I buy a car for 20k and after 5 years a new model with better specs is released, am I entitled to compensation or refunds?

This is such a massive QoL improvement and personally Im so hyped for this (4 legendary armor sets, 18 legendary weapons, 2 backpieces and 3 jewelry and 35 lv80 characters), the sheer freedom this opens up for players is fenomenal.

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Just two issues Id like to see clarified:

  • About 1h weapons that can be equipped in offhand slots:
    • Would one be able to equip it twice after unlocking it once, once in both hands? If not, would it require unlocking it twice, or a different one of the same weapon type?
    • What about those who have unlocked a legendary weapon twice?
    • And how will the Twice-Told legend interact with this if the legendary items get unlocked instead existing as items? Will players be able to take legendary items outside the armory for this?
  • About transmutations:
    • Will players be able to transmute separate appearances in separate gear loadouts?
    • If not, are there any plans to have "custom outfit" slots in which you can save appearances you can link to templates?
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@Heibi.4251 said:

@Heibi.4251 said:So am I going to be reimbursed the thousands of gold I spent making multiple sets of Legendary armor? And the materials, skirmish tickets for WvW duplicate sets, Memories of Battle, etc. Nice feature but you are neglecting the players who pushed hard to equip their toons in the best armor but now are being told you wasted your gold and materials. Any answer to this?

You don't have to use the templates across different characters, that's what you will continue to have that other people do not have with this new feature. Legendary armor has always been absolute luxury and convenience, making multiples has never been of any advantage to you other than not having to swap between chars - exactly the same as after this change.

Except for the great amount of money that was spent and now lost unless we get at least a monetary or material refund.

Listen, it only applies to Legendary items you ADD to the Armory, which means you do not even have to add one single piece of your Legendary sets to the Armory at all and can continue to use them as is...that also means if you had say 18, 27 or even 36 characters you could now set them all up without making another set of Legendary gear at all. I think some of the people that are complaining really need to read the post multiple times as they're not comprehending it, I don't have as many questions as some of the people with Legendary armor have(I have none and still have no plans on getting any, nor weapons, not my thing).

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@sevenDEADLY.5281 said:

@Delita Silverburg.8632 said:Second, do you plan to say the same thing to the people who made extra sets of legendary armor?

Already did. It's precisely the same thing. The game changing now doesn't take away from the benefit they got of having multiple armor sets at the time. If there was no benefit to making multiple legendary armor sets, then they wouldn't have done it, but there 100% was. Again, to act entitled to something now, despite having used the benefit for as long as it existed, is exactly the same as demanding a refund because you paid full price for an expac on release just because it went on sale years later.

You're throwing out terms like entitled and being condescending when people are just asking questions. I won't speak for anyone else, but if you look back to my original post, you'll notice that it was framed in the form of a question. I'm being rational and asking a question because this change has impact on people directly in a financial way. If Anet chooses to not do anything about the change, that's totally fine in my book. It's their product after all.

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@tim.4596 said:

@"Fire Attunement.9835" said:We want to talk a little about our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features, and gather your feedback about what you hope to see from it.

We’re calling it the Legendary Armory.

Here’s a quick description of how it will work—when you bind a legendary item to your account, it will be added to the Legendary Armory. Any legendary item that is added to the Legendary Armory will become available for use by all the characters across your entire account at the same time. This removes the need for you to swap legendary equipment between characters through your bank or shared inventory. This feature will also come with updates to Equipment Template functionality to make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template to another template on the same character.

Here are our goals for the Legendary Armory feature:
  • Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature.
  • Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.
  • Make it easier to copy the configuration of equipped legendary items from one Equipment Template tab to another template on the same character.

Let us know your thoughts in this thread. Thank you all!

I understand that it will greatly improve the QoL of players, however I would argue against it for the following reasons:
  1. I can't foresee the future, however I have the feeling that it will most likely kill raids and WvW even more, as there won't be any need to repeat those content to craft more than 1 set of legendary armor. Of course dedicated WvWer and Raider will still most likely play those game mode. But a lot of other players won't.
  2. What are veteran players going to do with all the excess LI and LD ? or Will there actually be a benefit having 2x the same set of legendary on multiple characters ? different skins etc...

I simply can't see how it will be a good thing. I mean repeatable legendaries are probably the only "try hard things" left in the game, since having multiple legendary armors or multiple WvW backpieces demonstrate a strong dedication to one of the gamemode. If that's removed what else will there be?

1: Raiders and WvW players dont play these game modes to collect multiple legendary sets, they play it because they enjoy it. Also how many new people will enter WvW/raids/sPvP to obtain a legendary armor set because it will fit all their characters? So some people leave because they are done and others will start collecting.2: The same as what we do with it right now, ignore it. Right now people already sit on 2000+ LI and 800+ LD, it has no value now and after a legendary armory it will still hold no value, it doesnt matter, its a non issue. If it wasnt for the sellable infusions, dhuum chair and guild hall teleport token, the raid currency would be worthless too. Other things of value drop beside LI and LD to aim for.3: NO ONE creates multiple legendary sets (with 2k gold cost?) to show their dedication to a game mode. the only reason people ever created multiple legendary armors is to bypass swapping between characters.

Imo, the benefits of a legendary armory will far outweigh the negatives.

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Finally!This or the ability to change your base profession should have been something you should have considered a long time ago. Since I begin to raid 3 years ago I have been really annoyed with the need to move all my gear between characters and go through a bunch of loading screens whenever I wanted/needed to play a different role/profession.

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