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Which class is overperforming? 5 vs 5

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Unkillable core necro's and tanky condi revs. The damage nerfs have made these two hold nodes incredibly well.

If you have one core necro holding mid, then the rest of the team can roam around back and forth. It creates an unbeatable scenario. And yes, a good core necro can hold a node for minutes at a time

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Thief is insane in 5v5s if the games are close or even if your losing by a bit your game will be decided by who’s thief is better, even mediocre at teams can carry teams against more top tier teams. This isn’t the case for every single match and every comp but thief is just incredibly good in 5s like it’s tough to beat a good thief rn

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At least half the mesmer votes are by mes mains. :lol:

On a serious note, the poll actually seems fairly on target right now: Necro 25%, Rev 23%, Guard 19%.

@Quadox.7834 said:i want to change to necro. too tanky, ruins ranked for me.

Yeah the easy second life bar is kind of annoying in this reduced damage meta. It's simply boring watching necros pop shroud just as their HP dwindles and effectively reset the fight without ever having to leave the node. It's just eye roll at this point and needs to be toned down. By all means give them some active defenses in exchange for overabundant passives. Make it a little less AFK-able please.

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@Twilight Tempest.7584 said:At least half the mesmer votes are by mes mains. :lol:

On a serious note, the poll actually seems fairly on target right now: Necro 25%, Rev 23%, Guard 19%.

@Quadox.7834 said:i want to change to necro. too tanky, ruins ranked for me.

Yeah the easy second life bar is kind of annoying in this reduced damage meta. It's simply boring watching necros pop shroud just as their HP dwindles and effectively reset the fight without ever having to leave the node. It's just eye roll at this point and needs to be toned down. By all means give them some active defenses in exchange for overabundant passives. Make it a little less AFK-able please.

Guess that makes me special no? i'm not a mes main asking for improvements to the class to see more variety.

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@Fantasylife.7981 said:Every class with condition damage is overperforming. I get new players in this game they all cry about condition damage. I'm in Plat and I cry about condition damage. The moral of the story is Anet doesnt play their game they can't balance.I think its is more of an issue that there a multiple conditions getting plopped at the same time + disabling conditions + hard cc and the way most conditions are applied most of them you cant really defend against something like the on the next successful strike bullshit or the aoe pulsing circles. It doesn't matter if i get one pulse of stacks bleed ,weakness, poison and cripple or 3 since one pulse of all the conditions available makes you unable to move anyway and from there on the they are reapplied again and again and again till you die, there is not much im gona get you move it is constant barrage of random bullshit disabling you.

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@Vancho.8750 said:

@Fantasylife.7981 said:Every class with condition damage is overperforming. I get new players in this game they all cry about condition damage. I'm in Plat and I cry about condition damage. The moral of the story is Anet doesnt play their game they can't balance.I think its is more of an issue that there a multiple conditions getting plopped at the same time + disabling conditions + hard cc and the way most conditions are applied most of them you cant really defend against something like the on the next successful strike kitten or the aoe pulsing circles. It doesn't matter if i get one pulse of stacks bleed ,weakness, poison and cripple or 3 since one pulse of all the conditions available makes you unable to move anyway and from there on the they are reapplied again and again and again till you die, there is not much im gona get you move it is constant barrage of random kitten disabling you.

I can't find a class with enought condition clense unless I start playing a full on support class, basically support firebrand, tempest, druid, etc.

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ima have to vote Necromancer for this one chief. their Fear, condition damage, weakness, chill and poison are very good conditions to apply. Their shroud life bar is great to be tanky and make it have insane sustain in large fights, the boom corruption on this class is god tier they will just clense everything and turn your booms into conditions. Overall damage is good, better than most due to condition damage been more dominant than power.

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In general op and too rewarding for low skilled ppl (not necessarily useful in conquest, random teams in ranked or coordinated At teams, because of that) are Necro (fear dmg and duration, lf generation, life leech, general tankyness), Rev (incl Condirev), Ele (LR, Earthshield, general tankyness and cc spam), FB (Tomes and some Mantras), Prot Holo, tanky Scrappers, Ranger (passive pet cc and passive pet dmg, some multiplier in Marksmanship).

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@bravan.3876 said:In general op and too rewarding for low skilled ppl (not necessarily useful in conquest, random teams in ranked or coordinated At teams, because of that) are Necro (fear dmg and duration, lf generation, life leech, general tankyness), Rev (incl Condirev), Ele (LR, Earthshield, general tankyness and cc spam), FB (Tomes and some Mantras), Prot Holo, tanky Scrappers, Ranger (passive pet cc and passive pet dmg, some multiplier in Marksmanship).

Nonsense! Mesmer is overperforming to the T. NERF MESMER!

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@ArlAlt.1630 said:

@bravan.3876 said:In general op and too rewarding for low skilled ppl (not necessarily useful in conquest, random teams in ranked or coordinated At teams, because of that) are Necro (fear dmg and duration, lf generation, life leech, general tankyness), Rev (incl Condirev), Ele (LR, Earthshield, general tankyness and cc spam), FB (Tomes and some Mantras), Prot Holo, tanky Scrappers, Ranger (passive pet cc and passive pet dmg, some multiplier in Marksmanship).

Nonsense! Mesmer is overperforming to the T. NERF MESMER!

True i forgot. In particular Mirage what can kill everything 3v1 (3v1 guys imagine!) when being babysitted by the best Thief and Rev in the game to stay alive, while playing in the clearly dominating team didn't let any pressure come to their carthorse! With its godlike boon rip and portal (Mirage only abilities btw, the reasons you spec for into Mirage, even when it means one dodge less). I also heard rumours, that Condimirage might even be able to kill something when solo +1ing the best side noders in the game not like weak Thief, you know. You cannot top that opness for certain. It gets even more op when we look at Powermirage, but i cannot talk about that evillist of the evil without fear and quail.

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revs seem like real jack of al trades types atm that are overperforming ever so slightly. axe mirage is plain busted imo but thats just one weapon and not seen as often. core bunker necros can just be ignored or stunlocked whenever they wanna do smth but for some reason people focus dmg on them instead of the squishy high damage enemies.

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@Kumouta.4985 said:revs seem like real jack of al trades types atm that are overperforming ever so slightly. axe mirage is plain busted imo but thats just one weapon and not seen as often. core bunker necros can just be ignored or stunlocked whenever they wanna do smth but for some reason people focus dmg on them instead of the squishy high damage enemies.

whats busted in axe?

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