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Gem Store Purchase regrets

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@SkyCakeLight.3750 said:Black Lion Keys are definitely up there. I haven't spent a lot of money on them. I bought 5 when they were on sale this last time and managed to get Rox's Quiver from it. I don't have a character to use it on, but it can be difficult to nab from the gem store since for whatever reason they like to have a couple items that rarely show up in it.That is exactly the reason for the scarcity of items. So that players will buy keys and try their RNG luck.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Silver salvage o matic, i have so many stones to make the mystic salvage kits that I never use it.

This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :)

Why do you regert the copper-fed I use it every day I play, nice to never run out of salvage kits.

From what I recall, there is a point where it only become cost-beneficial. Many users will not hit that threshold.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Silver salvage o matic, i have so many stones to make the mystic salvage kits that I never use it.

This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :)

Why do you regert the copper-fed I use it every day I play, nice to never run out of salvage kits.

From what I recall, there is a point where it only become cost-beneficial. Many users will not hit that threshold.

Well its a convenience item ofcourse it wont become cost-beneficial for most if not all the people.What you get is less down time finding were to buy new kits dont have to jump out of your half way done meta map becouse your inventory is full etc.

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@Vissarion.6509 said:

@"Vayne.8563" said:Buying different copper fed salvomatics for different "main" characters before shared inventory slots came out.

You know you could ask support to refund you those right?

No they cant if they had them along time, as copper-fed have been out years before shared inventory slots came to be there is safe bet thats the case.

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@aspirine.6852 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Silver salvage o matic, i have so many stones to make the mystic salvage kits that I never use it.

This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :)

Copper fed would be considered my best gem store item for both my accounts :D

I heard that from lots of people which is why I got it, but I think I don't salvage enough to make it worth it for me. I think it's because I don't really know what to use it on.

What I do now is keep the 15 entry-level salvage kits I get from my weekly keyfarmer, and just use those on the salvage items I get during the week like ambrite from the bandit chest in my house.

I don't salvage the green/blue gear I get, is that what you use it on? I just sell those when I get a full stack. (probably to people who salvage it all, come to think of it).

What do you use it on?

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@Kaliwenda.3428 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Silver salvage o matic, i have so many stones to make the mystic salvage kits that I never use it.

This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :)

Copper fed would be considered my best gem store item for both my accounts :D

I heard that from lots of people which is why I got it, but I think I don't salvage enough to make it worth it for me. I think it's because I don't really know what to use it on.

What I do now is keep the 15 entry-level salvage kits I get from my weekly keyfarmer, and just use those on the salvage items I get during the week like ambrite from the bandit chest in my house.

I don't salvage the green/blue gear I get, is that what you use it on? I just sell those when I get a full stack. (probably to people who salvage it all, come to think of it).

What do you use it on?

Basically for optimal gold:1.) Unidentified Blue: Open All -> Copper Salvage all.2.) Unidentified Green: Open All -> Rune Salvage all (Rings and Amulets being the exception, you use the copper salvage on those)3.) Unidentified Yellow: Open All -> Mystic Salvage Kits

Now sell mats in Trade.

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Silver salvage o matic, i have so many stones to make the mystic salvage kits that I never use it.

This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :)

Copper fed would be considered my best gem store item for both my accounts :D

I heard that from lots of people which is why I got it, but I think I don't salvage enough to make it worth it for me. I think it's because I don't really know what to use it on.

What I do now is keep the 15 entry-level salvage kits I get from my weekly keyfarmer, and just use those on the salvage items I get during the week like ambrite from the bandit chest in my house.

I don't salvage the green/blue gear I get, is that what you use it on? I just sell those when I get a full stack. (probably to people who salvage it all, come to think of it).

What do you use it on?

Basically for optimal gold:1.) Unidentified Blue: Open All -> Copper Salvage all.2.) Unidentified Green: Open All -> Rune Salvage all (Rings and Amulets being the exception, you use the copper salvage on those)3.) Unidentified Yellow: Open All -> Mystic Salvage Kits

Now sell mats in Trade.

You can use copper salvage all on green identified gears aswell, no need to go the extra step and seperate rings and amulets.

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I find it humorous that folks have listed two of the things I constantly use: the copper and silver salvage kits and the Mistlock passkey. I use my mystic forge stones to convert to gold, and I always but always use the mistlock sanctuary.

The waste for me was the Captain's Airship. Everything is so much more convenient in Mistlock.

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@googel.3278 said:

@draxynnic.3719 said:Honestly, what ticks me off is how the daily sales nowadays require you to check
every single day
to see if the thing you want has come up. I had something I was waiting for the entire sale for, and then I missed it because it came up on the one day I didn't think to check. Guess ArenaNet isn't getting those gems until the next round... assuming I don't forget to check on the wrong day again.

well it IS your fault for not checking , not theirs. Hence the word, ‘daily’

You could say that, but I only had a handful of days which I didn't check, it just happened to be one of the four or five in which I did forget. It gets a bit tiring remembering to do the same thing every single day that's outside of your normal gaming routine, particularly when there's other things going on.

It's the sort of situation where even just making each sale last for two or three days instead of just one would make a big difference.

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@Etria.3642 said:I find it humorous that folks have listed two of the things I constantly use: the copper and silver salvage kits and the Mistlock passkey. I use my mystic forge stones to convert to gold, and I always but always use the mistlock sanctuary.

The waste for me was the Captain's Airship. Everything is so much more convenient in Mistlock.

I use the airship one all the time. It's quick access to Orr via the portal below plus getting to several maps around it without using the WPs.

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Nothing. I bought the game back then at release at full price and played until end 2013. Returned June 2019. Afaik back then I never bought gems with real money. Always tried to get the free stuff or used the gems from achievement chests + a bit trading gold on sales.

2019 I started to use gems. I think I'm pretty good at saving money. Got PoF (with HoT included for free) on sale early this year. And maybe since June 2019 about 90 or so euros spent. 50 for LS2 (on sale), bank tab, storage expander in the anniversary sale last year 30 more for some other small stuff. (LS3+4 recently on sale and another storage expander from remaining gems when it was on sale and a month ago the copper and silver fed salvag-o-matics.)

I don't know when I bought the cheapest (no special skin, no special bonus) harvesting tools set. I think it was also back then last year when I spent the 50 euros.

Everything on sale and stuff I use often. Saves time replacing tools and time space (I use the salvagers in 2 shared inventory slots). Playing mainly main char so no need for different sets or to buy more inventore slots to use them to swap the unbreakable gathering tools to other chars.

I'd never buy boosters, level 80 tickets, wp thingiges and stuff like that. Skins miht be nice - since mount skins are not available for free (achievements). For weapons and clothing I like the free stuff. (Except some sunglasses I got from gem store from gems from an achievement reward I used.)

I guess I might get one skin for each mount ... the skin that I like best. But definitely not going to buy tons of skins when I usually prefer less fancy stuff. "Simple" clothes for normal skins ... easier to find in the free stuff ingame.

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Inventory bag slots for characters I don't use much. I think I bought them some time when they were on discount so that my few characters had the same number of slots but now I have many more characters and not all of them need additional slots anyway.

I wish one could transfer slots from character to character.

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Lots of skins I haven't used that now are just taking up bank space, hoping someday I'll be able to convert them into transmute charges.

Buying multiple salvage-o-matics before shared slots were a thing.

Royal Terrace pass. I never use it. I use my Mistlock pass all the time though.

Minis and tonics. I should never have started collecting...

Candy Corn Gobbler and similar items for other currencies. I never use them.

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@Josiah.2967 said:

@kratan.4619 said:Silver salvage o matic, i have so many stones to make the mystic salvage kits that I never use it.

This and the copper-fed are my only two regrets. At least I got them both on sale so there's that. :)

Copper fed would be considered my best gem store item for both my accounts :D

I heard that from lots of people which is why I got it, but I think I don't salvage enough to make it worth it for me. I think it's because I don't really know what to use it on.

What I do now is keep the 15 entry-level salvage kits I get from my weekly keyfarmer, and just use those on the salvage items I get during the week like ambrite from the bandit chest in my house.

I don't salvage the green/blue gear I get, is that what you use it on? I just sell those when I get a full stack. (probably to people who salvage it all, come to think of it).

What do you use it on?

Basically for optimal gold:1.) Unidentified Blue: Open All -> Copper Salvage all.2.) Unidentified Green: Open All -> Rune Salvage all (Rings and Amulets being the exception, you use the copper salvage on those)3.) Unidentified Yellow: Open All -> Mystic Salvage Kits

Now sell mats in Trade.

Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me! :)

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