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Remember for expansion: If warriors don't get land spears, we riot.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@Smoosh.2718 said:I say this all the time, but I am really struggling to understand what the spear will give the warrior that the Hammer, Greatsword or Rifle doesnt already?

For this very reason, I do not want it to be spear/staff as it wont change the weapon playstyle.

I call for pistol! I already made HOPE ready for the next elite spec! So it must happen!

I main engineer and I am
tempted to build the legendary mace Eureka, since it would fit an engineer so well (why do we have so many engineer themed mace skins if engineer can't wield them btw? kitten it). But unfortunately, unlike the warrior, engineer has many different weapons left which could possibly get added for an elite spec. So I am not as confident to make this gamble....

I do feel very confident with my gamble. It's the weapon that makes the most sense, it gives what the warrior lacks, and it has a chance to allow the warrior to pick up a support spec which it also lacks.

If they give in to the memory lane fan seekers, i fear a very sub par weapon will be created, that will give the warrior nothing new to play with.

Working out what the rest of the specs will get could be interesting I must say, I will predict that Guardian is getting dagger next. As for engineer... I really could not guess that one 100% but mace does make sense theme wise.

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@Linken.6345 said:During his lifetime, the greatest blademaster fought over ten thousand times, in battle and single combat. He was defeated once. By a farmer with a quarterstaff! Remember that.”― Robert Jordan, The Dragon Reborn

Just because the farmer in that tale just so happened to be using a quarterstaff that day does not mean a staff is better than a spear, because had the farmer that day been wielding a spear instead against the blademaster, the story would have been much different saying that all agreed (from the authors you cited) that the spear was among the best, if not the very best, of all hand weapons.

The funny thing, regardless if the farmer was wielding a staff or a spear that day, is the spear still wins for factual reasons very well explained below. Read on.

@Linken.6345 said:You can do the same thing with a staff as you can with a spear,One end is blunt and do crushing damage the other pointy so do piercing thats the only differance.

One end being blunt for staves (for blunt trauma) and one end being pointy for spears (for piercing killing blows) is not the only difference between a staff and a spear. A spear can be thrown and a staff can be thrown, too (technically), yet throwing a staff at an enemy is nowhere near as effective vs. throwing a spear at an enemy.

A spear can also be thrown at enemies and it can also be twirled around to perform attack combos on enemies like a staff, yet a staff is meant only to stay in the users' hand to perform attack combos on enemies, meaning a spear is more effective both in the users' hands and out of the users' hands, unlike a staff.

Furthermore, a thrust from a staff to the ribs may deal blunt trauma damage, resulting in bruising, yet a stab from a spear to the ribs will go through the ribs and into and through the heart, resulting in death. Notice the difference in word use I used between 'a thrust' and 'a stab'. To stab (like with a spear) means to pierce or to wound somebody with a pointed tool or a pointed weapon with very little force needed, whereas to thrust (like with a staff) means to make advance with full-on force, and you would be very hard-pressed to break through one's skin all the way to the bone using a staff.

If you were to pit an army of 1,000 men with staves against an army of 1,000 men with spears charging at one another, there would be far more staff-user casualties than spear-user casualties.

But what if both weapons, the staff and the spear, pitted against each other from either army were imbued with magic? Again, there would still be more staff-user casualties than spear-user casualties. Example: If the leader from the spear-user army had a magical spear he sent flying at the staff-user army at a constant velocity of 40-50 mph, it would go through many more enemies than if the leader from the staff-user army were to also send out a magical staff flying at the same velocity at the spear-user army.

Those are the facts (not opinions) regarding the clear differences in usefulness and effectiveness between a staff and a spear. So what weapon wins: the spear or the staff? The spear wins. The Warrior in GW2 should therefore have access to the likes of the spear more suited for actual 'killing' enemies (like the other weapons a warrior uses with sharp edges and pointed ends: axes, swords, daggers, pole arms, spiky maces, etc.) just like a staff is more suited for mages/spellcasters known to have more 'magical' properties about it that can also be used for melee combat.

Sure, warriors in history have also been known to use blunt weapons like the hammer and even their shield against their enemies, for argument sake, yet a staff is no more suited for a true warrior just like a hammer is not suited for a true mage/spellcaster.

That is not to say spears cannot also be imbued with magic in the fantasy worlds in movies and in games, but if we are to go by tradition, no mage/spellcaster is using a spear for their walking stick or spell casting no more than Gandalf did in the Lord of the Rings, no more than Vivi did in FF9, and no more than Jafar did in Aladdin.

Conclusively, there are already too many classes that use the staff to the point of boredom: Elementalist, Necromancer, Mesmer, Ranger, and Thief. Not only that, there are two other melee classes that are close to what the Warrior is who can also use a staff: Guardian and Revenant.

End of this debate, folks! Vote for a change; vote for spears!

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The only way I'd agree with this is if they made the spear combat long-melee. Really change things up for warriors, and make the spear weapon skill range like 500-700. If not (and it has to be thrown), just give it to rangers because throwing spears and ranged stuff is first and foremost a ranger thing.-Eros of Ascalon

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@Project exa.3204 said:The only way I'd agree with this is if they made the spear combat long-melee. Really change things up for warriors, and make the spear weapon skill range like 500-700. If not (and it has to be thrown), just give it to rangers because throwing spears and ranged stuff is first and foremost a ranger thing.-Eros of Ascalon

Throwing spears is not 'a Ranger thing'. Warriors in games, in war movies (fiction or non-fiction), and throughout history in the real world have used spears far more than Rangers/archers have ever used spears in games, in movies, or throughout history in the real world.

You will find far more references of Warriors using spears in the history books, on Wikipedia [on spears], etc. (or whatever source you choose to read from) than you will references of Rangers/archers using spears. Any mention of Rangers/archers using spears was a borrowed idea from the ways of the Warrior, not the other way around.

Furthermore, by design, spears are meant both for melee combat and ranged combat; a spear is not pointed at its end for no reason, to not be thrown. Suggesting long-range combat only for spears makes no sense.

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@Fox Reeveheart.1890 said:Just saying... we been saying this for literally years now since even before the first expansion came out. The models already exist, so there is far less work for you to do, you can make it work, and being some sort of Imperial Guard sort of archetype would be nifty.

Or heck, make us paragons and make them 1-handed throwing spears.

An awesome Elite Skill for a spear user would be the use of two spears (whereupon the Skill Bar changes with Elite spear attacks), the second spear which replicates the weapon power of the users' main spear, performing a mix of spin attacks, a simultaneous stab, interchanging stabs, one after another, between both spears, and then a mighty spear throw attack for when the enemy is out of range.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:If they add spears to Warrior, its going to be an equipped staff.

You hit enemies like a piñatas with a staff and knock them down or knock them out most of the time at best; you hit enemies like piñatas with a spear, too, and it can also be thrown at enemies to knock them out, to knock them down, or to kill them in melee or at range. That is the difference. A spear is therefore more diverse and effective in usefulness than a staff. Easier to kill an enemy with a spear, thrown or not thrown, than it is to kill an enemy with a staff, thrown or not thrown. So to say spears will just be like equipped staves is completely inaccurate.

Staves and spears were created for different purposes, and despite their similarities, a spear or any stick/pole arm weapon with a single or double-ended pointed tip is an upgrade from a staff. Staves are child's play compared to spears, and even if a staff is magical, it is still child's play compared to a magical spear.

Can you stab through more watermelons with a staff? I didn't think so...

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@Smoosh.2718 said:I say this all the time, but I am really struggling to understand what the spear will give the warrior that the Hammer, Greatsword or Rifle doesnt already?

For this very reason, I do not want it to be spear/staff as it wont change the weapon playstyle.

I call for pistol! I already made HOPE ready for the next elite spec! So it must happen!

I call for gunspears!

Gunspears: spears with a very long barrel for bullets to shoot out with a functional trigger along the barrel, adjacent in design to the actual spear's sharp-tipped pole with a fake trigger along the pole to balance out the weight of the weapon adjacent to the functional trigger. Think of it like a double-barrel shotgun in design, half sharp-tipped pole, half gun barrel, and with one functional trigger and one fake trigger for weapon balance and for show. Now that would be awesome!

There is so much potential for spears with a touch of creativity, and it really is sad most of you guys do not understand how awesome spears truly are and what the developers can actually do to make them even more awesome.

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@Eidolonemesis.5640 said:

@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:If they add spears to Warrior, its going to be an equipped staff.

You hit enemies like a piñatas with a staff and knock them down or knock them out most of the time at best; you hit enemies like piñatas with a spear, too, and it can also be thrown at enemies to knock them out, to knock them down, or to kill them in melee or at range. That is the difference. A spear is therefore more diverse and effective in usefulness than a staff. Easier to kill an enemy with a spear, thrown or not thrown, than it is to kill an enemy with a staff, thrown or not thrown. So to say spears will just be like equipped staves is completely inaccurate.

Staves and spears were created for different purposes, and despite their similarities, a spear or any stick/pole arm weapon with a single or double-ended pointed tip
an upgrade from a staff. Staves are child's play compared to spears, and even if a staff is magical, it is still child's play compared to a magical spear.

Can you stab through more watermelons with a staff? I didn't think so...

I think you are misunderstanding what he means.

You can get the fighting style of a spear and even a spear/helbard skin through the elite spec collection. But the weapon you equip and get access to will most liely still be a staff.Simply because this way is easier to achieve in this games design. They can create the animations of skills at will, if they want the staff on warrior to play like a spear user, hen they can do this.

But spears in this game have been underwater weapons solely. Giving a warrior a spear on land would require a mechanical change.And it would not be the first time that they are changing the functionality of a weapon on different classes. Greatswords on mesmers are just a way for them to channel laserbeams. Staffs on thief is used as a melee quarterstaff instead of something to channel magic through like most other classes. Hammer on revenant is used to get thrown at the enemy.

And giving a staff a spear skin in this game would also not be new. We already have some staff skins which look like spears. We also have staff skins which look like scythes, making it possible for daredevils to swing scythes even if their fighting style in skill animations does not match the fighting style of a scythe.

I share his opinion. If Anet gives the warrior a spear fighting style, then they will do it by giving warriors access to staves.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Eidolonemesis.5640 said:Can you stab through more watermelons with a staff? I didn't think so...Certainly, you could. Would a spear be easier? Sure. But, yes, you could stab through a watermelon with a staff.

Not to mention that you wouldn't want to when you could just add easily smash it with your staff and not have to worry about freeing your spear from your watermelon.

Anyway, if warrior gets a spear it will probably be a staff with a spear skin. Apart from Ascended recolours they stopped creating new spear skins, what, back in 2013 or 2014? They've made numerous staves with spearheads since.

I really can't see them bringing underwater weapons above water any more, mores the pity.

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It's a little surprising that the primary weapon of war for most of human history is a water-only item in gw2. It would be cool to see new weapons and elite specs.

Spears, naganatas, halberds, 2h axes, buckler offhands, crossbows, slings, javelins, and more.

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Most probably warriors wont receive a spear land, IMO

i would prefer actually to receive staff, something like a hybrid version of a Fire warmage and monkey king, theres even an awewesome transfmogriffer of monkey king, wich would be deent to use a similiar stance for warrior staff


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@"Eidolonemesis.5640" said:

I call for gunspears!

Gunspears: spears with a very long barrel for bullets to shoot out with a functional trigger along the barrel, adjacent in design to the actual spear's sharp-tipped pole with a fake trigger along the pole to balance out the weight of the weapon adjacent to the functional trigger. Think of it like a double-barrel shotgun in design, half sharp-tipped pole, half gun barrel, and with one functional trigger and one fake trigger for weapon balance and for show. Now that would be awesome!

There is so much potential for spears with a touch of creativity, and it really is sad most of you guys do not understand how awesome spears truly are and what the developers can actually do to make them even more awesome.

I am still yet to see a game that makes the spear remotely fun to use. FFXIV, you do a few leaps you jab a bit and do an uppercut slice with the tip. For Honor (Really hate the US spelling of Honor but hey-oh) you stab and sweep with the spear. The animations get dull really fast and just do not feel impactful, I am sure there are people on the other side of the fence.

Now practically speaking, the major flaws that come out with this demand for Spear/Staff:

If it is a ranged weapon and 2h, why take the Spear/Staff over a Rifle (Physical Damage)/Longbow (Condition Damage)?If it is a ranged weapon and 1h, what weapon combo's do you have?If it is a melee weapon and 2h, what will it do that is different from Hammer (CC and Weakness) and Greatsword (Physical Damage)?If it is a melee weapon and 1h, what will it do that is different from Axe (Physical Damage), Dagger (Boon Rip and Slow), Mace (CC and Weakness) and Sword (Hybrid Condition Damage)

Now i do note that it could fit a Condition damage 2h weapon... but that would end up being one of the most boring weapons in the game, Condition damage play is like watching paint dry.I have a serious hate against Condition damage play in this game due to how passive it is.

But as it was stated above by HnRkLnXqZ.1870 , this will more than likely apply "Most of you will still play with GS/Axe"

Everyone here needs to start thinking about what the warrior is lacking in, rather than what gives them a memory nudge to Gw1. The game needs new content not old recycled content. After all Guild Wars 2 is set 250 years in the future of Guild Wars 1!

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