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Account & Character Rollback Issue (5/11/2020) - ANet Response

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@"thehipone.6812" said:I'd be happy if the word Compensation got tossed into the forum censorship pile and was replaced by Kittens. People seem to want "compensation" for everything, whether a problem or a new feature- I disconnected near the end of a dungeon? - Compensation! Legendary skins in the wardrobe? - Compensation! Server problems? - Compensation! New legendary armory functionality? - Compensation! Balance changes alter your build? - Compensation! No WvW Alliances yet - Compensation! errr...well, that last one....

That would be awesome.

I demand kittens!I deserve kittens!Shower me with kittens!

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@"lifeshoutslive.4163" said:"Go through what we went through." God, are you serious? It wasn't even down for 24 hours and this the first time in 8 years. They already lost what people would've spent yesterday; and giving out free stuff (of choice!) is probably another day. Yes, you are a customer, so am I, but requesting this after one day of downtime is exactly the entitled attitude that makes working in customer care the hassle it is. Companies are allowed to make mistakes without them having to beg for forgiveness on their knees, afterwards, even more so if it's been resolved without losses for the customers.

You know, add to that, in all the games ive played that are either always online or MMOs, i never once received anything for servers being down.

It happens. At least they where able to restore most of the accounts to their previous state -and- are accepting tickets to recover items/progress etc that didnt get restored. Wish that would have happened n some of my other games.

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Yes some of you got the game back , but many out there, still dotn remember what they have lost in trading post. I personaly lost gold, bought items,that I dont have , neither the gold that i spend for. I also lost items that were bought, but i didn't never get the gold yet. But again we will never exactly know, what we have lost , because we never keep track of things or do you?

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Entitled to compensation? Well, obviously some people feel like that, others very much seem to disagree with the idea. Me? I think it's nice when something goes wrong and a company makes a gesture of apology. When Walmart screwed up a recent grocery delivery of mine, they gave me a month's free delivery. I hadn't expected compensation and certainly hadn't demanded it but I thought it was a nice gesture when they offered it and I happily accepted it.

As it turns out, I didn't lose anything significant in the rollback here, just some low level mats I had gathered with a key farmer. It wasn't enough to even bother asking Customer Service to restore. The extended time the EU server was down was a bigger deal to me. Am I entitled to compensation? Well, I wouldn't demand it but since Anet indicated they are mulling it over, I think it would be a nice gesture. And since they may decide to offer something, I don't see any harm in our suggesting what we would like. A legendary item? Well, sure, who wouldn't want that but talk about absolutely ridiculous overkill. On the other hand, a revive orb or a heroic booster seem a mite too trivial for such lengthy downtime. The suggestion of a few Black Lion Chest keys sounded about right to me but I'm not going to pitch a fit no matter what they do or don't offer to give us. Oh, and if on principle you refuse to accept any "compensation" over this, feel free to send your unwanted item my way. I like freebies. :)

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For what it's worth I don't think I need any compensation because I didn't really lose anything (once they were able to restore the progress made over the weekend). I wasn't able to play GW2 on Monday, so I played a different game instead, that's all.

And if I had lost gold or gems or something due to everything that happened in the time between the crash/roll back and the servers being shut down being lost I'd much rather go through Support and get back what I actually lost than be given some random compensation. There's no way to equally compensate people who bought gems in that time, people who got rare account bound drops, people who lost money on the TP etc. with the same item. It will take longer but IMO it would be better for Support to address what each person actually lost and what they can do to restore it rather than try to make it up in a different way.

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@"kharmin.7683" said:The OP isn't asking for random compensation. They want an item OF CHOICE from the gem store.


By random I meant something chosen by Anet with no regard for what players lost, not literally random. It was a bad choice of wording.

But what I mean is no matter how generous they seem to be it won't actually compensate people who lost something different. If I finally got the bauble infusion, or invisible boots or something on Monday and then lost it because that time is gone, then a free gem store item wouldn't be adequate compensation. Not because it's not generous enough but because it's not the thing I actually lost.

I'd rather contact Support, tell them what I actually lost and wait for them to restore it (which I know will take a while) than have them go "Hey some people might have lost some stuff, here's a different item instead" and act like that solved the problem.

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I was affected, but I'm not going to demand free stuff because one of their server fried. Extend SAB if it was meant to end during that time period so people dont lose what they could have otherwise gained. Anything more is entitlement. They can make a gesture sure, and it'll be appreciated. But we neither deserve, nor require compensation for something that more than likely wasn't their fault.

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Some people are taking it too far. "of choice" makes it sound like it should not be ArenaNet's choice but like they wanted to chose (probably from the most expensive) a item from the gem store.

And that for some free time they lost where they did not even pay anything. I guess for subscription based MMO at max there would have been 1-2 days free subscription. Even if it was 15 Euros (or dollar) per month ... for 2 days the worth of would be only 1 euro or dollar. That's 80 gems. :D ( I don't think there are many items on the store in that price range. :D )

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Answer from another, similar thread

  • You acknowledge that ArenaNet may in its reasonable discretion provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to any part of the Service.
  • You acknowledge that Service may be interrupted for reasons within or beyond the control of ArenaNet, that ArenaNet cannot and does not guarantee You will be able to use the Game or any Account whenever You wish to do so, that ArenaNet will interrupt the Service on a regular basis for purposes of maintenance or updates and may do so without providing You with notice before such interruption, and that ArenaNet may provide subsequent versions, enhancements, modifications, upgrades or patches related to the Game that You must accept and/or install before You will be able to use the Game.


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The rollback is actually to around 11 a.m. GMT+1 (CET) on Monday. This is approximately 20-30 minutes before the mass disconnects happened and the auto rollback to early Saturday took place.

How do I know? Because it fell right into the middle of my statics raid full clear, and we know exactly which bosses were missing and which had been cleared, able to pinpoint the exact time to within a few minutes based on retained progress and lost progress.

EDIT: just noticed, Taril.8619 already gave the official response, which is pretty close to our estimate. 2:40 PT is 11:40 CET.

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