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What gender do you play the most?

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I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

This is the SAME armor skin:Sneakthief_armor_human_male_front.jpgSneakthief_armor_human_female_front.jpgI'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?640px-Human_female_faces.jpg

I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.

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@"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

This is the SAME armor skin:Sneakthief_armor_human_male_front.jpgSneakthief_armor_human_female_front.jpgI'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?640px-Human_female_faces.jpg

I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.

100% agree.

I'm a guy and I play an even mix of genders because I just like to think of them as characters with some backstory that I make up, rather than avatars for myself. And I completely agree about the armors, especially light armor. I find myself wondering why so many of the female armors are so ridiculously male gaze-y. Even the heavy armors have weird random "windows".

My wife watches me play sometimes, and she was interested in the game so I made her a free account to try it out. But then she went to make an elementalist, and hell I forgot how weird the starting light armor is for female characters. She was so annoyed, her reaction was pretty much "I'm a sylvari still in the Dream and I have to wear a freaking garter? Really?" I agreed and offered that we'd find her some better armor first thing but even though she halfheartedly continued for awhile, she was kind of done. Said she didn't want to have to earn pants. I don't blame her at all. Anet lost a new player there.

While I understand that some people love the current options and I don't want to take them away, they should do better about providing more, especially for the starter and early game armor sets when people are leveling and are just stuck with things for awhile. Some of the armor skins labeled "pants" are not anything anyone would mistake for "pants".

And there's definitely some sexism in the available character models, too. You can make male Norn of various ages with just totally gnarly, scarred, weatherbeaten faces, look like they've been through hell. There is, I think, exactly one female Norn face with any kind of scar, and zero older faces with any visible wrinkles at all. Not to mention male Norn have totally different proportions from male humans, but for some reason female Norn are just tall.

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I have 11 permanent characters - 6 female, 5 male, but over half my play time is on my ranger and she's female, so I definitely play female characters the most. Tempoary characters could go either way, it depends on the idea I have for them, and I've never kept track of whether I make more male or female temps.

I suppose since I'm female in real life I do default to playing female characters, but I've never intended any of my characters to be me so I don't see any reason they have to be female, just like they don't have to be human or avoid using magic because I can't use magic. They're characters I've created to fufil a role in a story, kind of like a writer creating characters for their stories and just like their race, profession, biography choices etc. their gender is whatever I think best suits the character I'm imagining.

(Sometimes I wonder if it's because I started playing RPGs when I was 8, and I was not playing the kind of games where an 8 year old girl would be an option, so it was a very long time before I could even consider making a character who looked like me. If I didn't see other people saying it online it would never have occured to me that anyone would do that.)

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I own two female characters and 11 male characters. I understand the reasoning to play female characters as a guy, but I want to play the game. However each of my characters fit my aesthetic aspiration, in terms of looking cool or fitting to the theme - except for one. So I do not really get tired of their looks. I tried to play female characters a few times, but I usually end up dressing them rather boring. The only female character I actively play, aside of my main is a Charr fun/troll character. I dressed her in a rather exciting way, which fits perfectly to the theme.

The male characters give me some feeling of being in control and well RPG feeling. I play that role, somehow.

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@Perihen the Thawk.9527 said:

@"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

This is the SAME armor skin:
I'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?

I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.

100% agree.

I'm a guy and I play an even mix of genders because I just like to think of them as characters with some backstory that I make up, rather than avatars for myself. And I completely agree about the armors,
light armor. I find myself wondering why so many of the female armors are so
male gaze-y. Even the heavy armors have weird random "windows".

My wife watches me play sometimes, and she was interested in the game so I made her a free account to try it out. But then she went to make an elementalist, and hell I forgot how weird the starting light armor is for female characters. She was so annoyed, her reaction was pretty much "I'm a sylvari still in the Dream and I have to wear a freaking
? Really?" I agreed and offered that we'd find her some better armor first thing but even though she halfheartedly continued for awhile, she was kind of done. Said she didn't want to have to
pants. I don't blame her at all. Anet lost a new player there.

While I understand that some people love the current options and I don't want to take them away, they should do better about providing more, especially for the starter and early game armor sets when people are leveling and are just stuck with things for awhile. Some of the armor skins labeled "pants" are not anything anyone would mistake for "pants".

And there's definitely some sexism in the available character models, too. You can make male Norn of various ages with just totally gnarly, scarred, weatherbeaten faces, look like they've been through hell. There is, I think, exactly one female Norn face with any kind of scar, and zero older faces with any visible wrinkles at all. Not to mention male Norn have totally different proportions from male humans, but for some reason female Norn are just tall.

Yes where are our wide Norn ladies?? Unfortunately, it's all too common for game designers to make the male option of a race look unique, and the female ones all look much more similar and human. Once you notice it, it's everywhere ...

Thanks for chiming in with that story about your wife's introduction to the game. Not gonna lie, I felt kinda alone in this lol. Really curious if anyone has a similar story

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I play male characters because i'm male, simple as that.

I find it funny how in these kinds of questions people say they play female because of "fashion". come on, you're not fooling anyone. We all know why, the ogling. Instead of staring at my characters ass, i would rather go kill something and watch them fight.

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It's unfortunate that the the females in this game suffer from the pedestal treatment. Few players would select an ugly female, the fat option is generally immersion-breaking (our characters run, jump and swim all day long) so the females are left with the 'I'm pretty, don't touch my face' option. Apart from sylvari and asura; they get the short end of the stick on all regards. Sure, you can make a cute asura, but they still look like vermin. The other issue is that male beauty is harder to sell, especially to a somewhat prudish NA market, so they fallback on the 'tough' trope for the males. Has to be said though, i did spend some time to make my human males attractive.

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With my nine characters, I'm at a 6/3 split (6 male, 3 female).

I like the looks of my female Reaper, Renegade, and Deadeye. I tried women warriors, guardians, mesmers, and eles, but didn't feel the same connection. I think it was mainly because I couldn't find a proper sounding name for the profession/gender/race.

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@Perihen the Thawk.9527 said:

@"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

This is the SAME armor skin:
I'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?

I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.

100% agree.

I'm a guy and I play an even mix of genders because I just like to think of them as characters with some backstory that I make up, rather than avatars for myself. And I completely agree about the armors,
light armor. I find myself wondering why so many of the female armors are so
male gaze-y. Even the heavy armors have weird random "windows".

My wife watches me play sometimes, and she was interested in the game so I made her a free account to try it out. But then she went to make an elementalist, and hell I forgot how weird the starting light armor is for female characters. She was so annoyed, her reaction was pretty much "I'm a sylvari still in the Dream and I have to wear a freaking
? Really?" I agreed and offered that we'd find her some better armor first thing but even though she halfheartedly continued for awhile, she was kind of done. Said she didn't want to have to
pants. I don't blame her at all. Anet lost a new player there.

And there's definitely some sexism in the available character models, too. You can make male Norn of various ages with just totally gnarly, scarred, weatherbeaten faces, look like they've been through hell. There is, I think, exactly one female Norn face with any kind of scar, and zero older faces with any visible wrinkles at all. Not to mention male Norn have totally different proportions from male humans, but for some reason female Norn are just tall.

I do agree with most points. There definitely is some sexism in the game but I see that it developed in a better direction throughout the last couple of years. Most sexist armor variations and the problem with the faces are in the game since launch and at that time feminism was not a real thing in games (that doesn't make it okay though). But the armors coming to the game nowadays don't have those sexist variations between male and female (e.g. "armor bra" for women and full armor for men). They do look different on male and female but that's not a problem as long as it is not sexist. Most of the time I find myself finding the female armor better because the male one is often clunky imho. I do have male and female characters but more females and I find it difficult to do fashion wars with males (especially Norn) to be honest. Every character of mine has a individual background. And I really like playing badass characters and having realistic fashions (aka an outfit realistically fitted for battle or long wanderings) and this holds true for my light armor females as well - even though it's a bit difficult with light armors in game.

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@"Yggranya.5201" said:I play male characters because i'm male, simple as that.

I find it funny how in these kinds of questions people say they play female because of "fashion". come on, you're not fooling anyone. We all know why, the ogling. Instead of staring at my characters kitten, i would rather go kill something and watch them fight.

Hahaha that is true for most male players who play female xD

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@Perihen the Thawk.9527 said:

@"Daria Morgendorffer.7049" said:I try to play both evenly to keep it interesting, so each character looks & sounds more unique.

But I find it hard to play female characters, because of the pretty sexist way women are treated in GW2 (especially humans/norn). The same armor/outfit on a male vs female character is so different — a fully clothed armor on a male character is a revealing battle bikini on a female character.

This is the SAME armor skin:
I'd give a dozen more examples, but we've all seen it.

I've never made a human female character because all the faces look identical, like Snapchat Filter Model Barbie. There are no old women in Tyria? No women who don't wear heavy makeup? Everyone has to only look one way? Only "pretty" like a doll?

I know some people like these designs (they do look good individually if you're into that), and that's fine, there's just a lack of options. I don't mean to insult anyone's beloved characters. You do you — I even have a female Norn, myself.

100% agree.

I'm a guy and I play an even mix of genders because I just like to think of them as characters with some backstory that I make up, rather than avatars for myself. And I completely agree about the armors,
light armor. I find myself wondering why so many of the female armors are so
male gaze-y. Even the heavy armors have weird random "windows".

My wife watches me play sometimes, and she was interested in the game so I made her a free account to try it out. But then she went to make an elementalist, and hell I forgot how weird the starting light armor is for female characters. She was so annoyed, her reaction was pretty much "I'm a sylvari still in the Dream and I have to wear a freaking
? Really?" I agreed and offered that we'd find her some better armor first thing but even though she halfheartedly continued for awhile, she was kind of done. Said she didn't want to have to
pants. I don't blame her at all. Anet lost a new player there.

While I understand that some people love the current options and I don't want to take them away, they should do better about providing more, especially for the starter and early game armor sets when people are leveling and are just stuck with things for awhile. Some of the armor skins labeled "pants" are not anything anyone would mistake for "pants".

And there's definitely some sexism in the available character models, too. You can make male Norn of various ages with just totally gnarly, scarred, weatherbeaten faces, look like they've been through hell. There is, I think, exactly one female Norn face with any kind of scar, and zero older faces with any visible wrinkles at all. Not to mention male Norn have totally different proportions from male humans, but for some reason female Norn are just tall.

I do think the armor has gotten a lot better for female but I agree with the starter armor. I think they should revamp it. My main is a norn & when I first started I found it hilarious to see my norn wear a skirt in the snow. Like really? Lol

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