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What Do You Think GW3 Will Be?

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This structure is played out I'm afraid. I hope they don't make anything called guild wars 3 and start with fresh ideas. I've had a lot of fun here, but people playing MMOs have changed. The age demographic is far lower so it's far less fun to group with less mature players. :anguished:

Maybe a new game where the introduction is free-to-play and by the time you have a semi-mature toon, if you haven't been voted off the island you can buy the game and continue.

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I think it will come far later if at all, because at this point it was shelved and we know it probably was a new MMO more focused (If it was being made by MO) around Competitive play as that is where his passion laid. We know he was displeased with how guild wars 2 turned out, as he had stated he wasn't big on some of the direction that the game had taken. Ironically it would be beneficial due to the spaghetti code which could be basically removed by making a new mmo and thus making it easier to add things to the game and less of the risk at breaking it. With a more focused direction Gw3 could easily smash both of its predecessors but they'd need a 100% this is the direction this game is going NO EXCEPTIONS kind of attitude. The issue with guild wars 2 is that in its initial development there were too many cooks in the kitchen...

I feel like if they do go for this route, it would need a new engine preferably Unreal 4 or 5 as this game still uses the guild wars 1 engine. I also feel they should drop the narrative and focus on making it a sandbox exploration game where you are there to form a guild and basically explore tyria with snip-its of lore strewn throughout the world, no more of this "you're the main squeeze " kind of thing. While I can appreciate the attempt storytelling should be left the novels or single player games and if they made a single player game in the vein of the witcher to bridge the gap between the mmo's then people could have narrative driven bits given in the world of tyria and the MMO could be its own entity.

Its hard to sell a narrative in an mmo, its even harder to make it work and feel right and not spend all the time pointed at that specific part of the game and not focus the entire project around it. I love lore, and story but I mean every MMO I've ever played that has its focus on the story always falls utterly short because they have to write the danged thing like we don't know X or Y but we are apart of that race? So how do we NOT KNOW when its a huge part of the culture? Kinda breaks immersion.

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@keenedge.9675 said:This structure is played out I'm afraid. I hope they don't make anything called guild wars 3 and start with fresh ideas. I've had a lot of fun here, but people playing MMOs have changed. The age demographic is far lower so it's far less fun to group with less mature players. :anguished:

Maybe a new game where the introduction is free-to-play and by the time you have a semi-mature toon, if you haven't been voted off the island you can buy the game and continue.

Then you would have picked option 2, it fits your statement.

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@"Thornwolf.9721" said:I think it will come far later if at all, because at this point it was shelved and we know it probably was a new MMO more focused (If it was being made by MO) around Competitive play as that is where his passion laid. We know he was displeased with how guild wars 2 turned out, as he had stated he wasn't big on some of the direction that the game had taken. Ironically it would be beneficial due to the spaghetti code which could be basically removed by making a new mmo and thus making it easier to add things to the game and less of the risk at breaking it. With a more focused direction Gw3 could easily smash both of its predecessors but they'd need a 100% this is the direction this game is going NO EXCEPTIONS kind of attitude. The issue with guild wars 2 is that in its initial development there were too many cooks in the kitchen...

I feel like if they do go for this route, it would need a new engine preferably Unreal 4 or 5 as this game still uses the guild wars 1 engine. I also feel they should drop the narrative and focus on making it a sandbox exploration game where you are there to form a guild and basically explore tyria with snip-its of lore strewn throughout the world, no more of this "you're the main squeeze " kind of thing. While I can appreciate the attempt storytelling should be left the novels or single player games and if they made a single player game in the vein of the witcher to bridge the gap between the mmo's then people could have narrative driven bits given in the world of tyria and the MMO could be its own entity.

Its hard to sell a narrative in an mmo, its even harder to make it work and feel right and not spend all the time pointed at that specific part of the game and not focus the entire project around it. I love lore, and story but I mean every MMO I've ever played that has its focus on the story always falls utterly short because they have to write the danged thing like we don't know X or Y but we are apart of that race? So how do we NOT KNOW when its a huge part of the culture? Kinda breaks immersion.

Mike O' Brien's new game doesn't seem especially competitive. Of course, it's still early.

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Thornwolf.9721" said:I think it will come far later if at all, because at this point it was shelved and we know it probably was a new MMO more focused (If it was being made by MO) around Competitive play as that is where his passion laid. We know he was displeased with how guild wars 2 turned out, as he had stated he wasn't big on some of the direction that the game had taken. Ironically it would be beneficial due to the spaghetti code which could be basically removed by making a new mmo and thus making it easier to add things to the game and less of the risk at breaking it. With a more focused direction Gw3 could easily smash both of its predecessors but they'd need a 100% this is the direction this game is going NO EXCEPTIONS kind of attitude. The issue with guild wars 2 is that in its initial development there were too many cooks in the kitchen...

I feel like if they do go for this route, it would need a new engine preferably Unreal 4 or 5 as this game still uses the guild wars 1 engine. I also feel they should drop the narrative and focus on making it a sandbox exploration game where you are there to form a guild and basically explore tyria with snip-its of lore strewn throughout the world, no more of this "you're the main squeeze " kind of thing. While I can appreciate the attempt storytelling should be left the novels or single player games and if they made a single player game in the vein of the witcher to bridge the gap between the mmo's then people could have narrative driven bits given in the world of tyria and the MMO could be its own entity.

Its hard to sell a narrative in an mmo, its even harder to make it work and feel right and not spend all the time pointed at that specific part of the game and not focus the entire project around it. I love lore, and story but I mean every MMO I've ever played that has its focus on the story always falls utterly short because they have to write the danged thing like we don't know X or Y but we are apart of that race? So how do we NOT KNOW when its a huge part of the culture? Kinda breaks immersion.

Mike O' Brien's new game doesn't seem especially competitive. Of course, it's still early.

True but I think its because he gave up on the competitive scene for the time. I doubt he has the resources to risk making a game like that considering a good majority of gamers hate that kind of play and want PvE only. There is an audience for competitive mmo-rpgs but its not as vast as the PvE crowd so of course he would make the first game, a PvE centered game. Its just good business so you can reel in the more likely to spend crowd (Most whales are only interested in PvP games, if they can buy power directly.)

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@Thornwolf.9721 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:I think it will come far later if at all, because at this point it was shelved and we know it probably was a new MMO more focused (If it was being made by MO) around Competitive play as that is where his passion laid. We know he was displeased with how guild wars 2 turned out, as he had stated he wasn't big on some of the direction that the game had taken. Ironically it would be beneficial due to the spaghetti code which could be basically removed by making a new mmo and thus making it easier to add things to the game and less of the risk at breaking it. With a more focused direction Gw3 could easily smash both of its predecessors but they'd need a 100% this is the direction this game is going NO EXCEPTIONS kind of attitude. The issue with guild wars 2 is that in its initial development there were too many cooks in the kitchen...

I feel like if they do go for this route, it would need a new engine preferably Unreal 4 or 5 as this game still uses the guild wars 1 engine. I also feel they should drop the narrative and focus on making it a sandbox exploration game where you are there to form a guild and basically explore tyria with snip-its of lore strewn throughout the world, no more of this "you're the main squeeze " kind of thing. While I can appreciate the attempt storytelling should be left the novels or single player games and if they made a single player game in the vein of the witcher to bridge the gap between the mmo's then people could have narrative driven bits given in the world of tyria and the MMO could be its own entity.

Its hard to sell a narrative in an mmo, its even harder to make it work and feel right and not spend all the time pointed at that specific part of the game and not focus the entire project around it. I love lore, and story but I mean every MMO I've ever played that has its focus on the story always falls utterly short because they have to write the danged thing like we don't know X or Y but we are apart of that race? So how do we NOT KNOW when its a huge part of the culture? Kinda breaks immersion.

Mike O' Brien's new game doesn't seem especially competitive. Of course, it's still early.

True but I think its because he gave up on the competitive scene for the time. I doubt he has the resources to risk making a game like that considering a good majority of gamers hate that kind of play and want PvE only. There is an audience for competitive mmo-rpgs but its not as vast as the PvE crowd so of course he would make the first game, a PvE centered game. Its just good business so you can reel in the more likely to spend crowd (Most whales are only interested in PvP games, if they can buy power directly.)

Name a single pvp only MMORPG that is not a niche game.

The only successful non niche MMORPGs with pvp usually have working and far larger pve componenets and a majority of their player base plays there.

I really don't get where people get this idea that pvp is in such high demand. There is no evidence to support this in the MMORPG genre.

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@Cyninja.2954 said:

@Thornwolf.9721 said:I think it will come far later if at all, because at this point it was shelved and we know it probably was a new MMO more focused (If it was being made by MO) around Competitive play as that is where his passion laid. We know he was displeased with how guild wars 2 turned out, as he had stated he wasn't big on some of the direction that the game had taken. Ironically it would be beneficial due to the spaghetti code which could be basically removed by making a new mmo and thus making it easier to add things to the game and less of the risk at breaking it. With a more focused direction Gw3 could easily smash both of its predecessors but they'd need a 100% this is the direction this game is going NO EXCEPTIONS kind of attitude. The issue with guild wars 2 is that in its initial development there were too many cooks in the kitchen...

I feel like if they do go for this route, it would need a new engine preferably Unreal 4 or 5 as this game still uses the guild wars 1 engine. I also feel they should drop the narrative and focus on making it a sandbox exploration game where you are there to form a guild and basically explore tyria with snip-its of lore strewn throughout the world, no more of this "you're the main squeeze " kind of thing. While I can appreciate the attempt storytelling should be left the novels or single player games and if they made a single player game in the vein of the witcher to bridge the gap between the mmo's then people could have narrative driven bits given in the world of tyria and the MMO could be its own entity.

Its hard to sell a narrative in an mmo, its even harder to make it work and feel right and not spend all the time pointed at that specific part of the game and not focus the entire project around it. I love lore, and story but I mean every MMO I've ever played that has its focus on the story always falls utterly short because they have to write the danged thing like we don't know X or Y but we are apart of that race? So how do we NOT KNOW when its a huge part of the culture? Kinda breaks immersion.

Mike O' Brien's new game doesn't seem especially competitive. Of course, it's still early.

True but I think its because he gave up on the competitive scene for the time. I doubt he has the resources to risk making a game like that considering a good majority of gamers hate that kind of play and want PvE only. There is an audience for competitive mmo-rpgs but its not as vast as the PvE crowd so of course he would make the first game, a PvE centered game. Its just good business so you can reel in the more likely to spend crowd (Most whales are only interested in PvP games, if they can buy power directly.)

Name a single pvp only MMORPG that is not a niche game.

The only successful non niche MMORPGs with pvp usually have working and far larger pve componenets and a majority of their player base plays there.

I really don't get where people get this idea that pvp is in such high demand. There is no evidence to support this in the MMORPG genre.

yeah even New World (Amazon Games) kinda rolled backed on their PvP and went more PvE oriented. there's just more PvE content/demand in MMORPGs. Even Crimson Desert (the announced sequel/successor to Black Desert Online, not the BDO private server) will have a chunky PvE portion too.

people who want PvP already satisfy themselves in MOBAS, BRs and Competitive/Team Shooters.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:There's a relatively decent sized player base of people who want a good RPG PvP game but GW2 is all we have. We'd be profitable enough to sustain one as we're all mid 30's with jobs,imo.

Same question to you:Name a single MMORPG ever that was primarily pvp, not niche and was not supported by a far larger pve crowd.

To my knowledge there has never been one and far worse, most attempts at making such a MMORPG resulted in failure with often shut down of the game.

I've been playing MMORPGs for nearly 20 years now. I can think back as far as Shadowbane and further and all I remember is the constant claims that a pvp centric MMORPG is in such high demand. Yet have never seen one succeed (Shadowbane was very hyped, and shut down not even 6 years later), have seen successful pvp games adopt more pve elements (DAoC and others), have seen statistics that even popular pvp MMORPGs have the majority of their players stick to pve content (Eve Online).

All I see is people making claims based on their own personal opinions, with absolutely no facts, data or actual real world developments to support them.

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