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Lack of players suddenly?


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@MyPuppy.8970 said:Well... Covid19 happened too, all companies had to make some adjustments to their priorities. Obviously PvP isn't one of them right now. It wasn't before either, so I guess it's on standby. A few words here and there would help though.

THIS. I'd give ANET at least a small pass until 6 to 12 months AFTER the pandemic is over. Anything before is a bit unreasonable.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Bazsi.2734 said:Nothing short of a new expansion pack can save PvP now.

You expect elite specialization, which naturally are over-powered to drive expansion sales, to somehow save PvP?Most likely, all they'll do is blow even more unbalanced winds into the game mode.

first they perfectly balance pvp then 1 month later release new overblown specs

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Bazsi.2734 said:Nothing short of a new expansion pack can save PvP now.

You expect elite specialization, which naturally are over-powered to drive expansion sales, to somehow save PvP?Most likely, all they'll do is blow even more unbalanced winds into the game mode.

I'm not sure they would ship elite specialisations with the new expansion. And of course there is a million ways they can do it wrong. I didn't say a new expansion WILL save PvP, I said it CAN, meaning it has the potential to do so. Only a huge content release would attract enough players to revitalise the gamemode.

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@Bazsi.2734 said:I'm not sure they would ship elite specialisations with the new expansion. And of course there is a million ways they can do it wrong. I didn't say a new expansion WILL save PvP, I said it CAN, meaning it has the potential to do so. Only a huge content release would attract enough players to revitalise the gamemode.It doesn't have to save it, but new ESpec will be a breath of fresh air and most definitely break any meta for at least couple months.

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@kraven.9578 said:

@Bazsi.2734 said:I'm not sure they would ship elite specialisations with the new expansion. And of course there is a million ways they can do it wrong. I didn't say a new expansion WILL save PvP, I said it CAN, meaning it has the potential to do so. Only a huge content release would attract enough players to revitalise the gamemode.It doesn't have to save it, but new ESpec will be a breath of fresh air and most definitely break any meta for at least couple months.

More like 2-3 weeks

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@Bazsi.2734 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:The february 25 patch was a catastrophic disaster, and were just living through the consequences.

It could have been something good. If they actually finished it... toning down the damage was supposed to be the first step. Now we're stuck in an experimental half-done rework, but this time its not only an elite specialisation or a temporary gamemode, this time it's THE ENTIRE PVP EXPERIENCE.No clear deadlines or release schedule, no communication, only uncertainty. You need the customers trust to make them stuck around like this, but with how they handled this game for the last few years, that thing is just not there anymore. This rework was their last shot at fixing PvP and they pretty much blew it by taking their sweet time. By the time it's done(if they even bother to finish it properly, with all the steps CMC initally mentioned), hardly anyone will play the gamemode anyway.Nothing short of a new expansion pack can save PvP now.

Nah, toning down damage as much as they did was the big mistake. After that, the only way the patch could be saved was to undo the whole thing and admit it was an error.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@UNOwen.7132 said:The february 25 patch was a catastrophic disaster, and were just living through the consequences.

It could have been something good. If they actually finished it... toning down the damage was supposed to be the first step. Now we're stuck in an experimental half-done rework, but this time its not only an elite specialisation or a temporary gamemode, this time it's THE ENTIRE PVP EXPERIENCE.No clear deadlines or release schedule, no communication, only uncertainty. You need the customers trust to make them stuck around like this, but with how they handled this game for the last few years, that thing is just not there anymore. This rework was their last shot at fixing PvP and they pretty much blew it by taking their sweet time. By the time it's done(if they even bother to finish it properly, with all the steps CMC initally mentioned), hardly anyone will play the gamemode anyway.Nothing short of a new expansion pack can save PvP now.

Nah, toning down damage as much as they did was the big mistake. After that, the only way the patch could be saved was to undo the whole thing and admit it was an error.

Hell will freeze over before they ever admit they made a mistake

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The last "balance" patch was clear evidence that it's time to give up. Instead of fixing things, it reintroduced problem mechanics. One key point of the February changes was that they'd be followed by mechanics changes to many elite specs which couldn't be fixed with numbers changes. The most recent patch stayed the course rather than addressing anything.

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tbh for me, The last few weeks ive been getting hardcore lag in pvp (never have before). Same lag like in WvW when theres like 70 ppl in 1 spot fighting it out. I can WvW just fine up til then (even then its fairly playable) however in a 5v5 in PvP things lag to the point it freezes for moments.

Whats the point in playing when ya cant play. Lots of lost fights, thus lost matches because of this.

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Dear Anet I will put in my 2 cents hoping someone sees itYou need to stop removing everything and taking cheap shots to addressing problems.The game mode functioned significantly better in 2012-2015 with all the original runes and amulets, but ever since HoT and the rise of the bunker meta, you never addressed the issue of rising power/heal creep and removed half of the amulets, and made a bunch of silly hybrid ones like mender and sage which dominate the meta and still promote the bunkering/bruiser thing, which didn't end up solving annything. Now everyone is running some self sustainy hybrid build, and things like shatter mesmer, fresh air weaver, berserker, etc are all obsolete since they will just die and not do enough damage quick enough. Then you completely normalized the weapon sigil options and made them incredibly stale, instead of nerfing the very few OP ones like energy, things like leeching+hydro or air+fire were cool combos, and made bursty builds actually have potential but they are gone now, even sigil of agility was cool and added some strategy but that went too.

Finally, power creep was addressed on February 25 this year, wow! But it doesn't stop there. However, for some reason you decided to completely ruin over half of the runes while leaving others untouched, which really didn't achieve anything, because now EVERYONE is running tanky runes or -condi duration runes, since there's no reason to get +10% X when you can get -25% incoming X. There's a lot more balance in choosing between 25% outgoing condi dur. or -25% incoming than what we have now... There was nothing wrong with runes that gave boon duration or might duration, maybe nightmare rune was a problem but why not just nerf the condi application in general because that's still pretty nuts which leads onto my next point.

There should have been a follow up very shortly after Feb 25, fixing several things that were forgotten, such as the rising condition and cleanse spam. A long time ago in core gw2 you could get away without running cleanse if you were fast and bursty enough and it was rewarding, otherwise you would tick down to death. (see double ranged shatter mesmer or something). Now its mandatory to run cleanse/sustain otherwise tanky spammer builds like core necro, sage weaver and condition herald will tear you to pieces, these builds need a rework. In correspondence, the only way its balanced is everyone has a lot more cleansing options than a while ago, and your bar will get filled and cleared with condis within seconds in group fights, and it's just turned into a massive cc and condition/power burst spam in team fights. The amount of conditions that are able to be applied along with the amount of conditions able to be cleansed in short intervals needs to chill. Let's look at some key examples:

  • Mesmer Scepter 2: This has been buffed countless times, to have a shorter cd, activate faster, inflict tons of torment and produce more clones. Creating 2 clones and blocking an attack is already strong enough, it doesn't need a huge amount of torment as well, yes condi mes isn't great anymore but this is a fundamental issue that made it so op in the first place
  • Scourge Torch 5: doesn't need to do torment considering you can almost always land torch 4 immediately after
  • Scourge Trail of Anguish: doesn't need to corrupt boons, burn and cripple when it already stunbreaks and gives nice self boons. Remove the conditions/corrupts and givei t a shorter CD
  • Firebrand Axe 2: Remove the cripple or the bleed, both is just spammy and annoying
  • FB Mantra of Truth: Too many conditions, give it 2 seconds duration but remove the cripple.
  • Rev Mace 3: remove the weakness or lower the torment. Currently too powerful.
  • Rev Axe 4: pick one, both of those conditions are extremely oppressive and powerful, increase the duration of whichever you keep to 3s.
  • Necro scepter 2: Reduce durationThat's just a handful but you get the idea. You wonder why everyone runes Resistance runes and cleansing sigils, there you go.

Recent changes that I appreciate:

  • Nerfing Support FB and symbolbrand
  • Rev and Spellbreaker burst potentials were out of hand and are nerfed in good place now. Spb might be a little overnerfed but I'm sure it'll be back later
  • Condition mirage eliminated, yay! bring back power now ty
  • Ranger/Soulbeast pet and stat boost nerfs was great, although it took way too long

Things I would like to see in future patches:

  • Revert the sigils and runes back to normal. Target a few very strong ones like energy sigil and nightmare rune, and keep durability out. We need some diversity and options to play around with
  • Core necro is a really boring 40k hp condition bruiser build, please tone down its survability and give it more damage it's just annoying to deal with and no fun to play I'd rather play reaper or scourge
  • Condition Herald isn't on steroids anymore but still pretty dangerous, it has a lot of ways to do damage and it's way too tanky
  • Bunker Renegade is stupid, reduce the pulses of the daze spam kalla legend, 6 dazes in an area that is bigger than most points is stupid. Add a small ICD on soul cleave.
  • Bunker weaver is still annoying and rather stupid, increase it's damage but nerf it's sustain and evade spam, get rid of the evade on earth 2 or something, and bring back fresh air weaver, give it some damage buffs; it has no survability so doesn't make sense to do less damage than a herald or core guard

In summary I may have overemphasized some points and some people may disagree with some of my class balance ideas, but as a veteran that has been reasonable active in pvp over the last 7 years, that's my view of things. Something we can all agree on is how it takes way too long to fix busted builds, and the poor way anet adresses it by removing amulets/runes/sigils and ignoring key traits/skills that make builds OP.

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@"Exedore.6320" said:The last "balance" patch was clear evidence that it's time to give up. Instead of fixing things, it reintroduced problem mechanics. One key point of the February changes was that they'd be followed by mechanics changes to many elite specs which couldn't be fixed with numbers changes. The most recent patch stayed the course rather than addressing anything.The last patch shows that the skills team is at lest 3 years behind with what is happening in the game, remember when they removed the dodge on the druid staff and druid wasn't even close to meta in pvp or wvw and the change did nothing for pve. Also the necro nerf that happened after the patch was CMC kind of deal to rake in the powercreep that the skills team popped in. I feel like they are not communicating at all there.

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Another drawback of the reduced PvP player base, bad queues at late nights. I can only queue after 10pm server time, and the last 2 matches I got placed against the same Plat 2 team twice. Also mind you I'm Gold 1 right now. How the MMR system pairs a full rating bracket difference, and then expects people to think its a balanced match, isn't fun at all. But, whatever. I'm sure if Anet changes the MMR system to prevent a full rating bracket difference, we'd have queues in the 10 minutes long. That's the issue though, we don't want long queues, but we want a fairly balanced chance to win.

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Lack of players and reasons

  • very little development in pvp modes
  • infrequent balancing
  • poor balancing
  • issues and broken thing left for far to long
  • community mentality dictates they dont actually want balance further then their class being strong and other weak for all the obvious reasons
  • players are leaving fast and are being replaced with more bots placed by players who would rather not play the mode
  • competitiveness is seen as a meme in the game these days inevitably leading to increased incidences of hacking/hackers as why not.
  • lack of any real consequences for botters and hackers
  • matchmaking is trash
  • ur rank is dependent on how good ur team is
  • list could go on and on but bottom line is this games pvp has turned into further trash ever year that passes and is beyond saving, so why would players stay?
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@Fueki.4753 said:At least it usually doesn't take forever to get a match, unlike those 30min+ queues in FF14 and its 24 vs 24 vs 24 pvp.As a dps main in ff14 I can attest that this is a lie, it's at least 45 mins to 1hr queue time or longer lolAs a tank or healer it's like 10 mins tops but I refuse to swap off my sam so I just dont pvp lol

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I waited 4 months to see what changes their significantly delayed balance patch would bring. Unsurprisingly the meta hardly changed at all with little new viable builds emerging and the already good ones staying good. Nope, I'm not going to play for another 4-5 months in this sh!tfest of a game hoping that they'll get it right next time. I'm cutting myself off from this abusive relationship

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@Hot Boy.7138 said:i can't speak for everyone, but my interest drastically declined when they introduced 2v2s, then took it away. it was so much fun, it just killed my vibe entirely. Then they brought 3v3 but only for 2 weeks. After I read it was only 2 weeks I didn't even bother with it. Lastly, i'm finding it difficult to enjoy my main class anymore. I started playing again last week and at least in NA Gold 3 and Plat 1, there was enough people for me to get competitive games going. Most of my matches seemed very fair.

PSA: even the 2v2s were only supposed to be 2 weeks at a time. It's called a mini season.

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@VoxShatterfall.5470 said:Another drawback of the reduced PvP player base, bad queues at late nights. I can only queue after 10pm server time, and the last 2 matches I got placed against the same Plat 2 team twice. Also mind you I'm Gold 1 right now. How the MMR system pairs a full rating bracket difference, and then expects people to think its a balanced match, isn't fun at all. But, whatever. I'm sure if Anet changes the MMR system to prevent a full rating bracket difference, we'd have queues in the 10 minutes long. That's the issue though, we don't want long queues, but we want a fairly balanced chance to win.

As a player on pacific time, I can attest to this. This so much. usually all my matches are ROFLstomps one way or the other but when I play on weekends, I seem to do magically much better.

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