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Summit1g streaming gw2

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@Vegeta.2563 said:Anet needs to act on this. Huge marketing potential.

It wont matter, he wont be playing long enough for them to take advantage of it, there is a clip from last night where he asks about how to get all the good looking mount skins, and someone tells him straight up its all $$ no free skins in game from raids etc, so now him and the 30k people watching him last night now know the game is all about the $$ for skins, you could almost see the defeat setting in straight away, how about that for marketing potential.

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I mean I seen some of Summit's stream last night.

I wonder why no one is pointing out the MAIN thing he was LOOKING forward to was the PVP.

Summit had absolutely no interest in playing the story, as he skipped absolutely everything, all while saying he was mainly doing the Story and Events, to get the hang of the gameplay.

In my opinion the only thing Summit would stick around for is the Structured PvP, because World VS World, (At least in Stormbluff Isle) is dead. Of course not literally, but if you're only seeing 3-5 groups of 10 players here and there across all of World vs World, that's not very interesting.

Summit will most likely play Structured PvP, and even then I'm not sure how active it is.

Also, Summit doesn't give two craps about skins and stuff being Cash Shop based. The Dev's already sent him expansion pack codes for free via his email. Gotta love those "Streamer Benefits" right?

First Black Lion Box he did open without spending a dime though, he got the new Legendary Mount Skin, that was pretty cool.

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Errmagherd! errrr maah gherd!! A stRRREeEEmer iz playin mah ghaame! Stardom! Celebrities!! Tell me what to thiiink!

Man I thought gamers were above celebrity worship. Keyword there is definitely thought, because as it turns out gamers seem to worship celebrities more than any other demographic. Oh well.

I hope Mr Mountain-top has fun playing the game though, it's good.

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@Ok I Did It.2854 said:

@Vegeta.2563 said:Anet needs to act on this. Huge marketing potential.

It wont matter, he wont be playing long enough for them to take advantage of it, there is a clip from last night where he asks about how to get all the good looking mount skins, and someone tells him straight up its all $$ no free skins in game from raids etc, so now him and the 30k people watching him last night now know the game is all about the $$ for skins, you could almost see the defeat setting in straight away, how about that for marketing potential.

Some people have mentioned that he's recently been playing Elder Scrolls Online, so I doubt that will surprise him since their system is pretty much the same. Only difference there is you don't need to unlock mounts in-game before buying them from the store. ESO only has 4 mounts available in game - brown, black, white and brown & white horses. Everything else is from the cash shop and a lot of the flashiest ones are from loot boxes.

Also it's pretty limited to say GW2 is 'all about' mount skins. Even mounts are a relatively minor part of the game since they're only required for certain parts of PoF. Especially if this guy is mainly interested in WvW, you can't use any mounts there except the warclaw (which actually does have a skin you can unlock in-game) so it really doesn't matter what they look like.

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I guess all the GW2 streamers must have horribly, boring personalities then.

@Raknar.4735 said:

@SexyMofo.8923 said:He will soon figure out that he’s losing viewers because of how boring it is to stream the game.

Many of the more successful streamers have their viewerships because they are interesting themselves and don‘t need a game to carry them.

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@SexyMofo.8923 said:I guess all the GW2 streamers must have horribly, boring personalities then.

@SexyMofo.8923 said:He will soon figure out that he’s losing viewers because of how boring it is to stream the game.

Many of the more successful streamers have their viewerships because they are interesting themselves and don‘t need a game to carry them.

Seems like it. Can't say any of the current GW2 streamers managed to hold my attention for a long time, and apparently it's the same for many others.Meanwhile you have streamers like Sodapoppin, XQC, Lirik, Summit, Quin69 etc. that can play whatever they want and they will still manage to get plenty of viewers, because they're just entertaining without a game needing to carry them.

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I still don't know why streamers are popular anyway. Why does anyone want to watch someone else play? Maybe they watch them play things they themselves wouldn't play or the other thing that comes to mind is the usual PvP BS where they "embarrass" the opponents and all the hairless apes go crazy how the enemy tribe lost so badly. Hah!

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As someone who watches summit and is subbed to his channel, don't get hung up on it. He'll move on. And don't give him gold thinking he won't move on. Based on streams I've watched I predict he will stay for two more weeks. Enjoy it and expect some fun streams, but don't get hung up on it.

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@Sigmoid.7082 said:

@Yggranya.5201 said:I still don't know why streamers are popular anyway. Why does anyone want to watch someone else play?

I mean you could make the same argument about sports and that's massive world wide.

Because athleticism is hardwired into our DNA, there's an intuitive desire in people to be active or to admire those who are. Even if you don't think so, there's hundreds of thousands of years of selecting for the people most likely to be able to hunt, fight and survive acting against you.

Watching some pastey little man babies punch their soon to be arthritic fingers onto some plastic keys? Not so much.

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@nosleepdemon.1368 said:

@Yggranya.5201 said:I still don't know why streamers are popular anyway. Why does anyone want to watch someone else play?

I mean you could make the same argument about sports and that's massive world wide.

Because athleticism is hardwired into our DNA, there's an intuitive desire in people to be active or to admire those who are. Even if you don't think so, there's hundreds of thousands of years of selecting for the people most likely to be able to hunt, fight and survive acting against you.

Watching some pastey little man babies punch their soon to be arthritic fingers onto some plastic keys? Not so much.

Okay, not gonna lie, that last line cracked me up. I mean, I'm not going to lose my mind over someone I don't know or don't care about over something that, in the long run, will have absolutely no lasting impact on the game.

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@"Humor.5763" said:I mean I seen some of Summit's stream last night.

I wonder why no one is pointing out the MAIN thing he was LOOKING forward to was the PVP.

Summit had absolutely no interest in playing the story, as he skipped absolutely everything, all while saying he was mainly doing the Story and Events, to get the hang of the gameplay.

In my opinion the only thing Summit would stick around for is the Structured PvP, because World VS World, (At least in Stormbluff Isle) is dead. Of course not literally, but if you're only seeing 3-5 groups of 10 players here and there across all of World vs World, that's not very interesting.

Summit will most likely play Structured PvP, and even then I'm not sure how active it is.

Also, Summit doesn't give two craps about skins and stuff being Cash Shop based. The Dev's already sent him expansion pack codes for free via his email. Gotta love those "Streamer Benefits" right?

First Black Lion Box he did open without spending a dime though, he got the new Legendary Mount Skin, that was pretty cool

Hmm 15100 hours and still no free stuff to mention , must be doing it wrong ,the only streamers I know of are at parties , I mean really people really do watch other peopleplay the same game as them go figure.

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@"Yggranya.5201" said:I still don't know why streamers are popular anyway. Why does anyone want to watch someone else play? Maybe they watch them play things they themselves wouldn't play or the other thing that comes to mind is the usual PvP BS where they "embarrass" the opponents and all the hairless apes go crazy how the enemy tribe lost so badly. Hah!

To see a good player play a game to learn how to improveThey like their personality

I don't watch streams myself, however I do watch youtube highlights of Asmongold, and I don't even play WoW, I just like his reactions to youtube videos he does.So for me I would say it's more about his commentary and reactions and opinions on stuff.

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Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

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@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

In my experience people come to complain or give advice. Also there is a thing called embedded viewership so you can never trust twitch numbers. I know of several ESO streamers that look like they have tons of viewers when it's embedded viewership doing it.

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@nosleepdemon.1368 said:

@"Yggranya.5201" said:I still don't know why streamers are popular anyway. Why does anyone want to watch someone else play?

I mean you could make the same argument about sports and that's massive world wide.

Because athleticism is hardwired into our DNA, there's an intuitive desire in people to be active or to admire those who are. Even if you don't think so, there's hundreds of thousands of years of selecting for the people most likely to be able to hunt, fight and survive acting against you.

Watching some pastey little man babies punch their soon to be arthritic fingers onto some plastic keys? Not so much.

You're here on the forums for a video game, it seems disrespectful and hypocritical to try and "shame" your fellow gamers for being able to have the ability, and luck, to be able to live their lives and support themselves with something they love doing and have given quite a bit to people with their platform and many have worked hard to get to where they are. 2018 saw streamers provide $20+ million to charities in donations.

Dislike it all you want, maybe it isn't your thing to watch them, it doesn't need to be and thats fine, but don't insult them. Thats just rude.

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streamers are fine, aside from their humor i watch a couple of random streamers before i buy a game to see if i like any of the gameplay - i mean i know i can probably download a demo version off the PSN or Steam but it's so much faster to just watch someone's gameplay and decide for yourself.

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@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

Personally I watch streamers for the entertainment, not the gameplay. But there are a lot of people that watch streamers for being good at games as well, as someone else mentioned it is the same with real life sports, people watch football instead of playing it themselves.

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@Redfeather.6401 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

In my experience people come to complain or give advice. Also there is a thing called embedded viewership so you can never trust twitch numbers. I know of several ESO streamers that look like they have tons of viewers when it's embedded viewership doing it.

ESO also gives out loot boxes to people who watch sponsored streams, so quite a few players will open one on their phone or something and leave it running with the sound muted while they're doing other things. They've not actually watching, but Twitch can't tell the difference so they get free stuff for doing almost nothing and streamers get artificially inflated viewer numbers.

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@Xca.9721 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:Seriously? People watching other people play an online game is a thing? Not my cup of tea I guess. I'd rather be playing the game myself. So this works in the respect that people watch this guy play then they go buy it themselves?

I'm genuinly asking because I've never watched anyone stream anything. Is it worth my time or just some gimmik? Are there really "celebrities" in this activity? I find this all strange.

Personally I watch streamers for the entertainment, not the gameplay. But there are a lot of people that watch streamers for being good at games as well, as someone else mentioned it is the same with real life sports, people watch football instead of playing it themselves.Well the most popular streamers are basically Radio or TV show hosts, all have some gimmick, usually it is the game but sometimes also they have an act, a special character they play on stream, its like WWE wrestling, you know it is kinda scripted but it is entertaining. The game is usually just a stage, the place where people with similar interests gather.

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