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Make crafting accessible.


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Crafting is definitely not Anet's strong point. One of the reasons is because the only thing worth crafting are a few armor sets, trinkets and weapons, and after that you are set, forever. And it is not so much crafting as it is collecting the ingredients(from the TP mostly).

This is why I think Housing could play a role in spicing up crafting. Anet should create a few thousand(yup) assets that you need for Housing, from furniture to statues to boardwalks, walls, wallpapers, doors, whatever.
The materials and recipes to craft these thousands of assets should come from Mobs, Bosses, DE's and Achievements.They should vary from super common to ultra rare.They should be a balanced mix of Accountbound on Acquire and sellable on the TP.

The good thing about this is, since Housing stuff does not meddle with the powercurve of characters, you can actually make some of the materials/recipes hard to get. There is so little exiting loot in the game. Tequatls spoon, some Mini's, Infusions and a few assorted other gimmicky things (that most people do not care about to begin with), and that's it. All the rest requires simply raiding the TP or grind some Currency.

I would love it if instead of the Spoon (which I got years ago) Tequatl would also start to drop a few hard to get Recipes. Stuff like that would really spice up a lot of old and worn content. (Bosses, DE's). How nice would it be if doing the Shadow Behemoth in Queensdale could actually net you something worthwhile again?

I.e. bring back "camping" for loot, but not for overpowering Weapons but for the ingredients for that nice sidetable. Also, since, everybody gets loot in GW2, all the nasty side effects of camping are taken care of.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"Cuks.8241" said:From my experience, you get almost enough mats to lvl crafting naturally during lvling your character. At least up to 400.

Not even close. You leave the level 1-15 area sooner than you could possibly get enough materials in armor crafting to get to 75. Weapons crafting at least lets you mine and cut wood at your leisure. Of course, then you need those materials you need for inscription and insignia crafting, which you won't get unless you start farming them on purpose.It won't be even close enough just by playing, so how did you get them if that is actually your experience? I want some pointers.

Do more 1-15 zones. On my first characters back when the game first released I never bought any materials and leveled every craft with me as I leveled to 80. I actually always had up to date gear this way, too.

There is no issue with crafting in this game besides the fact it's useless as a money maker - but it makes you BIS weapons and armor so no complaints. In other MMO's crafted gear is >>NEVER<< BIS, in GW2, it is, and it's actually the best way to get ascended armor for a new player.


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As someone who enjoys the exploration part of the game, I had fun experimenting and figuring out how crafting worked. There was absolutely no instruction, but with only a little experimentation, it was very easy to figure out. I was F2P at the time, so I salvaged everything I got and I spent my meager coins on buying mats, but it was still worth it.

Adding some questlines into crafting would be fun. The chef questline to explore high end cooking techniques from all the different races was great and provides a sense of accomplishment and the feeling that "yes, I'm a master chef now." Minor quests along the way for minor tiers and a big quest to hit the higher levels would be a welcome addition.

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Reasons why the Crafting system is bad:

  • There is no point to crafting anything before skill level 400
  • The most worthwhile things to make with crafting, cannot be sold
  • Crafting is the "Easiest" way to get BiS gear

That's it in a nutshell. Before 400 skill when you can make level 80 Exotics and level 80 food, everything you can craft is worthless. Since not only is leveling fast as heck (If not bypassed entirely via boosters and Tomes), but also the game throws gear at you for leveling up (Let alone doing PS quests and getting more gear). There's nothing else interesting to make either, no cool skins from rare recipies, no unique items or consumables. Only [Generic Gear of Stat Type].

After you hit 400 skill, Exotics can be useful. But then you hit the wall of 400-500 skill where everything is worthless again... Then you get to 500 skill and can make Ascended gear.

Ascended gear is the main reason to actually level up crafting. Yet, Ascended gear cannot be sold. Meaning that 1) Money making with crafting is not amazing. 2) People who aren't particularly into crafting are still incentivised to level up crafting.

Crafting is an easy way to get Ascended gear. Outside of crafting, you rely on RNG boxes from WvW/Fractals as the alternate sources of Ascended gear. (This could be alleviated by having some LW vendors offer armour/weapons for map currency instead of giving us accessories for the 100,000th time)

What isn't a problem with the Crafting system:

  • "Interaction with drops". There's no need to make it so a shiny item you pick up from X enemy makes you want to go craft something, since you typically already know what items you care about to make the literal 3 things worth making: Exotics, Ascended, Legendaries.
  • "Painful leveling up". It's really not that bad to level up. Outside of Cooking, things follow a straightforward formula of [item piece 1] + [item piece 2] + [inscription]. If you can do math to the level of "2 < 5" you can figure out the "Optimal" way of leveling up on your own. Also, if you're not a brand new player, you might even have a plethora of materials, enough to level up to 500 with a craft. Simply because of salvaging all the trash you get thrown in your face for doing literally anything (Aside from cooking which actually requires you to go out and harvest items or buy off the TP)
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Crafting can be a significant moneymaker in the game if you learn the market AND the game needs that drive it. Just like real-life, if you don't find a niche with some margin the business will fail.

Crafting mechanics are sometimes tedious, ESPECIALLY Scribe.

Crafting is neglected because all players undercut each other in the market until all items are cheaper to buy than to craft. This is so bad that ingots are selling for less than the ore it takes to make them. Gear is so cheap that people make gold by buying it from the TP and salvaging it for basic mats.

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@Dante.1508 said:

Crafting is not 8 years old its been upgraded multiple times.. Crafting is about as new player friendly as World vs World is and PvP is, which is its not at all.

That doesn't make sense because those upgrades are not an indication that crafting is unfriendly to new players and crafting isn't 8 years old? I think it is (I can remember crafting at the beginning). I mean, what are we talking about here? it's hard? It's not ... there are lots of sites that assist in crafting. It's tedious? Sure ... but it's tedious for everyone because it's the same amount of work for everyone. It costs more to the new player? Nope, it costs the same amount to everyone.

Define what you mean, then we can talk about if it is or is not 'friendly' to new players. The only significant difference that I can think of is that new players don't have the same amounts of gold that veteran players do so they have to focus more on obtaining wealth or mats to craft than a vet player. OK, but that does not mean the crafting process is unfriendly to new players. Honestly, the OP is talking about crafting not being fun for him ... that's not a problem Anet can solve without catering to his idea of what fun crafting would be ... that's not going to happen.

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@Tazer.2157 said:I want the crafting experience to be more fun. Questing together and communicating with other new players for crafting resources and recipes would be fun. I made a new character today and I already came across many players who were interested in crafting professions. Sadly the game never lays out a path those players can take.

I mean, Chef is like that, and as a result, a lot of people... just don't do it. Because it becomes easier to pay 14 silver for food on the TP than to remember which karma rando sells the spice you need to flavor your soup stock that you mix with your ascended seeds that you gotta replant every day.

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@"Cuks.8241" said:From my experience, you get almost enough mats to lvl crafting naturally during lvling your character. At least up to 400.

Not even close. You leave the level 1-15 area sooner than you could possibly get enough materials in armor crafting to get to 75. Weapons crafting at least lets you mine and cut wood at your leisure. Of course, then you need those materials you need for inscription and insignia crafting, which you won't get unless you start farming them on purpose.It won't be even close enough just by playing, so how did you get them if that is actually your experience? I want some pointers.

Do more 1-15 zones. On my first characters back when the game first released I never bought any materials and leveled every craft with me as I leveled to 80. I actually always had up to date gear this way, too.

There is no issue with crafting in this game besides the fact it's useless as a money maker - but it makes you BIS weapons and armor so no complaints. In other MMO's crafted gear is >>NEVER<< BIS, in GW2, it is, and it's actually the best way to get ascended armor for a new player.

The uselessness for making money is a testament to its ease of accessibility.

Imagine a game where crafting was actually inaccessible. It would be incredibly easy to make money with crafting because only a small number of people would be supplying items to the rest of the playerbase.

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@"keenedge.9675" said:This is so bad that ingots are selling for less than the ore it takes to make them.

That's not surprising at all, though. Ingots by themselves are largely useless unless you're crafting something yourself, and anyone who can craft with them also has the ability to make them out of ore.

But ore -> ingot produces a small amount of crafting XP (pointless long-term but relevant to anyone currently leveling crafting). So if you're crafting ingots, you're actually stripping some of the value out by "claiming" that XP.

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@"keenedge.9675" said:[snip]Crafting is neglected because all players undercut each other in the market until all items are cheaper to buy than to craft. This is so bad that ingots are selling for less than the ore it takes to make them. Gear is so cheap that people make gold by buying it from the TP and salvaging it for basic mats.

^^^^ This!When I go to GW2BLTC and there is a negative ROI between crafting and selling, I scratch my head.

For example: https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/item/72339-Superior-Sigil-of-Concentration

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@ASP.8093 said:

@"keenedge.9675" said:This is so bad that ingots are selling for less than the ore it takes to make them.

That's not surprising at all, though. Ingots by themselves are largely useless unless you're crafting something yourself, and anyone who can craft with them also has the ability to make them out of ore.

ore -> ingot produces a small amount of crafting XP (pointless long-term but relevant to anyone currently leveling crafting). So if you're crafting ingots, you're actually stripping some of the value out by "claiming" that XP.

also because there are stuff that drops ingots such as the PoF trade caches and various IBS chests

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@Shiyo.3578 said:

@"Cuks.8241" said:From my experience, you get almost enough mats to lvl crafting naturally during lvling your character. At least up to 400.

Not even close. You leave the level 1-15 area sooner than you could possibly get enough materials in armor crafting to get to 75. Weapons crafting at least lets you mine and cut wood at your leisure. Of course, then you need those materials you need for inscription and insignia crafting, which you won't get unless you start farming them on purpose.It won't be even close enough just by playing, so how did you get them if that is actually your experience? I want some pointers.

Do more 1-15 zones. On my first characters back when the game first released I never bought any materials and leveled every craft with me as I leveled to 80. I actually always had up to date gear this way, too.

There is no issue with crafting in this game besides the fact it's useless as a money maker - but it makes you BIS weapons and armor so no complaints. In other MMO's crafted gear is >>NEVER<< BIS, in GW2, it is, and it's actually the best way to get ascended armor for a new player.

Do all starter maps and you still probably won't have enough for 75. You might, if the planets, moons AND stars align, but that is pretty unlikely. Only if you get lucky with map completion from all maps you might have enough. Maybe you won't need to buy as many, but still highly unlikely that you get them simply by leveling. And this is only to 75, still 425 levels to go.

As i said, maybe it was different a long time ago. Try to sell all your materials and try it today. Or don't, not like it changes reality if you believe me or not.

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@keenedge.9675 said:Crafting can be a significant moneymaker in the game if you learn the market AND the game needs that drive it. Just like real-life, if you don't find a niche with some margin the business will fail.

Crafting mechanics are sometimes tedious, ESPECIALLY Scribe.

Crafting is neglected because all players undercut each other in the market until all items are cheaper to buy than to craft. This is so bad that ingots are selling for less than the ore it takes to make them. Gear is so cheap that people make gold by buying it from the TP and salvaging it for basic mats.

Tell that to the crazy leather farming and prices of leather.. Its insane these days, 8 years ago leather was plentiful until Ascended ruined crafting.

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@"Tazer.2157" said:The crafting system in this game is one of the most tedious, unfun experiences in this game and it needs attention if the game wants to bring in and hold on to new players.

Why the current system is bad

  1. Zero interaction with drops: kill a mob, get crafting items to then directly deposit in storage or sell on TP. How is this okay? I get the world and the quests are fun enough to keep people engaged, but encourage us to find use for these drops.
  2. A painful way to level up crafting: any player who wants to level up crafting needs at least two screens! One where they need to log into gw2, copy a bunch of text to paste in another website, then go through a list of things they need to buy On the TP and tick them off. This is unfun, tedious, and quite frankly elitist where the crafting system is min-maxed. I leveled up a weaponsmith and an armorsmith to 500 and I spent more time looking at the tiny screen on my phone to make sure I was buying the right amount of items from the TP than actually enjoying the experience.

Fixes: some sort of daily system where you craft items that levels you up. This is all that is needed. Getting to 500 need not be done in an hour. There are multiple crafting professions in the game, and it’s a shame and a loss if it’s not accessible to most players.

I think crafting is extremely accessible. It's easy to do. Most mats are easy to gather. It's easy to get mats from the TP. There are lots of items that are useful to craft for yourself or to sell.

And this from your other post... "The game never really encourages you to craft items". Sure it does. The difference is that the devs didn't make crafting a mandatory thing to do in the game.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Tazer.2157" said:The crafting system in this game is one of the most tedious, unfun experiences in this game and it needs attention if the game wants to bring in and hold on to new players.

Why the current system is bad
  1. Zero interaction with drops: kill a mob, get crafting items to then directly deposit in storage or sell on TP. How is this okay? I get the world and the quests are fun enough to keep people engaged, but encourage us to find use for these drops.
  2. A painful way to level up crafting: any player who wants to level up crafting needs at least two screens! One where they need to log into gw2, copy a bunch of text to paste in another website, then go through a list of things they need to buy On the TP and tick them off. This is unfun, tedious, and quite frankly elitist where the crafting system is min-maxed. I leveled up a weaponsmith and an armorsmith to 500 and I spent more time looking at the tiny screen on my phone to make sure I was buying the right amount of items from the TP than actually enjoying the experience.

Fixes: some sort of daily system where you craft items that levels you up. This is all that is needed. Getting to 500 need not be done in an hour. There are multiple crafting professions in the game, and it’s a shame and a loss if it’s not accessible to most players.

I think crafting is extremely accessible. It's easy to do. Most mats are easy to gather. It's easy to get mats from the TP. There are lots of items that are useful to craft for yourself or to sell.

And this from your other post... "The game never really encourages you to craft items". Sure it does. The difference is that the devs didn't make crafting a mandatory thing to do in the game.

But somehow this game has a daily system which sometimes includes gathering materials. I’m not asking crafting to be made mandatory, let the game encourage crafting to those interested in it. Why build a system and not introduce it to players? ESO does crafting well. It’s not mandatory but the game has a daily crafting system that introduces crafting to players much better than what GW2 does.

But again is crafting not mandatory when most ascended items require you to craft them? Is crafting not mandatory when consumables you craft increase you stats in game? Even in the TP, ascended items that are crafted sell for 1-5 gold. So imo crafting is very much mandatory if you need to have good gear for all your characters and want to do content such as high level fractals, raids, strikes etc. Any content that doesn’t include zergs needs high level crafting which makes it mandatory.

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@Dante.1508 said:

@keenedge.9675 said:Crafting can be a significant moneymaker in the game if you learn the market AND the game needs that drive it. Just like real-life, if you don't find a niche with some margin the business will fail.

Crafting mechanics are sometimes tedious, ESPECIALLY Scribe.

Crafting is neglected because all players undercut each other in the market until all items are cheaper to buy than to craft. This is so bad that ingots are selling for less than the ore it takes to make them. Gear is so cheap that people make gold by buying it from the TP and salvaging it for basic mats.

Tell that to the crazy leather farming and prices of leather.. Its insane these days, 8 years ago leather was plentiful until Ascended ruined crafting.

And mystic coins....

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I disagree with the original post in its entirety.

I adore the crafting system in this game. It is easy to use and fun to do. I came from a crafting system that used a random number generator percentage for obtaining higher-tier crafts.

You do not have to use 3rd party websites for leveling up a discipline. If you want to speed-level it then being expected to visit a 3rd party website is hardly unfair.

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@Tazer.2157 said:

@Tazer.2157 said:The crafting system in this game is one of the most tedious, unfun experiences in this game and it needs attention if the game wants to bring in and hold on to new players.

Why the current system is bad
  1. Zero interaction with drops: kill a mob, get crafting items to then directly deposit in storage or sell on TP. How is this okay? I get the world and the quests are fun enough to keep people engaged, but encourage us to find use for these drops.
  2. A painful way to level up crafting: any player who wants to level up crafting needs at least two screens! One where they need to log into gw2, copy a bunch of text to paste in another website, then go through a list of things they need to buy On the TP and tick them off. This is unfun, tedious, and quite frankly elitist where the crafting system is min-maxed. I leveled up a weaponsmith and an armorsmith to 500 and I spent more time looking at the tiny screen on my phone to make sure I was buying the right amount of items from the TP than actually enjoying the experience.

Fixes: some sort of daily system where you craft items that levels you up. This is all that is needed. Getting to 500 need not be done in an hour. There are multiple crafting professions in the game, and it’s a shame and a loss if it’s not accessible to most players.

I think crafting is extremely accessible. It's easy to do. Most mats are easy to gather. It's easy to get mats from the TP. There are lots of items that are useful to craft for yourself or to sell.

And this from your other post... "The game never really encourages you to craft items". Sure it does. The difference is that the devs didn't make crafting a mandatory thing to do in the game.

But somehow this game has a daily system which sometimes includes gathering materials. I’m not asking crafting to be made mandatory, let the game encourage crafting to those interested in it. Why build a system and not introduce it to players? ESO does crafting well. It’s not mandatory but the game has a daily crafting system that introduces crafting to players much better than what GW2 does.

But again is crafting not mandatory when most ascended items require you to craft them? Is crafting not mandatory when consumables you craft increase you stats in game? Even in the TP, ascended items that are crafted sell for 1-5 gold. So imo crafting is very much mandatory if you need to have good gear for all your characters and want to do content such as high level fractals, raids, strikes etc. Any content that doesn’t include zergs needs high level crafting which makes it mandatory.

Ok, you have a suggestion to add in a few daily crafting achieves for more involvement. Would a daily crafting option add the depth and “fun” you are looking for?

I’m confused, you said "The game never really encourages you to craft items", but now you are saying that the game does encourage you to craft ascended items?

Exotics can carry a player through the game. Only other players see ascended gear as mandatory for certain team content if you want to be part of their team for said content.

Have you ever crafted ascended or legendary gears? If you did, then maybe try crafting a full set of ascended weapons, armors, and some legendary gears without using the trading post at all. And if you didn’t, maybe try to craft those types of gears without the help of the trading post. You and a buddy can make an adventure of traveling Tyria to gather all the mats to make gears for yourselves and you’ll see how much time and effort it took to go the “holistic” route. That might give you the depth and enjoyment you are looking for.

Here are some “don’t use the trade post” crafting adventures waiting for you! Enjoy!



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@Swagger.1459 said:

@Tazer.2157 said:The crafting system in this game is one of the most tedious, unfun experiences in this game and it needs attention if the game wants to bring in and hold on to new players.

Why the current system is bad
  1. Zero interaction with drops: kill a mob, get crafting items to then directly deposit in storage or sell on TP. How is this okay? I get the world and the quests are fun enough to keep people engaged, but encourage us to find use for these drops.
  2. A painful way to level up crafting: any player who wants to level up crafting needs at least two screens! One where they need to log into gw2, copy a bunch of text to paste in another website, then go through a list of things they need to buy On the TP and tick them off. This is unfun, tedious, and quite frankly elitist where the crafting system is min-maxed. I leveled up a weaponsmith and an armorsmith to 500 and I spent more time looking at the tiny screen on my phone to make sure I was buying the right amount of items from the TP than actually enjoying the experience.

Fixes: some sort of daily system where you craft items that levels you up. This is all that is needed. Getting to 500 need not be done in an hour. There are multiple crafting professions in the game, and it’s a shame and a loss if it’s not accessible to most players.

I think crafting is extremely accessible. It's easy to do. Most mats are easy to gather. It's easy to get mats from the TP. There are lots of items that are useful to craft for yourself or to sell.

And this from your other post... "The game never really encourages you to craft items". Sure it does. The difference is that the devs didn't make crafting a mandatory thing to do in the game.

But somehow this game has a daily system which sometimes includes gathering materials. I’m not asking crafting to be made mandatory, let the game encourage crafting to those interested in it. Why build a system and not introduce it to players? ESO does crafting well. It’s not mandatory but the game has a daily crafting system that introduces crafting to players much better than what GW2 does.

But again is crafting not mandatory when most ascended items require you to craft them? Is crafting not mandatory when consumables you craft increase you stats in game? Even in the TP, ascended items that are crafted sell for 1-5 gold. So imo crafting is very much mandatory if you need to have good gear for all your characters and want to do content such as high level fractals, raids, strikes etc. Any content that doesn’t include zergs needs high level crafting which makes it mandatory.

Ok, you have a suggestion to add in a few daily crafting achieves for more involvement. Would a daily crafting option add the depth and “fun” you are looking for?

I’m confused, you said "The game never really encourages you to craft items", but now you are saying that the game does encourage you to craft ascended items?

Exotics can carry a player through the game. Only other players see ascended gear as mandatory for certain team content if you want to be part of their team for said content.

Have you ever crafted ascended or legendary gears? If you did, then maybe try crafting a full set of ascended weapons, armors, and some legendary gears without using the trading post at all. And if you didn’t, maybe try to craft those types of gears without the help of the trading post. You and a buddy can make an adventure of traveling Tyria to gather all the mats to make gears for yourselves and you’ll see how much time and effort it took to go the “holistic” route. That might give you the depth and enjoyment you are looking for.

Here are some “don’t use the trade post” crafting adventures waiting for you! Enjoy!

I never said the game encourages us to craft ascended. All I pointed out is how mandatory the game makes ascended gear which is ironic given that crafting is the only reliable way to get the ascended gear you want.

Ascended gear gives you a better stat increase which makes all content in the game easier. Also you need ascended gear if you need to do fractals. This is a MMO. Most content is group content. Outside core tyria many mobs and events are difficult to complete alone. Each ascended equipment is i think 5% better than exotic. So the difference adds up!

And yes a daily crafting quest would be much better than what we currently have now which is nothing.

The only mode where gear isn’t important is pvp. Outside of that you are better off with ascended gear. If you aren’t doing dungeons, fractals, open world events, what exactly is the other content in the game?

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@Tazer.2157 said:

@Tazer.2157 said:The crafting system in this game is one of the most tedious, unfun experiences in this game and it needs attention if the game wants to bring in and hold on to new players.

Why the current system is bad
  1. Zero interaction with drops: kill a mob, get crafting items to then directly deposit in storage or sell on TP. How is this okay? I get the world and the quests are fun enough to keep people engaged, but encourage us to find use for these drops.
  2. A painful way to level up crafting: any player who wants to level up crafting needs at least two screens! One where they need to log into gw2, copy a bunch of text to paste in another website, then go through a list of things they need to buy On the TP and tick them off. This is unfun, tedious, and quite frankly elitist where the crafting system is min-maxed. I leveled up a weaponsmith and an armorsmith to 500 and I spent more time looking at the tiny screen on my phone to make sure I was buying the right amount of items from the TP than actually enjoying the experience.

Fixes: some sort of daily system where you craft items that levels you up. This is all that is needed. Getting to 500 need not be done in an hour. There are multiple crafting professions in the game, and it’s a shame and a loss if it’s not accessible to most players.

I think crafting is extremely accessible. It's easy to do. Most mats are easy to gather. It's easy to get mats from the TP. There are lots of items that are useful to craft for yourself or to sell.

And this from your other post... "The game never really encourages you to craft items". Sure it does. The difference is that the devs didn't make crafting a mandatory thing to do in the game.

But somehow this game has a daily system which sometimes includes gathering materials. I’m not asking crafting to be made mandatory, let the game encourage crafting to those interested in it. Why build a system and not introduce it to players? ESO does crafting well. It’s not mandatory but the game has a daily crafting system that introduces crafting to players much better than what GW2 does.

But again is crafting not mandatory when most ascended items require you to craft them? Is crafting not mandatory when consumables you craft increase you stats in game? Even in the TP, ascended items that are crafted sell for 1-5 gold. So imo crafting is very much mandatory if you need to have good gear for all your characters and want to do content such as high level fractals, raids, strikes etc. Any content that doesn’t include zergs needs high level crafting which makes it mandatory.

Ok, you have a suggestion to add in a few daily crafting achieves for more involvement. Would a daily crafting option add the depth and “fun” you are looking for?

I’m confused, you said "The game never really encourages you to craft items", but now you are saying that the game does encourage you to craft ascended items?

Exotics can carry a player through the game. Only other players see ascended gear as mandatory for certain team content if you want to be part of their team for said content.

Have you ever crafted ascended or legendary gears? If you did, then maybe try crafting a full set of ascended weapons, armors, and some legendary gears without using the trading post at all. And if you didn’t, maybe try to craft those types of gears without the help of the trading post. You and a buddy can make an adventure of traveling Tyria to gather all the mats to make gears for yourselves and you’ll see how much time and effort it took to go the “holistic” route. That might give you the depth and enjoyment you are looking for.

Here are some “don’t use the trade post” crafting adventures waiting for you! Enjoy!

I never said the game encourages us to craft ascended. All I pointed out is how mandatory the game makes ascended gear which is ironic given that crafting is the only reliable way to get the ascended gear you want.

Ascended gear gives you a better stat increase which makes all content in the game easier. Also you need ascended gear if you need to do fractals. This is a MMO. Most content is group content. Outside core tyria many mobs and events are difficult to complete alone. Each ascended equipment is i think 5% better than exotic. So the difference adds up!

And yes a daily crafting quest would be much better than what we currently have now which is nothing.

The only mode where gear isn’t important is pvp. Outside of that you are better off with ascended gear. If you aren’t doing dungeons, fractals, open world events, what exactly is the other content in the game?

You had said that the devs didn’t encourage crafting and also said that crafting is mandatory. Which is it?


You can play the game in exotics. Certain players will expect, or demand, ascended gear for certain content, but said content can still be done with exotics if somone chooses not to follow the demands of other players.

You should try crafting ascended and legendary gears without using the trade post. Think you’ll find some exciting adventures while doing it.

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In today's Guild Wars 2, there really aren't incentives for new players to craft other than leveling their character, and leveling crafting to be able to craft specific end game gear. Crafting was fun and useful when I was new to the game just after launch because that was the most efficient way to get equipment, including exotics and consumables. Now you can get that stuff for incredibly cheap on the trading post or from npcs in Verdant Brink.

I agree that the original crafting system needs an update, for new and returning players. The OP is right, there IS no reward incentive for early level crafting.

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