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Gift of exploration

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@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.

Those are not a comparable exchange.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

and when combined with the first issue it becomes just as mind numbingly boring

Although some sort of thing for all of a season's maps might be nice.

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Not a chance. Absolutely not. Why should ArenaNet remove one of the key reasons to get out and explore the world?

I love exploring on alts. Reminds me of areas that I have not been to for ages. Additionally, selling gifts in the Black Lion Marketplace would simply add another element of P2W in this game. Legendaries are top-tier weaponry (yes, I know they're the same statistically as Ascended weaponry), therefore their gifts should not be available for money.

Yes, I am well aware of the first generation weaponry being available for gems if you convert them to gold. I have hated this for years but there is nothing I can do about it. However, if my comment helps to prevent the gifts becoming available for gems, I'll take that as a small consolation prize.

TL;DR: No, you can't have them in the shop. Play the game. Stop looking for shortcuts.

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@Khisanth.2948 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

and when combined with the first issue it becomes just as mind numbingly boring

Although some sort of thing for all of a season's maps might be nice.

You can have Anet require map completion on the LS maps in order to obtain their respective legendary trinkets.

If it’s found to be mind numbingly boring then imagine doing the rest of what is required.

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Anyone have a take on why Ascended is account bound, but they'll let you sell Gen 1 Legendaries on the TP? You can sell all the way up to Exotic, can't sell Ascended, but then can sell some Legendaries...just seems odd. If they really want a person to explore Tyria to get a Legendary, why allow it to even be purchased for gold? Seems like once they've introduced a contradiction in the game, it opens the door for more kittens...

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@Sylvyn.4750 said:Anyone have a take on why Ascended is account bound, but they'll let you sell Gen 1 Legendaries on the TP? You can sell all the way up to Exotic, can't sell Ascended, but then can sell some Legendaries...just seems odd. If they really want a person to explore Tyria to get a Legendary, why allow it to even be purchased for gold? Seems like once they've introduced a contradiction in the game, it opens the door for more kittens...

Likely a change of direction. Ascended didn't exist with the launch of the game and was months-a year before being fully bedded into the game. Legendaries existed from Day one and they obviously decided at the time they were something important to the economy. That obviously changed with Ascended and Gen 2 Legendaries. I imagine going back to make Gen 1 Legendaries account bound could have been disruptive given that they already existed on the TP and that anyone mid-crafting would be screwed

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@Sylvyn.4750 said:Anyone have a take on why Ascended is account bound, but they'll let you sell Gen 1 Legendaries on the TP? You can sell all the way up to Exotic, can't sell Ascended, but then can sell some Legendaries...just seems odd. If they really want a person to explore Tyria to get a Legendary, why allow it to even be purchased for gold? Seems like once they've introduced a contradiction in the game, it opens the door for more kittens...

At release legendaries had the same stats as exotics and ascended didn't exist, so at that time all tiers were tradable. I guess either some people at Anet thought it was better that way or it was an oversight.

When ascended was added the point was to be a long-term goal, so making it account bound probably seemed logical to stop people simply buying it and going back to complaining they had nothing to work towards, but I suppose when they added ascended weapons and upgraded legendaries they thought it would be more controversial to suddenly make them account bound on acquire after they'd been tradable for so long.

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@Danikat.8537 said:

@Sylvyn.4750 said:Anyone have a take on why Ascended is account bound, but they'll let you sell Gen 1 Legendaries on the TP? You can sell all the way up to Exotic, can't sell Ascended, but then can sell some Legendaries...just seems odd. If they really want a person to explore Tyria to get a Legendary, why allow it to even be purchased for gold? Seems like once they've introduced a contradiction in the game, it opens the door for more kittens...

At release legendaries had the same stats as exotics and ascended didn't exist, so at that time all tiers were tradable. I guess either some people at Anet thought it was better that way or it was an oversight.

When ascended was added the point was to be a long-term goal, so making it account bound probably seemed logical to stop people simply buying it and going back to complaining they had nothing to work towards, but I suppose when they added ascended weapons and upgraded legendaries they thought it would be more controversial to suddenly make them account bound on acquire after they'd been tradable for so long.

They should have made them account bound like Gen2 are. Would solve a lot of issues with the economy i think...Then again, it might not so idk. But from a gameplay perspective, would make sense. To have a legendary you work towards, not swipe a credit card and buy off TP.

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@Sylvyn.4750 said:Anyone have a take on why Ascended is account bound, but they'll let you sell Gen 1 Legendaries on the TP? You can sell all the way up to Exotic, can't sell Ascended, but then can sell some Legendaries...just seems odd. If they really want a person to explore Tyria to get a Legendary, why allow it to even be purchased for gold? Seems like once they've introduced a contradiction in the game, it opens the door for more kittens...

The Gen 1 precursors originally only came from RNG drops so you had to either be extremely lucky or buy the pre off the TP and this was kept for Gen 1 legendaries both then and moving forward. Anet decided against making Gen 1 legendaries BoA, likely to avoid pissing players off and because they had already established that (Gen 1) legendaries could be bought and sold.

That Gen 2 is BoA shows that they also thought legendaries going forward should be tied to account, not who has enough gold, but for Gen 1 their hands were effectively tied.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Would be nice if we can spend spirit shards, some obsidian and idk, one more item like you craft something ascended, bring it to a vendor, then he resets your POIs, vistas and hearts, or maybe just POIs and vistas, and after the first world completion, you can do the second one a bit easier (like not doing all the hearts). Or maybe subsequent gifts of exploration would be a repeatable achievement where you have to find one trophy on each of the maps, maybe do events and you get drops from boss monsters of each event, both world ones and smaller ones (kinda like the sentient thing collection for Lake doric). That would revitalize Core Tyria maps and a lot of people would be doing events there. First one should still require full map completion.

@Vayne.8563 said:They absolutely should not add gifts of exploration to the store. The outcry would be pretty big, the optics are bad and it would devalue the work of all the people who have 15 or 16 world completes. It's a bad bad idea.

While i agree they shouldn't sell Gifts of Exploration in the store, i don't think they should keep the status quo just for the sake of the people who arelady done it "the old way". They chose to do it, no one was forcing them. By that logic they shouldn't have removed WvW requirements for exploration because of the people that have done WvW map completion. Plus, i'm sure people who did map completion 15 times would appreciate the change that lets them do more of it without the huge grind that they went through 15 times already. Preventing change for the sake of a few people who did X thing "back when it was Y" is never a good idea for a healthy MMO.

Why would more players seeking Gifts of Exploration 'revitalize' Core Tyria maps with the suggested method? Seems more players seeking Gifts of Exploration would spend less time in said maps.

@Veprovina.4876 said:Would be nice if we can spend spirit shards, some obsidian and idk, one more item like you craft something ascended, bring it to a vendor, then he resets your POIs, vistas and hearts, or maybe just POIs and vistas, and after the first world completion, you can do the second one a bit easier (like not doing all the hearts). Or maybe subsequent gifts of exploration would be a repeatable achievement where you have to find one trophy on each of the maps, maybe do events and you get drops from boss monsters of each event, both world ones and smaller ones (kinda like the sentient thing collection for Lake doric). That would revitalize Core Tyria maps and a lot of people would be doing events there. First one should still require full map completion.

@Vayne.8563 said:They absolutely should not add gifts of exploration to the store. The outcry would be pretty big, the optics are bad and it would devalue the work of all the people who have 15 or 16 world completes. It's a bad bad idea.

While i agree they shouldn't sell Gifts of Exploration in the store, i don't think they should keep the status quo just for the sake of the people who arelady done it "the old way". They chose to do it, no one was forcing them. By that logic they shouldn't have removed WvW requirements for exploration because of the people that have done WvW map completion. Plus, i'm sure people who did map completion 15 times would appreciate the change that lets them do more of it without the huge grind that they went through 15 times already. Preventing change for the sake of a few people who did X thing "back when it was Y" is never a good idea for a healthy MMO.

They removed the WvW requirement shortly before they changed the third map, because it would have screwed up the system. It would mean some people had completed a map that no longer existed, ie the red alpine borderlands. What if you were in the middle of completing it, completed that zone and then they switched zones and the zone you completed wasn't even in the game anymore. Sure they could have done something about it, but it was easier just to exclude WvW.

A lot of people think that taking the exploration of WvW away from world complete was caving to casual PvE'ers but I don't actually believe that's the reason it was done.

Ah, yeah, that would have messed things up. Plus, there were already tons of issues with exploring WvW like getting "locked" POIs and vistas and waypoints that were on the enemy spawn that week, and it would take weeks to get all of it.

Now no longer quoting:

But still, not changing something for the sake of status quo isn't really the best idea. However, personally i have no problem with the current system of getting Gift of Exploration, it's fitting to the lore (you DID explore the whole world - a legendary feat), and it doesn't really take that much longer compared to other forms of "grinding". There's TacO to help you on every map if you want and compared to grinding T6 mats or the like, it's really not that horrible. Sure, for someone who did it 15 times, yes it may be boring but then, you got 30 gifts of exploration out of it, that's 30 legendary weapons, you're fine, you're done, stop doing it. It's not meant to be done that much and that frequently, so i think it doesn't need changing. People who want to grind them, well, deal with it...

And no, GoE selling outside of the game is not an argument, no game should be designed around 3rd party stuff. GoE is designed around being account bound and used for crafting a legendary. If you're not using it for that, and are grinding and selling them, then deal with the world exploration as it is. Anet shouldn't accomodate you for that.

The system is fine and doesn't need changing.

Also, this thread is turning into that "Sell Mastery points in the gem store" thread. No "pay to not play" option should exist in the gem store. The ones that are already in there should i think be removed as well, but whatever. We don't need more of those.

EDIT: Ooops, sorry didn't see your post...

@Veprovina.4876 said:Would be nice if we can spend spirit shards, some obsidian and idk, one more item like you craft something ascended, bring it to a vendor, then he resets your POIs, vistas and hearts, or maybe just POIs and vistas, and after the first world completion, you can do the second one a bit easier (like not doing all the hearts). Or maybe subsequent gifts of exploration would be a repeatable achievement where you have to find one trophy on each of the maps, maybe do events and you get drops from boss monsters of each event, both world ones and smaller ones (kinda like the sentient thing collection for Lake doric). That would revitalize Core Tyria maps and a lot of people would be doing events there. First one should still require full map completion.

@Vayne.8563 said:They absolutely should not add gifts of exploration to the store. The outcry would be pretty big, the optics are bad and it would devalue the work of all the people who have 15 or 16 world completes. It's a bad bad idea.

While i agree they shouldn't sell Gifts of Exploration in the store, i don't think they should keep the status quo just for the sake of the people who arelady done it "the old way". They chose to do it, no one was forcing them. By that logic they shouldn't have removed WvW requirements for exploration because of the people that have done WvW map completion. Plus, i'm sure people who did map completion 15 times would appreciate the change that lets them do more of it without the huge grind that they went through 15 times already. Preventing change for the sake of a few people who did X thing "back when it was Y" is never a good idea for a healthy MMO.

Why would more players seeking Gifts of Exploration 'revitalize' Core Tyria maps with the suggested method? Seems more players seeking Gifts of Exploration would spend less time in said maps.

It was just a thought. If you get gifts of exploration from an achievement, and you need to do events in core tyria maps, that would mean a bit more people doing them. And i don't mean world boss events, those are fine, but events like, escort people to location stuff in newbie areas maybe. Especially if you needed to do them a bunch of times, or even find X item on Y map or something like that. But honestly, the current system is fine as well, and it's not like gifts of exploration are some hot commodity that everyone is constantly doing so the few people that would maybe spend more time on core tyria maps is probably not a good incentive to change anything.

Gifts of Exploration are ONLY for making legendary weapons. I'm not sure a change is needed. Who needs it? People who want to shortcut a process that's already relatively easy. Mounts and gliding have made world complete MUCH faster. Taco can greatly improve your speed as well. As you've pointed out you no longer need WvW for world completion. Either do it casually, little by little or don't do it. You don't need a legendary. If you want one you'll do it. Or you'll farm gold and buy a gen 1 legendary off the TP, which is no worse than buying a gift of exploration.

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I like that gen 1 legendaries can be sold in the TP, while gen 2 legendaries cannot. Players can sell gen 1 legendaries for gold (that's how I make/made my gold), while players can work to obtain gen 2 legendaries (for legendaries I want to use, I prefer to make my own legendaries rather than simply buying from the TP). More options and variety.

@Ayrilana.1396 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.

Those are not a comparable exchange.

1) More choices is good. If some players prefer the easiest/quickest maps, it's their choice. If some players prefer the most fun maps, it's their choice. Also, we don’t have anywhere near enough quick and easy maps for 25 map completions for this to be an issue.

Southsun, Dry Top: Quick/easy, IIRC.Silverwastes: PoI that can’t be accessed at will. Need meta. Quicker than core Tyria maps depending on luck finding squad.HoT maps: No hearts, but have many HP’s that are not easy to solo.LWS3 maps: Less hearts, but harder enemies. Bloodstone is the only quick/easy one.PoF/LWS4 maps: Less hearts than core Tyria, but harder enemies. Many maps have PoI that can’t be accessed at will. They require events, story, JP, etc.

2) Many players have no incentive to map complete, even with the my suggestion. Again, more incentive to do stuff is good.

3) As for the 3 Gift of Masteries, I can't speak for the Gift of Desert Mastery since I hate PoF maps and avoid it like the plague, but the Gift of Mastery and Gift of Maguuma Mastery are very comparable.

Gift of Mastery: 1 GoE takes about 10~12 hours (about 20~25 hours for world completion, and you get 2 GoE's). 1 GoB takes about 4 hours without any boosters (I do the easy solo WvW dailies for potions). No additional gold cost.

Gift of Maguuma Mastery: Getting the account bound HoT mats and 250 Amalgamated Gemstones takes about the same amount of time, though how long it takes to get AG's will vary greatly depending on how many you plan to manually farm vs buying through TP.

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@BlueJin.4127 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.

Those are not a comparable exchange.

Gift of Mastery: 1 GoE takes about 10~12 hours (about 20~25 hours for world completion, and you get 2 GoE's). 1 GoB takes about 4 hours without any boosters (I do the easy solo WvW dailies for potions). No additional gold cost.

I would only make the correction about the time for GoB:

  • it’s 7-8 hours without boosters.
  • 4-5 with maxed boosters.
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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.

Those are not a comparable exchange.

Gift of Mastery: 1 GoE takes about 10~12 hours (about 20~25 hours for world completion, and you get 2 GoE's). 1 GoB takes about 4 hours without any boosters (I do the easy solo WvW dailies for potions). No additional gold cost.

I would only make the correction about the time for GoB:
  • it’s 7-8 hours
  • 4-5
    maxed boosters.

Doing just the easy WvW dailies, you get plenty of potions that you can get the GoB in about 4 hours without boosters. I spend about 5~10 minutes a day doing solo WvW dailies (sometimes play a bit more when done with the dailies). It takes me around 2~3 weeks, give or take a few days.

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@BlueJin.4127 said:

@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.

Those are not a comparable exchange.

Gift of Mastery: 1 GoE takes about 10~12 hours (about 20~25 hours for world completion, and you get 2 GoE's). 1 GoB takes about 4 hours without any boosters (I do the easy solo WvW dailies for potions). No additional gold cost.

I would only make the correction about the time for GoB:
  • it’s 7-8 hours
  • 4-5
    maxed boosters.

Doing just the easy WvW dailies, you get plenty of potions that you can get the GoB in about 4 hours without boosters. I spend about 5~10 minutes a day doing solo WvW dailies (sometimes play a bit more when done with the dailies). It takes me around 2~3 weeks, give or take a few days.

With potions, yes. My timeline is based on map time for them. Without breaks.

I won’t dispute your numbers with only dailies .

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@BlueJin.4127 said:I like that gen 1 legendaries can be sold in the TP, while gen 2 legendaries cannot. Players can sell gen 1 legendaries for gold (that's how I make/made my gold), while players can work to obtain gen 2 legendaries (for legendaries I want to use, I prefer to make my own legendaries rather than simply buying from the TP). More options and variety.

@BlueJin.4127 said:Personally, I'd like to see them change Gift of Exploration requirement to any 25 map completions (from any chapter, LWS, IBS, etc.).

This would cause players to go to the easiest/quickest maps.

Not only is core Tyria map completion mind-numbingly boring for veterans, this would also give incentive to map complete outside of core Tyria.

There are already existing incentives.

Another option is to let the Gift of Mastery, Gift of Maguuma Mastery, and Gift of Desert Mastery be interchangeable.

Those are not a comparable exchange.

1) More choices is good. If some players prefer the easiest/quickest maps, it's their choice. If some players prefer the most fun maps, it's their choice. Also, we don’t have anywhere near enough quick and easy maps for 25 map completions for this to be an issue.

Southsun, Dry Top: Quick/easy, IIRC.Silverwastes: PoI that can’t be accessed at will. Need meta. Quicker than core Tyria maps depending on luck finding squad.HoT maps: No hearts, but have many HP’s that are not easy to solo.LWS3 maps: Less hearts, but harder enemies. Bloodstone is the only quick/easy one.PoF/LWS4 maps: Less hearts than core Tyria, but harder enemies. Many maps have PoI that can’t be accessed at will. They require events, story, JP, etc.

The issue isn't that there are choices but that the choices themselves are require significantly less time and effort to do map completion. I have yet to see an argument on why there should be an alternative means for Gifts of Exploration other than "I don't want to do it".

2) Many players have no incentive to map complete, even with the my suggestion. Again, more incentive to do stuff is good.

There are already incentives as I had previously stated. Why does there need to be more incentive to map complete? If people don't want to map complete core Tyria then why would they want to map complete other areas?

3) As for the 3 Gift of Masteries, I can't speak for the Gift of Desert Mastery since I hate PoF maps and avoid it like the plague, but the Gift of Mastery and Gift of Maguuma Mastery are very comparable.

No, they are not.

Gift of Mastery: 1 GoE takes about 10~12 hours (about 20~25 hours for world completion, and you get 2 GoE's). 1 GoB takes about 4 hours without any boosters (I do the easy solo WvW dailies for potions). No additional gold cost.

Gift of Maguuma Mastery: Getting the account bound HoT mats and 250 Amalgamated Gemstones takes about the same amount of time, though how long it takes to get AG's will vary greatly depending on how many you plan to manually farm vs buying through TP.

If you're equating that the time is the same then why does it matter? They'd be spending the same about of time according to you. Acquiring legendaries outside of the TP require playing different content in the game. The request for change seems to center around "I just don't want to do it". The game isn't Burger King where you can have it your way and obtain anything in the game in whatever way you prefer.

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@Vayne.8563 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:Would be nice if we can spend spirit shards, some obsidian and idk, one more item like you craft something ascended, bring it to a vendor, then he resets your POIs, vistas and hearts, or maybe just POIs and vistas, and after the first world completion, you can do the second one a bit easier (like not doing all the hearts). Or maybe subsequent gifts of exploration would be a repeatable achievement where you have to find one trophy on each of the maps, maybe do events and you get drops from boss monsters of each event, both world ones and smaller ones (kinda like the sentient thing collection for Lake doric). That would revitalize Core Tyria maps and a lot of people would be doing events there. First one should still require full map completion.

@Vayne.8563 said:They absolutely should not add gifts of exploration to the store. The outcry would be pretty big, the optics are bad and it would devalue the work of all the people who have 15 or 16 world completes. It's a bad bad idea.

While i agree they shouldn't sell Gifts of Exploration in the store, i don't think they should keep the status quo just for the sake of the people who arelady done it "the old way". They chose to do it, no one was forcing them. By that logic they shouldn't have removed WvW requirements for exploration because of the people that have done WvW map completion. Plus, i'm sure people who did map completion 15 times would appreciate the change that lets them do more of it without the huge grind that they went through 15 times already. Preventing change for the sake of a few people who did X thing "back when it was Y" is never a good idea for a healthy MMO.

Why would more players seeking Gifts of Exploration 'revitalize' Core Tyria maps with the suggested method? Seems more players seeking Gifts of Exploration would spend less time in said maps.

@Veprovina.4876 said:Would be nice if we can spend spirit shards, some obsidian and idk, one more item like you craft something ascended, bring it to a vendor, then he resets your POIs, vistas and hearts, or maybe just POIs and vistas, and after the first world completion, you can do the second one a bit easier (like not doing all the hearts). Or maybe subsequent gifts of exploration would be a repeatable achievement where you have to find one trophy on each of the maps, maybe do events and you get drops from boss monsters of each event, both world ones and smaller ones (kinda like the sentient thing collection for Lake doric). That would revitalize Core Tyria maps and a lot of people would be doing events there. First one should still require full map completion.

@Vayne.8563 said:They absolutely should not add gifts of exploration to the store. The outcry would be pretty big, the optics are bad and it would devalue the work of all the people who have 15 or 16 world completes. It's a bad bad idea.

While i agree they shouldn't sell Gifts of Exploration in the store, i don't think they should keep the status quo just for the sake of the people who arelady done it "the old way". They chose to do it, no one was forcing them. By that logic they shouldn't have removed WvW requirements for exploration because of the people that have done WvW map completion. Plus, i'm sure people who did map completion 15 times would appreciate the change that lets them do more of it without the huge grind that they went through 15 times already. Preventing change for the sake of a few people who did X thing "back when it was Y" is never a good idea for a healthy MMO.

They removed the WvW requirement shortly before they changed the third map, because it would have screwed up the system. It would mean some people had completed a map that no longer existed, ie the red alpine borderlands. What if you were in the middle of completing it, completed that zone and then they switched zones and the zone you completed wasn't even in the game anymore. Sure they could have done something about it, but it was easier just to exclude WvW.

A lot of people think that taking the exploration of WvW away from world complete was caving to casual PvE'ers but I don't actually believe that's the reason it was done.

Ah, yeah, that would have messed things up. Plus, there were already tons of issues with exploring WvW like getting "locked" POIs and vistas and waypoints that were on the enemy spawn that week, and it would take weeks to get all of it.

Now no longer quoting:

But still, not changing something for the sake of status quo isn't really the best idea. However, personally i have no problem with the current system of getting Gift of Exploration, it's fitting to the lore (you DID explore the whole world - a legendary feat), and it doesn't really take that much longer compared to other forms of "grinding". There's TacO to help you on every map if you want and compared to grinding T6 mats or the like, it's really not that horrible. Sure, for someone who did it 15 times, yes it may be boring but then, you got 30 gifts of exploration out of it, that's 30 legendary weapons, you're fine, you're done, stop doing it. It's not meant to be done that much and that frequently, so i think it doesn't need changing. People who want to grind them, well, deal with it...

And no, GoE selling outside of the game is not an argument, no game should be designed around 3rd party stuff. GoE is designed around being account bound and used for crafting a legendary. If you're not using it for that, and are grinding and selling them, then deal with the world exploration as it is. Anet shouldn't accomodate you for that.

The system is fine and doesn't need changing.

Also, this thread is turning into that "Sell Mastery points in the gem store" thread. No "pay to not play" option should exist in the gem store. The ones that are already in there should i think be removed as well, but whatever. We don't need more of those.

EDIT: Ooops, sorry didn't see your post...

@Veprovina.4876 said:Would be nice if we can spend spirit shards, some obsidian and idk, one more item like you craft something ascended, bring it to a vendor, then he resets your POIs, vistas and hearts, or maybe just POIs and vistas, and after the first world completion, you can do the second one a bit easier (like not doing all the hearts). Or maybe subsequent gifts of exploration would be a repeatable achievement where you have to find one trophy on each of the maps, maybe do events and you get drops from boss monsters of each event, both world ones and smaller ones (kinda like the sentient thing collection for Lake doric). That would revitalize Core Tyria maps and a lot of people would be doing events there. First one should still require full map completion.

@Vayne.8563 said:They absolutely should not add gifts of exploration to the store. The outcry would be pretty big, the optics are bad and it would devalue the work of all the people who have 15 or 16 world completes. It's a bad bad idea.

While i agree they shouldn't sell Gifts of Exploration in the store, i don't think they should keep the status quo just for the sake of the people who arelady done it "the old way". They chose to do it, no one was forcing them. By that logic they shouldn't have removed WvW requirements for exploration because of the people that have done WvW map completion. Plus, i'm sure people who did map completion 15 times would appreciate the change that lets them do more of it without the huge grind that they went through 15 times already. Preventing change for the sake of a few people who did X thing "back when it was Y" is never a good idea for a healthy MMO.

Why would more players seeking Gifts of Exploration 'revitalize' Core Tyria maps with the suggested method? Seems more players seeking Gifts of Exploration would spend less time in said maps.

It was just a thought. If you get gifts of exploration from an achievement, and you need to do events in core tyria maps, that would mean a bit more people doing them. And i don't mean world boss events, those are fine, but events like, escort people to location stuff in newbie areas maybe. Especially if you needed to do them a bunch of times, or even find X item on Y map or something like that. But honestly, the current system is fine as well, and it's not like gifts of exploration are some hot commodity that everyone is constantly doing so the few people that would maybe spend more time on core tyria maps is probably not a good incentive to change anything.

Gifts of Exploration are ONLY for making legendary weapons.

One minor correction, they are also used in Guild decorations. They make the Tyrian Globe which can then be upgraded to the massive Globe of WHispers (which is super cool)

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@"Ayrilana.1396" said:snip since it's too long

1) And I'm not seeing an argument on why there should not be an alternative other than that you don't care (not that I'm here for arguments in the first place). I'm simply coming to a GW2 forum and stating what I personally want to see. Also, I already did state why there should be an alternative; to make it more fun and give players more incentive to play, which, to me, is an excellent reasoning. Whether you agree or not this is a good "argument" is up to you, you have a right to your own opinion, but I did state a good reason for the suggestion, whether you agree or not.

2) Why should Anet put more incentives for players to play the game? To get players to enjoy the game and play more. Simple as that.

3) Comparison by time spent is not my reasoning; it's yours. The reason I posted the comparison by time is because you are the one talking about players doing the quickest method and saying the Gift of Masteries are not comparable. Me, I want to do what is more fun, which is why I made my own personal suggestion in the first place, and why I prefer to do the Gift of Maguuma Mastery over the Gift of Mastery; because for me, it's not about the time, it's about what I find more fun.

EDIT (in response to below): Requesting any 25 map completions as opposed to only core Tyria map completions is not requesting to doing “just one thing” and obtaining the Gift of Mastery. In fact, my request adds more variety since you explore more than just core Tyria. Also, unlike time spent, which is quantifiable, effort is very subjective and not quantifiable. However, if you have actual data about which Gift of Mastery takes more effort, please feel free to post these facts. I can guarantee you, people will have different OPINIONS on which Gift of Mastery takes more effort for them. And this is a GW2 forum, where players are free to request features to "have it their own way."

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@"BlueJin.4127" said:1) And I'm not seeing an argument on why there should not be an alternative other than that you don't care (not that I'm here for arguments in the first place). I'm simply coming to a GW2 forum and stating what I personally want to see. Also, I already did state why there should be an alternative; to make it more fun and give players more incentive to play. Whether you agree or not this is a good "argument" is up to you, you have a right to your own opinion, but I did give my opinion on why there should be.

I already stated it. Anet designed legendaries to be something that requires players to experience different areas of the game. They don't have it so that you do just one thing and obtain them (outside of buying off the TP). You also need to realize exactly what the impact would be if everyone got their way and were able to play whatever they want to earn whatever they want. If you got your way with legendaries then you can be certain others would feel entitled to get their way as well.

2) Why should Anet put more incentives for players to play the game? To get players to enjoy the game and play more. Simple as that.

Why do those incentives have to be gifts of exploration?

3) Comparison by time spent is not my reasoning; it's yours. The reason I posted the comparison by time is because you are the one talking about players doing the quickest method and saying the Gift of Masteries are not comparable. Me, I want to do what is more fun, which is why I made my own personal suggestion in the first place, and why I prefer to do the Gift of Maguuma Mastery over the Gift of Mastery; because for me, it's not about the time, it's about what I find more fun.

I stated time and effort. You ignored the latter.

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@"BlueJin.4127" said:And this is a GW2 forum, where players are free to request features to "have it their own way."

Disagreeing with someone on the forum is not the same as denying them their opinion. Just as you voice your desires, others voice concerns. In the end the developers will decide what they want to do or not. I haven't seen any one here saying you have to change your demand. Most were simply disagreeing with it.

Given the 8 years so far and the recurring demands of some players for diverging or easier acquisition of Gifts of Exploration, the actually implementation of GoE into the games economy and part of it, and the continued approach of not offering alternative ways to acquire it by the developers, we can only assume what the continued stance will be. Obviously we can never be sure, so any player might voice their demands or desires freely, as most have done for the last 8 years with no success.

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Those weapons are meant to take some time to obtain them. Afaik the later ones use gifts from the desert where you still need to do completion. (And you can only buy them once per char that did completion?) Yes they are much easier to get ... less maps. But aren't other things there more expensive. (Other gifts needed for those later legendaries?)

You have still the option to get different types of legendaries. Or just using ascended stuff. And for skins there are also a lot of other skins. If you raelly want to get every legendary at least once ... you are meant to spend a lot of time for it.

Personalyl I haven't even crafted one legendary weapon yet. (I only have the backpack from PvP since it was cheap. And the trinkets next because they had nice collections as well.) Have 2 gifts of exploration in the bank - from my main. And I might use them later. Then some other ones from the desert for other legendaries. If I only use 1 main (and maybe 2-3 other chars I play a lot) I might not need that many legendaries. Unless I play a class with lots of different weapons and often want to change builds to use different weapons (and want all of the weapons the class can use).

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