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Salvage-o-matic sale - 350g worth it?

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I have never done calculations on such stuff. Because I mainly like those salvage-o-mats and the unbreakable gathering tools because they are convenient. (Saves inventory when otherwise you'd have to buy lots of normal salvage kits or stop at those NPC vendors often to buy new ones.)

From what I have heard only the copperfed and silverfed are worth it. Runecrafters seems to have limited use compared to the other ones. (When you try to use them as efficient as possible.)

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For the silver fed it is also worth to note that you can make mystic (I think that is how they are named) ones that have 250 uses - considering you use them not too often ... still pretty convenient. But you need mystic stones. Buying them from gem store does not seem worth it. But people might have some of them from the achievement point reward chests. That is how I dit it at first.

Copper fed + mystic ones. I quickly bought the silver fed as well though. Dumping those stones at the faction requisitioner 1 each day to get tokens. (You never know when you might need them. And it is a cheap way to get them. I think some gift used for some legendary costs 50 token.)

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Copperfed is the most useful purchase in the entire game. Followed immediately by infinite gathering tools. Put that in your shared inventory and you'll never worry about salvaging items ever again.

Silverfed is only useful for salvaging rare gear (sell greatswords ~30s) and exotics that don't sell well. Biggest ectoplasm gain.

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I bought the Copper fed one since that's the majority of items that i salvage.For others, when they pile up, i'll just use Mystic/Master's, those tend to take a while anyway.

The wiki is finally up, i looked up the "math" and yeah, they're all just convenience. So copper-fed seems most useful due to the volume of items being salvaged with it.

Thank you!

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@Antycypator.9874 said:This is just QoL feature, you will never make any profit of it. No one is buying it to save money.If you don't want to spend gold on Runecrafter, just don't. I would rather use Mystic Salvage Kits for Rare and Exotic gear, but IMO Copper fed is must have.

Yup! Bought the copper fed, and i'll use Mystic for the rest. :smile:And it's already a nice thing to have lol, no more buying basic ones, i can just salvage things as they pile up without needing to go to a vendor!Over time, this will be even more worth it! :smile:

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I'm actually finding myself running out of Mystics fairly quickly especially in PvE. Runecrafter seems perfect for rares because it's 30 copper a salvage compared to Silver-Fed's 60 copper a salvage. Runecrafter's is only 5% lower rare material chance compared to Silver-Fed, which is lower, but if you don't mind the slight ecto loss you could use it to replace the Mystics.

You do need to open up an extra shared slot for it though, at least it's what I would recommend.

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:I'm actually finding myself running out of Mystics fairly quickly especially in PvE. Runecrafter seems perfect for rares because it's 30 copper a salvage compared to Silver-Fed's 60 copper a salvage. Runecrafter's is only 5% lower rare material chance compared to Silver-Fed, which is lower, but if you don't mind the slight ecto loss you could use it to replace the Mystics.

You do need to open up an extra shared slot for it though, at least it's what I would recommend.

I mainly play WvW so rare gear isn't that common there. It does accumulate quicker in PvE, but not as quick as everything else (salvageable mats and blue/green) gear so i'll stick to Mystic/Master kits for that. I mainly got the copper one for convenience anyway, i like not having to go to the merchant every 5 minutes lol. :tongue: I rarely have to salvage rares in large quanitites so when i do, i can park near a merchant and get it done in a few master's kits.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:Copperfed is the most useful purchase in the entire game. Followed immediately by infinite gathering tools. Put that in your shared inventory and you'll never worry about salvaging items ever again.

Silverfed is only useful for salvaging rare gear (sell greatswords ~30s) and exotics that don't sell well. Biggest ectoplasm gain.

This is the perfect answer and great advice. Do not worry about breaking even. The convenience is well worth it.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:It's about 350g for copper and runecrafter salvage-o-matic.Gold to gem conversion price is about 350g. Is it worth getting?

I have the copper, silver, and now the runecrafter. The runecrafter - which I got yesterday - guarantees 100% salvage of item upgrades. I put three things through it and it destroyed every single upgrade. I submitted a bug, but no idea where that's going.

For now, I wouldn't buy it, as it doesn't seem to work as advertised. Once it's working, I'm interested to see how much value I get out of it.

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@Danger Ferret.6342 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:It's about 350g for copper and runecrafter salvage-o-matic.Gold to gem conversion price is about 350g. Is it worth getting?

I have the copper, silver, and now the runecrafter. The runecrafter - which I got yesterday - guarantees 100% salvage of item upgrades. I put three things through it and it destroyed every single upgrade. I submitted a bug, but no idea where that's going.

For now, I wouldn't buy it, as it doesn't seem to work as advertised. Once it's working, I'm interested to see how much value I get out of it.

Yes it salvage the rune or sigil 100% so you get lucent motes 100% of the time and a chance at charms.It dont recover like the upgrade extractor that means you take the rune/sigil out of equipment.


Why would runecrafter do the same as this?


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Oh. Thanks for clarification. That wasn't the way I understood it when it was advertised, or from the product description. Otherwise, I wouldn't have spent the money. To me "20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of salvaging upgrades" leads one to believe you get the upgrades salvaged out of the device, just like you get the materials.

Maybe a less confusing product description is warranted. I sure wouldn't have purchased a lucent mote producing device.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Veprovina.4876" said:It's about 350g for copper and runecrafter salvage-o-matic.Gold to gem conversion price is about 350g. Is it worth getting?

I have the copper, silver, and now the runecrafter. The runecrafter - which I got yesterday - guarantees 100% salvage of item upgrades. I put three things through it and it destroyed every single upgrade. I submitted a bug, but no idea where that's going.

For now, I wouldn't buy it, as it doesn't seem to work as advertised. Once it's working, I'm interested to see how much value I get out of it.

Yes it salvage the rune or sigil 100% so you get lucent motes 100% of the time and a chance at charms.It dont recover like the upgrade extractor that means you take the rune/sigil out of equipment.

Why would runecrafter do the same as this?

From how it was worded, i also thought it has a 100% chance to salvage a rune. I mean... Runes are upgrades, no? :tongue:But yeah, why would it function the same as Upgrade Extractor, true.Weird wording.

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From how it was worded, i also thought it has a 100% chance to salvage a rune. I mean... Runes are upgrades, no? :tongue:But yeah, why would it function the same as Upgrade Extractor, true.Weird wording.

Yep. But you can salvage runes with other salvaging tools, including the copper- and silver-fed, so now I wonder what the point of this product is at all.

Kind of feeling ripped off.

I'd suggest the wording for the Runecrafter be changed to "20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance to salvage materials from item upgrades, such as runes and sigils."

Honestly, after 10 months, I'm still getting my bearings in this game. There's so much to learn and so much to know. I didn't know there was another upgrade extractor. That's what I thought this was. For people who've been around a long time, and are familiar with all the rotating offerings in the gem store, it's probably less confusing.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910 said:If you have gems from achievements, or bought gems and have some left over, I personally think it is worth it.

I had left over gems and bought a salvage-o-matic. REALLY nice to have in the shared inventory slot.

I dumped around 220g into gems to buy this and i'm already, not even 24h in getting tons of mileage out of it!Very happy with the purchase!

@"Danger Ferret.6342" said:

From how it was worded, i also thought it has a 100% chance to salvage a rune. I mean... Runes are upgrades, no? :tongue:But yeah, why would it function the same as Upgrade Extractor, true.Weird wording.

Yep. But you can salvage runes with other salvaging tools, including the copper- and silver-fed, so now I wonder what the point of this product is at all.

Kind of feeling ripped off.

I'd suggest the wording for the Runecrafter be changed to "20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance to salvage materials from item upgrades, such as runes and sigils."

Honestly, after 10 months, I'm still getting my bearings in this game. There's so much to learn and so much to know. I didn't know there was another upgrade extractor. That's what I thought this was. For people who've been around a long time, and are familiar with all the rotating offerings in the gem store, it's probably less confusing.

Yeah, the wording is weird. It would be worth it if it always salvaged at least one charm, but if it doesn't even do that, what's the point?Silver fed seems a better option then.

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