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New World - August 31, 2021 - The Competition Begins


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Please tell me we have a Road Map for WvW...


We seriously need a guide to help fight off this serious competition to keep our hard core WvW players engaged to return to GW2.


I still believe ANet can turn WvW into the next eSport if they seriously put in an effort to fix WvW.


Example Road Map:


New World Release Date - 2021.08.31



Credibility requires critical insight & time.

Edited by Diku.2546
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Funny that you say that since it (New World) is a whole year behind schedule (originally slated for May 2020) and Amazon is a far larger company than NCSoft. Let's not forget Amazon completely cancelled Crucible and Breakaway as well. The whole draw was supposed to be 50v50 mass PvP and territory wars but the only things I have confidence in as far as Amazon implementation are one-click ordering and data farming.


Some major points : health and mana potions (lol in 2021) ; level 60 cap with exp boosts sold in store apparently ; 20v20 Outpost rush PvP ; 5 player instanced PvE Expeditions


Might want to read about the mismanagement there: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-01-29/amazon-game-studios-struggles-to-find-a-hit
* Instead of using industry-standard development tools, Frazzini insisted Amazon build its own, which might have saved the company money if the software ever worked properly.
* Amazon is spending nearly $500 million a year operating the video game division, two people familiar with the budget say. That amount doesn’t include Twitch or a new project under different management
* employees are expected to write six-page documents to get major decisions approved

* Bezos views games as yet another way to sell subscriptions to Prime and hook customers on its other offerings

In a way, Amazon was, as usual, following its unique logic. Across the company, employees are required to use in-house software for most tasks, partly for security reasons and partly because it’s the culture. There is no Gmail, no Trello, and, until recently, no Slack—only Amazon’s custom-coded alternatives. Lumberyard was no exception. Amazon had made its own versions of all those tools, so why not a game engine?
Frazzini’s engineers in Seattle began rebuilding CryEngine piece by piece. “The engine was a nightmare,” one former employee said. “No one on the development team liked working with it.” Even some basic functions, like rotating a camera in the game or testing individual pieces of software one by one, didn’t really work.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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We should compare predictions brought up here 1 year after the launch.


Today's Date - 2021.05.14


New World Release Date - 2021.08.31

Review your Prediction  - 2022.08.31


My real motive is to encourage ANet to not stick their head in the ground while ignoring potential competitors to our WvW game mode niche.


Can we please get a Road Map for WvW?


Where players are engaged to repeatedly return to GW2 to play in Healthy & Competitive Match-Ups they pick themselves.


Credibility requires critical insight & time.

Edited by Diku.2546
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Their more recent news on pvp.



The couple days I played it last summer in that open beta test they had it wasn't exactly mind blowing, it was kinda boring and it didn't feel like a "gw2 killer". They've revamped some stuff since then, they have typical 5 man dungeons (which don't even scale with levels), 20v20 battleground instances, I believe the scheduled 50v50 is still around but kinda dumb tbh, they have some sort of open world territory outpost to conquer but who knows how good that will be, all the pve is mixed in with pvp too.


One of the nice things about gw2 is all the scaling that goes on, including for characters in the pvp areas, but in new world, get ready to enjoy getting ganked by higher levels until you get to higher level so you can also go gank low levels for your own fun of it!.


And now a cash shop with level boost, gw2 has boost in their shop but they never really pushed it, plus all the level boost you can get in game from birthdays and tomes, it was never a p2w thing (especially since again you were scaled to max level in pvp).


I just want anet to improve wvw, not continue to ignore and destroy it....



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Who cares. WvW survived THIS long, people will always come back for one reason or another. I'm very excited about New World, we had a blast during the tests my friends and I and the issues I had are pretty much all already fixed - but it won't even compete with GW2 for me.

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New World has a setup similar to Archeage afaik and that kind of PvP completely collapsed. It doesnt matter how much the "fight guilds" claim gvg is the shiznits, it doesnt promote a healthy enviroment because it become completely reliant on those large guilds always being present and organized. Which they wont be. There is a reason why the casual jump in and play WvW style PvP has survived so long. 


On the whole it will depend on many other aspects however. Nothing I have seen from New World has impressed me - it doesnt seem to be offering anything new, just rehashing old concepts. The world itself just seem generic.


Either way, didnt Camelot Unchained kill WvW 7 years ago?

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there is nothing left to be killed. WvW is on most EU servers these days just another pve content, where people doing Karma trains and running away from the enemies or 50 people hide in an tower behind 20 sieges. 



Edited by phreeak.1023
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13 hours ago, hunkamania.7561 said:

lots of left clicking...  the combat aint touching gw2 but it's perfect casual game for the social justice 2021 mmo players with amazon big dollar backing


Spending 90% of the game watching the same autoattack animation play out over and over is a bit too streamlined for my taste. But then again, a lot of players seemed to enjoy lootsticking back when it was a thing.

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On 5/14/2021 at 12:17 PM, Diku.2546 said:

Please tell me we have a Road Map for WvW...


We seriously need a guide to help fight off this serious competition to keep our hard core WvW players engaged to return to GW2.


I still believe ANet can turn WvW into the next eSport if they seriously put in an effort to fix WvW.


Example Road Map:


New World Release Date - 2021.08.31



Credibility requires critical insight & time.


I agree with you that we do need a fresh roadmap update to WvW. That said I did engage in some of the New World experiences and think they have more of a check list of what an MMO is and someone is checking boxes. Especially if they are still working on the idea of scheduled fights. No one likes having things taken when they are away but a 24 hr clock to your world is a huge value add when you stop and think about a living WvW world.  I would be more concerned with Ashes or Camelot. But again I do agree with you some insight into WvW futures would be welcomed. 


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As if people wont do that in NW. You guys talk as if there is only some people that will play NW and nothing casual will be about it. Consider they removed the aim towards PvP and now goes for PvE with some PvP enviroment which means that is exactly what Anet is doing now. Consider all the moans about cashshop bad in GW2 well turns out it will be like that from the very start of NW. 


People need to stop thinking it will be different and rather accept that some things will never change and deal with it.

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30 minutes ago, Leaa.2943 said:

As if people wont do that in NW. You guys talk as if there is only some people that will play NW and nothing casual will be about it. Consider they removed the aim towards PvP and now goes for PvE with some PvP enviroment which means that is exactly what Anet is doing now. Consider all the moans about cashshop bad in GW2 well turns out it will be like that from the very start of NW. 


People need to stop thinking it will be different and rather accept that some things will never change and deal with it.

But one-click Amazon ordering and Twitch partnerships because Amazon owns Twitch 🤣?

Imagine if they give bigger exp boosts to people with Amazon Prime credit cards...

If you read the articles I linked above, devs are forced to use proprietary in-house tools for everything because no industry standards are being followed. It's a trainwreck waiting to happen.

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Gf and I are having a blast leveling in blade and soul, combats great and story has been great so far. Bns is getting switched over to u4 engine among other reworks of the games system, so hopefully that brings in some players, pvp with bns combat seems like id be fun. Swords of legends looks amazing and is releasing this summer. Ashes of creation looks good to but may he yrs off.

To bad about new world cash shop, kinda guaranteed a dead game out the gate.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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