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Why do we get these events?


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I mean no1 needs it only person who want them are people who do not do WvW, now we have queue's all over the place and when u do manage to get tru a queue u find ur self fighting against bunch of PvE players who blow up faster then NPC during any giving meta event..

just make gift of battle 250 badges like the one from sPvP so people can just buy it and bugger off again.. no need for these events 😞

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I have to point out, that this could be seen as complaining about new people joining wvw. Something that has largely been seen as one of the biggest problems with the game mode for years (and two expansion packs).

I can understand the frustration about queue's though, nothing new there. But this becomes complaining at the cup being half full and half empty at the same time.

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At least quite a few populations in the EU are going to change on Monday, while we are also under two weeks before the relinks.


Also its worse on servers with high pve population and ones who are stuck in T1 for weeks, who had alot of t1 fairweathers transferring in recently.


It shows how the populations need to be adjusted more than once a week and correctly, especially with the current Linking system.



Edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048
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4 hours ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

I have to point out, that this could be seen as complaining about new people joining wvw. Something that has largely been seen as one of the biggest problems with the game mode for years (and two expansion packs).

I can understand the frustration about queue's though, nothing new there. But this becomes complaining at the cup being half full and half empty at the same time.

new players joining who do not even bother joining discord, tags who do not bother tagging off to let experience one come inside faster (cus we all know no tag is faster queue). every pve guy knows where to find a PvE amazing rotation build but finding a WvW build is to hard? i mean no thnx its being spammed all over the place where to find commanders on discord where to find builds etc..

theres no need for these people who wont change.. its like overflowing raid wings giving massive queue and then add all WvW and sPvPers in there dieing constantly but not making place for people who could actually teach u how to kill a HP punchbag.
game is old as hell people know what they want right off the batch, when i bought this game i went to WvW before i even had the lvl i grinded monsters in WvW even when there was nothing to do(dont ask me why but w/e :D).


i mean i never been into PvE i will always avoid it.. forcing one to play something they dont like is pointless.. this why im more into just giving these darn gift of battles away then having people to play something they cant stand.




also dunno what people are saying about empty maps, only empty map in WvW is the red border cus no1 wanted it or the majority didnt want this map..

but having no queue all over places gives us atleast space to hop around on maps if fights present somewhere else, now ur stuck.
command from blue farm green border
commander from green farms red border
commander from red farms blue border.
3 WvW commanders who cant all join same map to have nice fights but they are stucking farming players who die in a flash, ye sounds fun to new people to farm other side like its nothing but its more fun when u die in a good fight.

when u always win ur gonna be bored in no time. (thats why i dont do much PvE cus u always win its kitten easy in my opinion so whats point of doing it)

Edited by reddie.5861
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16 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Anet does something nice for WvW and people complain?

And everyone wonders why they don't like WvW or don't want anything to do with it.

It's because of this.


That is 1000% the reason, definitely! Thanks for the hint, I finally know why. I've been lying awake nights worrying about it. Now I see the world with completely different eyes. Once again, thank you very much!

Edited by Metzie.3012
Whoever finds irony or sarcasm may keep it.
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6 hours ago, reddie.5861 said:

Why do we get these events?


Counter question: Why not?


Does the event affect the current state of the game mode, except that the queue is a bit higher than usual in some cases (it's not like its weekend either, is it)? Now there are just a few more clowns on stage. 🤪

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47 minutes ago, knite.1542 said:

Man is trying to gatekeep a dying game mode. Goodness gracious.


"This event is bringing people to wvw that don't play the way I want them to."

If it were only that.


They might want to play the way OP wants them to play or could learn, but is immediately dismissing all of them. People have to start somewhere and aren't going to magically know what Discord is about.


Also i gained 19 levels today because of Birthday +Heroic + Black Lion (those statuettes finally got used) Boosters, so all good.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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53 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Why not make events that are fun and would motivate play more?  Like pips in eotm event or core specs only event.


Eotm should be updated first though, but it depends on how stacked a server host or link is, before or during these kind of events. It could be like WvW is during the old days, but it shouldn't take away the population from the Borderlands or EB otherwise, unless it's to Scrim against other guilds in another matchup.


It is bad in T1 EU on Deso and WSR, because Anet dropped us both recently to high population, while facerolling T1, every week for over a month and the problem may be on other servers with a high population of pve players on the host or link, where so far you can't hop border or get mostly full squad in, unlike other servers on reset and this past day, all day this weekend.



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I want new people to join no matter what, they are all welcome to join and most welcome to stay. Queues will eventually fix themselves over time and with the amount of time I play this mode, it's all good to me.


Freddy Krueger once said, "How sweet, fresh meat" 

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8 hours ago, reddie.5861 said:

also dunno what people are saying about empty maps, only empty map in WvW is the red border cus no1 wanted it or the majority didnt want this map..



Once again, according to the official vote on this, the majority  of votes were to keep the map in play.  Even if Anet mentioned that they likely wouldn't make new maps again if DBL got voted out, you really can't definitively say that the majority didn't want the map when the official vote said otherwise....and there has been no other official vote on the matter since.  If you want a different result, get a recall campaign going, have people sign petitions to get it on the ballot again...you know, like in that mysterious land of RL.

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12 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

The increased rewards are closer to what it should normally be.



and i don't mind the influx of the queues. its only for one week, after all, that's nothing major. no point to cry about this.


and  @reddie.5861 the red border is not that dead. seen a lot of queues there. even in EU t4 and t3.

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
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15 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

This just in: Next week's news: Why is wvw so dead?


Exactly, sometimes I wonder if some of the WvW crowd are not their own worst enemies.


It's 1 week of more activity. I lack empathy for stacked T1 servers, if people want to lemming, let them lemming with everything that goes with it.


If this boost gets at least some players more interested in WvW, it's a net win in my book. Until then it'll be some nice distraction.


FYI, if activity behaves like in the past, the week after, being the week before re-link too, will be a tad emptier. I wonder if we will get any threads about the game mode being dead then. /ponder

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There´s multiple issues that come from a variety of sources, that result in a dislike of the events that were made so far. 

  1. For expierienced players, the bonus events (wxp especially) are pretty much useless. most "veterans" are already high rank and/or don´t really care about faster leveling. The only good thing about it is the bonus magic find.
  2. the "special events" (referring to no downstate) are just annoying, because it makes it harder to carry "bad" players (not meant offensive, just objective). even though this may be relatively even for every team, it doesnt change the fact that it annoys everyone
  3. bonus weeks and no downstate are literally the only "real" events that existed in wvw for years now. even that skill-steal-thing was nothing special because of the poor choices ANet made with the skills that got "stolen".
  4. the next thing is also the bad timing of when these events are scheduled (at least for this one currently). we are now ~ 2 weeks away from relink, and i´m pretty sure the artificially increased population will at least affect the calculations for the relinks because players that are not frequently in wvw now will be considered into the calculation
  5. even though you could argue, that these events draw new players into wvw, that could potentially stay, experience shows that only a minority of those players actually keeps playing wvw frequently. Additionally there is the factor, that only few people actually care to learn a bit about how wvw works, because they wanna farm (e.g. warclaw or gift of battle) and then gonna leave afterwards (yes, this is a player-created issue, but it gets amplified by those type of events)

In order to get "good" events and proper balance in WvW, significant changes need to happen dev-sided. We would need actual "hardcore"-players in the dev-, design- and balancing teams that actually know how changes and events affect WvW. And (even though not really related to the original topic) ANet needs to stop pushing PvE and sPvP-changes into WvW unchanged. but that´s a different story

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I joined WvW for the first time this weekend because of the event. I managed to get my Gift of Battle by running a heal scrapper and healing and cleansing people in big battles. A few observations:

It sucked not having warclaw and gliding so I was left in the dust quite a few times. Not much of an issue as I have constant superspeed. 

Every one says to follow a commander tag but a number of them are hostile and cussed me out the instant I rolled up. In hindsight it must have been a private guild group.

I did manage to find one that sent me a party invite and I stayed with them for several hours learning a lot about what the game mode even is about. Again just healing and cleansing while grabbing supplies and assisting building things when I could.

It is a fast paced game mode that I ended up liking in the end and will become a regular activity I do.


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Imo the issue is how far and few between these events are. We already know its tough af on newer players to rank up and get pips in a reasonable time. 

We should have 1 every relink. It would make it less of a "necessity" for people looking to just rank up. 

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