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After 8 years, I noticed there are no birds in the sky.

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Loads of maps have birds in them, actually (low-poly, horrible birds, but birds all the same). Off the top of my head, I can tell you there are flocks in Caledon Forest, pigeons on the roof of the Salma tavern, and smatterings of them in other maps as well. They're built in as part of the map itself rather than being interactable entities, but they're definitely there. You can even find snakes in the Desert Highlands, and a number of cats tucked into various maps (some in secret locations).


If you're really enterprising, go through the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon and try to find the room filled with turkeys.

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As other people have said some places do have birds. Here's some flying around in Ascalon: https://i.imgur.com/zmKz6ok.jpg

And some in Labyrinthine Cliffs: https://i.imgur.com/Mgu39ID.jpg


I've also seen them in Timberline Falls, above the Crown Pavillion in Divinity's Reach and over Lion's Arch but I couldn't get good screenshots.


Edit: There's interactable flocks of birds in Tangled Depths, there's an achievement for scaring them off.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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12 hours ago, reapex.8546 said:

Some places have birds, just not many.

Op is probably talking about just bird animations visible high in the sky, not about actual mobs that would be flapping around at low altitude. Something similar to risen dragons you can see flying over Orr when you look up. Although actual mobs capable of flight and being able to "patrol" over a large area might also be cool.


Edit: my bad. Indeed, it seems some places do have this kind of animations, but they are indeed quite rare overall.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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On 6/11/2021 at 7:35 PM, Hannelore.8153 said:

Even worse is that in the guild halls there's no life at all. You can hear animals in the background, but there's no bugs, no birds, no life whatsoever, its just a dead zone.


Unless you count plants, I guess.

I have my cats in the market of Windswept. I wish I could take them with me when I switch guild halls though when new ones come out in Cantha. I'll just pretend I put them in my home district. lol

But yeah, adding ambient creatures even as decorations could be cool. But they didn't even add Path of Fire music to the anthem/song vendor so fat chance we'll ever see that.

Also, to the op - if you check out the Luminate's throne in Tarir and jump out the window you'll see a flock of birds fly out. It's pretty neat. 

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