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Skyscale mount

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9 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Time sinks are actually the opposite of grind. A time sink prevents you from getting it faster. It doesn't add grind to the equation though.  Time sinks allow more casual players to keep pace with people who can play constantly...at least that' the theory.

You're thinking of "time gating."  "Time sinks" are anything that is designed to add time investment to achieve a goal.

Making the player collect 2,000 widgets to advance a quest chain is a time sink.

Only allowing the player to collect 20 per day is time gating.

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9 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

You know it's not a legendary mount when you have to say it "pretty much" is.

It is legendary though. Have you ever tried getting Vision without the skyscale ?

as for the process of getting it, yes it is inferior to getting the griffon and the first three step of the collection that makes you run around the same map looking for scales and eggs is very unfun because it lacks variety.


However, apart from that, everything about it is casual, more so than the griffon I would say. Personally it took me around of three months of casual play to get. Nothing hardcore and it certainly doesn’t need a nerf.

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10 hours ago, HappyHubris.1096 said:

You're thinking of "time gating."  "Time sinks" are anything that is designed to add time investment to achieve a goal.

Making the player collect 2,000 widgets to advance a quest chain is a time sink.

Only allowing the player to collect 20 per day is time gating.

You're 100% right.

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On 6/15/2021 at 1:00 AM, Beleron.9347 said:

For some of us, the griffon's 250 g.p. price-tag is far more  of an issue than the grindiness of the skyscale currency chase.  I'm still a fairly new player, so much of my gold for quite a while to come will be going on getting gems for QoL items. The skyscale, by comparison, was much more doable for me. (Then again, I'm guessing that some people are happy to just whip out their trusty old credit card whenever they want something, and that often, those will be the kind of people who will start complaining because they can't just buy their skyscale directly off the gem store. Maybe those people should go off and play BDO?)


Old credit card joke. Maybe people just know how to make gold f.e running Bouble Trains on the HoT Maps or other meta events. 


70min each day bouble farming and you have 100-150 Gold each week alone from that. 

Edited by phreeak.1023
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On 6/14/2021 at 1:06 AM, Solarie.4182 said:

Hello there.

Well i have issues with the skyscale mount and the "overly insain amout of stuff needed to get it" this shoult be tuned down by alot. when it goes as far as the deves have used same event to do multiple times in order to timegate it you know it is faar faaar to much.


Now after what 2 years time, it is time to just losen it up and yes i do work on it and i am now at the last leg of it next for me is the second to last achivment. but in going after it, it have also almost burnt me out on the game. And being a new/ returning player from before any of the exp that is not good for players and Arenanet.


So Arenanet you should look into the mounts and perhaps lose up some of the requirements.


Sorry for any miss spelling here i am not english and have not used google translate 😛

You must be joking. ANet skyscale mount achivement it is perfect as it is. Yes it takes time to aquire, but if you are all in a hurry and you want to have something as u clap your hands, then you hve a problem with simply enjoying the game and it s jurney. They already made it eassyer to achive by releasing bjora marches where with ice shards you can buy any currency and they lowerd the time of skyscale feeding. 

Conclusion: "Enjoy while it lasts dear" ^^

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I don't know if the skyscale is officially a legendary mount but I do know that the questline was in some ways, nearly as long as Season 4, and by that standard, it might be considered legendary. While taken as a whole, it is long and arduous, there are parts within the chain that I enjoyed immensely. One part was at the start where I had to find all the eggs. It was literally an Easter egg hunt. The other part I really enjoyed was getting to play games with my baby skyscale. Overall, I think the questline was a pretty darned good one!

Edited by Eraden.8740
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It's not hard at all, just lengthy.

Outside of 250 map currencies for 5 maps, everything else can be completed in a few days.

Scales and eggs collection can take two days if you wanna space it out. 

The jumping puzzles and rifts take 1hr. Feeding takes 3-4 days. What was so hard about it?


And to be honest, it's not like there is anything else to do in the game . Unless you want to grind a legendary or gear alts for t4 fractals..

Edited by vicky.9751
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On 6/14/2021 at 12:06 AM, Solarie.4182 said:

Hello there.

Well i have issues with the skyscale mount and the "overly insain amout of stuff needed to get it" this shoult be tuned down by alot. when it goes as far as the deves have used same event to do multiple times in order to timegate it you know it is faar faaar to much.


Now after what 2 years time, it is time to just losen it up and yes i do work on it and i am now at the last leg of it next for me is the second to last achivment. but in going after it, it have also almost burnt me out on the game. And being a new/ returning player from before any of the exp that is not good for players and Arenanet.


So Arenanet you should look into the mounts and perhaps lose up some of the requirements.


Sorry for any miss spelling here i am not english and have not used google translate 😛


Translation: dear Anet, Im a zoomer, I want to be given everything on a silver plate without any effort on my part, because Im sure thats how things will be when Im an adult and Im perfectly prepared for the real world.




I remember when I finally decided to get the skyscale  everyone was saying "its a legendary mount so it takes legendary effort" or how "insanely grindy" the whole "ordeal" was


and then...I found it pretty easy and not very grindy at all. I made it in less than 1 week, start to finish, no sweat. kinda anticlimatic


honestly, anyone complaining doesnt deserve the skyscale in the first place. it should be MUCH harder, not easier

Edited by Konrad Curze.5130
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After the Skyscale, I didn't use the Griffon much either. And then I started chasing after Vision which in turn made me go for each LW4 Mastery achievement. Part of those was tackling the Griffon adventures and those were fun! When you actually use your Griffon properly and have some interesting terrain to navigate, it's a whole new experience. I wish there were more of them out there. We have Roller Beetle tracks all over Tyria, but I would like some Griffon tracks added.

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I really don't understand why this keep coming up. To me getting Skyscale proved to be far more easier and relaxing than with the Griffon. I have very little time to play due to work maybe 3hrs at most, doing Skyscale required me just to grind a little bit of this and that until i hit the timegate then left it there and able to work on other stuffs during my playtime the collection indeed is huge but i know i did everything i could, however 250g requirement for griffon was a nightmare to me with how much time i can play knowing i'll be able to earn more but couldn't, it was pure frustration.


You want fun and convenient , yes everybody wants that but nothing is actually free we need to atleast put a bit of efforts in there to gain what we want.

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On 6/16/2021 at 2:00 AM, Mortifera.6138 said:

So because it’s easier than before, it’s not outrageous? 

When they state easier they’re referring to the timegates and additional methods to acquire the LS4 map currency. A player who isn’t in any rush can acquire all of the currencies within like 25 days and spend like 10 seconds a day during that timeframe. 

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On 6/18/2021 at 9:38 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

The only reason  I went ahead and acquired the Griffon was because I had unlocked Griffon skins from Mount Adoption Licenses. 

I'm not sure I've ever used the Griffon in all this time. 

You're missing out. It's not optimal too frequently but when you need to travel far away from a high place it's just amazing going at griffon speed.

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