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HEY! Remember that time our PC have to join a Human-only club?


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Remember the Shining Blade? Yea, i can't get over how they force non-human PC  to join the club just so the story can move along, and it never brought up again (just like many other things in this game)

i know the "you talks, you die" but dear lord, what a unnecessary decision, i wouldn't be so annoyed if we can decline and change the story, but since when have Anet made story decisions that change the next one completely?

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11 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

Remember the Shining Blade? Yea, i can't get over how they force non-human PC  to join the club just so the story can move along, and it never brought up again (just like many other things in this game)

i know the "you talks, you die" but dear lord, what a unnecessary decision, i wouldn't be so annoyed if we can decline and change the story, but since when have Anet made story decisions that change the next one completely?

I remember and not fondly. I also still kinda expect a Shining Blade guy to appear and make me drop whatever I'm doing because "Kryta needs, you come". And what if Kryta needs me to do something against my own people?

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I like to think we're free of the 'talk and die' oath because of what happened to us when we met Balthazar. And good riddance. It was an awful and shoehorned plot point that did neither the story nor the Shining Blade any justice. Also hated playing through this with my friends, because they largely couldn't participate.


Can't wait to do it again. </s>

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3 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I like to think we're free of the 'talk and die' oath because of what happened to us when we met Balthazar. And good riddance. It was an awful and shoehorned plot point that did neither the story nor the Shining Blade any justice. Also hated playing through this with my friends, because they largely couldn't participate.


Can't wait to do it again. </s>

I have heard this theory before, and I do see some logic to it.  Hopefully its either true, or the current iteration of Arenanet has memory-holed the whole death-oath thing.

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11 hours ago, anninke.7469 said:

I remember and not fondly. I also still kinda expect a Shining Blade guy to appear and make me drop whatever I'm doing because "Kryta needs, you come". And what if Kryta needs me to do something against my own people?

Which is alltogether irrelevant, because the story is all about Anise making you an honorary member to tell you secrets she couldnt otherwise and that whatever you do while supported by them dont go against Kryta. The oath you take prevent you telling those secrets, but it doesnt stop you from gathering your steam creature army, invade Kryta and declare yourself Grand High Sovereign. You would become a target for the Shining Blades regardless and would obviously have to slaughter them all and hang their corpses on the walls of Divinitys Reach as an example for bookahs not to mess with you.

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14 hours ago, radda.8920 said:

it was an insult to guild wars 1 story but it got a lot worse with the fate reserved for lazarus,livia, joko and even the gods very badly exploited ... and let's not even talk about primordius

Ain't that the truth. 😄

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I like how people act like this came out of nowhere in LS3 after spending literally half a year hunting bandits and all kinds of other stuff for the Shining Blade, which culminated in defeating the entire White Mantle, and killing their leader, as well as being able to craft a replica of the literal Shining Blade from Zomorros.


But yeah, if you didn't do the live events it doesn't make much sense.





Edited by Hannelore.8153
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4 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

I like how people act like this came out of nowhere in LS3 after spending literally half a year hunting bandits and all kinds of other stuff for the Shining Blade, which culminated in defeating the entire White Mantle, and killing their leader, as well as being able to craft a replica of the literal Shining Blade from Zomorros.


But yeah, if you didn't do the live events it doesn't make much sense.





The Bandit Bounties are Encoded orders drop from bandits so anyone can get it really, we could be mercenaries that don't makes us loyal to the Shining Blade

Episode 1-4  have us investigate a strange bloodstone explosion which happen to be caused by White Mantle, how does sharing a common enemy makes us loyal to the Shining Blade?

And are you really gonna use legendary weapon to justifies being forced to join the Shining Blade? A character that have finished tutorial level can run around killing things with it, and the Shining Blade won't pat an eye.

Like I said, I wouldn't be annoyed if I could say NO and have the story play out differently

Edited by Ultramex.1506
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21 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Which is alltogether irrelevant, because the story is all about Anise making you an honorary member to tell you secrets she couldnt otherwise and that whatever you do while supported by them dont go against Kryta. The oath you take prevent you telling those secrets, but it doesnt stop you from gathering your steam creature army, invade Kryta and declare yourself Grand High Sovereign. You would become a target for the Shining Blades regardless and would obviously have to slaughter them all and hang their corpses on the walls of Divinitys Reach as an example for bookahs not to mess with you.


Well, that escalated quickly. XD

On topic: yeah, that kind of made me cringe a bit when I learned more about Tyria's lore. On my Norn, I was like: "Kryta's politics do not concern me. The only reason I'm going along with it is so that I can progress the plot. Hush hush and all of that sheep." 

Also, probably shouldn't be typing, right now. Fu fu fu.

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What I find funny about ALL of these types of situations (I.e. needing to prove yourself to some randoms) is that the game seems to forget who you are.


”Hi - I’m a living legend, and easily one of if not the most recognizable person on Tyria. I’ve led two separate armies in war to save the planet, and am best known for being the first person in the known history of this world to have beaten an Elder Dragon. You can *literally* thank me for your continued existence. I need info you have, so let’s dispense with you even wasting my time with details about your weird knitting circle, and just give me what I want. And toss in some tea and biscuits while you’re at it.”


It’s like the Avengers making Captain America submit a job application to join the squad.

Edited by Dao Jones.6720
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1 hour ago, Dao Jones.6720 said:

What I find funny about ALL of these types of situations (I.e. needing to prove yourself to some randoms) is that the game seems to forget who you are.


”Hi - I’m a living legend, and easily one of if not the most recognizable person on Tyria. I’ve led two separate armies in war to save the planet, and am best known for being the first person in the known history of this world to have beaten an Elder Dragon. You can *literally* thank me for your continued existence. I need info you have, so let’s dispense with you even wasting my time with details about your weird knitting circle, and just give me what I want. And toss in some tea and biscuits while you’re at it.”


It’s like the Avengers making Captain America submit a job application to join the squad.

Nice thing about going to other lands in PoF and EoD is that these sorts of errand running is at least semi-justifiable in that people aren't going to know who you are.

Edited by The Greyhawk.9107
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I wonder if someone should come up with a "best race/profession to play the story step as" guide, from a lore perspective.  The irony about most of these hated story steps is that I was always the correct race for them.  I.E. I became a shining blade as a human, for the beetle plague I was a sylvari (and thus immune), etc. and so on.  

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20 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I wonder if someone should come up with a "best race/profession to play the story step as" guide, from a lore perspective.  The irony about most of these hated story steps is that I was always the correct race for them.  I.E. I became a shining blade as a human, for the beetle plague I was a sylvari (and thus immune), etc. and so on.  

Note for the plague all PCs are immune; Humans are immune due to being well, undead. Its implied that after dying the Commander will never be "quite right".

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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17 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I sincerely hate that mission, human PC or not. It is so embarrassing as it bears no resemblance to the Shining Blade from GW1. The ridiculous initiation rituals, the characters, the dialogue - whoever came up with those should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

Agreed - I was mixed between cringing and bursting out laughing during the entire "ritual." Why are the greatest protectors of the Krytan royalty playing pretend and talking like 10 year olds?

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4 hours ago, Poormany.4507 said:

Agreed - I was mixed between cringing and bursting out laughing during the entire "ritual." Why are the greatest protectors of the Krytan royalty playing pretend and talking like 10 year olds?

Well, I'd say all rituals seem kinda stupid when you're not taking them very seriously (not trying to defend this one in any way, just a  random general thought).

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4 hours ago, anninke.7469 said:

Well, I'd say all rituals seem kinda stupid when you're not taking them very seriously (not trying to defend this one in any way, just a  random general thought).

That is true. This particular one had a very strong Harry Potter vibe though.


It was also so completely bonkers unnecessary. In order to learn the secrets of their super secret handshake club, we have to take an oath to join their super secret handshake club, an oath which was apparently invented for this episode's story.


Doing this on my asura thief and my charr necromancer my eyes were rolling so much I had to hold them in.

Edited by Pifil.5193
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1 hour ago, Pifil.5193 said:

That is true. This particular one had a very strong Harry Potter vibe though.


It was also so completely bonkers unnecessary. In order to learn the secrets of their super secret handshake club, we have to take an oath to join their super secret handshake club, an oath which was apparently invented for this episode's story.


Doing this on my asura thief and my charr necromancer my eyes were rolling so much I had to hold them in.

Wasn't any better on my salads.

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1 hour ago, Pifil.5193 said:

It was also so completely bonkers unnecessary. In order to learn the secrets of their super secret handshake club, we have to take an oath to join their super secret handshake club, an oath which was apparently invented for this episode's story.


The utter non-necessity of it is what destroyed any semblance of engagement I had with this bit of the story. Just... why? Why go so far out of your way just to execute it so poorly? I guess Peter Fries really wasn't kidding when he said the narrative team doesn't care about world-building.

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On 6/16/2021 at 2:19 AM, Hannelore.8153 said:

I like how people act like this came out of nowhere in LS3 after spending literally half a year hunting bandits and all kinds of other stuff for the Shining Blade, which culminated in defeating the entire White Mantle, and killing their leader, as well as being able to craft a replica of the literal Shining Blade from Zomorros.


But yeah, if you didn't do the live events it doesn't make much sense.





I believe the commander, and the adventurer player character are two completely different characters. The commander doesn't go around helping the entire world with chores and catastrophes. And I'm aware there are a lot of contradictions to this like npcs directly calling you "commander". But every plothole is for the sake of this game being playable for millions of people like us. For example I don't think the commander crafting the shining blade is even canon, but it's there for the sake of people having a "pretty cool legendary weapon skin".

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18 hours ago, Wolfb.7025 said:

I believe the commander, and the adventurer player character are two completely different characters. The commander doesn't go around helping the entire world with chores and catastrophes. And I'm aware there are a lot of contradictions to this like npcs directly calling you "commander". But every plothole is for the sake of this game being playable for millions of people like us. For example I don't think the commander crafting the shining blade is even canon, but it's there for the sake of people having a "pretty cool legendary weapon skin".

There are 2 story part that support this dual identity, during HoT final story Canch said that the Pact (which is us) is distracting Mordy, and once again during LW 4 final story, we go inside Krak while the Pact (we) is attacking from the outside

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