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Dragon Bash 2021 starts next week!

Fire Attunement.9835

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10 hours ago, hugo.4705 said:

Really hoping to see primordius and jormag. Even norn and asura celebrating. Would be strange and displaced to see another ktalkatorrik focused dragon bash.


Consider yourself happy if there is at least 1 new reward to get cause it takes a year to invent a new item into a festival 😄

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why is it still called Dragon Bash? there's no evil Elder Dragons to bash anymore thanks to the story got cut short.


I propose the festival to be renamed to "Dragon Pash", and update all the holograms with Aurene, flying around and giving festival goers with kisses.

Edited by crepuscular.9047
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7 hours ago, crepuscular.9047 said:

why is it still called Dragon Bash? there's no evil Elder Dragons to bash anymore thanks to the story got cut short.


I propose the festival to be renamed to "Dragon Pash", and update all the holograms with Aurene, flying around and giving festival goers with kisses.

We still got 1 more dragon tho except Aurene

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I mean they have a huge oportunity to put new stuff in the dragon coffer. ( Pristine eyes to craft the primordus or jormag eye infusions).
also of course with the ""deafeat""  of both jormag and primordus, there should be new events in the festival but  idoubt it

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I'm very happy with the holographic gauntlets earned by completing the 50 AP Achievement, very cool looking and nice reward. We now have an helmet, shoulders and now hands of a same set. Impatient to see the torso then the legs the next year and the one after.

Having the three dragons holograms as decos is also a nice gesture, it is cool that they cost less jorbreakers, 50 this time.


Through, there are still consistency and lore issues: Why the sons of svanir in hoelbrak aren't doing anything? Shouldn't they be angry since, hey oh, their dragon got killed! Shouldn't they be in rage assaulting everyone and ruining the party? What about all those mysterious travellers everywhere praising Jormag that got added with the start of icebrood Saga? They don't do anything?

What shock me the most is that Braham, former elder dragon champion, is perfectly fine, sitting next to a fire in the great lodge. I mean just what?


Dragon minions are infused with a magic of the corresponding dragon, but don't rely on a link with the dragon to survive. A dragon champion can survive without the dragon. The greatest example is in siren landing, a risen knight is perfectly fine without zhaithan.

Corruption doesn't simply vanish. Branded charrs didn't turned back into regular charrs. Mordrems didn't became normal sylvari again. It is a scar you can't remove. Braham, at least, should have kept the fiery appearance and recovering slowly. Firstly, continuing to growl being agressive, then telling several words, then, being him again. A mental healing over time.


What to understand with that dragon bash? Jormag is dead, so svanirs are dead? I don't think so, there is something wrong here, something missing.

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4 hours ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

Speaking of this festival they said we can find our allies all over hoelbrak, I didn't see Braham and the other at Great hall, anyone can list where are they?

Firstly, select as current story in your journal "champions". (last story)

Then aim to the great lodge of hoelbrak, the big building in the south where you have knut whitebear.

On the map normally you see a rectangle dialogue icon with green star. It's braham and a friend.


I haven't found any other here. But you can go to Eye of the north, aurene chamber. If you participated in return of ls2 there is also a bonus dialogue here with taimi and gorrik.

Edited by hugo.4705
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9 hours ago, hugo.4705 said:

I'm very happy with the holographic gauntlets earned by completing the 50 AP Achievement

Hmm, I didn't get 50 AP. Did the annual meta achievement and got the gauntlets but no AP. Which I found strange since in all festivals the repeatable annual achievements award that. Has something changed this year for Dragon Bash?

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8 hours ago, wondermuffin.9680 said:

Hmm, I didn't get 50 AP. Did the annual meta achievement and got the gauntlets but no AP. Which I found strange since in all festivals the repeatable annual achievements award that. Has something changed this year for Dragon Bash?


Normally in Hero / Achievements / Festivals / Dragon Bash Feats there is two achievs, one called "(Annual) Dragon bash feats" and one "Annual Feats" when you complete the meta achiev (first one), you get the gauntlet but also the  ap one (the second) be careful, even if you get the  AP one, it appears as not done even if done. Check your AP number, got my  AP.

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Okay so after doing everything from this year festival, doing the achiev and everything here's a feedback.


1/Can you, please, make the dragon Arena more rewarding? This is a waste of time, not rewarding and awful design. Comparing Stampede and Arena, the stampede is way far more rewarding. The dragon arena is absolutely horrid:

1- The holographic minions don't give any loot, and you get only 1 dragon coffer from each boss.

2- There is waiting time between every minions / boss phases.

3- It is long and boring, repetitive. Even the stampede is funnier.


So buff it. Make the minions drop loot like zhaitaffy at least, or at least reward a jorbreaker each time the five bosses are beaten. Reward 3 dragon coffers instead of one after one boss is beaten.


2/Make the Jorbreaker more common, it stays at 7.5g on TP, there is an issue. How a casual supposed to buy the weekly vendor supplies if they can't even get the item that need to be exchanged? This is bad tuning.

Take SAB as example, in one day one two, of doing every zone and difficulties, I get enough baubles bubbles to buy everything from the weekly vendor. Why it isn't the same with dragon bash?


3/Maybe a new event? Something tied to useless dragon effigies near the hoelbrak's lake?

Okay there are moa races. Okay there is another race. (Beetle race) Okay you have dragon pinata adventure. What else?

There is nothing else worthing the time of players imho in hoelbrak. The arena isn't rewarding enough. And once you done the annual achievements, better just doing stampedes. Btw getting just like 8 dragon coffer per stampede is very cheap and disapointing considering time and effort invested. Dragon bash could afford another event, like light all the dragon effigies around the city.



How the different festivals currencies easy to get compared to their weekly vendors? Here you go:


* Lunar new year rewards: 36 Exotic luck essences needed, really easy to get with Artificier 500. Less than 10g needed to buy some masterwork 80 on tp and recycle them.


* Super Adventure Box rewards: 121 Baubles bubbles needed, 40 earned by completing each zone in all difficulty. Not counting the ones collected in zones by converting baubles, surely add 1 bauble bubble by zone done. So +18. 58 in one day. As said previously, only 2-3 days needed very easy to achiev again.


* Dragon Bash rewards: 34 Jorbreaker needed, reminder, 1 = 7.5g let's say 8g. It is 272g needed. Insane, have to be fixed.

I don't speak about your newly added weapons, back item and mini that are out of reach. 20 jorbreaker a weapon LOL it is 160g. Excuse me, 164, there is 4g needed for it too. (x3  because 3 weapons wouldn't be funny if not, i don't speak of primordius plush and the expensive two minis)


* Festival of four winds and jubilee rewards: 10500 festival tokens needed. Knowing that doing the 6 adventures and getting gold, is 90 x 6 tokens, so, 540 festival tokens. In one week, you can so, by only doing adventures, have 3780 tokens. As info, also, boss blitz award a total of 180 tokens and treasure hunt around 170 tokens. So +350. Still, it is 4130 tokens.

This is correctely balanced. Because you just need to do that 3 days to be able to buy all weekly rewards, easy.


* Halloween rewards: 21 Candy corn Cobs so ~3g one, it is 63g. Little expensive but more achievable than dragon bash. Through may be achievable considering how rewarding the mad labyrinth is in term of bags and candies. Perfect candies like the skull, nougats and fangs can be exchanged too and they cost less, through only for ectos. Knowing that 1 Candy corn cob is 1000 candy corn pieces, you need 21000 candy corn pieces, sadly, like dragon bash, it is insane. I'm not sure they can get gathered in one week, but I think it may require at least 5 days of non stop lab farm may have to fixed but not as much as wintersday.


* Wintersday rewards: 21 Snow diamond so ~7g one; it is 147g. Very expensive like dragon bash. Again, 1 snow diamond equal 1000 snowflakes, HOWEVER, there is no mobs farm like halloween, there is no way to farm efficiently and rapidly snowflakes. Sure you can get a lot of gifts in choir or jumping puzzle but each gift don't give a lot of snowflakes plus you don't earn a lot each time you complete the activity. You need 21000 Snowflakes before the end of the week, again this is stunning. Never managed to buy even a single item from the weekly vendor. As bad as dragon bash, a new source of Snow diamond have to be added like reward after doing 10 jumping puzzle runs or doing 3 bell choirs.




Edited by hugo.4705
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