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Please add fishing. It doesn't have to be amazing.

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6 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

That's nice. Yet 15 ppl commented but of course you hate fishing so lets harass the op and pretend to be a moderator. Where were you with the 12 twisted Marinette threads or 8 legendary armory or even the one about block list has been discussed before many times. It's not like the forums are so active we gotta prune the 5 threads made a day into 4 because we gotta avoid topics you don't like. Just don't click on them

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Hilarious how you went from "IMAGINE IF THERE WAS RACISM IN THE GAME!" to "WELL SO WHY NOT INTRODUCE MORE?!" after your initial take was proven false 🙃 


Claim that adding fishing rods to the game would influence fauna irl is just nonsense. If I had to use wording you apparently prefer, I'd say your posts in this thread are

Did you read my post even? It is about consumption patterns not the very rod.

existence of racism or not in the game did not change the point - it was shown that there is - then I said ‘let’s take it further as it is just a game’ to demonstrate the reasoning of supporters of the fishing idea. Both issues are terrible and sad but - you clearly don’t really want to get into discussing this point which is a pity.

Standing for animal rights is not widely supported which is why you know you can afford to be dismissive to me and say what I do is hilarious and use capital letters.


39 minutes ago, Jukhy.2431 said:

I agree that industrial scale ocean fishing can be harmful. Often people do have the option to buy local and enviroment friendly products, but it takes more effort than just going to the nearest supermarket and they usually cost more. I cannot single-handedly fix the problems the world faces and I've done more than my share caring about the environment.


Indeed. I think that hobby style relaxing fishing is what OP meant with the suggestion. Kinda like how Wow did it, which I found out to be oddly relaxing (altho I still like fishing irl more 😊).

Industrial scale fishing is obliterating the oceans  and seas that’s what it is. Catching fish on hook and killing them for hobby reasons may not present the same level destruction, but it is killing animals for fun is kind of low.

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2 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

Did you read my post even? It is about consumption patterns not the very rod.

Obviously I did, appreaciate the concern and glad I could clear that out.

It might be about consumption patterns, but very clearly in strict relation to this thread, which is indeed "about the very rod", no need to start backpedalling on your wierdly overblown claims and misguided virtue signalling. 🙄 



existence of racism or not in the game did not change the point - it was shown that there is - then I said ‘let’s take it further as it is just a game’ to demonstrate the reasoning of supporters of the fishing idea. Both issues are terrible and sad but - you clearly don’t really want to get into discussing this point which is a pity.

I don't want to get into discussing it? It's you who made a strawman about "MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE RACISM IN THE GAME?!", but the moment someone corrected you, because it already IS in the game (and doesn't perpetuate racism outside of it), you revert into "WELL THEN MAYBE LETS GET MORE, GOT YOU!!", which makes no sense and just shows you don't care about what anyone says, but instead will just try to push your strawman further with each post.

Because some racism ingame = awful, but apparently not really, seeing how the current state of the game proves you wrong, so lets try to push that ridiculous claim further until it maaybe becomes awful so you can hopefully pretend you have any point at all. It's the same with what you're trying to do with fishing and claims about ingame rod usage somehow perpetuating extermination of sealife through overfishing. It makes 0 sense.



Standing for animal rights is not widely supported which is why you know you can afford to be dismissive to me and say what I do is hilarious and use capital letters.

Oh, the only reason I'm "dismissive" here is because what you say in this thread is pure unsubstantiated nonsense, no need to try and pretend my posts are something they're not so you can push your oppressed good guy narrative. If you want to make a difference about animal rights, do something that will matter instead of pretending that prohibiting or adding ingame fishing rods will somehow change anything irl -that's just ridiculous and nothing more than an attempt to make you feel better about yourself.



tbh I didn't even need fishing in the game because it will most probably lose its novelty rather fast (at least for me), but the more I read what you're spewing here, the more I want them to add it into the game. Surprising enough, somehow it doesn't push me into fishing -let alone doing it on industrial scale- irl 😱 


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I completely disagree with adding fishing if it isn't amazing. 

Fishing as an afk activity or as a new type of node that you just use to get a material and that's it would be a massive mistake. 

The same way mounts were not done the same boring way as in other games, for fishing to make sense in GW2, it would have to be a whole deal, with all the bells and whistles.


Something like this:



  • Fishing mastery track.
    • Masteries in this track would unlock the ability to fish, fishing skills, fishing rod recipes, fishing tool recipes, and basic starting fishing bait recipes.
    • Fishing masteries would only gain experience from fishing and events started by fishing.
  • Fishing minigame.
    • Fishing must not be a "walk to node, press F, wait" kind of deal. It has to be a minigame in which you have to use skills in order, 'fighting' with the fish.
    • When playing the fishing minigame in a fishing location, players would get 1-5 skills in the weapon skill slots. They have to be used in the correct order and with proper timing based on how the fishing rod reacts and on how the shadow of the fish in the water moves.
    • Fish would have a health bar and a defiance bar that represents the fighting spirit of the fish. The player's health would represent the durability of the fishing line. To catch the fish, the defiance bar must break without losing the health and breaking the line, and without killing the fish. Some particularly stubborn fish would also require to be weakened to a certain % of health to be captured. There may be other difficulty factors depending on the fish, like timers before they escape, or DoT to the fishing line, and even fish that turn into events that require you to jump into the water and fight them.
    • Killing the fish would result in failing the gathering, and getting "ruined hook" junk instead any fish or materials.
  • Fishing skills
    • The 5 fishing skills in the weapon skills side of the skill bar would be unlocked with the first 5 masteries in the fishing mastery track. The first fishing skill comes unlocked when unlocking the fist fishing mastery that teaches fishing.
    • Skills 6 to 0 would be fishing tool skills unlocked with the 6th and last mastery of the track
  • Fishing tools.
    • Crafted with the Huntsman discipline, they help when fishing and may be required for certain specific fish. The recipes are bought from any Fishing Master after unlocking the 6th mastery track.
    • The tool skills in slots 6 to 0 will be Ammo skills with no count recharges. The ammo appearing in the skills would be the amount of the tool in the inventory, up to 99.
    • The tools could be: a canister of healing nanogolems that restore the health of the line, a zapper than sends a current through the line to stun the fish, glittering shards that confuse the fish so they get damage when they perform actions, snares that immobilize them, and the jewel of the crown: An expensive stick of dynamite that goes in the elite slot, that can be thrown at strong fish to take a chunk of their defiance and health, but that will straight out murder weak fish.
  • Fishing rods.
    • Crafted with the Huntsman crating discipline. Better fishing rods would be required to fish in higher level maps and catch harder fish.
    • Equipping a fishing rod would be done in a new Gathering panel where all other other gathering tools and gathering info would also be moved. This panel and anything equipped in it would be account-wide.
    • Fishing rod skins would be obtained from crafting, from achievements, and from the gemstore. Fishing rod skins would not be applied to fishing rods directly as transmutations. They would be selected in the wardrobe and if the selected skin is checked to be active, it'll overwrite the skin of the rod equipped in the gathering panel. All other gathering tools would be changed to work this way too, and skins would be sold separately from tools, encouraging players to buy more skins even if they already have a full set of tools.
    • Using the fishing rod would be done with a "Start Fishing" item in a new "Tools" category in the Novelties wardrobe. This category will include all non-toy useful items that are not just for fun and have uses even after their related stories have been completed, like Mursaat Portal, the Position Rewinder or the Brandstone Multitool. This would allow using it anywhere without having to code prompts like with nodes and other objects, and using it even while riding any mount and sitting on any chair, including of course your skimmer while riding on top of the water.
    • Once equipped and selected, using the novelty button to activate this tool will use the equipped fishing rod with the selected fishing rod skin anywhere while standing on a valid mass of water. When trying to fish in a place with no fish, players would get a red warning instead taking out the fishing rod.
  • Fishing collections.
    • There would be at least 1 for each different set of 5-6 maps and regions: Krytan Fish, Maguuma, Ascalon, Shiverpeaks, Orr and S1&S2 maps, Heart of Maguuma, Crystal Desert, Season 3, Season 4, etc.
    • Fish collections could reward with things like aquatic life minis, recipes for fishing rod skins, fish-themed guild hall decorations like fishing stools, aquariums and mounted fish; a stool chairs novelty, and so on.
    • The collections must of course keep track of the biggest catch for each type of fish you've ever caught in a region, showing it at the bottom the description of the collection entry.
  • Bait.
    • There would be different types of bait that attract different kinds of fish.
    • Bait are crafted with the cooking discipline. The most legendary baits used to catch the harder fish would require cooking level 500.
    • Bait would be consumables that give the player an effect that lasts until a fishing attempt ends, regardless of success and failure.
    • Bait would be crafted with "crumbs" of food, milling stones and other ingredients that depend on each type of bait. Crumbs would be obtained salvaging any food, meaning that fishing would become a food sink by giving an use to all that useless food filing the trading post.
    • Basic bait recipes would be earned with fishing masteries, the rest must be learned by finding and impressing Fishing Masters found across the world with the catches in your fishing collections as you progress on competing them.
  • More than fish.
    • Sometimes fishing will produce more than fish, like salvageable trophies (e.g.: a pair of ruined boots that can be salvaged for leather, a rusty can salvageable for metal, etc), gemstones, swimming infusions, rusted keys, and underwater materials like coral, seaweed, clams, and pearls.
    • Bonus events.
      • Sometimes fishing will spawn an event like some angry sea life to attack you, like a giant crab, a bunch of krait or a an angry and hungry quaggan that was about to eat the fish you 'stole'.
      • Sometimes event may start from fishing, like a fight vs a veteran boss. On very rare occasions a stronger boss event may start, like a champion, or a fight vs a legendary fish in the water that requires players to jump in the water and fight the fish directly with underwater skills.
  • Home instance upgrade: Fish Tanks
    • It never hurts to give a mastery feature a juicy monetization scheme that may be worth getting for some players, and Home Instance Aquariums, along gemstore fishing rod skins,  would be a good way to do it for fishing.
    • Similar to the BL Garden plot deeds, they can be purchased several times to have more 'plots'.
    • Each plot would have space to put underwater nodes there to be gathered daily. Like clams, mussels, coral and seaweed.
    • Each plot would also have space to set fish as decoration. Fish tanks would be huge, but each fish tank would have only 8 slots for fish. Small fish would take 1, medium fish would take 2, large fish would take 4, and huge fish like sharks would take all 8 slots in a fish tank. The fish will be set with a dialogue option sorted by region, letting you put in the tank any fish recorded in your collections. 


Something like this would be the bare minimum for a fishing feature to make sense for GW2.

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12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

btw a fishing event with limited availability -but probably not exactly what you have in mind- is already in sandsept isles https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catch_as_many_fish_as_you_can!

I made the same comment... but got bombarded with 😵 confused emoji... 🥴.. wait till they fill this comment with confused reaction emojis as well 🤭

Edited by Crystal Paladin.3871
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11 minutes ago, MithranArkanere.8957 said:

I completely disagree with adding fishing if it isn't amazing. 

Fishing as an afk activity or as a new type of node that you just use to get a material and that's it would be a massive mistake. 

The same way mounts were not done the same boring way as in other games, for fishing to make sense in GW2, it would have to be a whole deal, with all the bells and whistles.


Something like this:



  • Fishing mastery track.
    • Masteries in this track would unlock the ability to fish, fishing skills, fishing rod recipes, fishing tool recipes, and basic starting fishing bait recipes.
    • Fishing masteries would only gain experience from fishing and events started by fishing.
  • Fishing minigame.
    • Fishing must not be a "walk to node, press F, wait" kind of deal. It has to be a minigame in which you have to use skills in order, 'fighting' with the fish.
    • When playing the fishing minigame in a fishing location, players would get 1-5 skills in the weapon skill slots. They have to be used in the correct order and with proper timing based on how the fishing rod reacts and on how the shadow of the fish in the water moves.
    • Fish would have a health bar and a defiance bar that represents the fighting spirit of the fish. The player's health would represent the durability of the fishing line. To catch the fish, the defiance bar must break without losing the health and breaking the line, and without killing the fish. Some particularly stubborn fish would also require to be weakened to a certain % of health to be captured. There may be other difficulty factors depending on the fish, like timers before they escape, or DoT to the fishing line, and even fish that turn into events that require you to jump into the water and fight them.
    • Killing the fish would result in failing the gathering, and getting "ruined hook" junk instead any fish or materials.
  • Fishing skills
    • The 5 fishing skills in the weapon skills side of the skill bar would be unlocked with the first 5 masteries in the fishing mastery track. The first fishing skill comes unlocked when unlocking the fist fishing mastery that teaches fishing.
    • Skills 6 to 0 would be fishing tool skills unlocked with the 6th and last mastery of the track
  • Fishing tools.
    • Crafted with the Huntsman discipline, they help when fishing and may be required for certain specific fish. The recipes are bought from any Fishing Master after unlocking the 6th mastery track.
    • The tool skills in slots 6 to 0 will be Ammo skills with no count recharges. The ammo appearing in the skills would be the amount of the tool in the inventory, up to 99.
    • The tools could be: a canister of healing nanogolems that restore the health of the line, a zapper than sends a current through the line to stun the fish, glittering shards that confuse the fish so they get damage when they perform actions, snares that immobilize them, and the jewel of the crown: An expensive stick of dynamite that goes in the elite slot, that can be thrown at strong fish to take a chunk of their defiance and health, but that will straight out murder weak fish.
  • Fishing rods.
    • Crafted with the Huntsman crating discipline. Better fishing rods would be required to fish in higher level maps and catch harder fish.
    • Equipping a fishing rod would be done in a new Gathering panel where all other other gathering tools and gathering info would also be moved. This panel and anything equipped in it would be account-wide.
    • Fishing rod skins would be obtained from crafting, from achievements, and from the gemstore. Fishing rod skins would not be applied to fishing rods directly as transmutations. They would be selected in the wardrobe and if the selected skin is checked to be active, it'll overwrite the skin of the rod equipped in the gathering panel. All other gathering tools would be changed to work this way too, and skins would be sold separately from tools, encouraging players to buy more skins even if they already have a full set of tools.
    • Using the fishing rod would be done with a "Start Fishing" item in a new "Tools" category in the Novelties wardrobe. This category will include all non-toy useful items that are not just for fun and have uses even after their related stories have been completed, like Mursaat Portal, the Position Rewinder or the Brandstone Multitool. This would allow using it anywhere without having to code prompts like with nodes and other objects, and using it even while riding any mount and sitting on any chair, including of course your skimmer while riding on top of the water.
    • Once equipped and selected, using the novelty button to activate this tool will use the equipped fishing rod with the selected fishing rod skin anywhere while standing on a valid mass of water. When trying to fish in a place with no fish, players would get a red warning instead taking out the fishing rod.
  • Fishing collections.
    • There would be at least 1 for each different set of 5-6 maps and regions: Krytan Fish, Maguuma, Ascalon, Shiverpeaks, Orr and S1&S2 maps, Heart of Maguuma, Crystal Desert, Season 3, Season 4, etc.
    • Fish collections could reward with things like aquatic life minis, recipes for fishing rod skins, fish-themed guild hall decorations like fishing stools, aquariums and mounted fish; a stool chairs novelty, and so on.
    • The collections must of course keep track of the biggest catch for each type of fish you've ever caught in a region, showing it at the bottom the description of the collection entry.
  • Bait.
    • There would be different types of bait that attract different kinds of fish.
    • Bait are crafted with the cooking discipline. The most legendary baits used to catch the harder fish would require cooking level 500.
    • Bait would be consumables that give the player an effect that lasts until a fishing attempt ends, regardless of success and failure.
    • Bait would be crafted with "crumbs" of food, milling stones and other ingredients that depend on each type of bait. Crumbs would be obtained salvaging any food, meaning that fishing would become a food sink by giving an use to all that useless food filing the trading post.
    • Basic bait recipes would be earned with fishing masteries, the rest must be learned by finding and impressing Fishing Masters found across the world with the catches in your fishing collections as you progress on competing them.
  • More than fish.
    • Sometimes fishing will produce more than fish, like salvageable trophies (e.g.: a pair of ruined boots that can be salvaged for leather, a rusty can salvageable for metal, etc), gemstones, swimming infusions, rusted keys, and underwater materials like coral, seaweed, clams, and pearls.
    • Bonus events.
      • Sometimes fishing will spawn an event like some angry sea life to attack you, like a giant crab, a bunch of krait or a an angry and hungry quaggan that was about to eat the fish you 'stole'.
      • Sometimes event may start from fishing, like a fight vs a veteran boss. On very rare occasions a stronger boss event may start, like a champion, or a fight vs a legendary fish in the water that requires players to jump in the water and fight the fish directly with underwater skills.
  • Home instance upgrade: Fish Tanks
    • It never hurts to give a mastery feature a juicy monetization scheme that may be worth getting for some players, and Home Instance Aquariums, along gemstore fishing rod skins,  would be a good way to do it for fishing.
    • Similar to the BL Garden plot deeds, they can be purchased several times to have more 'plots'.
    • Each plot would have space to put underwater nodes there to be gathered daily. Like clams, mussels, coral and seaweed.
    • Each plot would also have space to set fish as decoration. Fish tanks would be huge, but each fish tank would have only 8 slots for fish. Small fish would take 1, medium fish would take 2, large fish would take 4, and huge fish like sharks would take all 8 slots in a fish tank. The fish will be set with a dialogue option sorted by region, letting you put in the tank any fish recorded in your collections. 


Something like this would be the bare minimum for a fishing feature to make sense for GW2.

yeah.. hes right!

but that was a really lengthy post... wow. 😆

Implementing such a thing and fixing bugs and maintaining proper release cycles would be too much hassle and at that point, we might as well call this a fishing simulator rather than an mmo 🥴



P.S. Seems the fishermen in GW2  really love the confused and crying emoji 🥴. maybe anet shd reward them in-game loot if they do confused emoji in forums.. coz they love the confused emoji more than their willingness to play mmorpg.. 🤭 . gotcha redhanded

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3 hours ago, jwaz.1908 said:

Not trying to be rude or combative, but your comment is the definition of virtue signaling. Video games have plenty of activities and concepts that are unacceptable in the real world (killing for example), so saying that GW2 shouldn't have fishing because it causes a lot of harm in the real world (only when done en mass) is not a valid argument.


Personally I couldn't care less either way if they added fishing or not.

Agreed.  Fishing would be bad in GW, but killing hundreds or thousands of ____  (White Mantle, ettin, pocket raptors, Branded, and on and on and on) is FUN!   ???  I'm just waiting for the gluten-free and low-carb crowd to protest some of the recipes our chef toons can make.  < eye roll >

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3 minutes ago, Ardenwolfe.8590 said:

Wow. This thread has it all. Shocked it hasn't gotten nuked yet.

In today's world nothing surprises me anymore.  You can call a rock a rock and people will still argue that it's a boulder and causing global warming while keeping them poor.  2021 is Idiocracy.

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2 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

In today's world nothing surprises me anymore.  You can call a rock a rock and people will still argue that it's a boulder and causing global warming while keeping them poor.  2021 is Idiocracy.

Sad story is sad. 😴

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5 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

In today's world nothing surprises me anymore.  You can call a rock a rock and people will still argue that it's a boulder and causing global warming while keeping them poor.  2021 is Idiocracy.


Player A: ANet, please add rockhounding so that we can enjoy another fun collection of rocks.   


Armchair Activist:  ANet no!!  Don't support these geological fascists!


I'm going to go buy Farming Simulator 2020 so I can oppress some corn.

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15 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

But fishing is cringe in general, it is cruel and the oceans struggle with the problem of overfishing nowadays.


It may seem like an abstract comment I know - but if you think about it - why promote that even more? Of course it may not be fish harvesters, just a rod - but principle is the same. I know I have a storm coming but at least I laid it off my chest after seeing countless topics like this 🥵


I don't think we should be encouraging magic use either.  People need to address their problems in a practical way.  There is no magic wand, people!


GW2: Saving the world, one patch at a time.


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18 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Obviously I did, appreaciate the concern and glad I could clear that out.

It might be about consumption patterns, but very clearly in strict relation to this thread, which is indeed "about the very rod", no need to start backpedalling on your wierdly overblown claims and misguided virtue signalling. 🙄 


I don't want to get into discussing it? It's you who made a strawman about "MAYBE WE SHOULD HAVE RACISM IN THE GAME?!", but the moment someone corrected you, because it already IS in the game (and doesn't perpetuate racism outside of it), you revert into "WELL THEN MAYBE LETS GET MORE, GOT YOU!!", which makes no sense and just shows you don't care about what anyone says, but instead will just try to push your strawman further with each post.

Because some racism ingame = awful, but apparently not really, seeing how the current state of the game proves you wrong, so lets try to push that ridiculous claim further until it maaybe becomes awful so you can hopefully pretend you have any point at all. It's the same with what you're trying to do with fishing and claims about ingame rod usage somehow perpetuating extermination of sealife through overfishing. It makes 0 sense.


Oh, the only reason I'm "dismissive" here is because what you say in this thread is pure unsubstantiated nonsense, no need to try and pretend my posts are something they're not so you can push your oppressed good guy narrative. If you want to make a difference about animal rights, do something that will matter instead of pretending that prohibiting or adding ingame fishing rods will somehow change anything irl -that's just ridiculous and nothing more than an attempt to make you feel better about yourself.



tbh I didn't even need fishing in the game because it will most probably lose its novelty rather fast (at least for me), but the more I read what you're spewing here, the more I want them to add it into the game. Surprising enough, somehow it doesn't push me into fishing -let alone doing it on industrial scale- irl 😱 


Very smart accusing  me of strawman methods. I did say - let’s have more to demonstrate the point - adding immoral things in game is treated as cool by you and others in this topic - so despite racism being there already or adding more does not change my point. Did you understand or do you need some further explanation?


You claim that my post is nonsense and that it won’t help anyone irl - that’s your opinion. For your information I’m very involved in animal rights activism irl so don’t patronise me. If I wanted to feel better about myself I’d just not care about any third party. You saying that what I say is a nonsense or ridiculous rather seem to want to feel better about yourself. You even use capitals and quote me as a screamy person to paint me as someone completely irrational.


Im glad it doesn’t push you into fishing, but I spoke here about consumption, I can explain again if you still don’t understand (and that you don’t eat fish is great as I assume, high five).

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18 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

In today's world nothing surprises me anymore.  You can call a rock a rock and people will still argue that it's a boulder and causing global warming while keeping them poor.  2021 is Idiocracy.

I'm tired of seeing this rockist attitude everywhere. ArenaNet should remove rocks from Cantha, won't somebody please think of the children!

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The problem is that is never just fishing.

You out fishing, then you need to fish something.

You have fish, you need a use for it, and them there are new recipes.

The recipes are not good ppl complain about it and you have to make stuff only craftable from fish.

And them there are mini games, fishing events, fishing achievement and all of sundden you are pissed of because that STUPID TYRIAN SCALED TITAN NEVER SHOWS UP, THAT FREAKING STUPID..... ahem, anyway, in the end ppl that hate fishing in games are forced to do it and hate every second of it. I AM LOOKING AT YOU FFXIV!


So I will have to vote against it

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5 hours ago, Mik.3401 said:

Very smart accusing  me of strawman methods. I did say - let’s have more to demonstrate the point - adding immoral things in game is treated as cool by you and others in this topic - so despite racism being there already or adding more does not change my point. Did you understand or do you need some further explanation?

Yeah, "you said let's have more to demonstrate the point" and brought up an obviously popularly controversial topic of racism in an attempt to play on emotions, despite it being completely irrelevant to anything discussed here. So... like... you know, strawman. Too bad it still failed. And it's not the case of "adding immoral things is treated as cool", not even close -did you even read the posts you're trying to respond to?



You claim that my post is nonsense and that it won’t help anyone irl - that’s your opinion. For your information I’m very involved in animal rights activism irl so don’t patronise me. If I wanted to feel better about myself I’d just not care about any third party. You saying that what I say is a nonsense or ridiculous rather seem to want to feel better about yourself. You even use capitals and quote me as a screamy person to paint me as someone completely irrational.

Yes, I claim it's nonsense, because that's a fact. I mostly used capitals for potentially better readability of parts that "YOU'VE SAID", no need to pretend it's somehow offensive to you or w/e.



Im glad it doesn’t push you into fishing, but I spoke here about consumption, I can explain again if you still don’t understand (and that you don’t eat fish is great as I assume, high five).

Where did you even get that from? I eat fish and there's no reason for me not to. But it's not because of the game or any other media, but because of my choices and preferences LOL. You really struggle to make a valid point, for now all you do is repeat some empty words and phrases that mean nothing and have nothing to do with reality. And seeing how you don't even have anything to add over those empty phrases, there's no need for you to quote me anymore and pretend you're responding to anything -it's a fishing rod in a game, nobody cares, IT changes nothing and YOU are changing nothing with some cheap virtue signalling about it o/


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On 7/23/2021 at 3:20 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, "you said let's have more to demonstrate the point" and brought up an obviously popularly controversial topic of racism in an attempt to play on emotions, despite it being completely irrelevant to anything discussed here. So... like... you know, strawman. Too bad it still failed. And it's not the case of "adding immoral things is treated as cool", not even close -did you even read the posts you're trying to respond to?


Yes, I claim it's nonsense, because that's a fact. I mostly used capitals for potentially better readability of parts that "YOU'VE SAID", no need to pretend it's somehow offensive to you or w/e.


Where did you even get that from? I eat fish and there's no reason for me not to. But it's not because of the game or any other media, but because of my choices and preferences LOL. You really struggle to make a valid point, for now all you do is repeat some empty words and phrases that mean nothing and have nothing to do with reality. And seeing how you don't even have anything to add over those empty phrases, there's no need for you to quote me anymore and pretend you're responding to anything -it's a fishing rod in a game, nobody cares, IT changes nothing and YOU are changing nothing with some cheap virtue signalling about it o/


Ok you are still at it so let me explain one more time

Both racism and fishing/eating fish are hugely destructive phenomenons. One of them is recognised by masses as harmful - racism (unfortunately not always though) and the other - fishing/eating fish not really on bigger scale yet.

So - using both of these to prove the point makes sense as adding more racist elements to the game will promote socially (and environmentally - believe or not) adverse norms just like promoting fishing is promotes harmful actions and consumption patterns. 
So - racism = negative, hurts people and the places they live ; fishing = negative, destroys water ecosystems and contributes to environmental crisis.

I hope it clicks now 🙂 yes racism is controversial indeed and rightfully so, and so fishing needs to be given it is also harmful. I used it with confidence and once it has been mentioned racism is in the game - I said ok - fair let’s add more because that’s destructive just like adding fishing. You have brought the caps and saying I talk nonsense to the conversation without direct counter points - so yes you brought it on the offensive side.


You claim eating fish is your choice - yes, but choices we make are conditioned by social norms enabling them. The more certain activity /production/consumption pattern etc. is present in the things we read, see and experience the more we treat is as acceptable given we don’t see/acknowledge the adverse effects it may have. So in fact it is your choice indeed, but taken from a narrowed pallet served to you by the system around you.

so - adding fishing to GW2 will not harm water ecosystems directly of course, but it will promote fishing as something normal, cool and acceptable. Sure people kill each other in this game but it is done to people who want to fight as in PvP or enemy mobs. Do you run around and kill the innocents/citizens? You can but it’s not a crucial mechanic as fishing would be to get the resources. Killing animals in GW2 is kind of awkward to me, but at least it is not required for anything crucial to the game.

this is what I needed to add to clarify my ‘cheap virtue signalling’. You may not agree with these,  write in caps and present me as someone babbling nonsense all you want obviously.



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