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Well GW2 has ruined me ☹

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I admit I had a hissy fit over something in GW2, and went on a tirade about how GW2 is a lackluster game with too many problems, and not enough dev support! So I decided to go play my catgirl in Final Fantasy , I have not played her in over a year. After some updates and logging in to my cutie I get to running around killing stuff and continuing my journey. OH EM GEE! playing GW2 made me realize what a dumpster fire character movement and combat are in any other game. I tried for hours to get into it but I kept looking for that spatial freedom I get in GW2, not to mention combat feels slow and our combat feels perfect. And the ui was starting to get on my nerves, plus for being an old game GW2 actually looks pretty and clean. Our world is prettier! So I cant wait to see what EoD will look like, because I dont think I can go back to FF or WoW im spoiled on our combat and movement system. Just give us heartlines lol kinda like questlines that have a good story path to follow and ill be happy.


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Pretty much the reason why I don't want to come back to WoW or even try out FF14. The combat is slow there.

GW2 requires skills, even for flying with a mount. 

There is no match.

This game is going to be number 1 MMO for a while after EoD is released, it's just a matter of time, other players from other MMO will migrate here and the new GW2 assembled team looks promising.

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22 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Grinding for legendary gear in GW2 sucks more than any regular “gear treadmill.”

No it doesn’t. And legendary gear is just optional, it’s not Bis. In GW2 there is not every few months a new gear score you have to achieve in order to be able to play the game. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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16 minutes ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Grinding for legendary gear in GW2 sucks more than any regular “gear treadmill.”

Sure, except you need legendary gear for exactly nothing. You won't be locked out of any raid, wont' be locked out of any fractal, won't be locked out of any dungeon for not having legendary  gear. You won't be at a disadvantage in PvP either. Or WvW.  Legendary gear is a convenience item with the same stats as ascended.  In other games you have to grind to get BIS gear. Here you have to get that gear once, ascended, and you never have to get it again. Hell you can even swap weapon and armor stats in the mystic forge if you want to change the stats on a set of ascended gear.  There really is no comparison.

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3 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Grinding for legendary gear in GW2 sucks more than any regular “gear treadmill.”

Stats-wise Legendary is not the end game gear, Ascended is and being there no gear treadmill means there is no power creep, something that plagues sub-based MMOs

Edited by Touchme.1097
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7 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Gw2 spoils us. 


I could never play A MMO again with a gear treadmill. 




This is the thing I like. 


I quit GW2 for six years. Came back and could still instantly play all top content and work on anything I wanted with access to all of the games content on my door step. 


Any other mmo, and you'd have to change all your gear for higher stats and change everything. New levels to grind, new gear to grind, as if you've never played it before.  


And because once you buy GW2 you own it, it really means you can just hop back in whenever you feel like it without having to pay a sub. Its really a perfect mmo in that regard. 

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4 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Grinding for legendary gear in GW2 sucks more than any regular “gear treadmill.”

gw2 has no grind, trust me i came long time ago from korean mmo i was top dog there but u could barely finish ur lvl grind and gear grind before new update came out..

see u guys complain about infusion drop at what 0.001% chance?
kitten gear in that game dropped at 0,000018% chance if it would drop it would still be useless..
if u would start that game now it will take u 4/5 years to even get where i stopped and ull be miles behind to people who continue playing.
fun part is, u cant do a jackshit in that game cus u lack on everything, u die to a mob u lose 5% for u to gain this 5% back say hello to another week of hours and hours of grinding random npc's 🙂

gw2 is most relaxing lean back mmo out there and it really has no grind at all.

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Oh yes, so much. I've been playing GW2 mostly casually since 2014, and then will often try out random MMOs just for fun (usually Asian ones since I love the aesthetics, hello Cantha!). Had a brief stint in ESO and FFXIV. 

I can never play these other games for more than a week. Either the system sucks (combat, crafting, UI, overwhelming amount of fetch quests), or the community sucks, or any number of other things that I can't help but compare with GW2 and realise I have been spoiled. Even the bloody chat UI is so weird in other games, like, no separate LFG? People looking for groups in map chat? Emojis? What is this...

Point is, my eternal noob butt always goes back to GW2. The QoL is just too good.

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I've noticed something similar. I'll sometimes get into conversations about "What if there was an MMO based on X?" and a lot of my friends will focus on things like what the playable races would be and which classes, mounts etc. would be exclusive to each race, which areas will be dungeons or raids, sometimes assume having PvP means having PvP enabled servers where anyone can attack anyone but nothing more structured...


Meanwhile I find myself thinking I'd quite like all the races to be able to use all the classes and mounts and what's important to me is having the freedom to explore this world and not get stuck into a gear treadmill or linear progression through areas, having genuinely cooperative PvE and PvP which is about more than just ganking and for the game overall to be something I don't have to commit all my free time to just to keep up with other players. Effectively I want GW2 with different lore and artwork.


Of course there are some differences depending on the source material, for example when we talked about a Zelda MMO we were talking about a horizontal progression system where you don't collect gear with higher stats but items which give you new options for both combat and exploration, but even then I was imagining it a bit like the mastery system. There's also things I don't like about GW2 and would change if I could, but I still think it's the MMO best suited to me.

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GW2 is not perfect, but like OP I can't play other mmos for the same reasons.  I wanted to experience the story of FFXIV but combat was so stagnant. And no voice over for your character?  And of the things that has always pulled me back to Guild Wars was the art style, which ages really really well. In fact part of the reason I even started to play gw1 back in the day was because it looked so good in comparison to other games (and the no subscription helped too). The thing about guild wars is that the dev team is not the best at editing. They have really great ideas but sometimes they don't always take the proper step back to see how it's actually gonna play out in the live game. Then when something doesn't work out they are not the best at addressing. Take the legendary armory for example, works great for armor but it's unusable for weapons. So people like me are either not using their weapons or looking for ascended ones to replace them.  Editing has been an issue since closed beta. But that's  different topic altogether.


Overall GW2 is a good game, so when people trash on it I'm always confused.

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Different strokes for different folks.

Yes combat and movement are top notch in gw2 (except when you slide against edges when you're trying to jump above them).

It's a special shame it's wasted in gw2 when it comes to it's, as you say dumpster fire, pvp departments.

No grinds lol, yeah skyscale wasn't a grind at all. 🙄

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GW2 combat is the best out there but for what ever reason anet is RELAY bad at adding and updating content. You would think at this point they would of accidentally added in something very game defining but it has yet to realty happen. The base game content still the best content (wvw and spvp mostly with open pve events and world).

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10 hours ago, Mortifera.6138 said:

Yes, it does.


Wonderful counter-argument there 😄


I have legendary armor through WvW and my world rank prior to joining a guild this year was somewhere around 600.  There is no grind, just playing the game on and off (sometimes with year long breaks) over the past 9 years.  If I was more active, sure I would have gotten it a lot sooner.  


But yeah, GW2 combat is something else.  We may all complain about the balancing, but you can't complain about the spatial movement.  

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3 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Wonderful counter-argument there 😄


I have legendary armor through WvW and my world rank prior to joining a guild this year was somewhere around 600.  There is no grind, just playing the game on and off (sometimes with year long breaks) over the past 9 years.  If I was more active, sure I would have gotten it a lot sooner.  



If we're going to judge grinds by your time metric, then pretty much no game would have a grind in your mind....

People have different tolerance levels, you're going to always get a different answer for grinds.


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13 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Yeah, I am trying to like FFXIV.  It's the flavor of the month at the moment, apparently.  I even went so far as to buy the game to really give it a go.  But it's exactly as you say.  The combat feels awful compared to GW2.  I just can't make myself like it so far.

Even though the use of spells at level cap is better because you have more to work with, its still feels sloggy. Plus GW2 toons look better 😎

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I agree that GW2's engine has great character movement animations (on land and in the water) and is very precise in that regard (and in regard of combat). It feels super fluent, which other games often don't (movement and animations there feel clunky in comparison).


It's definitely GW2's biggest plus in my book.

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9 hours ago, Magek.4718 said:

The only way to fight the FFXIV shill posts is with GW2 shill posts.


Me? I'm having a grand old time with both games.

Oh believe me im not a shill lol, one look at my post history should tell you that. FF is fine for what it is, but for me I cant play like that anymore, it feels stiff.

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