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How do you feel about EoD after the livestream? POLL

How do you feel about EoD after the livestream?  

376 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about EoD after the livestream?

    • Hyped
    • Somewhat hyped
    • Neutral
    • Somewhat underwhelmed
    • Underwhelmed

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For those of you who were around pre and post PoF release, you’ll recall that they said nothing about a flying mount (griffon) leading up to it. So, it is certainly possible that we’ll have some surprises upon release of EoD.


 In terms of what we’ve seen, I would agree with those that were disappointed with the generation 3 legendaries. Personally, I’ve never cared for Aurene so the idea of having an entire set of 16 legendary skins themed on her is not the least bit enticing to me.

The rest of the stuff teased seemed pretty cool, but to be honest, I most care about elite specializations. If those end up being great, then the expansion will have been a success in my opinion.

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Indifferent. I don't really feel any sense of disappointment, but I don't care about fishing or the skiffs and think the siege turtles look dumb af. The new features just don't interest me, but I am still excited to explore new maps, and more than anything I hope the new e-specs are good. The virtuoso looks a bit uninspired but still very fun and the mechanics look much healthier than the abomination that was Mirage. I understand people's disappointment in the new legendaries but I find them very pretty and already modeled a character around them.


In general, the announcement didn't really hype me up but I still very much look forward to playing the expac. Loved that they released all the e-spec icons...been having fun speculating with friends.

Edited by Za Shaloc.3908
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Well, let's see if I can get everything together...
- Fishing: Couldn't care less about it, maybe it's done well. We'll see...
- Skiffs: Couldn't care less about it, maybe it's done well. We'll see...
- New Elites: Were expected and I'm happy that they will do them again. We'll see...

- Gen3 Legendaries: Meh, gemshop-tier design decision to make them all look alike, probably won't bother.

- New Guild Hall: Since guilds are abandoned content, I don't think this will count for much.

- Sneak peak on maps and environments: It looks pretty alright.

- Story will be more mystery solving: We'll see about that, story generally doesn't have much replay value.

- "We had replay value in mind": We'll see about that when it's released.

- Siege Turtles: Don't see the problem this will solve. Maybe it's done well. We'll see...

- Alliances: Cool concept I'm looking forward to but will believe in when it's in game.

- Merch: Waste of resources. Trash that will end up in a landfill 5 years from now.

- Colin's grinning face: We'll see how this will go down. Actions>Words

- Cantha nostalgia/Cantha as a setting: I wasn't there in GW1 so I couldn't care less about "ZOMG WE'RE REVISITING CANTHA!! SO EPIC! WOW!!!!" also I'm not one to get hyped just because something looks asian since I am not an "afficionado of east asian culture". Best I can say is that it's a setting as good as any other in my book. I would have preferred going somewhere new but hey, that ship sailed a long time ago.

- However: I'm happy no resources were wasted on a new playable race, new weapon types, a mobile game, player housing, open world PvP, a new tier of gear, polymock and all the other rubbish that gets sugested ad nauseam besides fishing of course.


Did I miss anything?

Edited by lokh.2695
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20 hours ago, Crono.4197 said:

To be honest, all I wanted was a new Tengu race. Other than that, I was pretty much expecting things similar to what they announced. So I'm in the Neutral camp. Looking forward to it, but not the "OMG I'M SO HYPED" kind of looking forward.

How did the idea that Tengu was coming as a playable race get so much steam. People were just setting themselves up for disappointment on that one. No previous expansion has ever been large enough in scope for us to expect this one to be any different. A Tengu playable race would never have fit into the existing story and role that the player character fulfills, and expansions have never been large enough in scope to encompass a new personal story path.


Don't get me wrong, it would have been totally cool to see it, but anyone expecting it was just setting themselves up to be disappointed.

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2 hours ago, achronis.3597 said:

I think Anet should expand on the mount system and make combat mounts a major feature.  Siege turtle sounds great but why bring combat to the other mounts?  


I don't understand this question - no one "brings combat to the other mounts". As far as announced stuff goes it's just siege turtle that is two people, and works in combat (passenger controls the guns). You could count skiff as 5-man mount I suppose, but it's main feature seems ability to "anchor it" so you can go fishing, for all we know so far.


2 hours ago, achronis.3597 said:

As for new playable races, it's definitely a huge undertaking for sure but one that would make the community very happy and be used to get new players interested, IMO.


I think you are misunderstanding the scale here. It would not make "community very happy" because in order to cut down it to even amount of resources AN can, (and ever could) handle, they would need to basically cut every single corner possible. And that would lead to your "new race" to be even more botched than revenant was on HoT release, and pretty much dead as soon as people realize just how many corners have been cut. And then comes consideration of increase in work for the future, as they seem already struggling to fit new armor sets for outliers (asura/charr) and now they would also need to make them fit on tengu or whatever as well.


Just to put things in scope - every MMO I have seen actually adding "new races" post launch fullfilled one or more of the following:

1. limited amount of armor skins in general,

2. pretty much all "races" being basically differently scaled and/or coloured humans, sometimes with big ears

3. RACE SPECIFIC ITEMS - as in items worn by let's say a dwarfs are complete separate family of items than those used by elves.


and in GW2 none of these applies - there is a metric crapload of available armor skins, we have races that have distinctively different skeleton than others, and the most popular candidates for new races stray even further, and we are using same items accross all characters regardless of race, because one of core design decisions is sticking to being alt-friendliness.

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20 hours ago, Toraseishin.1932 said:

... Also I don't understand the appeal of Tengu as a playable race, though I respect the opinion/taste of those who really want it. Personally though - give me Largos and an underwater-focused hub + storyline in the Jade Sea and I'd be over the moon.


I'm not a fan of the Tengu either. If another race is added, I'd really like to see the rebirth of the Dwarves. They deserve to have a more prominent place in GW2. 

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20 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

It was a fine first step for releasing info.  The hype I have is for the open Beta's that will be coming up, cause reading about new content is far less engaging to actually playing new content.  

Yes, I'm really interested in the Beta's as well. I'm wondering how they'll be implemented, open registration, or by invitation? 

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19 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

Oh and engine optimization and upgrade 

This. So many player complaints about the game still dependent on DX9, having to use add-ons. 


I think that these 2 points, which will have a lot of appeal to new players especially, have been lost in the shuffle. 

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5 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

Yes, I'm really interested in the Beta's as well. I'm wondering how they'll be implemented, open registration, or by invitation? 


all the previous one were handled in a way that you would get temporary "beta" character slot added to the account and within that slot you would create character that would participate in it - i.e. have instant access to relevant beta content - in this case, especs.

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My guess is it's going to be pretty meh, with the usually bore-me -to-death-and-flog-me story, but I bought it anyway.  It's somewhere new to explore and there might be some good bits.

What I am wetting my pants over is DX11.

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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I think they dropped the ball concerning a hype for the game. I, personally, am not interested in fishing in games, never been. But as it looks this is a leading feature? If it is not, why don't you show your trump card to hype people up? Wether you like fishing or not, you have to admit, it is not the most excitement inducing game activity. That has me somehow concerned for the longevity of the expansion. My long term goal can't be to hunt down fish...

The warturtle, skiffs, look-a-like legendaries, no new fractal, no new raid. This is all not getting me hyped. I really hope they have something up their sleeves that is truly amazing like gliding and mounts back then!

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I am actually a tad more hyped for this than I was before.  IBS really deflated the sails of this game in my books... Was nice to see some stuff in there (i.e. Fishing) that I never thought I would see in this game.  Only real thing that I was unimpressed by was the legendary shown, not my cup of tea but I'm sure others out there will love them.

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I am certain that they showed up only one small of piece of what is coming. More will be revealed on next months.

However, they could have shown a more appealing teaser to create more hype: a longer video showing more of the stuff that was revealed (Mesmer new specialization, turtle siege, fishing). So I am neutral for the time being.

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I was quite disappointed with the legendary weapon 'set' i was hoping either for complete new weapons with the new specs, or canthan inspired weapons.

The maps are gorgeous, i hope Echovald still gives off the dark, gothic-ness i loved it for. 

Said on another thread i don't get the fishing in the game. Very much a one and done thing.

The turtle seems fun, but again one and done. 

Other than that i am looking forward to next year and i hope they didn't show case what they consider the best bits and there is more.

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1 hour ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

Yes, I'm really interested in the Beta's as well. I'm wondering how they'll be implemented, open registration, or by invitation? 

pretty sure they said open beta available to all accounts including free ones. However they didn’t say what form the beta would take (new server, instanced, pvx?)

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23 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

They did indeed say all accounts 🙂


29 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

pretty sure they said open beta available to all accounts including free ones. However they didn’t say what form the beta would take (new server, instanced, pvx?)

Yes I'm sorry people. I should have checked the wiki prior to posting that. It always amazes me how well maintained the wiki is, so many dedicated people on there. So from that link: Upcoming changes and features - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)


this info: End of Dragons beta access events will be available to all players, including free to play players. During each beta event, players will be able to create three fully equipped level 80 beta characters and play a selection of elite specializations in existing PvE, World vs. World, Player vs. Player, and open-world content.


& a lot more as well. o/

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2 hours ago, Tungsten Monarch.6058 said:

I'd post my honest reaction but SJW kitten cancel culture would just get my account banned. The Dev's at ANet need to grow up and learn to tell a better story.

They may not have told a better story, but their faces and body language did. Let's just say they looked as happy as a chicken heading to KFC farm..

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