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What elite spec do you want to get a Herald level rework next

bara yaoi.3824

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Well, the herald rework did not change much for rev. Power herald viability in both PvP and PvE remained the same (and to be clear it was meta before and is meta after the patch). Support herald is not a thing, so...

Okay.. elites that need serious work:

Renegade, terrible everywhere except raids. Weapon barely viable outside large hit boxes or stationary targets.Tempest, weak damage. Support is meh.Berserker, need unnerfing of several skills to be viable in PvP and a bit smoother in PvE.Scrapper, a bit of rework in the traits and damage buffs in PvE.

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from a pvp perspective: most of the hot specs need numbers re-upped, plus some pof specs like renegade and weaver. renegade I think needs a massive numbers rework, the core is there. weaver needs something, it could become easily really op, but right now they are a jack of all trades master of none. that doesn't really work in this game. some pve specs can go hybrid, but for the most part you are either one or the other because that's what is most effective. sad but true.

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@Rhyse.8179 said:Overall I'd say Necro, but since the question is Elite Spec only and Necro Elites are not that bad (anymore)... Probably Scrapper. I literally never see one, so I assume it must be terribad.

I can agree to that. Necromancer elite specs are solid atm, only a few skills need some tweaks on them. But scrapper needs something more. I wish function gyro was easier to use with action cam for example. And maybe some more boon support foe allies.

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I say scrapper or tempestRenegade could be good with some tweeks to make the spirit utilities either more impactful on use or less vunlerable and it could be very solid.A few weapon skills need tweeking and maybe 1 or 2 traits need a tweek too but other than that its not as bad as most people consider it to be.

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