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Why doesn't GW2 have the option of 1x1 duels??

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In World of Warcraft there is no Dye System. If you've got a beautiful set/gear but it's orange and you hate orange... there's nothing you can do. If you go to the WoW forum now and suggest Dye System... fantastically... you will encounter the same resistance seen here in the case of the "1v1 duel" for the most selfish reasons possible. Many there say that most people would only paint their clothes black (because in wow there is not a single set totally black)... but get this... in GW2 you can paint your outfit/set/gear 100% full black ...but I think less than 3% of the players I see use a 100% black set on GW2. This demolishes all arguments against WoW players' dye system.
And it also proves (or suggests) that a lot of things that you think will happen in a GW2 with 1v1 duels....will not actually happen as you imagine.
In short: In WoW it is absurd for most players who participate in the forum that you simply want to wear an outfit of the color you like. Amazing, isn't it?
I think they would also find this thread "Amazing" because duels have been there for 15 - 16 years, many love it, all PVErs respect 1v1 duels as something routine.
p.s: Everything else in WoW sucks, (imo).

I would like to (respectfully) add:
- In most games with 1v1 duel it is not allowed to duel within cities.
- It is not allowed to duel in areas that interfere with any PVE event.
- There are ways you can block any duel invites forever.
- I've never heard of Stalkers who chase those who don't want to duel. This is a legend. A delusion.
- I've never heard of people who like to duel to show off (as said in this thread). My God, In a duel you have a 50% chance of losing. How would someone like to display a defeat?
- 1v1 Duel is not an affront, aberration, indecent exposure, provocation or any name you want to say. It's just a fun pastime for players who like to fight other players.


(English is not my first lenguage. Sorry for some mystake).

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1 hour ago, hatozeni.5721 said:

In World of Warcraft there is no Dye System. If you've got a beautiful set/gear but it's orange and you hate orange... there's nothing you can do. If you go to the WoW forum now and suggest Dye System... fantastically... you will encounter the same resistance seen here in the case of the "1v1 duel" for the most selfish reasons possible. Many there say that most people would only paint their clothes black (because in wow there is not a single set totally black)... but get this... in GW2 you can paint your outfit/set/gear 100% full black ...but I think less than 3% of the players I see use a 100% black set on GW2. This demolishes all arguments against WoW players' dye system.
And it also proves (or suggests) that a lot of things that you think will happen in a GW2 with 1v1 duels....will not actually happen as you imagine.
In short: In WoW it is absurd for most players who participate in the forum that you simply want to wear an outfit of the color you like. Amazing, isn't it?
I think they would also find this thread "Amazing" because duels have been there for 15 - 16 years, many love it, all PVErs respect 1v1 duels as something routine.
p.s: Everything else in WoW sucks, (imo).

I would like to (respectfully) add:
- In most games with 1v1 duel it is not allowed to duel within cities.
- It is not allowed to duel in areas that interfere with any PVE event.
- There are ways you can block any duel invites forever.
- I've never heard of Stalkers who chase those who don't want to duel. This is a legend. A delusion.
- I've never heard of people who like to duel to show off (as said in this thread). My God, In a duel you have a 50% chance of losing. How would someone like to display a defeat?
- 1v1 Duel is not an affront, aberration, indecent exposure, provocation or any name you want to say. It's just a fun pastime for players who like to fight other players.


(English is not my first lenguage. Sorry for some mystake).

I think Albert Einstein's definition of the I word fit here

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8 hours ago, Imba.9451 said:

A game can't and should not be tailored around the special social needs of very few people, sorry to say that.

Exactly, that's why we don't have dueling in pve. Because it is exactly that, especially considering there are already ways to duel.

To do so would require investment into creating an entirely new game mode to tailor around the social needs of very few people.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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4 hours ago, hatozeni.5721 said:

In World of Warcraft there is no Dye System. If you've got a beautiful set/gear but it's orange and you hate orange... there's nothing you can do. If you go to the WoW forum now and suggest Dye System... fantastically... you will encounter the same resistance seen here in the case of the "1v1 duel" for the most selfish reasons possible. Many there say that most people would only paint their clothes black (because in wow there is not a single set totally black)... but get this... in GW2 you can paint your outfit/set/gear 100% full black ...but I think less than 3% of the players I see use a 100% black set on GW2. This demolishes all arguments against WoW players' dye system.
And it also proves (or suggests) that a lot of things that you think will happen in a GW2 with 1v1 duels....will not actually happen as you imagine.
In short: In WoW it is absurd for most players who participate in the forum that you simply want to wear an outfit of the color you like. Amazing, isn't it?
I think they would also find this thread "Amazing" because duels have been there for 15 - 16 years, many love it, all PVErs respect 1v1 duels as something routine.
p.s: Everything else in WoW sucks, (imo).

I would like to (respectfully) add:
- In most games with 1v1 duel it is not allowed to duel within cities.
- It is not allowed to duel in areas that interfere with any PVE event.
- There are ways you can block any duel invites forever.
- I've never heard of Stalkers who chase those who don't want to duel. This is a legend. A delusion.
- I've never heard of people who like to duel to show off (as said in this thread). My God, In a duel you have a 50% chance of losing. How would someone like to display a defeat?
- 1v1 Duel is not an affront, aberration, indecent exposure, provocation or any name you want to say. It's just a fun pastime for players who like to fight other players.


(English is not my first lenguage. Sorry for some mystake).

Okay, let's take your example and run with it.


Things unrelated to player preference which ARE affected by duels and not dyes:

1. we know from past developer communication that it is VERY difficult (in fact maybe impossible) to have different rulesets for skill on the same map. In short: if a duel system is implemented on a PvE map, it would have to use PvE balance.


2. unlike WoW, GW2 is designed with multiple instances of maps which are all limited in player count. Players which are engaged in duels for example, would reduce the amount of players working towards map objectives. This is already the case with players not interested in the map meta/objective, players who are idle, players who are just transitioning through the map, etc. No reason to make this worse


3. skills create lag. We know this from highly populated PvE maps and WvW. Having players engage in constant high skill usage activity could reduce the performance on a given map for other players. As such it might be necessary to have limited areas or even specific zones where duels would be allowed. We already have that in this game.


None of those things are affected by dye colors or a dye system. None of those things are player preference but realistic limitations already in place.


Finally, some of your points are strait up omissions or will-full ignorance. Some of us have played games where dueling IS a thing, even WoW for many years believe it or not. To pretend certain issues do not arise with dueling only to make a point when those issues have been present in the past is not making your point any stronger. On the contrary, it makes you seem like you are willfully bending the truth to win some internet argument.


Here is what you need to know:

Duels were not in the original design of this game and due to other design decisions face certain hurdles for implementation.

The idea of duels has come up in the past, it was rejected by a majority of the small minority on the forums.

The developers have commented on duels that it is something they know about, yet it is not on the to-do list and so far down the list of things that they will likely never get to it.


You now face a simple choice:

Accept this, or keep mumbling on about something which likely will never come to pass.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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21 hours ago, Dante.1763 said:

I doubt they would let be done anywhere, i doubt they would let you do it around event locations, How would they prevent people from pulling mobs into the dual and killing both players? How would the disable mobs from attacking players? etc etc, the list goes on with the issues they would have to solve to even make this feature possible.

That's not an issue, that's added value. It's why people want open world duels over the sterile arena. Interaction with the environment adds the unpredictable element to the battle and can lead to funny and memorable situations. Over controlled, predictable environments get boring fast.

That is why I like dueling in WvW better to the arenas. Your duel opponent agrees that it's a fair duel but there are always other players that have their own ideas. Potential threats make it more intense.

I mean I am also in favor of open world PKing but yeah ... out of scope.

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On 8/30/2021 at 7:47 PM, hatozeni.5721 said:

I don't see problems. Many games the 1x1 is like this:
1 - Click on the player you want to duel.
2 - Click on the DUEL option.
3 - The player invited to the duel will receive a notification
that you want to have a PVP duel against him.
4 - The invited player would have the option to accept, decline and in the options tab he can choose "Never receive a duel invitation" (if he hates it).
That simple.
Notes: You don't die if you miss the duel. When your health comes to an end only a winner screen appears, the duel is interrupted and your health goes to the maximum.
This already exists in many MMOs. I don't understand why GW2 doesn't have it yet.

I'm going to guess that Anet feels the implementations they have made already address those needs of the very few individuals that want it in the first place; basically, if people can't be bothered to go to those areas for that content, then it can't be THAT valuable of a feature for those players to begin with (PVE and WVW players have to go to the areas that are relevant to the content they do ALL THE TIME ... so it's logical the same follows for other game modes). 


Whether you see problem or not or if this can or can't be implemented isn't the issue here. It about the value such a feature has in the game. Personally, I have no reason to believe this kind of player interaction has any good reason to exist outside of the competitive areas of the game, regardless of how other games handle it. The other reason I can see why it's not a 'thing' in GW2 is that it doesn't have much reason from a story perspective to do so. What story perspective would be relevant to fighting someone in OW PVE? I dont' see it. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I would like to see the option added some day, but if it is added there needs to be a way to select WvW ruleset for a duel if you're dueling in Open World PvE. A lot of PvE Skills are balanced around killing NPCs with 1,000,000 HP, not intelligent players, so even if they added a Dueling Option in PvE, most duelists won't use it because it would be unbalanced and unfun.

If they considered adding a Dueling Option to WvW, you can bet there will be PPTers crying out agaisnt it because they think dueling  'accomplishes nothing' and is 'anti-game mode.' So I doubt they will ever put it in to WvW. Also we run into the issue of how it could work, if you flag up for a duel, are you immune to damage from everyone else? Trolls could use this for griefing.

Guild Halls will unfortunately never be the alternative for dueling for the same reason people don't use Obsidian Sanctum for duels: Duels are spontaneous and last only as long as there are players willing to duel. No one just hangs around a  Guild Hall waiting for duels.

I dunno, there are a lot of problems that could arise from a dueling system. I think the current way of dueling is fine. It sucks when zergs and trolls ruin our fun, but most of the time we duelists are fine just hanging around s camp waiting for fights. Thankfully, there seem to be less trolls than usually nowadays as people have started to respect the dueling etiquette. ITs mostly just new players who don't know. And I always tell anyone who is into dueling to pick up the Armistice Bastion pass, its a great place to duel.

Edited by fuzzyp.6295
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14 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

That is why I like dueling in WvW better to the arenas. Your duel opponent agrees that it's a fair duel but there are always other players that have their own ideas. Potential threats make it more intense.

I mean I am also in favor of open world PKing but yeah ... out of scope.


The idea of chaotic, ad hoc PvP/OWPK is a philosophical world apart from the cooperative nature of GW2. PvP is intentionally sterilised as it’s supposed to similar sport rather than combat. ANet’s philosophy was explicitly “always be happy to see another player.” None of your desires are inherently wrong, they are just at odds with GW2’s design philosophy.

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1 hour ago, fuzzyp.6295 said:

If they considered adding a Dueling Option to WvW, you can bet there will be PPTers crying out agaisnt it because they think dueling  'accomplishes nothing' and is 'anti-game mode.'

They're not wrong. Duels are not intended content, and are made up by players.  This is why anyone can interrupt them.

I mean, I personally think it's pretty BM to interrupt duels that are in the middle of nowhere and sometimes serve as a "bouncer". But if people duel near objectives like the front of SMC, then they're just being dumb if they whine about being their duels being ruined. It doesn't help with the inconsistency that some swap from dueling to actively killing randoms/attacking objectives, and just serves as a convenient excuse.




Guild Halls will unfortunately never be the alternative for dueling for the same reason people don't use Obsidian Sanctum for duels: Duels are spontaneous and last only as long as there are players willing to duel. No one just hangs around a  Guild Hall waiting for duels.

100% a player problem. 100% a lack of social skills.  It's very easy for one side to contact another or even come back to a similar area. It doesn't really matter if they want duels or scrims. People wanted to test out the beta specs more so we gave them space so we could fight them 1v1 on the side of SMC. But if it were necessary, it's easy to add and go to arenas and w/e.

The only problem I think is the difficulty of contacting enemy players and requires the stupid block workaround. If I were to change anything, I would make it so that you could contact enemy players, but it has to be an opt-in feature.

It's extremely easy to recognize fight oriented players in WvW and to arrange duels/scrims/w.e. Frankly, the reason why people people fail to get action is because they have poor social skills or are just plain BM in the way they play.  And that's just kinda self-evident in the lack of effort.

That being said, GHs are indeed pretty bad. Locking it behind AB is annoying.

As I've suggested earlier, there is some value in adding a separate hub connected to Lion's Arch where people could quickly get fights. This is a far better suggestion than just duel requests, because you're getting like-minded people in the same area able to find each other. And this is a point people in this thread simply haven't been able to grasp-- you're not going to find them in pve, especially in open world.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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9 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

As I've suggested earlier, there is some value in adding a separate hub connected to Lion's Arch where people could quickly get fights.


A fighting pit (or multiple fighting pits scattered throughout the world) would be great and would probably get around a lot of the objections in this thread.

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10 minutes ago, shrew.3059 said:


A fighting pit (or multiple fighting pits scattered throughout the world) would be great and would probably get around a lot of the objections in this thread.

Yea, I don't get why this isn't getting pushed more.

I really think they should just retool EOTM and Obsidian Sanctum for these purposes. Do people acutally play EOTM anymore? Should add more arenas so not one fight at a time which is a problem.


Unless we have people that really love that jumping puzzle, those are defacto fight areas anyways.

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1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

They're not wrong. Duels are not intended content, and are made up by players.  This is why anyone can interrupt them.

I mean, I personally think it's pretty BM to interrupt duels that are in the middle of nowhere and sometimes serve as a "bouncer". But if people duel near objectives like the front of SMC, then they're just being dumb if they whine about being their duels being ruined. It doesn't help with the inconsistency that some swap from dueling to actively killing randoms/attacking objectives, and just serves as a convenient excuse.



100% a player problem. 100% a lack of social skills.  It's very easy for one side to contact another or even come back to a similar area. It doesn't really matter if they want duels or scrims. People wanted to test out the beta specs more so we gave them space so we could fight them 1v1 on the side of SMC. But if it were necessary, it's easy to add and go to arenas and w/e.

The only problem I think is the difficulty of contacting enemy players and requires the stupid block workaround. If I were to change anything, I would make it so that you could contact enemy players, but it has to be an opt-in feature.

It's extremely easy to recognize fight oriented players in WvW and to arrange duels/scrims/w.e. Frankly, the reason why people people fail to get action is because they have poor social skills or are just plain BM in the way they play.  And that's just kinda self-evident in the lack of effort.

That being said, GHs are indeed pretty bad. Locking it behind AB is annoying.

As I've suggested earlier, there is some value in adding a separate hub connected to Lion's Arch where people could quickly get fights. This is a far better suggestion than just duel requests, because you're getting like-minded people in the same area able to find each other. And this is a point people in this thread simply haven't been able to grasp-- you're not going to find them in pve, especially in open world.

I take no issue with people who say Duels are created content by players, because they are. Personally I take issue with players who insist duels are somehow ruining WvW, duelists are a waste of queue space, they are being anti gamemode and insist they need to stop. Which ANet Dev was it that tried to ruin a GvG by telling them to "just fight?"  because they weren't engaging each other? ANet cracked down and said that attitude was not acceptable. Players should be able to play how they want. I can acknowledge players dislike duels and some players also enjoy trolling duels, its whatever, but at the end of the day ANet has said we can play how we want and its very frustrating when players insist we are somehow ruining WvW, especially when the amount of duelists is hardly ever more than 10 players in total from all servers. Let us have fun testing our skills against each other while PPTers all run off and press 1 on a door for multiple hours, no harm done for either group. If anyone wants come troll us, I just hope they expect to get bodied.

EDIT: Just wanted to clarify upon reading, I'm not accusing you or anyone here of being dismissive or toxic to duelists and not trying to defend players dueling in stupid locations. Dueling and people being toxic about it are just such frequent topics around here and the gw2 reddit its hard not to get defensive, I apologize if it came across that way.

Another issue with Guild Halls that is not just a player problem is also the same problem we have with the idea of Open World PvE duels: The rule set is not balanced for PvP combat and no duelist is going to want to fight there. There is an argument to be made about moving duels to OS if you can, but again, duels aren't planned and they only last as long as interest is there. Asking people to jump maps is usually more trouble than its worth because its always such a small group who are participating in the duels.

Having a dueling pit could be nice. If they have an area like how it is n AB where you can flag up for combat in a spefic area, that could work, but actual PvP/WvW duelists will would still not use them for balancing issues. If ANet could create an instance, kinda like the Raid Area in LA that is its own map with WvW rule set, that could be very nice. Maybe somehow work in the Crown Pavilion style of areans where you can queue up? It could be fun, but it needs to be its own instance with WvW balanced rule set or else its not going to solve anything.

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All of the "dual me bro" spam I encountered in other games took place in cities or outside dungeon entrances. Places where groups of players naturally congregate. I'm guessing that's why others haven't experienced it if they played in games where dueling wasn't allowed in any of those spaces. So, if there really were well implemented blocks on areas where players congregate, I would lose my objection to dueling.

Other than it taking dev time to implement. But, there's plenty of things they work on I'd rather they spent time elsewhere, so that's a pretty bottom-of-the-barrel objection.

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14 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You now face a simple choice:

Accept this, or keep mumbling on about something which likely will never come to pass.

I accept this calmly. I'm human and I'm used to accepting an imperfect world. 

Gw2 is the best online game I know. It's not because it doesn't have a "game-mode" (which I'd really like to play) that isn't essential that I'm going to spend my life complaining on the internet.


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1 hour ago, fuzzyp.6295 said:

I take no issue with people who say Duels are created content by players, because they are. Personally I take issue with players who insist duels are somehow ruining WvW, duelists are a waste of queue space, they are being anti gamemode and insist they need to stop.


Well, I don't really think people duel on queued maps anyways. People just get mad and look for stuff to blame.

People AFKing are a bigger problem. But like kitten, if you play WvW for a while, you have to take breaks and you aren't going to requeue.

The only time imo it matters is HBL on reset, but that's more of a coordination problem than anything.




Which ANet Dev was it that tried to ruin a GvG by telling them to "just fight?"  because they weren't engaging each other? ANet cracked down and said that attitude was not acceptable.

Nope. This is only half the story.

The actual result was the creation of the Obsidian Sanctum arena, legitimatizing gvg and also offering a partial solution to conflicts. That EOTM arena's been a big boon, but they need more arenas in the map.

Although back then PPT was a much more serious thing. PvE and WvW were much more connected and it was often considered a server wide effort. But to be fair those days are past us.




EDIT: Just wanted to clarify upon reading, I'm not accusing you or anyone here of being dismissive or toxic to duelists and not trying to defend players dueling in stupid locations. Dueling and people being toxic about it are just such frequent topics around here and the gw2 reddit its hard not to get defensive, I apologize if it came across that way.

Gw2 Reddit is a bit strange. It's a decent community sometimes but then there are those that literally hate everything they don't play.  And then you get people who get angry about getting killed when doing dailies but don't care about it when they're in the advantageous position. 

I'm currently on a server that gives reports about 30s before the entire thing gets flipped and there is tons of salt about roamers not capturing camps (wat really? Why do we need a "roamer" just to take a comp?) So yes this whole PPT thing can get annoying. The weird part is these people never leave home BL and then it's like "dude there's 4 maps" so they don't even know how to PPT.

But yes, hate to say it, but a lot of duel requests I've seen are generally on the toxic end. Though I understand these aren't actual duelers but just angry people since they block you very fast so even accepting would be a waste of time (they don't think you will usually)


There's a lot of pathetic behavior from the competitive community (not just dueling). People will make all kinds of excuses like things interfering with tab targeting. I imagine it just isn't very palatable to open world peeps regardless of safeguards. Which is why opt-out is hilariously a bad idea (must be opt-in)

I'm also aware that Guild Hall combat is a giant meme, and pretty embarrassing, given the tiny arenas. Actually no-- guild halls are a giant meme and yet another part of the graveyard of abandoned content.




Having a dueling pit could be nice. If they have an area like how it is n AB where you can flag up for combat in a spefic area, that could work, but actual PvP/WvW duelists will would still not use them for balancing issues. If ANet could create an instance, kinda like the Raid Area in LA that is its own map with WvW rule set, that could be very nice. Maybe somehow work in the Crown Pavilion style of areans where you can queue up? It could be fun, but it needs to be its own instance with WvW balanced rule set or else its not going to solve anything.

As a side note, having Armistice Bastion only sometimes being on sale is pretty crappy. And there are numerous issues with AB, like you can't WP out of the map easily.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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2 hours ago, shrew.3059 said:


A fighting pit (or multiple fighting pits scattered throughout the world) would be great and would probably get around a lot of the objections in this thread.

There's that great big pit in Divinity's Arch in the Crown Pavilion that just begs to be used that way.  Room for spectators and everything.  I'd totally go, watch 1v1 duels, and I think it'd be fun to bet on the winners.  As it is, Crown Pavilion is only really used for festivals, and that, only on the outside upper ring or, as now for Four Winds, in an instance separate from the city.

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5 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

They're not wrong. Duels are not intended content, and are made up by players.  This is why anyone can interrupt them.

I mean, I personally think it's pretty BM to interrupt duels that are in the middle of nowhere and sometimes serve as a "bouncer". But if people duel near objectives like the front of SMC, then they're just being dumb if they whine about being their duels being ruined. It doesn't help with the inconsistency that some swap from dueling to actively killing randoms/attacking objectives, and just serves as a convenient excuse.




100% a player problem. 100% a lack of social skills.  It's very easy for one side to contact another or even come back to a similar area. It doesn't really matter if they want duels or scrims. People wanted to test out the beta specs more so we gave them space so we could fight them 1v1 on the side of SMC. But if it were necessary, it's easy to add and go to arenas and w/e.

The only problem I think is the difficulty of contacting enemy players and requires the stupid block workaround. If I were to change anything, I would make it so that you could contact enemy players, but it has to be an opt-in feature.

It's extremely easy to recognize fight oriented players in WvW and to arrange duels/scrims/w.e. Frankly, the reason why people people fail to get action is because they have poor social skills or are just plain BM in the way they play.  And that's just kinda self-evident in the lack of effort.

That being said, GHs are indeed pretty bad. Locking it behind AB is annoying.

As I've suggested earlier, there is some value in adding a separate hub connected to Lion's Arch where people could quickly get fights. This is a far better suggestion than just duel requests, because you're getting like-minded people in the same area able to find each other. And this is a point people in this thread simply haven't been able to grasp-- you're not going to find them in pve, especially in open world.



This post and the one you responded to stood out to me.  A bit of prep-work before getting into it.  

It got me to thinking about the duels I used to partake in with my friends and acquaintances in GW1 guildhalls.

I am definitely against duels in Open World PvE.  It clashes with the design far too drastically for it to be feasible.


However, I'm now thinking what it is about guildhalls that makes setting up duels so burdensome.  What made it so much easier in Guild Wars 1?  What are the key differences between Guild Wars 2 guildhalls and Guild Wars 1 guildhalls?


I believe answering these questions will reveal a better argument for duels in GW2.  Or at least provide leads to better questions to ask.  This is based on the system already in existence in GW2 to foster duels in guildhalls.  Improving its implementation is probably the way to go.


Edited by Rogue.8235
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On 9/1/2021 at 2:17 PM, Naxian.9823 said:

So we all agree on the following:

  • Duels would be automatically disabled near dynamic events so as not to disturb those enjoying the dynamic events.
  • Duels could not be done near vistas so as not to disturb those who are enjoying a vista.
  • Duels could not be done near merchants so as not to disturb those who are using their services.
  • Duels could not be done in cities as they are places with a large influx of players, in order to avoid disturbing a large number of players.
  • Duels could only be done after acceptance by both players.
  • A duel could only be requested from a player that you have on your friends list and on your followers list.
  • The request for duels could be completely disabled from the options panel and it would be disabled by default.

And yet, despite all the conditions, there are users in these forums who are still totally against it. They prefer to snatch the possibility of a better gaming experience from other players because of the remote possibility that someone might bother them on occasion, through in-game chat, based on past experiences in other games long ago.

Maybe I'm the odd one here, but I don't care if some idiot whispers me stupid things or says my name and calls me a coward trought the map chat. He or she is the one getting exposed with their behaviour, not me. And it's just a videogame.


You got it completely wrong.


We all agree on no PvP content at all in the PvE world !!!!.

Under no circumstances

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20 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

As I've suggested earlier, there is some value in adding a separate hub connected to Lion's Arch where people could quickly get fights. This is a far better suggestion than just duel requests, because you're getting like-minded people in the same area able to find each other.

To me this seems like the real solution; not only for these reasons, but also that it doesn't require breaking the "PvP zone" system baked into the game, which should mean a shorter development cycle.

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