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DirectX 11 Graphics Issues

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DX11 is still not fixed in a triple Monitor Setup. (7680x1440)


Character Selection Scaling is horrible,  "-uispanallmonitors" is permanently active and the world map has a horrible scaling too....


Still works well under DX9. I hope a Anet will notice this before canceling dx9 some day.... 

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On 2/24/2022 at 6:04 PM, Xevius.6174 said:

DX11 is still not fixed in a triple Monitor Setup. (7680x1440)


Character Selection Scaling is horrible,  "-uispanallmonitors" is permanently active and the world map has a horrible scaling too....


Still works well under DX9. I hope a Anet will notice this before canceling dx9 some day.... 

I've been testing this too with a triple monitor setup can confirm. D912pxy is my current go-to.
Scaling on a single ultrawide monitor also doesn't work.

And we're not the only ones with this issue.

It seems that with the development of the DX9 renderer the devs used for example Nvidia's NvAPI and followed Nvidia's best practices guide. https://developer.download.nvidia.com/whitepapers/2010/SurroundBestPracticesGuide.pdf





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Sigh. Ultrawide and Megawide is still completely broken, but I knew that was faint hope only because it's a nightmare to convert DX11. (The engine uses DX9 best-practices for viewports and layers, which is exactly the opposite of how it should be done in DX11.) But holy hell, the bugs somehow got orders of magnitude worse. Note, this is written very specifically to avoid spoilers as much as possible. So the vagueness is intentional.


  • Texture Issue: textures completely break when the color shift occurs in EoD Chapter 8, resulting in trying to fight in black and white. This is 100% reproducible.
  • Lighting/Texture Issue: colors shifted to the point of being unplayable in the area unlocked by EoD Chapter 8, appears to be associated to lighting adaptation shifts. 100% reproducible.
  • Texture/Color Issue: if the system enters "Night light" mode, numerous textures become static blue and will not render correctly under any circumstances. This will persist with client restart. Particularly observed with minipets and Tengu clothing. 100% reproducible.
  • Lighting/Occlusion Issue: certain surfaces in New Kaineng have severe flickering that could be seizure inducing. Observed three during the quest to open the apartment, generally in corners.
  • Texture Issue: during New Kaineng meta events, the flashing status panels will often trigger texture corruption, including on themselves.
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Generally haven't had too many issues, an odd texture bug here or there but everything in Cantha gets messed up whenever I load in from anything that isn't me logging in. Every single mission has some sort of texture bug and when I load to a new map, completely busted. Tengu gear is almost always glowing white too for some reason. The odd part is that if I reload the game, the textures are fine. I mostly see these issues because I'm going through the story, otherwise they're far and between. My assumption then is there's some issue with how the game is spawning things in but I'm not that savvy

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Strange graphical artifacts occasionally appear right after loading for a split second.

A large orange rectangle, a smaller green square, and what seems to be a progress bar.


The progress bar appears to use GW2's art style, and it doesn't happen on any other 3d applications, so it doesn't seem to be an issue on my side.


This happens with both -dx9 and -dx11, and with and without -maploadinfo

Edit: It is also happenings after any cinematic, including vistas.

Edit 2: It IS definitely a problem with the client. 
It stops happening altogether when hiding the interface. Meaning this is an UI element. I'm guessing it's part of a testing tool meant for developers. 
I will try using -verify and -repair later and night to see if it's a problem with downloaded files.

Edited by MithranArkanere.8957
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On 3/1/2022 at 7:49 PM, rootwyrm.6408 said:

Sigh. Ultrawide and Megawide is still completely broken, but I knew that was faint hope only because it's a nightmare to convert DX11. (The engine uses DX9 best-practices for viewports and layers, which is exactly the opposite of how it should be done in DX11.) But holy hell, the bugs somehow got orders of magnitude worse. Note, this is written very specifically to avoid spoilers as much as possible. So the vagueness is intentional.


  • Texture Issue: textures completely break when the color shift occurs in EoD Chapter 8, resulting in trying to fight in black and white. This is 100% reproducible.
  • Lighting/Texture Issue: colors shifted to the point of being unplayable in the area unlocked by EoD Chapter 8, appears to be associated to lighting adaptation shifts. 100% reproducible.
  • Texture/Color Issue: if the system enters "Night light" mode, numerous textures become static blue and will not render correctly under any circumstances. This will persist with client restart. Particularly observed with minipets and Tengu clothing. 100% reproducible.
  • Lighting/Occlusion Issue: certain surfaces in New Kaineng have severe flickering that could be seizure inducing. Observed three during the quest to open the apartment, generally in corners.
  • Texture Issue: during New Kaineng meta events, the flashing status panels will often trigger texture corruption, including on themselves.


So, update as of 126,047:

  • CHANGED: EoD Chapter 8 breaking and leaving you in black and white is still present, but no longer consistently reproducible. Argh.
  • FIXED: Colors no longer shift inappropriately in Chapter 8 area, unable to reproduce
  • FIXED: Night light mode no longer breaks all the textures. Definitely fixed.
  • UNCHANGED: New Kaineng still has several flickering areas in Old Kaineng, Tengu Square, and Bori Ward
  • UNKNOWN: Haven't seen enough New Kaineng metas to verify if texture corruption is still present
  • NEW: New texture corruption (rainbow rug effect) issues particularly in high transparency areas in Echovald and final map
  • NEW: Ley Energy textures with transparency in final meta always turns into a black waffle of sadness.
  • Doing some experimentation, certain dyes DEFINITELY trigger corruption. Abyssal Sea will turn your whole world blue, especially if it's on your mount. So no more excuses. That is a solid reproduction scenario - and I would bet the other Abyss dyes behave similarly.
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Ever since EoD launched, I've had a lot of graphical issues:

- Textures becoming black and only appearing as normal when I'm very close to them, when I go away from them they become black again

- Aurene disappearing and only seeing shapes of her and she only appears when I'm right next to her

- Bubbles is fully black and I can only see her properly when I'm very close to her, if I move away she is black again

- My weapons displaying strange artifacts/colors and disappearing

- Player effects appear as artifacts/square shapes

The issues disappear if I restart the game but after a while they reappear.

Playing on DX11 and my specs are Ryzen 5 3600, Radeon RX 5700XT, 16 GB RAM @ 2666 mhz, Windows 10

Edited by Crono.4197
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Legit thought this was the same as would sometimes happen in Guild Wars, where rocks or NPCs would load as hot pink boxes, so I've been logging out and deleting my temporary files for the game. It works for a while but then invariably the issues return - blinding white or neon clothes on Tengu, etc - and I'm getting problems with the colours on my mounts now as well. Sometimes it looks like the colours are reversed, other times it looks like a paint store fell on the poor creature.

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There were too many posts to read them all but these are the visual bugs I got up to now. Mostly minor but some, like Soo Won's wave ripple attack being almost invisible (couldnt screenshot properly), were a bit harder to deal with.

-Echovald Tengu clothing

-Arborstone banners and some floor and pillar pieces

-Forged Catapults in the Junundu Rising meta

-Coalescences in Dragonstorm

-Rev's Dwarf F2 and elite (both on me and on someone else)

Prints can be seen here: https://imgur.com/a/2iLQh5L

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On 2/24/2022 at 5:04 PM, Xevius.6174 said:

DX11 is still not fixed in a triple Monitor Setup. (7680x1440)


Character Selection Scaling is horrible,  "-uispanallmonitors" is permanently active and the world map has a horrible scaling too....


Still works well under DX9. I hope a Anet will notice this before canceling dx9 some day.... 

Having this same issue too. Works absolutely fine under DX9, but the UI isn't constrained on DX11.

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We have a big lagspike or freeze from the ranger ability poison volley. (Shortbow 2)

It occures pretty much everytime someone is using this ability. I think it has something to do with the animation. 
this problem happens in dx11 and dx9. 
it was also definently not there before the dx11 beta.

Please Arenanet do something about this problem. It is really annoying in SPVP.


Thanks a lot in advance.

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The March 15th update patch dropped 56 minutes ago, and appears to have made a thing happen where literally the entire game is brighter now. Special lighting in certain places is at eyeburn levels, the UI is brightened considerably- even the dye window. Especially the dye window, I should say. And for the main game, the only way to make things look similar to normal is turning off postprocessing.  Disabling DX11 lets everything return to normal, but with how resource heavy the End of Dragons maps are... that makes things much more difficult.

Wish the forum posts allowed people to insert images, I'd have a screenie ready at any time

(EDIT: this appears to be an oversight on my part, because I missed DX11 now having the ability to let you adjust gamma outside of fullscreen mode and somehow missed my gamma being set substantially higher. Apologies for the unneeded post!)

Edited by BlueTheRaptor.4576
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20 hours ago, BlueTheRaptor.4576 said:

The March 15th update patch dropped 56 minutes ago, and appears to have made a thing happen where literally the entire game is brighter now. Special lighting in certain places is at eyeburn levels, the UI is brightened considerably- even the dye window.

I can't confirm this observation.

Have you removed all add-ons as well as their related temporary files? Have you also run a client repair to eliminate the possibility of corrupted game files?

2 hours ago, jojorne.2175 said:

Go to Sun's Refuge and walk in front of the last NPC on the entrance bridge.
You can do this as many times as you like, just walk back and forth across the bridge.
With DirectX 9 this problem does not happen.

What am I supposed to see there, exactly? I just went there and everything looks normal. I walked through the entire instance and wasn't able to spot any kind of anomaly.

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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

What am I supposed to see there, exactly? I just went there and everything looks normal. I walked through the entire instance and wasn't able to spot any kind of anomaly.

No-no, it's not the entire instance. Just the entrance bridge. This happens on other maps as well but Sun's Refuge is easy to reproduce.

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