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Working on Aurora and it is depressing, frustrating, and absolutely the opposite of fun.


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18 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

regardless if OP has a point or not, people REALLY think that " i had no issue why did you/ you hate it, stop doing it" is going to solve anything when its merely platitudes wrapped around mere personal anecdotes.

Seems it's less about the "solution" with those replies, but more about presenting facts. What possible solution do you want to hear for "this item with intentionally low drop chance has a low drop chance and I don't like it!" ? And why is other player's experience bad "because it's mere personal anectodes", but OP's complaint is reasonable despite being exactly the same thing ("mere personal anectode")?

Here are the options I see:

1. You think the reward is worth the effort? Go get it.

2. You think the reward isn't worth the effort? Don't get it.

3. You don't like repeatedly farming same thing over short period of time? Then don't, stretch it out in time, pace yourself and treat it as a long term goal.

4. You think it's way too much for anyone to do? No, it's not and enough people proved that by getting/completing it. (well, this one is less of an "option" and more of a commentary about a potentially misguided argument)

18 hours ago, ShroomOneUp.6913 said:

heck t he  fact NOBODY will ever buy an amulet ever again with the return to living world rewards soon means tons of gold and inventory space saved already.

And "nobody will ever buy an amulet" IF they buy every LW episode gw2 released until now and then complete them twice. It's still much cheaper and faster to get multiple amulets from a single episode.


tl;dr: if the responses in this thread are somehow "bad", then what exactly did you (or OP) expect to hear?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Convenience is not a requirement. Heck, ascended level stats aren’t even a requirement, not even for raid training groups. To say that any legendary equipment is required or needed for any player to play or enjoy this game is ignorant at best, if not outright dishonest. Does it help? Through QoL, yes. Is it anywhere’s close to mandatory? No. There is no reason whatsoever to make shiny things less shiny. Do the work if you want the shiny. Don’t attempt to devalue it based on entitlement and narcissism

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16 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Except as a parent the logical reply is ‘if everyone was jumping off a bridge would you do it as well?’  😳

While I can see a kid using that reply, it's definitely not logical. "It's not impossible for everyone else" isn't the same as "Do it because everyone else is doing it."

Edited by Gibson.4036
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3 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Well, as a parent, I can vouch for "Other people manage it, what's your ish?" as an invaluable rhetorical device.

The only "invaluable" thing this "argument" does is to send a message to the other party "i don't give a flying kitten about your issues, go away". Which is hardly a message i might want to send as a parent to my child.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The only "invaluable" thing this "argument" does is to send a message to the other party "i don't give a flying kitten about your issues, go away". Which is hardly a message i might want to send as a parent to my child.

Okay, well, my joke is getting taken much more seriously than intended.

But when they look you straight in the eye and claim putting their clean clothes away or taking out the garbage is too much, a little "Oh please" is warranted.

Kinda like, "getting a skyscale is a horrible grind".

Maybe your kids only complain when there is a really serious issue? If so, count yourself blessed. Or were you talking about hypothetical kids?

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The only "invaluable" thing this "argument" does is to send a message to the other party "i don't give a flying kitten about your issues, go away". Which is hardly a message i might want to send as a parent to my child.

The phrasing might be a bit flippant but what is wrong with a parent teaching their child to solve problems on their own rather than expecting external solutions to arrive?

Edit: Also when asking for help it is very important to correctly communicate what you actually need help with and OP has done a terrible job there such that the majority of the thread is discussing the wrong thing.

Edited by Khisanth.2948
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One thing about GW2 is that it tried to appeal to broad categories of players with very different expectations.  When ANet decided to make the game an "MMO" and to make a play for MMO players, it was a given that there would be long-term goals in the game.  MMO players who cut their teeth in more standard MMO fare wouldn't have it any other way.


The problem occurs when players with a desire for more rapid gratification set their sights on a reward (i.e., one of those goals) meant to take a long time to get, they are likely to get frustrated.  This is both unfortunate and inevitable.  GW2 cannot pander only to the tastes of those who want more-rapid gratification without alienating those who want long-term goals and the ersatz prestige obtaining such a goal provides.


As to timing... sure, many goals in GW2 and any MMO are more accessible if you are playing along with the first adopters than if you are coming along years after the content released.  That's why games like WoW invalidate the gear obtained in the prior expansion by providing quest gear that makes the "old" epics look anemic, so that new adopters will be able to jump right in.  That works because the gear is the #1 reward in games like that.  Legendary items in GW2 are optional, and are not replaced by new stuff every time the game drops new content.  So there is no easy fix for the late adopter in this game -- short of being in a helpful guild.

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I always found the collection part a thousand times easier and more interesting than turning the precursor into a legendary. Farming Mystic Coins is a pain.

In general i dont think its really worth actively grinding for most of the legendaries. Spend and hour some day out in Ember Bay farming nodes between doing something a bit more engaging like strikes or wvw or pvp. After a while you'll just have the vast majority of the collection done or the mystic coins gathered and you can pick up the last bits in a day or two, instead of spending 2 months on a potentially tedious fetch quest

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On 10/15/2021 at 9:33 PM, Khisanth.2948 said:

Yes and maybe no. After doing a lot of legendary collections it feels like there is some weird hidden system(probably an intentional side effect of something else) with the RNG items. It feels like if you don't get the drop on a particular character after a half a dozen attempts you should swap to a different character otherwise you'll be spending a long time not getting the item.  Unfortunately that hypothesis is also very hard to test(or at least expensive and tedious).


I don't think that is a myth. I don't need to look very far, I just need to look at myself. Although that is not absolute since I will still do stuff just because from time to time.

On the other hand I do think people overestimate the amount of people required for various content. The vast majority of things can be tackled by 2 or 3 easily. With the exceptions being stuff like world bosses and various meta events.

It's not a myth though, it's well understood that reward structures are their to incentivize gameplay. We can see the difference in people who stopped playing dungeons after their rewards got nerfed for example. 

Or people who stopped playing ab etc


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17 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Seems it's less about the "solution" with those replies, but more about presenting facts. What possible solution do you want to hear for "this item with intentionally low drop chance has a low drop chance and I don't like it!" ? And why is other player's experience bad "because it's mere personal anectodes", but OP's complaint is reasonable despite being exactly the same thing ("mere personal anectode")?

Here are the options I see:

1. You think the reward is worth the effort? Go get it.

2. You think the reward isn't worth the effort? Don't get it.

3. You don't like repeatedly farming same thing over short period of time? Then don't, stretch it out in time, pace yourself and treat it as a long term goal.

4. You think it's way too much for anyone to do? No, it's not and enough people proved that by getting/completing it. (well, this one is less of an "option" and more of a commentary about a potentially misguided argument)

And "nobody will ever buy an amulet" IF they buy every LW episode gw2 released until now and then complete them twice. It's still much cheaper and faster to get multiple amulets from a single episode.


tl;dr: if the responses in this thread are somehow "bad", then what exactly did you (or OP) expect to hear?

Why would they have to complete them twice?  'Return to...' doesn't even require repeating the entire Chapter/Episode once. 

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2 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Why would they have to complete them twice?  'Return to...' doesn't even require repeating the entire Chapter/Episode once. 

Ok, work out the exact % of the replay you need in each episode and come back to this post with that exact number. (don't forget to show how you worked it out, just so we can fact-check your exact numbers)

...then also explain what meaningful difference it made in context of what I wrote in that post, because I don't see any.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Because doing it once, whether new player or vet/done before or not, completes both the Chapter achievements and the 'Return to...' achievements? 

Except, of course, Living World Season Two, which would only complete the 'Return to...' achievements on the first run.  All other would complete both (on the first run). 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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And this is why I'm probably never going to attempt getting Legendary, and I'm grateful that GW2 is an MMO that doesn't require getting purple items to remain effective at doing other game content.  The power cap on items has to be one of the most brilliant design moves I've ever seen in an MMO. 

But I can understand the frustration.  GW2 can excel at that sometimes, but I've found it's best to avoid the content that is frustrating for oneself.  There will always be those who enjoy the grind/shopping-list type of content and they will tell you that it's 'easy' and you shouldn't be having any problems with it.

Don't believe them. It's easy for them because they have the time/inclination/masochistic streak for it.  Doing content you don't like is more difficult than facing the toughest PvP fight or the biggest WvW zerg.  Find what you like in the game and try to focus on that if you can.   The nice thing about GW2 is that there are plenty of things to do.

Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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No, the worst part is you basiclly have to do the same step muliplie time. you got to do the jumping puzzle in emerbay just to unlock the collection to the trinket just do have to re do it again to complete it. WTF?! you have to re do the same objective several times to complete it? wtf anet did you just give up?

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56 minutes ago, xXMapcoXx.9614 said:

No, the worst part is you basiclly have to do the same step muliplie time. you got to do the jumping puzzle in emerbay just to unlock the collection to the trinket just do have to re do it again to complete it. WTF?! you have to re do the same objective several times to complete it? wtf anet did you just give up?

To prove the first one wasn't an accident, duh.

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