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Prestige items and titles.

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1 minute ago, The Fear.3865 said:

True I forgot that one ! 

I disagree, pvp has the most pretigious titles by far IMO. 

Im almost certain there's way more people buying titles like Envoy herald or even accounts with god of wvw, god of Fractals... Simply because there is way more of these titles, and people are capable of buyin anything for less efforts. 

Sab infusions runs or account sharing is baseline for bad AP hunters.

It doesnt make these titles or achievements less prestigious if people really deserves it.

Sad part is for 10K WVW rank God of WVW you get a blue and a green unid unless you are very lucky. Meanwhile people in PVE get 30g/hour farming or even 30g/hour if they raid in a fast "static group"... They (Arenanet) should have rewarded  a copy of Eternity for it since it takes ages even with boosters and the opportunity cost is quite high. If you see someone with it and they have been on your server the whole time you instantly know who it is. God of WVW is unlikely to be bought simply because of the time involved.

Also if people are buying Envoy's Herald (we're not talking a CM title) more power to them, that's 750 raid kills they're buying... even if it's a 90g per kill (so 10g per player) you're looking at 67,500 gold. That's more than the recent $900 exposed for PVP gizmos, that's roughly $4,400.

Fractal god can't be bought realistically because you would need fractal relics, which only come in 100 per black lion chest voucher if you don't do fractals plus pristine relics which don't come in said vouchers. Just 3200 pristine relics already is well over half a year.

If PVP was as prestigious as you make it out to be then you would see far more threads complaining about getting the gizmos. More people complained about not getting a random Halloween mini than the gizmos. 🤣

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Open World:
Season 1 titles
Season 2-5 Mastery achievements
Legendary Aurora and Vision accessories.
The Upcoming Legendary Amulet
Birthday titles
Festival minis/titles/infusions (Liadri, Kingmaker, SAB infusions,Ghostly scarf, etc)

Dungeon Master/Dungeoneer titles
Fractal Savant to Fractal God Titles
Ad Infinitum
Golden/Abyssal Fractal Weapons
Red Celestial/Abyssal Infusion

Challenge Mode Chairs/Titles
Legendary Armor
Coalescence (Legendary Ring)
Raid boss guild hall statues (Golden)
Unique Skins/Infusions from the bosses
Runic Armor & Cape

Azure/Crimson Dragonslayer weapons
Deldrimore Infusion.

Max Rank
Legendary WvW Armor/backpiece/Ring
100% Map Comp in WvW
Catmander tag

AT Gizmos (When ANet can clear all the people who are wintrading, they will be at least)
Permanent/Two Week Champion's Rest Pass
PvP Legendary armor/Amulet

Titles for game wins on classes

That's about it, really.

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10 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Sad part is for 10K WVW rank God of WVW you get a blue and a green unid unless you are very lucky. Meanwhile people in PVE get 30g/hour farming or even 30g/hour if they raid in a fast "static group"... They (Arenanet) should have rewarded  a copy of Eternity for it since it takes ages even with boosters and the opportunity cost is quite high. If you see someone with it and they have been on your server the whole time you instantly know who it is. God of WVW is unlikely to be bought simply because of the time involved.

Also if people are buying Envoy's Herald (we're not talking a CM title) more power to them, that's 750 raid kills they're buying... even if it's a 90g per kill (so 10g per player) you're looking at 67,500 gold. That's more than the recent $900 exposed for PVP gizmos, that's roughly $4,400.

Fractal god can't be bought realistically because you would need fractal relics, which only come in 100 per black lion chest voucher if you don't do fractals plus pristine relics which don't come in said vouchers. Just 3200 pristine relics already is well over half a year.

If PVP was as prestigious as you make it out to be then you would see far more threads complaining about getting the gizmos. More people complained about not getting a random Halloween mini than the gizmos. 🤣

You are right for wvw and pve, I really think these are nice and prestigious titles. The god of wvw is one of the craziest grind in the game, very impressive. 

About pvp, I think most people dont even consider to get the titles because it's impossible for them. Imo, fighting against real players will always be the more challenging part of a game. Especially in gw2, the learning curves, the skill ceilling, it's madness. It takes years to get good, to master a class, be capable of reroll and be efficient with different roles, understanding rotations. Pvp players deserve more love, and consideration.

Gw2 community is not concerned about pvp, still the content is probably the most challenging part of the game, with titles and items the most difficult to get (and when you know even the best players feel forced to cheat meh...).

But you know, it's only my opinion. 


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15 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Nice! But isn't the work you had to do (and i don't mean "work" work), like, the sheer fact that you had to invest time in those prestige enough? There is definitely some skill involved in those as well.

I mean, you have something some other players don't. 😛

I guess it's a fundamental difference in how you look at these things. To me, spending time on video games, no matter how much or how little, simply is no achievement. Some people have the luxury to spend their time this way, others don't.

I've seen too many people spending more time than would be healthy for them, or spending their time in a way that actually puts unecessary stress on them rather than entertaining them and allowing them to relax, which is what playing games should be about.

Maybe I'm just not the "hero worship" kind of person. Maybe I'm too old for all of this. I've been playing (a lot of, maybe too many) video games since my teens, which was several decades ago, and I have come to realize that the most important thing about video games is not how much "work" you put into them or how "effective" you are while playing, but that you spend your leisure time actually enjoying yourself.


Sorry for the sermon 😉 .

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16 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Sad part is for 10K WVW rank God of WVW you get a blue and a green unid unless you are very lucky. Meanwhile people in PVE get 30g/hour farming or even 30g/hour if they raid in a fast "static group"... They (Arenanet) should have rewarded  a copy of Eternity for it since it takes ages even with boosters and the opportunity cost is quite high. If you see someone with it and they have been on your server the whole time you instantly know who it is. God of WVW is unlikely to be bought simply because of the time involved.

The WvW rewards suck and they definitely need a rework. Especially for people that are like, really high rank.


That said:


"After World Restructuring, we’ll be looking to make WvW more rewarding, with a focus on active play. There’s two major parts to this. First, we’ll be looking at improving individual rewards for participation and performance. This will be a mix of adding new rewards and improving older systems. As an example, we’d like to address how support players are under rewarded. Skirmish tracks also take longer to progress than we’d like, especially for new players. Second, we want to give players and guilds reasons to care about winning their current match up and reward them for exceptional performance during a season. Longer-term, we’d also like to introduce systems that would allow guilds to flex and compare their WvW prowess."


Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-world-restructuring-and-the-future-of-world-vs-world/


Maybe they'll add some more prestige items as well, maybe something that requires like, rank 1000 or every 500 ranks or something.


15 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

For open world, or at least festivals, my money is on the Liadri mini and the two infusions from doing SAB tribulation mode multiple times each.

I guess i'm prestigious then! 😄




Both Blazing Light and Kingslayer. 😄


14 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

100% Map Comp in WvW
Catmander tag


SInce they removed the 100% WvW map completion, they should give us a title for completing 100% WvW map. 😄

I mean, you do need to play quite a lot of WvW and get the correct objectives, or wait til you switch colors to get them, it would be kinda nice to actually have incentive to do WvW map completion. 🙂


And well, you can just buy the tag after you get 250 badges, and you can get them in an hour or less...

It's probably more "prestigious" how you use it, have people know you as a commander in PvE or WvW.

I mean, Catmander is harder to get. 😄 






How about Home cats? 😄

Are those prestigious? 😄

Some of them are hard to get lol, and if you get all of them, you get to become the crazy cat lady! 😄 

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14 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

I guess it's a fundamental difference in how you look at these things. To me, spending time on video games, no matter how much or how little, simply is no achievement. Some people have the luxury to spend their time this way, others don't.

I've seen too many people spending more time than would be healthy for them, or spending their time in a way that actually puts unecessary stress on them rather than entertaining them and allowing them to relax, which is what playing games should be about.

Maybe I'm just not the "hero worship" kind of person. Maybe I'm too old for all of this. I've been playing (a lot of, maybe too many) video games since my teens, which was several decades ago, and I have come to realize that the most important thing about video games is not how much "work" you put into them or how "effective" you are while playing, but that you spend your leisure time actually enjoying yourself.


Sorry for the sermon 😉 .

Jeeeez how did i miss your post... I'm sorry!


Don't apologize, i asked in OP cause i wanted to see different views from people on what constitutes prestige and what they consider prestige in game to be, your answer and explanation is exactly what i was looking for! 😄

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4 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Never did it honestly, but it seems like a simple collection event lol, now i'm curious! 😄

It's a middle part in a long chain for Desolation meta.

If it goes badly, it fails before even getting to portal phase. If it goes too well, it often bugs out well before getting to portal phase. If you are lucky enough to get to that point, the event often ends up so fast you will get one, sometimes two (and sometimes zero) points towards progress.

...and it's not on a timer, so you don't really know when it will start again.

Not to mention it has poor rewards for the whole annoyance you have to deal with while doing it, so it's generally ignored by players, which brings us to point 1 (it goes badly, and fails before getting to portal spiking phase).

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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4 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's a middle part in a long chain for Desolation meta.

If it goes badly, it fails before even getting to portal phase. If it goes too well, it often bugs out well before getting to portal phase. If you are lucky enough to get to that point, the event often ends up so fast you will get one, sometimes two (and sometimes zero) points towards progress.

...and it's not on a timer, so you don't really know when it will start again.

Not to mention it has poor rewards for the whole annoyance you have to deal with while doing it, so it's generally ignored by players, which brings us to point 1 (it goes badly, and fails before getting to portal spiking phase).

Ah yes, that does sound like a hassle. Especially if it's buggy. 

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imo i think these are the most prestigious things in game

god of pvp, best of the best, legendary demigod, unyielding/relentless/ruthless/merciless legend, duo of destiny
people cheat/wintrade for god of pvp and best of the best/gizmos so the prestige behind them have greatly diminished over time unfortunately.

god of wvw, ultimate dominator

dungeoneer, fractal god, maybe envoys herald
SAB bauble infusions
the jormag and primordus eye infusions.


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Some wvw tournament finishers. But you can be lucky and get it from wardrobe unlocks. Or is it common to unlock? I mean ppl who got most from wardrobe unlocks? 
I think it’s a super rare chance (at least for me, because I haven’t unlocked so much) 


rooster mini

hero of lions arch

aurene outfit (don’t know if it is still special)

heroic dragon emblem outfit 

festive hat like someone already mentioned 😊

Edited by titje.2745
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The vast majority of things in the game are just a reflection of how much free time the player has to play the game, so I don’t find them prestigious.

I do admire a clever character name, a well designed character appearance, skill, kindness, helpfulness or leadership when I see them. These are all reflections of the player, rather than their particular life circumstances.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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On 10/19/2021 at 1:43 AM, Hyde.9726 said:

imo i think these are the most prestigious things in game

god of pvp, best of the best, legendary demigod, unyielding/relentless/ruthless/merciless legend, duo of destiny
people cheat/wintrade for god of pvp and best of the best/gizmos so the prestige behind them have greatly diminished over time unfortunately.

god of wvw, ultimate dominator

dungeoneer, fractal god, maybe envoys herald
SAB bauble infusions
the jormag and primordus eye infusions.


Only thing I would disagree with is the eye infusions- you get one for free, and additional ones can be bought (yes, the price is exorbitant, but still is one credit card swipe away)


but yeah- still want those bauble infusions, likely will be working on that til the game dies…

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