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Siege Turtle Feedback Thread [Merged]

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Love the turtle, but I'm a bit concerned with "over crowding" the maps.   The turtles are huge, and it's already very difficult to get to a bank or a vendor or NPC when a bunch of Skyscales are on top of the person.    I can't even imagine with the turtles other than what I am seeing in LA during the beta.

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On 11/29/2021 at 8:33 PM, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Let us know what you think about the siege turtle! What do you really like? What needs to be improved or adjusted?

Turtle is pretty awesome, aside from the motion mechanics of it.  It handles more like the roller beetle in the aspect of 'drifting'.  I think the 'swaying motion' from turning should be more subtle (like an actual turtle).  Too much sway in my opinion.  But overall great idea.   

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Solo mode required. Some of us don't play with other people rendering the main guns of this mount worthless. Co pilot should be a non-essential option, but if you have someone you want to play "Halo Warthog" mode in, it should be an option.

Control is frustratingly slippery too and so slow, I don't know when I'd bother to use it unless the story mode forced me to. Especially when traveling along.

Remember, never force co-op play in the open world.

Otherwise, this isn't a bad idea and can see where it may be fun.

Edited by Kjudoon.2915
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On 12/1/2021 at 4:12 AM, grendall.9708 said:

I hope slamming the ground isn't all the siege turtle can do; it would be awfully boring and not worth my time to even acquire; I hope it will have some range capabilities.


On 12/1/2021 at 4:17 AM, babak.3654 said:

What is it for? Is there specific content in EoD that requires the turtle?


Having the cannons limited to the second player feels really restrictive and makes using the mount pretty boring. The ground slam doesn’t feel powerful, the turtle has a decent health pool but it was usually quicker just to dismount and kill mobs using my character.  The rocket jump didn’t have much height and couldn’t clear some walls/barriers. The jump felt floaty and didn’t convey the weight of the animal. 


Masteries will no doubt help but it isn’t anything I’m excited about. 


On 12/1/2021 at 4:45 AM, GalYurrr.5481 said:

As a solo player, after trying it for a few mins I can safely say I have no interest in it and will stick to using the drake for 99% of the time as per usual.


It's a fun co-op mount in a multiplayer game I don't see any of  these comments as good feedback considering it shouldn't be replacing any solo options it should be an option for you and a friend to roll around having fun, and in this respect the siege turtle is a huge success it is strong enough where you can go through areas without dismounting but weak enough where it doesn't replace a well built class. If anything the only feedback I have is that the turret damage may be slightly too high and it would be nice to be able to lock and unlock your passenger seat so that if you are a solo player you can open it to people outside your party. For the solo players of the world ask another player if they want to group up I did so last night and now have a new friend to play the game with which I think is one of the strengths of this mount. helping to encourage player interaction which is a key aspect of any good mmo.

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40 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

You can't use it in WVW

Ah, nvm then. I guess my feedback is ... maybe change the name? Having a mount with "Siege" in its name that can't be used in WvW is ... off key? Clashes? It's probably fine.


It's a cool looking mount. I probably won't use it.

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Love the new siege turtle! My only feedback would be for Underwater Combat and Visuals:

[Underwater Combat Issues/Feedback]

- The two issues I see for underwater combat is the Pilot's slam ability only being able to reach enemies when they are within immediate proximity without a way to pull them closer to use the slam ability and at ground level to do so. When play testing the Pilot seat in Orr, lot of times the enemies would be ranged and I would have to try to lead them closer towards an object to slam on to do damage. My feedback on this would be to allow either the ability for the slam to pull things down with it while the siege turtle sinks to the bottom of the ocean floor, allowing them to damage said targets or allow a way to pull enemies closer towards the attack range of the slam. Another suggestion would be to extend the slam's range underwater to attack within a circle radius with perhaps a visual "ripple" effect. 
- The second other issue being the turbo boost not changing the speed much to any real effect of the turtle underwater. 


[Visual/Animation Feedback]

- I only have two recommended additions to the visuals for underwater. I think having a jade holo- "dome" connected around the entirety of the pilot console seats on the turtle's shell would look really amazing and make sense for the player to be able to withstand deeper water pressures while the siege turtle does such and explores deeper into lower sea levels. Perhaps an animation of the "jade holo-dome" being conjured/created/dispelled would also be fitting when transitioning from land to sea and vice versa. 

- The second recommended addition would be for the footfalls of the Siege Turtle while underwater be that of kicking up sand from the ocean floor and perhaps also bubbles. I think this change would make sense, as the Siege Turtle is disrupting the natural terrain shape of the ocean floor while moving.

Edited by Smudgem.1628
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6 hours ago, JGRIF.2613 said:

It's a fun co-op mount in a multiplayer game I don't see any of  these comments as good feedback considering it shouldn't be replacing any solo options it should be an option for you and a friend to roll around having fun, and in this respect the siege turtle is a huge success it is strong enough where you can go through areas without dismounting but weak enough where it doesn't replace a well built class. If anything the only feedback I have is that the turret damage may be slightly too high and it would be nice to be able to lock and unlock your passenger seat so that if you are a solo player you can open it to people outside your party. For the solo players of the world ask another player if they want to group up I did so last night and now have a new friend to play the game with which I think is one of the strengths of this mount. helping to encourage player interaction which is a key aspect of any good mmo.

It’s reasonable feedback because allowing a single player to use more of the mount features improves the turtle for any player that doesn’t spend 100% of their playtime in a party. That’s probably most people. The turtle is supposed to be one of the major features of the expansion,  but limiting its usefulness to co-op play is likely to make it very niche. 

At the same time the turtle will remain the only mount that can be used co-op, and there’s nothing to stop you inviting people to play in your turtle if you want to.


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I haven't read to all of the 8 pages, so I will just post my first impressions and thoughts here.


I actually love the fact that the turtle takes so much time to turn around and that it is sliding/drifting from time to time, especially when turning or moving down slopes. It always makes me smile. I generally have fun to move around with the turtle. The turtle seems to be moving considerably slower than most of the other mounts, but this makes sense to me, because it's a turtle and therefore should be as flexible and speedy as a raptor for example. Giant turtles in real life don't move that fast after all - at least not on land.


For me the slow turns and slides compensate for the fact that the turtle's walking animation actually looks quite fast - the feet move very fast for a giant turtle IMO. It somehow creates the impression of a giant turtle who is constantly "jogging".  There seems to be no mode where the turtle is actually just walking - in comparison to the raptor, who actually has a "just walking" mode and a sprint mode. I'd love to see a mode where the turtle is actually just walking - with a slower moving animation that fits better to a large animal that walks with slow, heavy steps. It doesn't  have to be the default moving/walking mode (because it probably would make the turtle even slower). I'd be happy to see it implemented as a toggle button though, like with the player character's walking toggle button.


One other thing I'd love to have is a walking sound effect for the turtle that is a tiny bit closer to the one of the cows in Minecraft  😉, this would emphasize the feeling of riding a very large animal a bit more.


 I love the sound effect of the canon :). And the idle animations :).


It would be nice if the passenger player's character would turn into the direction of the camera. It is a bit odd that you can turn the camera and canon in every direction, but the character themself isn't moving at all.


There's one aspect I haven't tested but I can see this creating problems: I just used the turtle on empty areas on Crystal Oasis but I can see them creating  a LOT of visual clutter on meta events. The turtle can actually block a lot of your screen. The same is true with the golem of the engineer. The LAST thing Guild Wars 2 needs in my opinion is MORE visual clutter. For me personally at least the amount of visual noise and clutter in the game is already at the limit of what I find bearable. When tons of people with infusions mount their Skyscale and hover around I have to turn the camera away because the visual noise of the infusions and the constant flapping of the wings make me sick. Well at least the turtle has no hectic visual effects when being idle. But it's still huge and half a meta squad full of siege turtles will effectively prevent you from seeing anything.  Enemies in metas are already often barely visible, since they are quite often hidden behind huge clouds of flashy effects and visual noise.  Well, maybe I can use my siege turtle now to block  this annoying visual clutter ;).


Edited by aikatara.3462
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16 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:

I only wish you could toggle to the guns when alone like in CoD where you switch seats and to other gunning positions in a vehicle

Yes, this!

9 hours ago, Kjudoon.2915 said:

Solo mode required. Some of us don't play with other people rendering the main guns of this mount worthless. Co pilot should be a non-essential option

It is indeed a pointless mount for solo-play altogether - then again, that's probably a good thing, since the Siege Turtle is additional visual clutter no one asked for.

I hope they will limit its use to Canthan maps.

9 hours ago, Gatvin.6510 said:

Ah, nvm then. I guess my feedback is ... maybe change the name? Having a mount with "Siege" in its name that can't be used in WvW is ... off key?

They said a WvW implementation wasn't off the table, but it won't be the a thing at EoD's release.

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We'd like to express our appreciation for the (future) addition of the Siege Turtle to the game. It's an exceptionally fun, socially inclined combat mount that we can't get enough of! Our whole family and many of our friends have been playing on our turtles nonstop since the fourth beta went live (we have three accounts signed in right now) and will be 'till the turtles sadly disappear at 10 PM.

There are many great comments from other players on this thread, many of whom who've actually spent time trying out the mount. Here are a few annotations from our own beta experience that we hope will help make this great mount even better and more fun to use when it returns in EoD.



- Jade cannon shots can be a little bit overwhelming visually in large group encounters. Possibly reduce size of shots to those, for example, of the charr elite Artillery Barrage.

- Turtle, cockpit, and cannon size are very large on screen, particularly vertically. Consider lower profile of cockpit/cannons and shell to improve visibility--think snapping turtle rather than tall-shelled tortoise. This may help integrate seige turtles into group events better without blocking others' views.



- Overall, movement is very well done and representative of the heavy weight of the tanky mount. One consideration would be that underwater, jump jets might move you forward rather than up. Directional movement could be simply changed by camera view.

- Underwater walk speed should be increased. At this time it is extremely slow.



- Driver needs a small auto cannon of some sort, possibly firing out of the jade dragon's mouth on the front of the turtle. This will  better facilitate both solo and co-op combat flow.

- Boost Functionality:
    - Boost really needs to be controlled by the driver so as to optimize movement whether there is a co-pilot or not. Solo and co-  op play would both be greatly improved.

    - Boost does not seem to function according to tooltip with regards to turning ability;     the turtle seems to turn slower rather than faster with Boost activated. Could we simply have better passive turning? It makes more sense anyway to have a wider turn radius when boosting.

    - Boost does not function underwater at all.

- Jump Jets:
    - are great overall. It would be nice if Jump Jets, rather than Boost, assist with turning for more strategic movement both in and out of water.  

    - Also, the area affect of burn damage around the turtle could be widened. It can be a little challenging to get exactly on top of a target to do burn damage.

- The cone of Slam attack needs to be widened significantly; currently Slam only targets directly in front of the turtle are affected. If the driver is not given another attack or gun, Slam's cooldown should be lowered by an additional second for smoother Slam-Jump Jets-Slam flow.

 - Jade cannon shots oftentimes do not go to target.

- Cannon shots really need ammo to recharge faster for more seamless combat without large pauses of inactivity for the person in the gunner position. Hopefully future masteries will address this issue, providing a more fun, continuous combat flow.

- We agree with others that a bubble shield of some kind should be added, perhaps as a substitute for Boost in the gunner's skill lineup? This would facilitate more meaningful group play, possibly blocking projectiles and providing boons, i.e., protection, regeneration, stability and/or resolution for allies around the turtle.


The Siege Turtles are a ton of fun and a complete blast, literally and figuratively. They fill a niche no other mount in the game has, adding both combat utility and co-operative mount play, and their design and execution thus far has been excellent. We're sad to be losing our turtles at 10 PM. We all love them and can't wait for their return.


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Hi!! I love the turtle!! I've played it in various open world metas with friends and really enjoyed it. Some thoughts:



  1. The speed and handling is a lot of fun! My friends and I love the duo-mounting. One of my guild leaders came up with some fun mini-games to play with it, like baton-racing through Divinity's Reach on turtles.
  2. Would be great to have a way to regen passenger health. Turtles can be healed by other players, but there's no way to heal as a passenger. This gets to be an issue in places where both players are constantly in combat, like the Towers at Dragon's Stand. I was able to run circuits getting healed by players as the driver, but my passenger slowly but steadily died in my backseat.
  3. Since Ammo regen increases with turtle velocity, it seems like the driver should try to keep constantly moving in order to generate ammo faster. However, most map meta areas are pretty small quarters, making it hard to generate any speed before the turtle hits a wall or curves. I got pretty seriously motion sick trying to spin in circles to generate ammo with the speeding up and slowing down. Not really sure there's any way to fix this, but motion sickness is probably going to be a part of this mount if people are incentivized to keep constantly moving on turtles in small, cramped quarters.
  4. I love that the turtle can receive buffs. It's interesting how it has a breakbar and a cooldown--really sets it mechanically as an offensive mount.
  5. Like others mentioned, looking forward to seeing if there are new skills unlocked through masteries when the turtle releases!
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18 hours ago, babak.3654 said:

It’s reasonable feedback because allowing a single player to use more of the mount features improves the turtle for any player that doesn’t spend 100% of their playtime in a party. That’s probably most people. The turtle is supposed to be one of the major features of the expansion,  but limiting its usefulness to co-op play is likely to make it very niche. 

At the same time the turtle will remain the only mount that can be used co-op, and there’s nothing to stop you inviting people to play in your turtle if you want to.


Very much this.


Regardless, I see this mount as a vehicle - no pun intended - added  to sell more gem store skins; pretty much the same with new fishing skiffs. Part of their business model, and a successful and lucrative one at that. Certainly helps keep the game going, so it's great so many players are excited for this. It just surely won't be for everyone under current implementation. And that's ok, just like all other content.

Edited by Duglaive.5236
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The Siege Turtle Is kinda fun , but also bad 

It feels nice to have some more interaction with other players , but sometimes i can see the invite requirement being a bit of a hassle , if you play together its nice to have some coordinated attack and demolish things , but you cant "tank" attacks and if it dies you end up with a 40-50 second CD and you cant even USED IT IN COMBAT !??? ( its supposed to be a combat mount right ???)

I personally would love to be able to use it midcombat ,but i can understand that the "hpsoak" cheese is you may fear with it.Still in my eyes its only use and the 40-50 sec cd doesnt make it appealing for me to use.
It's some battlemount that last a bit longer and gets destroyed ,if unlucky or if you met the wrong enemies , but then again you need 2 PLAYERS to unfold its full potential , if you solo its just a terrible cone attack , that sucks if you get flanked etc, because of its controlls.

It's nice for newer players to have an allaround mount , but the controlls are terrible and i still think they are better of going for the more "speciallized" mounts from pof than this mount , thats tries to be a jack of trades , but fails its mainrole as battlemount . As some people already stated. You are faster ,if you dont use it or just skip the enemies with other mounts ,if you are on map exploration etc.

Also Passenger dies with the mount sometimes via falldmg or if the turtle just gets killed by enemies,which is kinda weird.

For underwater its horrible sometimes to controll ,while it does feels cool slowly walking underwater with it.

I would love to be able to use it midcombat , if i get dismounted and maybe a skill that recovers its health back and not using stealth 2.0 for its regeneration and make that cone attack a wider aoe attack pls.The Stomp animation looks for me more like a wider aoe attack than a goofy cone attack , that so easy to miss its target sometimes and maybe give solo players more use for it , if they use it.Also Overdrive can fks you up really bad , if you dont coordinate the speeedboost can fk your real bad. I would appreciate some tuning on the turn speed in general to be a bit more agile. 

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-I understand cost cutting but can we get a different type of effect because the blast animation from the siege turtle is the same as the one when the mech is away and sending down bombardments. 

-Walking on the seafloor is fine when its flat but when its super rocky its brings everything to a halt.

-I do worry about the utility of the mount and became very annoyed when I'm doing PVE events and a swarm of siege turtle is obfuscating everything especially around one target. I hope they plan out events and bosses for siege turtle and many not for the siege turtle i.e. World Bosses don't take a lot of damage from siege turtles making them not as useful. I expect more skins later on down the line too!

Edited by HotDelirium.7984
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I really enjoyed my time trying out the turtle during the beta. I rather like the feel of momentum and weight the relatively poor handling at higher speeds implies. I also like that the "gunner" can boost handling temporarily, it makes having the second player feel relevant even out of combat. The guns themselves feel fun, the sounds are very impactful but also feel like they have appropriate pacing with the ammo mechanic. Firing a full volley can be done very fast but does leave you unable to fire again for a notable amount of time, especially depending on the space available to maneuver. The jump jets feel good and kind of necessary due to the sheer girth of the turtle making many routes impassable unless you can go over the obstacle. 

Underwater, the turtle feels excessively slow, I would very much like some improved movement speed when crossing underwater. That said, I do very much like the novelty of walking along the bottom of bodies of water.

All in all I think the turtle very much opens up some fun co-op gameplay, the drifting handling make it feel appropriately weighty but also lends a nostalgic feeling to me of the original Halo warthog. I do hope the handling can be improved somewhat via masteries however. 



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Since the game is so solo group  content forward, meaning that people join in the open world as individuals to work towards a common goal, but rarely do you join as a group, using the turtle will be limited to using the slam function alone. Rarely would people join together and use the guns in open world content, because its slow, and moves around like a boat on water(but on land), and player 1 does not do as much as player 2 as its not as direct,  nor is it as much fun. So you would get a mount that is slow, is drifty, and you would have to get someone to come by and shoot the guns (on the mount you'd own by the way) FOR you.

Secondly, using the mount underwater, is the worst. There is no map underwater where I would be like  "woh, this sea floor is so amazing, I wish I could stay here forever and not be able to float up to the surface, because I literally can't with this mount." You also cannot walk anywhere, because no map is designed for it.  People barely want to be stuck underwater as is, so you want to create a mount whose only job is to sink you to the bottom of the water map, and allow you to walk on it? Its so stupid, and I understand there are masteries, but the masteries are supposed to add to the experience, not FIX PROBLEMS. Also you still can't shoot the guns on it, even though you own it. You still have to have someone else come by and shoot it FOR you.

People will prefer a mount that will go faster, all by themselves, and get them around obstacles, from point a and b in the fastest amount of time,  because you made the game that way(with boosters upon boosters and a low xp ratio if you don't use them). 


The way the mount is now is a flop.


Edited by Darkvramp.5640
cleaning up for clarity, adding in also for clarity and emphasis
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The turtle is amazing and I really like the co-op possibility of it. My only concern is how it behaves underwater. The turtle just sinks very slowly and the movement is clunky. This just makes me want to dismount the moment I hit the water. I'm not expecting a skimmer speedy turtle but at least more user friendly turtle in the water.

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