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The Mounts are terrible


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Not so much the design, but the handling is just stupid.


If i'm going left (a) and then go right (d) with the camera facing in the same direction the whole time (strafe not rotate camera i believe) the mounts turn clockwise and go to the right.


If your going to the right (d) and then turn left (a) the mounts turn clockwise rather than counterclockwise.


Basically when your on a mount, think of it like being on a horse. When you pull the reins to the right, the horse turns to the right. when you pull left on the reins, the horse turns left, not to the right.


In GW2 when your going right and you basically tell the mount to turn left, it turns right.


It is the most annoying thing about the mounts in this game. I have fallen off more ledges and gotten all turned around more times because when moving them mounts dont rotate the way they should.


please anet fix this it's awful, just awful. like really really bad. how does a mount rotate to the right, and walk towards the camera to go left? why would i ever want a mount to do that?

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Navigating mounts has its quirks, granted. The main thing to wrap your head around is that the WASD controls determine which way the mount will move in relation to the camera, as opposed to controlling which way it will change direction. That seems to depend on the angle at which the mount is facing in relation to your screen. Going by your example, if it's not facing directly right on your monitor, but angled towards either the top or the bottom, upon pressing "A", it will turn towards the top (counter-clockwise) or the bottom (clockwise), respectively. Now, it appears that if the mount is facing directly right, pressing "A" will result in a clockwise motion. I guess that's what throws you off. It is just one of the quirks you have to get used to.

If you want your mount to turn in a specific direction, you can use the "W" or "S" keys to nudge it clockwise or the opposite before hitting "A".

On a side note, this works similarly when your character is on foot. It's just that characters turn in a much smaller radius than mounts.

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I don't know if it's because I use action cam exclusively, but I cannot relate to this post at all. I've never experienced anything other than perfect control over any of my mounts, and if it screws up, it's because I've screwed up.

I've said it elsewhere, but I honestly believe the mounts in GW2 are the best I've played with in any game I've played with mounts, not just MMOs.

Yes, for me, they even beat RDR2's horses.

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Try a mouse for moving around instead of keys (eew).  Try adapting to something new if you were accustomed to something else in another mmo.  


GW2 has the best mounts of all MMO's and they move fantastically.  Pretty sure Anet knows their Mounts are much loved so I am not afraid they will change anything but I am still making sure to put some counterweight to such a post. 

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Mounts are overall easy to use and some (aka Griffon and Beattle) need some learning to make proper use of the mount.


I dont understand what the OP is talking about but it felt natural for me. Maybe it's because I'm used to Borderlands 2 driving system and using the mouse to guide my pet just felt natural. Dont know, cannot really relate.

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1 hour ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I don't know if it's because I use action cam exclusively, but I cannot relate to this post at all.

I use action camera, as well. It's when you are moving in one direction and then want to turn back by pressing the key to the opposite direction. The mount turns either clockwise or counter-clockwise based on the angle of its facing in relation to the camera. I think that's what OP is disturbed by because they can't predict which way the mount will turn. I don't share OP's concerns, but I think I understand what they mean.

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The vast majority of MMO players mouse turn, not keyboard turn. The suggested way to play MMOs is with your turn keys disabled altogether.  Strafe keys get rebound to A and D.  Anyone turning with keys is making their MMO life harder, not easier in pretty much all content.

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It work like that because that's how most game (single player or not) handle that. 

I don't remember a game where slow turning object weren't handle like this. 

But the case you stated is a pretty niche one, I didn't encounter it once unless I purposely try to get it, and I'm not using action cam

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But it feels fun. 

This only occurs when you don't go forward on your mount at the same time. It only happens when you exclusively strafe left, and immediately after that, exclusively strafe right (or the other way round).

Basically, it never happens to me on accident. I always kinda go forward at the same time, too. But I sometimes do a perfect circle with this behaviour for fun.

Edited by deatine.2498
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13 hours ago, MikeG.6389 said:

Navigating mounts has its quirks, granted. The main thing to wrap your head around is that the WASD controls determine which way the mount will move in relation to the camera, as opposed to controlling which way it will change direction. That seems to depend on the angle at which the mount is facing in relation to your screen. Going by your example, if it's not facing directly right on your monitor, but angled towards either the top or the bottom, upon pressing "A", it will turn towards the top (counter-clockwise) or the bottom (clockwise), respectively. Now, it appears that if the mount is facing directly right, pressing "A" will result in a clockwise motion. I guess that's what throws you off. It is just one of the quirks you have to get used to.

If you want your mount to turn in a specific direction, you can use the "W" or "S" keys to nudge it clockwise or the opposite before hitting "A".

On a side note, this works similarly when your character is on foot. It's just that characters turn in a much smaller radius than mounts.

ok i can see your point, but then why does the mount always turn clockwise when going from facing left to facing right, even if the facing right is a little towards the camera at say 170 degrees (think circle with 0 on the right 90 at forward 180 at left) so i'm facing left and a little towards the camera, the mount while moving still turns clockwise.

You can do this by going tot he right, hitting left and then when the mount is facing down and left while still moving the direction it's head is facing, hit D and the mount will do a full circle. So it's not the small direction or the mount being slightly angled it's specifically when the mount goes from going directly right (from the camera perspective) to going directly left while in motion the mount will turn clockwise, it will turn right on it's central axis, instead of going left, which is what any other horse or trained animal with reins would do if you pulled left on the reins.

It actually is worse that than, if you go from moving left to right, about 45 degrees if you hit left again, instead of going to the left


here is a reddit post from 4 years ago explaining the same thing. mounts do not turn in expected ways



here is a link to my reddit post with imaging of the turning issue



To the rest of the posters, it sounds like a lot of you dont do that much pvp with necro staff.  I use the left mouse button to turn my camera without changing the direction my character is facing and manually click (yes i click with my mouse on my utility skills) my ground targeted skills (ie marks) and cast them behind me while my character is running towards my camera. or i strafe and move around while i place flesh wurm or wells this is so i can lead some targets with the 3/4 cast times on all staff marks and hit them while either running away or running sideways. (if you cast in the middle of where they are characters with SS will run out of the location (radius) of the mark before it finishes casting and miss them.

I dont use the action camera as i dont use hot keys for my skills and i dont have an mmo mouse for extra thumb buttons.


Also if you use action camera and cast a mark on necro staff the character faces the direction while casting and walks backwards which is weird since without action camera a necro doesn't turn around to cast a mark or a well.


there is also camera issues in the game since launch that have never been addressed. there is backlash if you turn the camera and character at the same time with right click. sure theres180 button but if you try and turn 90 quickly enough the character will only turn about 75 degrees and the camera will whip back to where your character is moving.



TLDR : mount turning in bad and persistent, camera turning has backlash and action camera has casting issues on necro.

see links for mount turning issues

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12 hours ago, Goettel.4389 said:

They're the least terrible mounts of any MMO.

In fact, they're amazing.




every other mmo, my mounts go where i tell them, how i expect them to go, they dont turn 200 degrees clockwise to go from facing right to left, they just turn left like a car, a horse or any other real world mounted thing.


11 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

They take some getting used too, but after a while every other MMO will feel like kitten.


I've been playing with the mounts since POF launch, this problem has been around since POF launch. only chages they have made is that the mount will spin 30 degrees without moving if it was already standing still, since at launch the moving forward to turen was a massive headache for everyone (see bunny jumping charge to turn in place since the bunny couldn't turn in place on it's own at launch)


10 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The vast majority of MMO players mouse turn, not keyboard turn. The suggested way to play MMOs is with your turn keys disabled altogether.  Strafe keys get rebound to A and D.  Anyone turning with keys is making their MMO life harder, not easier in pretty much all content.


I have A and D bound to strafe and no keys bound to turn. If you are mounted and use strafe the mount turns if it's standing still till it's close to the direction and then starts moving. while moving forward the mount still turns on it's center axis and doesn't trot sideways (even though horses can actually do that) if the mount is ment to feel like an animal, or even like a car then it should function like one. when i pull left on the reins of a horse, the horse turns to the left. not to the right past 180 degrees to face the direction i want it to (think of my head as the camera, i can swivel my head 180 degrees and have the horse move under me)

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13 minutes ago, Lexan.5930 said:


every other mmo, my mounts go where i tell them, how i expect them to go, they dont turn 200 degrees clockwise to go from facing right to left, they just turn left like a car, a horse or any other real world mounted thing.



I've been playing with the mounts since POF launch, this problem has been around since POF launch. only chages they have made is that the mount will spin 30 degrees without moving if it was already standing still, since at launch the moving forward to turen was a massive headache for everyone (see bunny jumping charge to turn in place since the bunny couldn't turn in place on it's own at launch)



I have A and D bound to strafe and no keys bound to turn. If you are mounted and use strafe the mount turns if it's standing still till it's close to the direction and then starts moving. while moving forward the mount still turns on it's center axis and doesn't trot sideways (even though horses can actually do that) if the mount is ment to feel like an animal, or even like a car then it should function like one. when i pull left on the reins of a horse, the horse turns to the left. not to the right past 180 degrees to face the direction i want it to (think of my head as the camera, i can swivel my head 180 degrees and have the horse move under me)

Ah I see. It doesn't work that way for me, since I mostly run with both mouse buttons pressed down, not with my W key. I did try it with my W key and it feels like a momentum thing. You might not find it correct but I wouldn't try to change a horses direction that way, it's easier for the creature, particularly a big ponderous creature like a raptor which has a wide turning circle to continue in the same direction to get around.

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37 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Ah I see. It doesn't work that way for me, since I mostly run with both mouse buttons pressed down, not with my W key. I did try it with my W key and it feels like a momentum thing. You might not find it correct but I wouldn't try to change a horses direction that way, it's easier for the creature, particularly a big ponderous creature like a raptor which has a wide turning circle to continue in the same direction to get around.

i can see then, the thing is that all the mounts can go from left to right no problem without using W, why is it only when going from left to right.  if anything the mounts should find the shortest rotation distance to get to the new direction and go that way, like you as the driver would do in real life.


and when i ride a horse or drive my car i can turn my head (camera) in a different direction than i am traveling in. i get that the mounts are supposed to feel more lifelike and have weight and unique movements about them but this aspect makes them feel like a broken video game character and not a real life beast that i'm supposed to have trained and mastered.

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16 minutes ago, Lexan.5930 said:

i can see then, the thing is that all the mounts can go from left to right no problem without using W, why is it only when going from left to right.  if anything the mounts should find the shortest rotation distance to get to the new direction and go that way, like you as the driver would do in real life.


and when i ride a horse or drive my car i can turn my head (camera) in a different direction than i am traveling in. i get that the mounts are supposed to feel more lifelike and have weight and unique movements about them but this aspect makes them feel like a broken video game character and not a real life beast that i'm supposed to have trained and mastered.

Well, you can always do what I do and hold down your left mouse button, and that should solve the problem. At least I don't seem to have problems when holding the left mouse button. In all my years here, I've seen very very few people complain about this. It may be a legit complaint, but it's a terrible reason to "hate mounts in this game". Mounts in this game are widely considered to the the best in the industry. Shrugs.

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It seems the only way to completely avoid the right-to-left loop is to hold W and A at the same time. Such a turn is not quite as sharp or 0-radius as you might like, but I tested it fairly extensively and the W+A and W+D turns are still fairly sharp on the raptor.

Don't get me wrong -  I would welcome a change whereby our mounts turned the same way from right to left, as they currently do from left to right, without regard to specific key press choices. That said, I'm also quite all right with the way things are now, as the key press patterns I use to move my mount were how I moved my character, and that completely negates the issue. I'd hardly call this a 'problem' deserving of any priority attention. I apologize if that sounds dismissive of your opinion; that's not my intention. I'm just trying to express my position that (a) it's not a problem for me, and (b) I suspect the same is true of many (if not most) players given the how the more intuitive movement patterns interact with this issue.


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