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I was just trying to help.

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Trying to help this game appeal to a broader audience, but I'm being downvoted again.

In case anyone was curious. It was about all the items being forcefully given for collections that take up inventory space and need to be typed out to delete. I do not understand them until researching each drop on the wiki. I am not going to spend the gold and time to complete whatever they are for when the research of it all showed similar gear results from things far less complicated. I did not want them. There was around 10 in total I had to delete and each one I had to type the full name to delete all the while wondering if I was making an irreversible mistake.

It is not an user friendly game mechanic. People who have been playing the game for many years have encountered these things over a spread out time. It is not the same. These things do not exist in a vaccum, they all compound on top of one another, and for new players these things are experienced in short order, and sometimes ever OUT of order, and it really gives a vastly different impression of the game than game designers or long term players are aware of.

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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Ignore the reactions.

Ignore the people who will argue against every change.

Put your suggestion out there, and ANet can decide its worth.

And yes, there’s a lot of random bits and pieces that could be streamlined. The number of portal tomes is getting ridiculous, and needs a way to bundle them together. There are mats we get a lot of that don’t have mat storage spots. The random pieces to craft Mawdrey are annoying to have to go through and delete.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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It does seem like whenever you offer any sort of criticism, there is a brigade that shows up to say how everything is fine how it is.


Personally, I agree.  My inventory is constantly being assaulted by account bound, non-salvagable, non-material, vaguely described items that I don't want clogging up my space but I'm afraid to delete them because you never know what has value in this game, and you never know when you might want to go back to a certain collection or side quest.  It's super annoying.  I am constantly having to put items in the bank, or make the tough choice to delete them after going to the wiki.  


Could definitely be a lot smoother.  

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Yep, i hope when we nag enough, anet will have mercy. This is the dumbest way to prevent "wrong" deleting. Even more, while really important stuff like asc dont have this, but trash-items with stupidly long names of course need this ...


And what the others said, critism in this forum is like offering gold to a pig. Either you are told that there was already a thread and/or people down-vote everything.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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26 minutes ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

@OP Do you do a weekly key run? If so, just load all the "type out" stuff onto the character before you delete it. Done!

Is that a character made to do personal story at level 20. I have yet to do that, but that's a really clever use of a temporary character. Thank you for that tip.

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A good portion of my content on this board is not to be discussed. As long as it is not removed due to topic deletion, it is a victory. Staff almost never interacts with our topics, but they read the forums very carefully. If an idea appears to be useful, they look further into it. A lot of things that have been suggested and were absolutely disliked here, surprisingly made it into the game. That is because the forum community is not an average of the playerbase. 

I remember one really funny situation, a couple of years ago. The suggestion I have made was disliked, I was also blamed for failing to understand a mechanic completely. I left the original post in tact, as some people gave me likes and even helpfuls. Thanks to a streamer, I now know that my old stupid idea is used among half of the community, unfortunately not the half I play with xD. I do not mind who gets credit, as long as we progress. 

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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I agree with you @Redfeather.6401


I'll also impart a piece of advice that has massively improved my experience of these forums.

As the people who oppose any suggestion are usually the same crowd (or offer the ever helpful "Use the search button"), I've added them to my ignore list.


Yes, there is an ignore list!


Click the down-arrow next to your profile name in the top-right, and click "Ignored Users".


Granted, it doesn't get rid of useless confused emotes, but it massively helps filtering out the trolls.


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I don't understand why you would expect any idea to be universally liked, or why you think that someone who doesn't agree with that idea must be a troll? A good idea has to survive people trying to pick holes in it, even if those people come across as overly critical. Saying "I don't like this suggestion" is not trolling.

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6 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

I have found one of the annoying things about raids is the number of minis they keep giving me.   have to type out their whole name to delete them... several times every week.  

You're deleting bonus Magnetite Shards and Gaeting Crystals my guy. Talk to the vendor in the Aerodrome and you can turn them in.

They don't count to the weekly currency cap either.

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8 minutes ago, costepj.5120 said:

I don't understand why you would expect any idea to be universally liked, or why you think that someone who doesn't agree with that idea must be a troll? A good idea has to survive people trying to pick holes in it, even if those people come across as overly critical. Saying "I don't like this suggestion" is not trolling.

Some people struggle with different opinions and think it’s only their perspective that matters. 
But this is an open forum and if you post here you should be able to handle different opinions or negative reactions to your post. 
Even a confused reaction is a valid reaction. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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19 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

Trying to help this game appeal to a broader audience, but I'm being downvoted again.

In case anyone was curious. It was about all the items being forcefully given for collections that take up inventory space and need to be typed out to delete. I do not understand them until researching each drop on the wiki. I am not going to spend the gold and time to complete whatever they are for when the research of it all showed similar gear results from things far less complicated. I did not want them. There was around 10 in total I had to delete and each one I had to type the full name to delete all the while wondering if I was making an irreversible mistake.

It is not an user friendly game mechanic. People who have been playing the game for many years have encountered these things over a spread out time. It is not the same. These things do not exist in a vaccum, they all compound on top of one another, and for new players these things are experienced in short order, and sometimes ever OUT of order, and it really gives a vastly different impression of the game than game designers or long term players are aware of.

For what it's worth, I agree with you.


My inventory management is horrible, and going back and trying to fix it..i find all these collection items that I'm not sure if they're safe to delete or not.  So i have to look them up on the wiki and make sure it's safe to delete beforehand.   It's a huge burden.

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imagine if the special items that need an "are you sure" simply required you to type "delete"

instead of  "250 Super Mystical Oblong Box Of Sorcerous Wizardry".


but i know what you mean about making suggestions and having everyone turn on you.

i dared to have the nerve to say that the bad racial transforms with 4 minute cooldowns should'nt have cooldowns.

wanna pull your golem power suit? go ahead, it would last forever and be toggleable on demand.

and the forum acted like i was asking for them to become the new lich form or something.

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13 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I'm going to take a guess the way you frame your arguments is the source of your issue rather than the overall points you're trying to make. 

Possible, but there are definitely forumites who seem to love picking posts apart and trying to score points like some sophomore forensics competitor.

You can usually find them in every other post right before the mods lock a thread.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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20 hours ago, Stx.4857 said:

It does seem like whenever you offer any sort of criticism, there is a brigade that shows up to say how everything is fine how it is.


Personally, I agree.  My inventory is constantly being assaulted by account bound, non-salvagable, non-material, vaguely described items that I don't want clogging up my space but I'm afraid to delete them because you never know what has value in this game, and you never know when you might want to go back to a certain collection or side quest.  It's super annoying.  I am constantly having to put items in the bank, or make the tough choice to delete them after going to the wiki.  


Could definitely be a lot smoother.  

This is common behavior in old games. There is a very big portion of the community that likes the game as is. Something that pisses vets off is when a new player hops on the forums and full of ideas and new ways to improve the game.  

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