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Remove the fishing mini game

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11 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I don't like the green and orange bar, but only because it doesn't look like it's anything to do with fishing. I'd have prefered it if you were watching a fish in the water and moving the rod to reel it in, or at least if the thing you're chasing looked like a fish icon instead of a green blob. But I like the actions - the fact that you're doing something to catch the fish.

Exactly.  As it is, it's OK, and I will enjoy doing it, but I was picturing something a little more like fishing was in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where, if I remember right, there might have been a bar, but it was only a visual guide and the focus was on the actual fish.  That said, this is just fine.  My only complaint at all (aside from the weird scaling thing in starter areas) is that you can't get bait or lure in Tyria.

Edited by Lyssia.4637
Misspelled Ocarina
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Since the crappy minigame was already designed and added, there's no need to remove it, as they can just leave it for those who enjoy monotony.


Anyway, my question is: can you just jump in the water and fish by stabbing fish in their faces, or does acquiring fish force you to participate in this horrible, terrible, no-good snorefest?

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12 hours ago, MysticalGoddess.8637 said:

My favorite part of ANY game that has it, is Fishing, I FLIPPING Love fishing in games, I was soo looking forward to this fishing, But In it's current state I don't really like it, Yes I will do it, but I get dizzy easy, It hurts my head, I just wanna cast my line, and reel it in when the fish bites, not stare at the bottom of my screen trying to predict which way a slider is going to slide, while giving myself a headache. I am not saying it should be afk, I don't like afk fishing, but the way it is currently is not great. Just my opinion. who knows maybe it will get better with the masteries. I hope so. (FF14, ESO, and Lost ark did fishing right)

Yeah, I have always loved fishing in games. Ultima Online had the best.  I was in a fishing guild and we went out every Tuesday night for fishing. Load as many people in a couple boats as we could fit (like 25) and just chill out fishing. No mini-game, no fuss.  You drop your line and either get shoes, a fish, shoes, nothing, shoes, or a sea monster.  If we were in a sea monster mood, we had fishing nets to throw out in the water for big critters.

I enjoy fishing in games because it is fun and relaxing. The mini-game is neither.

I don't want it removed. I want it to be what they said it was in their trailer. "Time to kick back and relax". 

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35 minutes ago, Zaoda.1653 said:

It doesn't need removing entirely, it just needs A LOT of work. For starters, it's not very rewarding for the effort and attention players have to put in to catching fish.


Wouldn't it be nice if there was at least a 1-in-a-million-chance of a super rare infusion, or decent chances of finding unique rare or exotic weapon and armour that need a bit of polishing and repair to unlock ancient skins?


Right now, it isn't rewarding. I'm sorry Anet, but 49 copper valued fish fillets and such isn't exactly 'rewarding' or 'groundbreaking' for an expansion. Some of the rarer fillets are only a few silver - maybe 8-15 silver each. For all THAT effort? I'd rather be doing something else.


Anet also need to allow individual/separate keybinds for both the fishing rod and skiffing. Right now as it is, it's way too clunky when trying to get over to, and fish at, another nearby fishing spot.


I kinda regret putting my masteries into it. I'm maxed out with the fishing masteries, but I can't say it feels worth it. Fishing isn't rewarding in my opinion. I think I'll be using the jade bot mastery line more.


If Anet could drastically improve the distance to fish at too, like, say, 2000 range, then at least we'd be able to fish at other nearby fishing spots without having to move the skiff, set the anchor, click on the small icon, click on the fishing rod, and then fish again (that's if you're quick enough before the 'rare' fishing spot's timer runs out!).


It definitely needs improvements in the practical department AND reward department, but it doesn't need removing entirely. It has a lot of potential IF Anet decide to do something about it.


Edit: Just thought of another improvement Anet could add to the skiff/fishing mastery line: widen the bar that's used to catch fish so that it's easier/faster to catch the fish and/or other items, as well as have upgraded fishing rods which triggers fish to bite the hook quicker. That way fishing is faster with the end line of masteries and isn't as boring. For the skiffing mastery, there could be an option that allow the skiff to turn around a lot quicker. There could also be a mastery line which makes enemies unable to attack you within a 1200 radius (I know there's one that apparently sinks nearby enemies, but I have that unlocked, I can tell you now, that it does NOT work).

What effort? It's keep a bar inside another bar.

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On 3/1/2022 at 3:09 AM, Rendalmj.3152 said:

I have to disagree. I really like it alot.  I play World of wacraft and fishing in dat game is boring. i falling a sleep sometimes because i need to listen splashing sound only but gw2 they make it so u have something to focus and u will not fall asleeping. 

I completely agree.  I am enjoying having something to do and not just stare at the bobber.  People complain that fishing is dull in games...this gives you something simple to do so you don't fall asleep at the keyboard. 

Seriously, I don't get what some players expect.  I guess get one of the old handheld fishing games from years ago that has a vibration while you reel in...that doesn't work on a keyboard and mouse.  Would it help if occasionally a lure got snagged on your gear for bleed damage, get finned by a feisty fish, or get mosquito bites and sunburn?  Oh wait...that sounds like more work, which will be off putting.  Or did you just want to click, click, fish, click, click, fish, complain that it's too easy and boring. 

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On 2/28/2022 at 11:15 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

The only reason people like fishing (both in games and irl) is because you barely have to pay attention to what you are doing. The mini game is the exact opposite of that and makes the whole game mechanic really annoying.

If you check my post history, you will find that I both asked for fishing and said that it would be fine even if it was just a copy of Stardew Valley's system. Mechanics wise, that's pretty much what we got, so I can't complaint.


But, I am going to go ahead and complain anyway. 🙂


The fishing bar mechanic itself isn't bad, but I do have to admit that in a beautiful 3D environment like Guild Wars 2, it does suck a lot to stare at the fishing bar at the expense of being in the world. It actively removes the player from interacting and enjoying the world. There is no zen here.


I program. I know it's easier to make a 2D UI based game play system. However, it's just not the right fit for this beautiful 3D game.


If they took same mechanics and attached it to visual cues attached to the bobber, it would keep us looking into the world, combining our character's action animations with the pole and the line and the physical environment around us.


I sincerely appreciate having the fishing system. I just wish it enhanced the feeling of being in the world rather than pulled us out of it.

Edited by Tatwi.3562
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I don't mind the minigame in concept, but the green bar behavior REALLY needs work.

it should not just turn so sharply and without warning while your cursor moves so slowly, and the game requires you to engulf the ENTIRE bar to get credit.

'cause what was billed as a relaxing activity feels like a bully playing keepaway rn.

Edited by Roda.7468
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Bro, fishing much like Capes are the important things that everyone wanted, EVERYONE.....Who cares about Raids, WvW. Spvp, dungeons, world polish, Critical Balance updates, decent story Ark, new armors, new races, new anything actually fun in-game........MUH FISHIN MUH CAPES.....MUH FISHINGBOATS.



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On 2/28/2022 at 10:21 PM, Lottie.5370 said:

I really enjoy it, I'm glad it's not just some "press F and it's done" type thing.

I feel that perhaps some middle ground can be found. Right now fishing is not really enjoyable - but not horrible for me. I know masteries will ease this, but ... I wish it wasn't SOOO interactive, ya know? I would have preferred the innovation in fishing to be more in the things and collections you can fish up rather than making you pay such close attention to it. If anyone has done Rift fishing, it was the cast and pull mechanic, but the collections and the things you could exchange for fish and variety of objects you could fish up made it more interesting to me.

edit: I just realized the level of engagement that I would like. In WoW, there are quests to 'tame' animals, basically you jump on their back and they perform random actions. So if they try to buck you, you have to respond with "hold tight", or if they make a sharp turn you "pull reins" Something like that. The fish makes random moves and you respond with one key to counteract that. I'm paying attention, but not second by second activity.


TFDR: so far, the collections seem boring, and I wish the interaction level was dialed down a bit.

Edited by Shaaba.5672
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39 minutes ago, Shaaba.5672 said:

I feel that perhaps some middle ground can be found. Right now fishing is not really enjoyable - but not horrible for me. I know masteries will ease this, but ... I wish it wasn't SOOO interactive, ya know? I would have preferred the innovation in fishing to be more in the things and collections you can fish up rather than making you pay such close attention to it. If anyone has done Rift fishing, it was the cast and pull mechanic, but the collections and the things you could exchange for fish and variety of objects you could fish up made it more interesting to me.


TFDR: so far, the collections seem boring, and I wish the interaction level was dialed down a bit.


When you get a catch, you get a red exclamation mark above your head - you don't even need to watch the water 🙂

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7 minutes ago, Lottie.5370 said:


When you get a catch, you get a red exclamation mark above your head - you don't even need to watch the water 🙂

I know that, that's not the problem. It's the bar I don't especially enjoy - or I should say I don't mind it, I just think it's a bit too finicky and demands a bit too much of your attention. Like I said - I'd prefer a middle ground where you don't just cast and pull, but the current implementation isn't doing it for me.

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3 minutes ago, Shaaba.5672 said:

I know that, that's not the problem. It's the bar I don't especially enjoy - or I should say I don't mind it, I just think it's a bit too finicky and demands a bit too much of your attention. Like I said - I'd prefer a middle ground where you don't just cast and pull, but the current implementation isn't doing it for me.


Ah my bad, I misunderstood, I thought you meant it was too annoying to see when you had caught something 🙂

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10 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

Bro, fishing much like Capes are the important things that everyone wanted, EVERYONE.....Who cares about Raids, WvW. Spvp, dungeons, world polish, Critical Balance updates, decent story Ark, new armors, new races, new anything actually fun in-game........MUH FISHIN MUH CAPES.....MUH FISHINGBOATS.



Instanced housing?  No thanks.  Our home zone, whatever it is, is already basically instanced housing. I want open world housing like in Ultima Online.  😎

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