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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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These sound like very nice changes? Any timeframe for their implementation?

As is, it is quite frustrating to properly prepare for the meta, coordinate correctly and then fail due to things like break bars not correctly appearing and there being too much movement across the platform as a result. I imagine most people will wait for these (excellent and well thought out) changes to be implemented as, with the encounter in its current state, it feels a little dispiriting.

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These changes are very welcome.


But I don't get how decisions are made within ArenaNet. The addon clearly targets new (unexperienced) players, because even though you can enter the addon only at level 80, you have to play a tutorial. So. Target group: New unexperienced players (aka. liquidity in business terms).


But yet, your very first sentence is "The Jade Sea meta was designed to be the ultimate open world finale, an epic conclusion to the 10-year Elder Dragon story arc.". This targets players that play Guild Wars 2 from day one. In my opinion, you have to decide which kind of player is targeted to complete the meta event. At the moment, the meta event is only doable with mainly the three meta classes. Any new player will not even know about these meta classes, but is expected to take part in a coordinated event with 49 other randoms. Seems kinda odd to me.


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I am glad  that you are working but please take it to heartfor the next content drop,  that long boring collections and  impossibly hard content take out the satisfaction of acquiring something that is so essential to an update, it would be all fine if it were a secret mount, but it a widely announced and hyped mount  and that even locks ppl out of completing the masteries , getting it after trying for a total of  24h  (12 tries) wont definetly make me like the mount or feel an accomplishment I will just be glad that I will never had to do that meta ever again

Edited by tekhiun.8653
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I feel that any *one* of these changes would have been enough to make it easier for folks that wanted it to be easier, but also keeping it hard enough to be engaging for those of us that wanted it to be hard. I would have preferred only the wisp skip be fixed and have that be enough.

I'm worried that this meta is going to be a faceroll like most other meta events now, people were already getting a lot better with time at this event, paying attention to the pre-event buffs and such. Hopefully you are open to making this harder if it does become too easy, because the difficulty of this made it one of the best events in the game. I joined a guild and gained new friends in the game because of it. That is the *first* time that has ever happened in this game.

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2 minutes ago, DaKine.2694 said:

The success rate is increasing because players are forming organized squads and gatekeeping non-meta builds. After around 8 or 9 attempts, I finally joined one of these squads and saw countless people get kicked because they weren’t quickness or alac builds. They even kicked everyone that was playing a new elite spec. Even with hours of prep work and squad organization, we only beat it with 30 seconds left. Now, the successful squads that I’ve seen are either squads that only take the role they need, or squads that require a decent kp to join.

If your goal was to gatekeep most of your average player base from completing this meta and getting the turtle mount, mission accomplished.

They can kick you from squad but you can still remain on the same map, so it shouldn't make any difference to you, no?

Not every successfull squad is gatekeeping people or asking for LI/KP or specific roles. I've done this meta 3 times with some friends and all runs were successful. We were around 20-25 people organized on voice chat with explanations and 3 commanders - the rest were random people from lfg, we gave them explanations in chat.

I'm happy to see those changes tho.

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I think my biggest frustration following 15 attempts and all of which failures, is mechanics which were designed to be followed, are skipped in order to make the timer. You have some of those with the turtle who will purposly stand in green causing others to fail, and this is a 2 hour commitment per attempt, bearing in mind.  I don't expect it to be easy but I've genuinly put my all into it and come out short as opposed to others who got in by luck into a better group. 


Disheartening and I know of a handful of people who have left because of it.


I think gating the turtle behind it isn't the best idea, but the boss fight itself, I love. The mechanics are simple to work around, just need the right people.


Pretty sure its better on a raid setting than open world, many dont care to upgrade themselves for that kind of content so it's a mix and match of who you'll get. People who are giving it their all, CC'ing, hittting the tail, as opposed to those pushing 11111 are the ones who miss out sadly. 

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Anet is trying to ask a granny to climb  20 story building after having taught her to use the elevator in the past 10y, now she has degenerative bone and muscle issues. This isn't going to work, it is too late

Edited by Nebilim.5127
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I actually enjoy the difficulty of the meta as it is, and since I know many people do not enjoy its difficulty, I can appreciate these changes. They seem to make it less punishing while not nerfing the encounter to the point where it becomes boring.

I believe that what a lot of people are missing is the fact that this meta will succeed WAY more often after a few weeks when people learn the mechanics, so if you nerf it too hard early on there's a chance that the event will be too east and have no challenge to it once people actually git gud.

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1 minute ago, Vlad Morbius.1759 said:

The fact that a major feature is tied to rng is total kitten. period.

You keep using that word, but i do not think you know what it means. Rng has nothing to do with it. If you want a completion join a guild dedicated to it like people did when TT and Teq first came out.

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51 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

The Jade Sea meta was designed to be the ultimate open world finale, an epic conclusion to the 10-year Elder Dragon story arc. To accomplish this, we challenged our own conventions for creating open world content to provide an encounter unlike anything ever seen before in Guild Wars 2. As such, the encounter was designed from the start to be challenging, but progressively more doable as players learn mechanics and how to handle phase transitions.


The challenge is fine except for people who 1. Rush through content 2. don't know how to build their own class 3. refuse to communicate and 4. refuse to do mechanics.

Too many people expect others to break the bars- you can see this on the transition to the mini boss platforms where people were using portable charges instead of their own... because a LOT of people still have no idea what abilities remove breakbars and your developers have actually created classes and weapons with *zero* breakbar abilities leaving them zero incentive to do anything. The fight isn't the issue, it's the players and it's developer clarity for as the game has progressed. When you expect people to only learn how the game operates from a wiki page, this is what happens. So you're going to have a small dedicated few to try and encourage the rest but most of them will try to brute force. I mean.. people still fail on Octovine so...

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I'm not optimistic about these changes tbh. It's not what i think needs to happen. but i'm willing to try with these changes. Give it a few shots once this update rolls out. see if it's better this way. it seems like it might be better this way from what i've read but we'll have to see how it works out when it goes live. so for now i'm tabling trying to get the siege turtle until this update rolls out. looking forward to getting the siege turtle.

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2 minutes ago, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

You keep using that word, but i do not think you know what it means. Rng has nothing to do with it. If you want a completion join a guild dedicated to it like people did when TT and Teq first came out.

If it doesn't automatically drop after completing the content it's RNG so go away.

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Thank you for not just nerfing it. These changes should definitely address the problems we've been having with it. Having ran this 16 times now and in a leading / commanding role for about half of those, these changes should address everything. The extra 90 seconds from the orb phase itself is enough to make 6 of the 18 failed runs pass, other runs failed due to lack of CC, or people not going to the tail. Each of those was caused by lack of communication when the person with the commander tag wasn't calling things out.

I and many others love the difficulty of the content, please don't make this a spam one fest, make people learn the game, and keep up the good work! EOD is by far the best expansion the game has seen

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