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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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Just had a failure of this meta with literally 3% health left. The problem, for almost the last full minute the boss was in an invulnerable phase or had the tail up. I'd like to ask all the people who think RNG is not a problem with this meta how they would go about damaging an invulnerable boss.

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Please examine the rewards for this meta.  Currently it's not nearly rewarding enough to be played consistently long term.  This meta does not respect the amount of time that the player puts in nor does it respect how difficult the content is for the level of rewards that people receive.  This is Serpent's Ire all over again

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First and foremost, I am glad that you are keeping an eye on this, Anet. 


That being said, I would like to remind everyone here that this is an open-world event with very limited player limits per map. If anyone is in the map not doing the meta because they're working on map completion, story, or just farming jade nodes, the entire two hours other players have spent working toward a success is wasted. That is because this encounter is designed as a raid, not as open-world content.


Each of the other 3 map metas are doable with a mix-match group of players and a reasonable level of leadership. After failing the Jade Sea meta for the 4th time in 12 hours, I went to do Seitung Province and Kaineng City metas, and they were both successes. This is not because they are /faceroll easy, but because the groups were being led adequately by commanders who knew what they were doing. That is how open-world content should be constructed.


Yes, the success rate is going up. That's because there are people lucky enough to be in a guild group that writes guides for game content, who are on discord and porting into an empty map to ensure that they don't have dead weight. The majority of your player base is wasting hours of their free time on fail after fail because this content is geared toward hard-core players. Challenge is fun, but punishing and making people want to quit playing the game is not. This level of challenge is for raids, strikes, and challenge modes. In an open-world meta event, with good leadership, that majority of your player base should be having successes. To put this into contrast, out of the dozens of very experienced players in my main guild, only two have unlocked the mount collection - because they got into an exceptionally lucky map.


In LFG, most of the groups available are full. Half of them have been requiring 200+ Legendary Insights or Dhuum tokens to join. Sure, you can be on a map and not in a squad and still participate, but these maps fill up within just a couple of minutes; and that's before the meta even begins. I personally spent about 18 hours of my weekend off from my full-time job camped in Dragon's End, trying to get into a viable group that didn't have a full map. My guild organized one map that was empty - 3 commanders who all knew the meta, and explained what to do to the squads. We failed at 9%. One I did with a guild with a dedicated Discord channel, which had succeeded several times at the DE meta, required each subgroup of 5 players to have a balance of the 3 meta builds. They gave instructions in map chat, squad chat, and over Discord. Every single phase shift and attack was called out. We spread by subgroups for the legendary boss platforms. We failed. That is not open-world content, that is raid content.


The problem with Soo-Won is not just that she can't be DPSed half the time. Her animations are an issue, surely, but the bigger problem - as stated by some of the other commenters here - is that her attack patterns are random. How are new players supposed to learn raid mechanics for an open-world meta boss when her attacks change rotations in every encounter? Normal difficulty raids are so much easier than this fight. 


My suggestions for balancing this open-world meta event are as follows:


1. Allow the dps to the tail to be shared with Soo-Won. She is a dragon, not a salamander. 

2. Give us an on-screen announcement about the tail, not just the audio from Aurene. Even with the dialog sound turned up, it is still difficult to hear with all that's going on, and toxic players are downright harassing anyone who hasn't noticed that one of her random attack patterns has switched.

3. Pause the timer when the group has to split up to kill the legendary bosses on the other platforms. By the 20% phase, there isn't enough time.

4. Allow us to keep our Portable Waystation CC abilities when we jump to the other platforms to kill the legendary bosses, as they are completely erased by the jump special action key. We are not being awarded supplies by any of the new content that I've seen so far, and a lot of people would rather play the new expansion instead of having to go and farm Drizzlewood Coast after having to re-buy Waystation CC over and over again. 

5. Give Soo-Won a normal pattern of attack. Wave attack at x time, tail smash at x%, etc. Take away the randomizing of her attacks and make it an encounter that people can learn and anticipate.

6. Last and most importantly, if you decide not to make this fight an open-world boss instead of an overtuned raid encounter, please open up the Siege Turtle mount collection in a more reasonable way. After several months of hype, we deserve to actually earn it - and enjoy doing so.


Everyone I know has been looking forward to the Siege Turtle mount since the beta, and they have all been led to believe that the collection would be unlocked in similar ways to the previous mount collections. Forcing players into over-tuned open-world raid content just to start the collection for the mount is downright sadistic.


Also, a last thought: listening to the elitists who live for punishing content instead of your main player base in regard to anything, including the Jade Sea meta disaster, will ensure that your most loyal players will move on to other games. I absolutely love Guild Wars 2, and I am going to play other content, hoping that Dragon's End will be fixed in a sufficient manner. The fixes you are proposing are, frankly, underwhelming.

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To be honest seeing that this meta is raid/strike-like, that they nerfed fractals putting mystic coins away to give them to strikes, their statement about they want more people to try them and get into them just tells me they are desperately trying to make it a main part of the game for everyone, as if you want to play GW2 it you need to deal with them. Oh and let's not forget the return achievements, giving a legendary chest for each to tempt you, even if they were optional, but makes you feel bad for skipping them. And DRMs being mini strikes.


It's good that they are there for those that wanna play them, with shiny skins, titles, AP, gold, but not gatekeeping main features.



Oh and yesterday since I was farming exp and the fastest way is events I was doing them in DE and decided to stay as there seemed to be a decent group there. 10 stacks, banners, ascended food, knowing all mechanics, pumping alacrity and might to my team. Nooope. We were doing really well but even with 3 breakbars it's pointless to increase the exposed debuff if it goes untargetable instead of stunned kept in place. Make it 30 minutes exposed if you want, if you can't hit it it's useless. And being available for dps for a few seconds, tail with hardened buff, swoop, swoop, swoop, repeat is what makes it fail. You see you just need a bit more % hp to beat it and no, you'll spend 3 - 4 minutes unable to do anything but mechanics. As usual, we failed at the classic 20%.


My suggestion if you are adamant on keeping it like this: do like with the Crown Pavilion. The timer having a gold limit, then silver, then bronze rewards. The event itself isn't difficult, just time consumming, as if you die you can come back quickly but with this everyone would be happy. The elite could get the big rewards speedrunning having the feeling of achievement (add a title for them if you want) while the casuals could get their mount and some reward for sticking till the end.

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9 minutes ago, Bella Rikka.2387 said:

First and foremost, I am glad that you are keeping an eye on this, Anet. 


That being said, I would like to remind everyone here that this is an open-world event with very limited player limits per map. If anyone is in the map not doing the meta because they're working on map completion, story, or just farming jade nodes, the entire two hours other players have spent working toward a success is wasted. That is because this encounter is designed as a raid, not as open-world content.



My suggestions for balancing this open-world meta event are as follows:


1. Allow the dps to the tail to be shared with Soo-Won. She is a dragon, not a salamander. 

2. Give us an on-screen announcement about the tail, not just the audio from Aurene. Even with the dialog sound turned up, it is still difficult to hear with all that's going on, and toxic players are downright harassing anyone who hasn't noticed that one of her random attack patterns has switched.

3. Pause the timer when the group has to split up to kill the legendary bosses on the other platforms. By the 20% phase, there isn't enough time.

4. Allow us to keep our Portable Waystation CC abilities when we jump to the other platforms to kill the legendary bosses, as they are completely erased by the jump special action key. We are not being awarded supplies by any of the new content that I've seen so far, and a lot of people would rather play the new expansion instead of having to go and farm Drizzlewood Coast after having to re-buy Waystation CC over and over again. 

5. Give Soo-Won a normal pattern of attack. Wave attack at x time, tail smash at x%, etc. Take away the randomizing of her attacks and make it an encounter that people can learn and anticipate.

6. Last and most importantly, if you decide not to make this fight an open-world boss instead of an overtuned raid encounter, please open up the Siege Turtle mount collection in a more reasonable way. After several months of hype, we deserve to actually earn it - and enjoy doing so.


Everyone I know has been looking forward to the Siege Turtle mount since the beta, and they have all been led to believe that the collection would be unlocked in similar ways to the previous mount collections. Forcing players into over-tuned open-world raid content just to start the collection for the mount is downright sadistic.


Also, a last thought: listening to the elitists who live for punishing content instead of your main player base in regard to anything, including the Jade Sea meta disaster, will ensure that your most loyal players will move on to other games. I absolutely love Guild Wars 2, and I am going to play other content, hoping that Dragon's End will be fixed in a sufficient manner. The fixes you are proposing are, frankly, underwhelming.


This this right here! Very well put! True statements one and all. Good suggestions for turning it into an OPEN WORLD meta not a raid.


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What concerns me about this event is the future.  How will this event be completed once the players that rushed through content have moved on and never come back.  Like many meta events in GW2 empty maps = impossible to complete.  This event requires a literal coordinated army in voice comms.  Where will these armies be 2-3 months from now?

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9 hours ago, Seraphis Zurvan.6839 said:

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this event. It's probably the most fun I've had doing challenging content in a long time since I first began raids, and before that PoF and HoT metas. It not only is challenging, it feels epic and urgent. Like it's the ultimate battle against probably the most powerful individual in the world and you have to really try. If you know the lore from completing the event, you're basically punching a god in the face. But I have thoughts and feedback from my experiences and I am sure others share it.

After leading three coordinated groups today in a specific way that many have been finding success in (not to mention the amount of previous times I've ran groups and joined existing ones), this current "nerf" while was a good idea, is still not enough. Even trying MightyTeapots latest "guide" released earlier today, it doesn't necessarily work. The amount of preparation and time required for this, creating fractal comp setups per subgroup, all that.....it's not realistic for the sustainability of this event. As soon as the majority of people get their turtles, and the raid commanders and other "hardcore" players stop with this content and move on, all that will be left is the more casual people who just want to explore open world, get their turtles at their own pace, etc.

They won't stand a chance in this meta. It's just too hard for them, and expecting them to just "get good" isn't realistic either. Not to mention herding a bunch of people to actually listen to you and typically requiring voice comms because people don't really read chat, or you get suppressed from callouts too frequently ALL THE TIME >:C...also some have a harder time reading and playing at the same time. It's not healthy for this event. At the current rate, I'd give this a month, maybe two, before it dies. It'll be like Serpent's Ire, Palawadan, Gandara, before the Return to X achievements brought people back. No one is going to do it unless it has *actual rewards*, and even then....it will eventually fade to basically no one caring to do it simply because it's too hard. Many people do not have guilds either that'll run this content. I know I certainly don't.

I have taught this meta to several hundred people by now in deep detail. They know it. I've gotten feedback that they feel significantly more confident because of my explanations. None of this matters if things like mechanics that are highly important happen simultaneously (CC Phases and Tail phase overlapping being a solid example), and RNG based mechanics such as dashing (swap) happening four times in a row just after her defiance bar goes to 0 and then breaks free of the stun, completely negating the entire point of breaking her CC bar to get Exposed (yes this happened to me twice now and I know I'm not the only one. Usually it's three times). This isn't acceptable and defeats the entire purpose of the mechanics existing in the first place. Splitting the group doesn't work either because the defiance bar is just too dense for 25-ish people to break on their own scaled with 50+ people present, even with the Electromagical Pulse from the waystation. IMO it should not require the waystation item to actually break the CC bar. It doesn't actually, but then everyones damage will go to absolute s*** because players now have no abilities since they're focused on CC. Not all classes have CC in their abilities either.

I can't keep doing this forever, and neither can others, and the community won't keep doing this forever. I really hate hearing the disappointed sighs and other complaints because we failed after everything I did to try and legitimately help them get their clears even though I don't need to. People are absolutely livid in my guild chats over this too. I don't blame them when a ton of people are on their 15+ tries with still no clear. That isn't acceptable IMO.

It's not clearing as frequently as people think it is. It's clearing more since the nerf, but it's nowhere near enough. If you think it's easy, congrats. You aren't the only one in this game, and the casual player base far outweighs people like you and I.

The rewards in the end aren't worth it either besides the siege turtle. It's a lot of small chests with loot that's akin to maybe a single world boss like Svanir Shaman Chief, but with just a bunch of chests. Drizzlewood is more worthwhile than this, and it's similarly long.


Tl;dr I am not asking for a huge nerf. I am asking for the RNG system for this event to be reworked to be significantly less punishing, and to add at least 5 minutes to the actual boss fight if you're going to keep the timer continuously going, and improve the rewards dramatically. I am telling you this won't make it much easier for the majority of people, and clears will be significantly more frequent. Or rework some of the phases to not take so long, like pausing the main timer on greens mechanic (wisps) and cut the legendary bosses health down a bit so they don't take so long, and cut the tail health down a bit. A combination of these things in some way to give people significantly more time. Right now people are getting absolute garbage luck with some of the RNG mechanics, myself included and people are getting tired of this hour or more prep, and nearly an hour event, just to keep failing because of things beyond their control. How about don't overlap important mechanics like the tail phase and CC phase. Almost no one breaks the defiance bar because they take too long on bringing down the tail.

I DO NOT want this to get the Drakkar treatment either. Drakkar went from fun to auto-afk yawn fest because of the health scaling change that wasn't really necessary. It should remain fairly challenging, but not so difficult that more casual players can't even complete it. This is a difficult balance to achieve but I think it can be done.

Have to agree with this one. I really hope that the event doesn't get nerfed into oblivion. What needs to be changed though is the huge impact RNG has here and the lackluster rewards for (probably more than) 2h work - and maybe some minor tidbids. To give Arena Net some slack, the event is - in general - awesome and really fun. There are also reasons why this shouldn't be turned into a yawn fest: I believe that Arena Nets intention with EoD is to set a common skill floor for the community. That's something which is long overdue.

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1 hour ago, Raizel.8175 said:

...I believe that Arena Nets intention with EoD is to set a common skill floor for the community...

I'm beginning to think that too.  Anet's been talking for a while about strike missions as a stepping stone to raids. Beginning with The Icebrood Saga they started trying to push all players into strike missions and that push seems to be continuing in EoD. The deliberate intention to make the Jade Sea meta as difficult as @Rubi Bayer.8493 described at that start of this thread also seems like a continuation of raid level thinking. @Josh Davis.7865 has talked about ways of making WvW more competitive, ideas that seem like they will increase both the toxicity and the cheating/hacking already going on there. Heck, even the sustain nerfs Anet included with the EoD download make the gameplay harder for some of us. It's beginning to feel like Anet's new message to the casual players is "git gud or git gone".

As a casual player I know we need hard core players simply because the more players there are, the stronger the game is. The more options Anet offers for all levels of gameplay, the better it is for everyone. I'm not sure that hard core players and even some of the game designers feel the same way though. The push to "git gud" is beginning to feel very real. Given my age and health issues, I cannot get "git gud", especially not "raid level gud". Does that mean I need to leave the game? Anet, are you really telling me to "git gud or git gone"?


Edited by Chichimec.9364
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51 minutes ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Just was in a group that one-shot the meta, even with 3.5 mins to spare or something. Organized squads with good builds make the difference night and day.

Based on experience, Its more likely that you were also lucky with the rng elements of the fight, which is a big issue with this fight.


This needs to be fixed - and while they are fixing it, they just need to move how you acquire the turtle.

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I have envoy Herald title, Few Raid CM Title, Fractal god/CM title but I am absolutely against this meta. I did it casually 12 times and it all failed all 12 times hopelessly. I ended up giving up casual way. I got into Raid like squad with kp check and kill was easy enough even with bad RNG.

How does Anet expect casual players to complete this meta?  and, if few gets carried here and there, they will never come back to it.

This is dead meta right after people get their turtle if they don't quit before it.

I am sure how Anet is going to fix this but RNG needs to be toned down. Also, Everytime you successfully do tail, 30 second should be added. I remember getting 8 tails at one of the run. There is also bug? after CC phase. You don't get 30 sec dps time, instead it goes on other side of platform.

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What's the point of playing when you get disappointed every night, wasting 4 hours of entertainment that turns out to be pure frustration? It's not even l2p issue, because the more I play it, the dumber I became, and the more irrational I wake up every morning thinking what went wrong. Pretty sure the community, even the most hardcore auto attack bots, knows where to go and what phase goes next. 
No way this meta was designed with through QA testing. 

In fact, the expansion made me hate the whole game. Can't even have the motivation to login when you remember your 21 failed attempts because the boss decided to fly invulnerable right after we CC her perfectly, or a CC phase right after we kill the tail and failed the CC because half of them got whirlpooled (ie. not allowed to play the game).
Because of this scuffed, luck reliant, coordination heavy (im cool with managing 10, but 50 risk factors though), I really just don't want to play anymore.
Heck, it might even feel better if the whole meta never there in the first place. Or the whole expansion never happened. That would be a much happier place.

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3 hours ago, nutri.1385 said:


My next attempt was more random, and I didn't stick around to see at what % we will fail. It was obvious that we will. We had 6 mins left and 60% HPs. I maybe should have stayed, but for what reason? 


My plan from now on is to run with KP requirements only, not because I'm elitist or something, but I want to learn this meta, instead of chaotically trying to achieve something alone (I won't kill the tail or break the CC bar by myself). And I want me some nice casual achievements and collections which are available only after the battle is successful. 🙄

After reading so much about this, I think this sums it up really well, from the pov of those who are able to complete this raid-like meta. 

I can't blame anyone for not deliberately sabotaging their own and /or their team's success rate, their enjoyment of this meta & ability to learn more about it, by knowingly including players who will obviously cause it to fail. 

If it was a 10 minute event, then okay maybe, but given it takes some time for well organized, experienced groups, why would they shoot themselves in the foot that way? 

It just really makes this turtle thing that much harder to complete for the average player.

Personally, I don't think that I'll particularly miss that troublemaking turtle. 

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Well 2 hours at a time....  for people who work and have families this is no longer an option to be done.  I can't waste hours and hours for zero reward and sheer frustration at the randomness of attacks seen.   Played since beta, happy for expansion (I love Kaineng) but this meta and being forced to toxic strikes for something I paid a fair bit for, and for something sold as a major item I cannot get... surely that is bad?   Don't even get me started on the Anet Dev comment of soloing the new GH expedition...


So much so wrong...   enthusiasm dropped.    

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28 minutes ago, Blaeys.3102 said:

Based on experience, Its more likely that you were also lucky with the rng elements of the fight, which is a big issue with this fight.


This needs to be fixed - and while they are fixing it, they just need to move how you acquire the turtle.

Is it RNG or is it punishment? A group we were in seemed org'd enough and we were doing quite well I actually expected to get the win! We were at 23% and then we counted 8 tails total in our run with with 3 having been at the 23%. SO If you get more tails is it because your NOT DPS'ing and stacking and booning and all the l33tz stuff? In 2 videos I've seen they only had the tail once but they were both l33tz and dps was big. They were also at the same % range we were when they only had the one tail!

But meh either way I guess I don't get the siege. I'm AS GOOD AS I'M GETTING.  SO I guess I need to start looking elsewhere if this is the new open world meta style?!

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1 hour ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Just was in a group that one-shot the meta, even with 3.5 mins to spare or something. Organized squads with good builds make the difference night and day.

We just finished with 4:30 left, my previous (and first succesful) run had 0:30 left. Other 6 runs (before wisp phase getting shorter and "exposed" getting longer after break bar) failed. And I can tell that this was an extremally lucky run when it comes to RNG since in both runs we had people knowing mechanics, 5-man subroups with buffs, 10 stacks of map buff, jade tech buffs, food and map prepeared for high. There is even a topic on the forum where someone checked different clear videos and compared time differences that RNG makes, here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/109710-an-analysis-of-jade-sea-meta-attack-patterns-and-phase-duration/?tab=comments#comment-1588967.


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Welp another 5 failed runs today thanks to the power of RNG.

Overlapping CC Bars with Tail Phases alongside numerous side switching... and people keep defending this by saying Dragon Stand and Chak Gerent was just as bad. I'd rather run prenerf DS at this point with the organised groups I was in. At least at that point we can secure the win so long as we keep ourselves as organised as possible and not being made to run like headless chickens by horrid AI RNG

Edited by ChronoPinoyX.7923
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The fact that they said Siege Turtle was similar way to obtain and a collection similar to beetle is false advertisement.

Griffon: Unlocked through story.
Skyscale: Unlocked through story
Beetle: Unlocked through story

I finished the story, where is my Turtle?
Locked behind a raid encounter in open world map. Impossible to obtain.

Already cost me more hours and pain to unlock the ... thing than it cost me to obtain Griffon, or Beetle, or Skyscale in playtime.

I call that blatant false advertising

Fix the meta... I am waiting...

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3 hours ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Just was in a group that one-shot the meta, even with 3.5 mins to spare or something. Organized squads with good builds make the difference night and day.

Believe me, I've been trying.....for so long. I can organize groups appropriately and make boon tables split properly....what people do though is waaay beyond my control.

Yeah these definitely help, but convincing people to run such setups and try doing more is usually asking too much for many. Or they just couldn't be f***ed to care.

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4 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

Have to agree with this one. I really hope that the event doesn't get nerfed into oblivion. What needs to be changed though is the huge impact RNG has here and the lackluster rewards for (probably more than) 2h work - and maybe some minor tidbids. To give Arena Net some slack, the event is - in general - awesome and really fun. There are also reasons why this shouldn't be turned into a yawn fest: I believe that Arena Nets intention with EoD is to set a common skill floor for the community. That's something which is long overdue.

I also believe this was true. It has been slowly increasing since Heart of Thorns. The core game before any expansions was an absolute joke and the majority of people wanted something more challenging. Of course, when that happened people bitched up a storm so I don't know what they expected. About the hardest encounter there was at the time before HoT was Tequatl, before that became a joke, and Triple Trouble, which was near impossible to kill all three wurms. LS1 had Marionette, but that was only temporary until recently. The rest.....1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.....


However I think this encounter was a bit too big of a jump in difficulty for the time being. Casual players *should* be striving to become better than they are, but you can't force people, and there will be plenty of people who refuse to give a kitten about that. I don't see why anyone could be possibly content at staying at the same skill level but that's just me.

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10 minutes ago, Seraphis Zurvan.6839 said:

I also believe this was true. It has been slowly increasing since Heart of Thorns. The core game before any expansions was an absolute joke and the majority of people wanted something more challenging. Of course, when that happened people bitched up a storm so I don't know what they expected. About the hardest encounter there was at the time before HoT was Tequatl, before that became a joke, and Triple Trouble, which was near impossible to kill all three wurms. LS1 had Marionette, but that was only temporary until recently. The rest.....1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.....


However I think this encounter was a bit too big of a jump in difficulty for the time being. Casual players *should* be striving to become better than they are, but you can't force people, and there will be plenty of people who refuse to give a kitten about that. I don't see why anyone could be possibly content at staying at the same skill level but that's just me.

Yeah...if they want us to "improve our skill" and "try out different content"...this IS NOT the way to go about it. I (and probably many others) HAVE BEEN IMPROVING already. Just by playing the game. I even HAD a passing interest in raids and was slowly working up to it...but the way they decided to PUSH this before I was ready? It should be OUR CHOICE as players when WE want to move into harder content. Sure, we 'have the choice to ignore this meta' but its OPEN. WORLD. CONTENT. THAT is MY content as a mainly PVE player. I do regularly PvP, have WvWd enough to get the warclaw AND Gift to make a legendary. I've done dungeons. I haven't done many strike missions, but I've done a few. I WAS working towards this. After THIS implementation I don't think I ever want to try raids...seeing the attitudes of raiders (not all, many have understood and even been helpful to other players!)...I want my (mostly) non-toxic PVE content back!!!

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if i wanted to raid i would join a raid group.... wtf did i pay 100 bucks to be forced to raid? says nothing about haveing to do a raid to get mount it says it is threw a collection like the rest of the of the kittening mounts..I dont wana raid will never kittening raid and this is straight kitten and everyone of you dumb arses saying get gud for raids..think about if they locked it behind pvp for all you pve hardcore raiders who get stomped trying to do daily we just tell you get good? or lock it behind a jumping puzzle or some other aspect in the game you do not enjoy... everything in game has had multiple outlets to obtain...forceing me to do raid content is just not gona happen and im just gona go play another game and spend my money there. beat eod story got map completenearly every new mastery trained besides turtle,turtle egg would of made more sense coming from the save the hatchery event........my rants over i go play other game forawile pop in do my daily pvp wait for you to fix this stupid mistake

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Many attempts latter and I finally got it, the only way I got it was die to the gathering we broke her cc bar 3 times in less then 2 minutes. I still stand behind everything everyone is saying the rng is to unpredictable and this meta needs to be changed. The mechanics themselves are fun and engaging.. The time limit sucks.


The only way I was able to beat this was because I got into a group of raiders who were helping at the time.


I strongly belive that players who are not part of hard-core raiders or do not have the right builds will not be able to beat this with out said help from raid groups.


The only time I'm ever gonna be on this map ever again is for map completion,mastery points and fishing

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20 minutes ago, Xero the Dark.8230 said:

Yeah...if they want us to "improve our skill" and "try out different content"...this IS NOT the way to go about it. I (and probably many others) HAVE BEEN IMPROVING already. Just by playing the game. I even HAD a passing interest in raids and was slowly working up to it...but the way they decided to PUSH this before I was ready? It should be OUR CHOICE as players when WE want to move into harder content. Sure, we 'have the choice to ignore this meta' but its OPEN. WORLD. CONTENT. THAT is MY content as a mainly PVE player. I do regularly PvP, have WvWd enough to get the warclaw AND Gift to make a legendary. I've done dungeons. I haven't done many strike missions, but I've done a few. I WAS working towards this. After THIS implementation I don't think I ever want to try raids...seeing the attitudes of raiders (not all, many have understood and even been helpful to other players!)...I want my (mostly) non-toxic PVE content back!!!

"What do you mean tossing people people into the deep end of an olympic swimming pool that's in use doesn't make them want to learn how to swim?!"

I've raided in the past and intentionally chose to stop. Having this dropped on myself and others doesn't make me want to go back to raiding, it reinforces my decision to not raid. Raiding is fun when it's with people you know and who share the same attitude toward it, not when you're forced to PUG with people who range from not caring to yelling in map chat and demanding killproof. It even values your time worse than PUG raids as at least then you can do other things while keeping an eye on LFG when you have an interest—DE requires you to actively play a map for 2 hours before you have one (1) attempt before metaphorically throwing you back in LFG.

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