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I honestly am just so tired of having to wait and hope on a miracle with this meta, I don't even want to bother myself. Maps fill, but the one I was just on they had 2 commanders waiting for Maw so nobody was even splitting up for the escort so I logged off. 😕

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12 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

I am tired... I am in pain... I am SO done with EoD right now.

And what hurt me most?

The lack of responce from ArenaNet on this topic. Not even a "We hear you guys, we will get back to you" 

This. The pain, frustration and anger on this forum are boiling over. Anet's silence is becoming deafening.

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11 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

I don;t see the point anymore to play EoD in it's entirety

The reason being, that after a failed Dragon's End, I also loose the abbility to complete that MASSIVELY long list of achievements I started to "do something else and forget about Dragon's End" just to figure out I can ONLY complete them after a SUCCESFUL Dragon's end.

This last time, and I seen this before but was unsure, Server Lag stole our win. It litterly took time off the clock. We were absolutely great on schedule untill 2nd whisp face... first after the countdown when she destroys the crystals got to zero... we waited... and waited... entire game froze for everyone... and then the crystals got destroyed finally and the clock lost enough time to cheat us out of what looked a sure win.

By now, I am SO done with this Meta... and with running into this meta on every achievement I try... that I might as well give up on the game. The fun is gone... 

Its not about the turtle... it's not about the achievements... it's about the MASSIVE amount of time you ask of us EACH meta to get ALL the buffs we need and see it fail OUTSIDE of our fault time after time after time again.

I am tired... I am in pain... I am SO done with EoD right now.

And what hurt me most?

The lack of responce from ArenaNet on this topic. Not even a "We hear you guys, we will get back to you" 

Just got back from the gym tonight.  Normally I'd log right into GW2 and plug away, but tbh, I can't be arsed about it tonight.  Nothing meaningful to do other than bash face against the meta.  We'll see if tomorrow fares any better.

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28 minutes ago, Zephire.8049 said:

It's faster to just wait to die when in a whirlpool than try to get out of it (not aimed at you, just saying in general). No one's going to stop what they're doing to break people out since that takes so long and there's literally not enough time in the meta to stop every 30 seconds to break people out, especially when a CC phase could pop only for everyone's CC to be on cooldown.

No idea who designed the whirlpools as they're not fun, there's so much spam you can't see them all the time, and take forever to break people out of/kill people. A 5 second stunlock would be better than 10+ seconds of waiting to slowly die then have to waypoint, deal with a loading screen, and fly back. If someone's computer isn't fast, that can be 30 or so seconds where they're out of the fight.

Yeah I have something like 23k HP Pool on my Daredevil... so like yeah you will wait for me a for a long while... Which is honestly bad, because what I can output in DPS will matter. Just another nonesensiacal mechanics that is half broken; feel absolutely misconstructed...

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4 hours ago, lissiandra.1357 said:

you have to make sure the achieve is active on your bar, may require restarting the story chapter. I got it on my first failure (the achieve was active).

Oh lord... And is that obvious to have that enabled, or did someone tell you, or you just knew from experience, or wth???  And how many times does this meta have to be repeated to ensure you get all of the achievements? 

Thank you for answers. o/

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Yep. Logged on to see if the patch did anything then logged off and don't know if I'll log back on tonight. It's just killed all enthusiasm I had for the game and I have multiple achievements locked behind the success of the meta. I can't even get the True Ending achievement unless I bring a character that would be detrimental to the group or spend 12 hours doing the story on a character that would be beneficial to have for the meta.

I'm just tired and there are other things I can do in the 2+ hours the game wants people to spend on it. At least before Drizzlewood was sped up, you'd get mats, commendations, karma, and other loot from the events. DE is some XP and cheap items with the biggest draw being the stacking damage boost that still only needs 10 events.

Cool concept, bad execution, horrible (lack of) response by Anet.

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3 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

They can't even enter the map if they haven't at least done the story until Arborstone. On the way, you already have your game tutorial at the "tutorial heart" in Seitung and your first few instanced story boss fights with several mechanics. People aren't inherently "useless", they decide to be that way.

Arena Net also can't please anyone. How do you want to design to also encompass niche audiences? How should that work in real life? Every business needs to have hundreds of toilets for the hundreds of "genders" we currently have? The vast majority of the playerbase consists of able-bodied adult people. That's what Arena Net should consider first and foremost.

If we really go by the definition some people have of "casual", these so-called "casuals" wouldn't only be totally lost in every other MMORPG, they would also be totally lost in real life.

This: "They can't even enter the map if they haven't at least done the story until Arborstone. On the way, you already have your game tutorial at the "tutorial heart" in Seitung and your first few instanced story boss fights with several mechanics. People aren't inherently "useless", they decide to be that way."

Are you saying that new players to the franchise, having boosted & done the a/m, would be able to participate in this meta? 

I too believe that people aren't inherently "useless", but I don't believe that anyone ever "decides to be that way." That's a really strange thing to say. 

I also don't buy into the insinuation you make about new players. I think it's a big ask doomed to fail. 

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24 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

Oh lord... And is that obvious to have that enabled, or did someone tell you, or you just knew from experience, or wth???  And how many times does this meta have to be repeated to ensure you get all of the achievements? 

Thank you for answers. o/

generally i just look out for the achievement and see what i need to do if I see one active. not sure how many times you need to repeat, depends how good you are at jumping shockwaves (for Shock-Wave Jumper and Tsunami Dodger). I have neither achieve. The story one talked about is to do the meta event before doing the last story instance.

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1 hour ago, khani.4786 said:

Did it post latest patch and we had a decent group with decent damage. Got down to 9% and failed. We had the tail up at 10%, but that wasn't the biggest problem.

People. All of you. If you die, use the waypoint and glide/griffon back. No one will revive you. I do, you should too.

While it's still crappy to fail, this time it felt more like a overall group issue rather than the mechanics giving us bad luck. Too many people went down to the very first attack. You know it's going to happen. Seriously you know that she's going to attack by now. Dodge or move or just stand back for that first second or two.

1 minute or 2 more and we would have gotten the fight, but this time it wasn't the boss. It was people. She did swoop across multiple times. We had 3 breakbars total which feels pretty okay. I'll keep trying. I don't have it in me to try more than once a day, but we'll see how this goes.

"People. All of you. If you die, use the waypoint and glide/griffon back. No one will revive you. I do, you should too."

Okay well even I know to do that, no matter the fight, but I suspect that it'll take a lot more than that. 

I'm happy for you though, that you gave it a try. Kudos! o/ 

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23 minutes ago, lissiandra.1357 said:

generally i just look out for the achievement and see what i need to do if I see one active. not sure how many times you need to repeat, depends how good you are at jumping shockwaves (for Shock-Wave Jumper and Tsunami Dodger). I have neither achieve. The story one talked about is to do the meta event before doing the last story instance.

Thank you lissiandra! Take care, stay safe, try to have fun!! o/

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This event is splitting the playerbase. The get good is not helping. It is causing tribalism. Causing a rift in the playbase as a whole.


Even after this last patch it will be a dead event if they do not make minor tweaks to make the event have a higher success rate. I am not asking for the loot pinatas of most the other world bosses. I am asking for 2-5 minutes more on the timer.  The event takes too long with too high percentage risk of failure. After last weekend I feel the playerbase mostly gave up. I am already seeing less and less runs of this meta.


My Guild ran this event and they only won with seconds left on the clock. It did not feel fun for them. There was no excitement for winning. The feeling was thank **** that is over. I am never doing this again. I had to work so I was unable to join them. I lost perhaps my best chance of winning this event. So what ArenaNet are going for is not being felt with the majority of the playerbase. It does not feel like a Epic conclusion due to the difficulty.


Afterwords I joined a LFG group that was organized via discord. Fail with 4% left. You should not need discord to play the game. You should not have to organize a 50 man RAID with voice to play a open world meta event.


There are many players that after they get the turtle will never do this ever again. That is a bad thing because otherwise it is a fun event mechanics wise. An epic feeling to a fight in a game does not equal difficulty. It is only part of the equation. Extremely difficult fights can instead simply be frustrating. That is how the event feels to me frustrating. As for me the frustration I am feeling with this meta is ruining the game for me. Me getting good is not going to help much either because I do not control the other 49 players. My guild is also unlikely to run it again.

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3 attempts tonight and 3 failures due to RNG and glitches.   This meta has all but killed what love I have for this game.   Its starting to feel like anet is just giving me the finger and laughing cause they took my money.   I play this game to get away from the stress and anxiety of life.... the past couple days, this game has been the main source of said stress......  This has completely rubbed the sheen off this game I have been with since 2005.   

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1 minute ago, neighto.7386 said:


3 attempts tonight and 3 failures due to RNG and glitches.   This meta has all but killed what love I have for this game.   Its starting to feel like anet is just giving me the finger and laughing cause they took my money.   I play this game to get away from the stress and anxiety of life.... the past couple days, this game has been the main source of said stress......  This has completely rubbed the sheen off this game I have been with since 2005.   

Same here. I also got through some of my worst days with this game, and at first I was enjoying the meta, despite it needing fixes, but now I just can't do it anymore. I completely re-geared and changed builds on 2 characters. One of which I gave 2 builds and sets of gear to so I had 1 for pre-meta events, and 1 specifically for the final boss Soo-Won. Some people have done 30+ attempts, where I've only done 8, all fails, and I'm burnt out and completely exhausted. I'm no longer trying the meta unless they fix something, because this is just ridiculous. They can't expect the average player to be able to do this, let alone those who know what they're doing with gear/builds and still fail.

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7 hours ago, RyuDragnier.9476 said:

Don't be so dramatic. Just restart Act V of the story via the journal and do the meta, you'll gain the achievement easily.

EDIT: And by Act V, I mean restart Extraction Point. You can get the achievement during that.

So I just checked, it won't let you jump ahead on an alt.  You have to do the entire story again.

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So I just checked, it won't let you jump ahead on an alt.  You have to do the entire story again.


That is not what he meant. You can restart the story on your main character on any chapter from the Hero panel.

As for the meta I agree with the majority here.
Ex-raider (2500+ LI, all achivements), no luck even with subgrouped groups (ala/quick) and I believe subgrouped groups shouldn't even be needed for open world. I would support an increase in difficulty, I think the introduction of elite mobs was a nice touch back than (tough in a blob everything melts). This is too much, too fast. Nothing in the story or previous event I saw prepares the player for this (and even if it would people have limits they can invest in a game). RNG can be bad, this can obviously mitigated with more DPS. I'm only at 5 tries but never seen more than 3 cc phases, and out of those 1 would be right after/during the tail so there is little chance to break or is followed up by a swap or something else. 

BTW what is up with the 'tail attack" that hits behind the group. Am I missing something or is that attack of hers mostly pointless (unless there is running back from tail)?


Turtle isn't a prestige feature like legendary armor was, where I still stand by no easy mode raids. I also organized training raids for my more casual (nationality based) guild and I wouldn't let anyone in without a golem DPS check. I told them raid is a hardcore content and they need to respect the time of the other 9 people there and prepare. It took some time but we managed to clear each and every boss. Should we now do this with 50 people then somehow try to get into the same map? 

Edited by Xinagent.8197
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8 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

They can't even enter the map if they haven't at least done the story until Arborstone. On the way, you already have your game tutorial at the "tutorial heart" in Seitung and your first few instanced story boss fights with several mechanics. People aren't inherently "useless", they decide to be that way.

Not entirely true.

After I went to Seitung with the story with my first toon, I was able to travel to all maps including Dragon's End. Because I like to explore the maps first. Only the Arborstone mini-map itself was locked until I went there with the story.

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Oh and as to the people saying you cant get to Dragons end without doing the story - you are wrong. Its pretty much a simple map transition.

Last failed attempt. No flaming. No trolling on the map. Everyone was like. "Tanks for a fun attempt" "Ya" "Thanks or trying guys." It was not even sadness, it was just beaten down apathy.

Anet, whoever decided to make this a raid-boss needs to be fired. I guarantee you he is telling everyone to ignore the casuals complaining on the forum. Tell him to screw off.

Get rid of the Thornhearts. We don't need to be shelled by a hard to kill mob when we are trying to wait for the precious few seconds where we can damage the boss. Hell, get rid of most or all of the mobs.

I am not going to waste my precious CC attacks breaking people out of Whirlpools. Are you crazy? I want them ready to go when Soo-Won, out of the goodness of her heart, magnanimously decides to grant us an opportunity to actually get some damage in.

Have a cyclic damage track. If its good enough for Drakarr, it's good enough for her.

Etc etc.

Sigh. Can I even bother logging in today. It's a miserable rainy day outside, sounds better than this feces. And this is an 8 year player saying this.

Edited by Suranis.8279
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6 hours ago, KurokouNekoki.7891 said:

Trust me, I just want to be able to get Spirit Shards again by now...

Even though the xp bar is black and not filling you do get xp and also the spirit shards. Just got my first spirit shards yesterday after a loud "lvlup" sound and the animation. 


I've already given up on this meta and the mount. I'm not trying it again unless it gets a big overhaul or the maps get capasity increase. Create a new raid wing just for this hard mode and give raiders the raid they've been asking for years. Then tone down the open world meta event and give the casuals the godmode you introduced in story. That should fix it.

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1 minute ago, Memeren.1057 said:

Even though the xp bar is black and not filling you do get xp and also the spirit shards. Just got my first spirit shards yesterday after a loud "lvlup" sound and the animation. 


I've already given up on this meta and the mount. I'm not trying it again unless it gets a big overhaul or the maps get capasity increase. Create a new raid wing just for this hard mode and give raiders the raid they've been asking for years. Then tone down the open world meta event and give the casuals the godmode you introduced in story. That should fix it.

So even that is inconsistent... great... I guess that can work, but hecking great...

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I, a once former whale who pumped 1200 hours into this game and $600 into cosmetics, am now formally leaving this game.

It wasn't the bugs.

It wasn't the lack of content.

It's all because of this meta.

You had 1 week to fix this, Anet. I am extremely disappointed in the side you've chosen here.

Call me when you fixed this depressing excuse of a 10 year finish.


PS: Drakkar is just a better version of this fight.

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