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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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6 hours ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

We're investigating this. Ultimately, we want the End of Dragons metas to be a staple of the endgame open world experience, like the Heart of Thorns metas. We'll be taking the first step towards addressing this in the March 15 build.



What made HoT worth the replay is the Machined weapons and Crystalline Ore. Making the new legendaries and ascended materials tradable siphons the value of the community learning the meta for the long run.

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Ran it again twice today after the tail update and I’m relieved to say I finally got one win. It was still a challenge, but the map I was in was super coordinated  and everyone had their head in the game and were encouraging each other to give it their all. We beat her with a minute on the clock. Kudos to those commanders for leading it.

now to do it all over again so my friend can get her turtle too. She’s determined to beat the meta as well. 

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1 hour ago, NumNums.7935 said:

Commanded a group again today and failed.


 I only get 2-3 hours a day to play so only one attempt a day for me.  Got really organized relayed as much info about lanes, and boss fight. We divided up into two tags could get someone to do a third had 53 people between the two organized as best we could into sub groups. Its really hard to find enough boon support players.


Luckily the participation buff and jade buffs help with some boons. Lane phases where fast and good.


Then the boss.... 


Mechanically break bars where destroyed which is good, and we phased to 80% fast. She then still continued pretending she wasn't phased for at least 30 sec. 


Are rng after that was pretty bad.. but worst part was damage we just didn't have it like 8 people where doing around 20k dps and the rest where doing very bad dps.


Yes I understand this meta is doable and good hard content, but the real rng comes with how skilled the players that join you lfg are. Like should commanders start forcing people to switch builds and send them exotic gear thru mail? Even then they won't understand rotations well enough to perform it while doing mechanics.


Right now the only garenteed way to complete this meta is to join a community like hardstuck discord or other discords which try to organize externally first before going to the lfg, but that doesn't help the users using your in-game lfg feature.


The changes are good removing the turtle from the meta will possibly help get people off the map that are in it for the reward not the challenge. Idk tbh this should of been instanced, then we could have time to recruit people into the squads based on what we need, instead of having the meta map where players are fishing and doing other things once their on your map that spot is gone.

Or just drop tha raid kitten....... and make its normal meta.

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This tail nerf will make the DE meta impossible to fail. Why would anyone waste their Writs on something that is free?

Well I guess it won’t be as free anymore when the good players go back to raids and other challenging content.

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I got my egg after 20+ attempts, before this nerf, only reason last one succeeded is RNGesus blessed the squad with good boss behavior rng, with few tails and swipes.

When we got first kill, there wasn't any sense of achievement or anything, only "kitten yeah i don't have to do this again" feeling. After that meta was dead to me. Not gonna do it again ever.


4 minutes ago, difens.1326 said:

Its not over yet. Strike Mission is still needed to finish the collection...

I actually liked the strike i had to do to unlock the turtle. I made "Turtle strike Everyone welcome" LFG, We failed few times, but we leaned each try, bosses had predictable patterns and attacks no rng kitten here, no one moaned or cried(only that one time when sniper bugged out) everyone was chill. I had more fun with the strike than the RNG infested cow poop that is the meta.


Edited by Necrosian.1359
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On 3/4/2022 at 11:30 PM, bernstein adelheid.8590 said:

These teams are usually made outside of the map.  Especially because you have to try to force the creation of a new instance in order to fit all the players in it.

That's actually a good point. Making the event instanced would solve the problem.

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7 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

Hello everyone, we have an update from the Guild Wars 2 team. We'll be localizing this for German, French, and Spanish as soon as possible:

Hi all,

Last week we made some changes to the final encounter of the Jade Sea meta event to help improve the accessibility of the fight, and we’re happy to see that the rate of successful event completions continues to rise each day. We’ve kept a close eye on the community discussion after those updates were made, and today we have two more changes that we’d like to discuss.

First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.

Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

We’re looking forward to seeing how today’s “tail” adjustment plays out, and we’ll continue to iterate on the fight until it achieves our goal of being a challenging yet doable encounter for most of our players. Achieving that goal will require continued attention from us, and some patience and learning from our players. This situation feels not too dissimilar to the release of Tequatl, Triple Trouble, or Dragon Stand, all of which are popular encounters in Guild Wars 2 to this day.

As always, thank you for your feedback!

We'll see you in-game,

  • The Guild Wars 2 Team


That's nice and all re: purchasing the egg to start the collection instead of the meta, but the fact remains we're still forced to do content that not all us like, such as the strike mission requirement.


I remember when Anet's motto was 'play how you want', but I can't 'play how I want' if I'm forced to do content I don't enjoy. Why not have an alternative/substitute so that if players don't like the strike mission/raid-like content, players can instead do things like dungeons, fractals, world bosses etc. for PvE... and WvW requirements/collections for WvW, and PvP requirements for PvP?


As it is, I will still not go for the siege turtle mount. I've beaten the meta with a group, but the strike mission requirement is a no go for me. I prefer WvW, and I'm not going to go for a mount which forces me to do content I don't enjoy. It was bad enough I had to do fractals for my Astralaria axe.


Forcing players to play how Anet wants isn't going to make us like particular content any more, much like if someone forced me into skydiving because 'I might like it', isn't going to work. I'll still hate it, the only difference is that I'll now instead, also hate the person that forced me skydiving.


All I'm asking for is alternatives/substitutes/OPTIONS for content so that ALL game play modes are covered, not just forcing everyone to do strike missions and believing that in doing so, it'll make us like it more. It doesn't work that way.


I'm glad that these changes are being made, however this still doesn't solve the strike mission requirement - as well as the fact that when you finally get to own the siege turtle, as others who have managed to obtain it, have said that it feels underwhelming as a mount, because all you can really do is move around, while the 2nd player who joins you on your mount, gets to have all the fun and shoot at stuff - and they have a point - why bother unlocking a mount that encourages YOU, the person who spent ALL the time and energy into getting it, to be the PLEB out of the 2 person mount? Maybe we as players should just wait and let all the gullible ones who spent all the time, energy, and gold, to get the mount first, so then we can all just join in and shoot stuff, and have the fun, while THEY just walk around.


I say scrap the 2 person mount ideology and just make it so that the owner of the mount can both move and shoot the cannons.


There, problems solved. Now let's work on something harder like world hunger. You're welcome.

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Just did two attempts in a row: Both fails. BUT...I am getting closer. Before I was always hitting 20%...these past two times my groups were both RIGHT on the verge of winning...it's the last 5 mins of the battle that are causing trouble for me now. Won't get another chance to try again until tomorrow night. I just didn't expect this meta to be like that when I first got to it. Now that there's hope...I'm willing to try. Still think it could use some work - but getting closer at least. I'm not going to torture myself and stay up all night trying to do this - and burn myself out again. It would have been nice to have everything done within the four days I took off from work (the first week of the expansion) - but I guess things don't always go as planned. 

TO BE FAIR though...I am feeling a lot better about this now that we are seeing solid changes and receiving actual responses (hopefully that won't stop!!! I think communication is the key here!!!). I get that they are struggling to make everyone happy. 

I'm also a bit worried about these 'Writs of the Jade Sea' - my theory is that we'll have to buy them from the vendor using some kind(s) of other currency? Could be wrong - and he *could* have meant Writs of Dragon's End (in which case...I'm prepared). 


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Hi, I have been doing the Meta since the release. I failed like 30 times. Got lucky to find an organized squad. It took a lot of time and preparation. We Went to arbor stone first to distribute roles, Quickbrands, Healscourges, Alacrity Builds. And of course join the Guild's Discord channel. (BTW, Thx for the Qik Guild). Then we entered a fresh map, so everyone in the squad could get in at the same time. (We had a lot of people get disconnected, fortunately they could get back again). We managed to beat Soo Won at 3:00 mark. I was able to obtain my turtle egg, and now I have unlocked all mastery's pertaining the turtle. Nevertheless, if you want to unlock the elite weapons collections for EoD of every class. You need to beat Soo Won for it to drop a specific item for the elite weapons collections. (1 item per meta per Map). I have 1 character per class, but I don't see myself beating Soo Won that many times to obtain those items., Specially of how difficult was to beat it just 1 time. I tried again after my successful run, and I could not beat it anymore, even with the "nerfs". If you are going to add a vendor to Unlock the turtle egg. Please also add the items to Unlock the elite weapons collections trough writs (Have like 1000 because of all the fail attempts, lol 😂), and all item/meta related. Thanks Anet, and have a nice day everyone.

Edited by dokko.8421
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I've always thought that one of ArenaNet's strengths has been that they recognize their mistakes and take steps to fix them.  Not all gaming companies (or even companies in general) are willing to do that. 

It's great they're offering an alternative path for the turtle so we don't need to do the meta. Even with all the tweaks, the two-hour unbroken time requirement will always keep me away from it (RL concerns have way too much chance of interruptions). 

Never doing this meta doesn't bother me anymore than knowing that I'll never do any other raids in the game, I just hope ANet stops putting any story elements from the central plot of the personal story in raid-level content in the future.  The nice thing about the other GW2 raids was that they covered side-stories and lore, not elements of the main personal storyline.

Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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Ok, I'm already getting fed up with running this meta and no success. It's supposed to be challenging, I get that but I'd rather play a Souls Game armorless and I think I'd enjoy that more than this. Why, I wonder? Because I am in direct control of being armorless and my own actions in that situation.

This Meta is actually ridiculous but I want that mount. Even if I waited to use the currency exhange and buy my way out. The amount of time spent grinding for the currency would likely see me completing the Meta 100% one time. I will persist and I will become increasingly more hateful of the design choices and expectations of the general community/player going on here.

I probably sound like a big, whiny baby who needs to "git gud". I am extremely confident in my abilities but don't appreciate being told to just change up my build or join a raid group Meta. This is in Open world territory. The average player is going to suck there until they learn mechanics and their own skills and usually, they do. Sadly.. if Metas in HoT (*Cough* DS*) and those in PoF have been any source of feedback for you. Sometimes people don't read, don't heed order through voice chat or written and refuse to better themselves. So, ridicule goes to those who actually try.

I thought then ok. Maybe it is me and went to check on my builds and I'm still confident that is not the problem. I have nothing to change. I put out CCs, know my skills and rotations, how to support others, know where to run and stand. I know the mechanics after numerous defeats.

So, I get told I should just look out for Raid based Meta groups.

This is a Meta on an Open World Map, I have to remind myself.

Changing builds and being selective is taking away the freedom of choice in a major way and I really love the diversity of builds one can use. That doesn't excuse the lack of desire to improve.

I don't wish to say that maybe a Nerf or make it a static encounter *(in that all encounters are the same. No RNG)  is what it needs but that's all I can think of but considering the amount of hostility towards each other and elitist comments I'm seeing in game from this Meta alone. This is not a spectacular way to draw a close on the game and draw people together. (Actually an arguement someone made to me about why it was so tough.. so We could all get closer to each other on Discord.)

(Still persisting and definitely ANGRIER.  Joined a discord raid group which had 4 successes but non consecutive. The rng trumped this run like so many before. Funnily enough, I made more progress several hours earlier with a random PUG that used no discord.)

Goodluck all with the Turtle Mount or if you're just doing it because then @_@

Edited by OfficerRayxx.8394
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Not normally one for forums... Just want to reitterate what others have said. This isn't hard mechanically, the randomness is the issue. You can't have a boss on a time limit where it can spend an arbitrary amount of that time invulnerable - it just doesn't work from a design point of view, but especially given that the RNG seems so heavily skewed towards that stuff that makes it invuln. Remove the RNG, it's really that simple to fix. I'm all for more challenging content - I've raided, done CM fractals, solo'd dungeons and T4s and it's all fun because it's at least fair. This isn't fun because it's straight up not fair. I genuinely don't want to get egg from vendor - I want to get it from doing meta but I'm fed up of having time wasted over and over again by a badly thought out encounter.


Additionally, I can understand frustration with players in the squad that get continually downed by every mechanic. It's not hard to move out of the orange area - theres nothing even remotely elitist about that. It's the most basic of basic mechanics and still everytime I do this meta, I'm seeing 15-20 people getting downed by every single thing despite being told over and over.

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I don't understand why there is so much RNG in this meta, no other content in the game is built like this.

CC, Tail, and the bite Sideswap should happen at set intervals based on time or health remaining. Raid Bosses, Fractal bosses, CM Fractals, World Bosses, and every boss fight I can  think of in the game has their signature attacks, big attacks, instakill attacks, arena sized attacks  and cc phases done this way.  Almost all challenging fights in Guid Wars 2 are patterned in a way where the fight feels more like an intricate dance where its rewarding to move to the beat, thats what the community has been trained to do for the last 9 years.

With the bizarre RNG choices this meta has no dance beat. Its too chaotic,  When you can have wild successful completion times of  7 mins remaining to 1 second remaining with the same group there's a serious design problem with the RNG.

Edited by Phasma Phasmatis.4305
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1 hour ago, Zabi Zabi.3561 said:

Sounds like they don't understand the community... which could be the reason why more and more people are switching to the more Superior Final Fantasy 14!

C'mon, if they didn't understand/care about the community, they wouldn't make a tweak to the meta every 3-4 days. It's just that it's new, and I'm sure they don't want to overreact and nerf it too hard since there is a higher-than-usual learning curve.

I've spent about 30h on this meta with 2 completions, I like the fight, I dislike how long it is, a number of things still need to be fixed (like the reward/time required to play it from start to finish) but once people will learn that, yes, you have to break whirlpools/bubbles or you'll loose precious dps/boons, that the tail/switch can be tracked and anticipated by following the big red skull on the mini map or watching her animations, it'll get better. It's already getting better.
Right now, more hardcore players are used to reading/understanding mechanics after 1 or 2 tries, those more on the casual side need a bit more time to learn and it's normal. There should definitely be better rewards, or just SOME decent rewards if you fail while people get used to it so they don't just waste 2h of their time for just 20k xp, especially since you depend on 49+ other people you have no control over.
I'll keep doing it from time to time because it's fun to me and I'll just wait and see how they are going to handle it. I hope the community will stop tearing itself apart because of this and try to understand each other's pov.

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I have struggled in random groups with this meta at the beginning. People tend not to pay attention to what's going on.
We've seen this pattern with some bosses in the past. After a while ppl will learn how the encounter works.

It is a bit random, there are some mechanics, but that's what's fun about it. We haven't got this kind of interesting challenge in Open World in a while. I really hope it doesn't get nerfed into the ground. That being said, I'm looking forward to the reworked rewards for this meta. Currently on a 3 win streak.

PS: My fellow firebrand friends, let's continue to bring our aegis, quickness and stability to the fight. Boys, those ppl need our buffs.


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2 minutes ago, dorak.5826 said:

yes, you have to break whirlpools/bubbles or you'll loose precious dps/boons

You'll lose more dps breaking people out of whirlpools out than allowing them to die and come back. That's the main issue with whirlpools, the breakbars are far too hard to break.

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23 minutes ago, Necrosian.1359 said:

You'll lose more dps breaking people out of whirlpools out than allowing them to die and come back. That's the main issue with whirlpools, the breakbars are far too hard to break.

You lose a full minute of DPS for each person in the whirlpool/bubbles regardless.
Although tbh the Whirlpools are the worst ones, bubble you can atleast survive when they popped you out.

Edited by KurokouNekoki.7891
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On 3/4/2022 at 11:04 PM, Lonewolf.8602 said:

Anet Devs, if you're not willing to change anything else, then at least give the players a bit more time to finish the Soo-Won encounter. Heck an additional 5 mins isn't so bad and will go a long, long way.

5 mins extra would be excellent even 3 mins extra would be good, imo.

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1 hour ago, Zaoda.1653 said:


That's nice and all re: purchasing the egg to start the collection instead of the meta, but the fact remains we're still forced to do content that not all us like, such as the strike mission requirement.


I remember when Anet's motto was 'play how you want', but I can't 'play how I want' if I'm forced to do content I don't enjoy. Why not have an alternative/substitute so that if players don't like the strike mission/raid-like content, players can instead do things like dungeons, fractals, world bosses etc. for PvE... and WvW requirements/collections for WvW, and PvP requirements for PvP?


As it is, I will still not go for the siege turtle mount. I've beaten the meta with a group, but the strike mission requirement is a no go for me. I prefer WvW, and I'm not going to go for a mount which forces me to do content I don't enjoy. It was bad enough I had to do fractals for my Astralaria axe.


Forcing players to play how Anet wants isn't going to make us like particular content any more, much like if someone forced me into skydiving because 'I might like it', isn't going to work. I'll still hate it, the only difference is that I'll now instead, also hate the person that forced me skydiving.


All I'm asking for is alternatives/substitutes/OPTIONS for content so that ALL game play modes are covered, not just forcing everyone to do strike missions and believing that in doing so, it'll make us like it more. It doesn't work that way.


I'm glad that these changes are being made, however this still doesn't solve the strike mission requirement - as well as the fact that when you finally get to own the siege turtle, as others who have managed to obtain it, have said that it feels underwhelming as a mount, because all you can really do is move around, while the 2nd player who joins you on your mount, gets to have all the fun and shoot at stuff - and they have a point - why bother unlocking a mount that encourages YOU, the person who spent ALL the time and energy into getting it, to be the PLEB out of the 2 person mount? Maybe we as players should just wait and let all the gullible ones who spent all the time, energy, and gold, to get the mount first, so then we can all just join in and shoot stuff, and have the fun, while THEY just walk around.


I say scrap the 2 person mount ideology and just make it so that the owner of the mount can both move and shoot the cannons.


There, problems solved. Now let's work on something harder like world hunger. You're welcome.

I'm sorry but I have to respond to this. If you don't want to play the game, don't. You are not forced to do anything !

Just in case, I've done only 2 tries before getting the meta done. I'm a PvE player mostly, and yes I do raids, and sometimes fractals and strikes. It really bothers me that some players just don't want to play the PvE content. Besides, this meta is not at raid difficulty (I think). You may think that because you have to be organized, but that's not the only part about raids.

I understand that you are a WvW player, and I, personnaly, don't really like this game mode. For me, it's complicated, and I don't want to put much time doing this. BUT I will play it if I want to make legendaries, such as Vision and Aurora. I won't complain about it, because I think it's important that every game mode has some content related to legendary and such.

To get the siege turtle, actually, you have to play in PvE. If you don't want to play this game mode, just don't. But why complain about it ? I just remind you btw that it won't, at this time, be available in WvW. Maybe later, but not now, so there is no need to rush. It was said before the EoD launch btw. AND I would like to say that you only have to do ONE strike, and it's not the hardest one.

Now I'm asking you : why do you want the siege turtle ? Because if you don't like PvE, you won't play it, and then you won't be able to have fun with the turtle ! Furthermore, what do you like about WvW ?

So yeah, I think that people are just crying because they don't have their turtle, because they weren't able to complete the meta. And maybe they are right ! But I really think this meta is good (just not enough rewarding), and the completion of the turtle collections is good as well (maybe not the first step. I think putting it in the last map but where there are siege turtles would have been better in so many ways but whatever). It's really not that hard, you just have to play the game. The only "hard" thing is really completing the meta. After the 15th, the hardest thing will be the strike, and it's not that hard. Do it when it's on daily and it will be fine. And again, if you don't want to play the game, just don't ^^

Have a nice day ! 😄

Edited by Icaryu.3264
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27 minutes ago, Necrosian.1359 said:

You'll lose more dps breaking people out of whirlpools out than allowing them to die and come back. That's the main issue with whirlpools, the breakbars are far too hard to break.

If everyone just press EMP (or any cc that requires no hard targeting) while running, you can get them out pretty quickly

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9 minutes ago, dorak.5826 said:

If everyone just press EMP (or any cc that requires no hard targeting) while running, you can get them out pretty quickly

Everyone that can use an EMP asumes that every other (~casual) player has acces to those waystations. Not everybody can.
I've done multiple runs (to 10%) but those cc bars from the pools were never broken.
Don't gasp for air, just die. is by far the best option atm. (maybe not anymore after todays nerf).

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