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From “Cornerstone” to ghost town. What happened ?


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2 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

I play on 3 different tiers atm with 3 different accounts. 

all 3 matches are empty..


Are you playing all 3 in the same time zone or trying different ones in different times? Are you playing on your servers prime times is where I am going. Not saying we all wouldn't hope for population all the time but GW2 split their servers by world region so it has never really been the case that all time zones were ever full. 



2 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:



Not seeing the new elites dominating per say, but it would have been nice to have had the other side of the Feb nerf patch been adjusted to bring the CC skills back up some after the nerf bat.



2 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:



People are taking a break as they wait for some WvW changes, some are off to other games, some off to PvE that the new expansion brought.


2 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:


new game?


There have been some other expansions and new games that drew people as they wait changes to the game mode.


2 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:




True.  I don't think there is one answer here but many, but the lack of communication continues to be a thing that does not help. ANet continues to err on the side of well if we don't say anything then at least we aren't over promising. It is discouraging, but at least it means we have time to check in other games in the meantime. Good gaming where you find it.

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3 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

I play on 3 different tiers atm with 3 different accounts. 

all 3 matches are empty..






new game?



They all stuck at the final zones meta, trapped in an endless loop to try and get a single kill. The 200 writs still takes some time to save up. People are leaving, which will mean less people in wvw even when things calm down. 
Not that wvw seems to matter to Anet, all they say are words, give us action. 3 betas then silence. An update months ago then silence. An update that only works with alliances but was still pushed before its release anyway. Maybe they panicking too hard right now as they have the numbers we will have to restart the Alliance when thread. 

What about a fifth underwater map that all three sides fight on like EBG? Honestly just show us anything, give wvw some new content... and make call to war the new base. Serious on that last one, call to war should be the base just to up the rewards a little bit. 

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4 hours ago, Jarwan.8263 said:

its hopeless mate, i posted a thread about the caps being detrimental to the game mode giving benefits to teams with more players and surprisingly even that had pushback from PLAYERS. something easy as basic fairness was hard to get unanimous support for and it didn't even involve anything to do with classes. so i don't blame just them anymore, they are as bad as the playerbase they cater to:classic_laugh::classic_laugh:

Well soon that playerbase can run around capping empty towers with no fights anywhere happening. Hope they get what they want ? 💀

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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6 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

I play on 3 different tiers atm with 3 different accounts. 

all 3 matches are empty..






new game?



For a decade they never understood what the dedicated WvW players saw in it. 


They did whatever seemingly-random changes they wanted to without consultation and when people complained they got the hump and sulked, denying the mode much-needed updates.


It's about time all that neglect came back to bite them on the kitten.

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They gated the new stats and other features behind group content that's a huge chore and a gamble to organize. Because of my work schedule I have like two days out of the week to make some attempts and then I have to be able to not rage at group and squad leaders or anyone else. I hadn't played much pve apart from open world and trying the new meta events and strikes has been a real shocker, especially considering people like to make WvW sound like it's full of psychos. 

I love the expansion open world stuff and wouldn't mind the instances if they were just for exclusive skins, but having to deal with those people for the new stats has really made me stale on the game and I'm not feeling it trying to come back to WvW without the build I thought I'd be playing. 

I've also been thinking harder on what WvW doesn't have and never gets when new story, themes, and music is introduced to the rest of the game. Getting harder to just log in and vibe like I used to having a better understanding of how empty WvW is likely to be from now on. Here's my broken record again but I really wish there was flagged open world pvp. At the least there would be less insufferable groups to knock out collections and stuff with. 

Edited by kash.9213
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We got Mag in our tier.

I just come to WvW drop a siege or 2 and poke at our keep for 2 mins till they call more ppl and then go to pve to do exp for new mastery. 

Come back 30min later and laugh cos that bunch is still there looking at our spawn trying to figure out where we went. So poke them again and go back.

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They have a huge balance problem with pops.  My server has people on this and that time, the other server has people at two different times.  Rarely is there a time when all 3 sides have a reasonable number of people.

To make matters worse, the 2nd and 3rd place teams will fight each other, rather than contributing bags team #1.  So the 3 sided thing doesn't help that much.

I hope alliances will take into account timezone pop, not just base pop.

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On 3/18/2022 at 7:33 AM, SFShinigami.1572 said:

At this point they should just do a working beta of alliances.  That is vastly more fun than EU having 3 unlinked servers in hell for 2 to 4 to ? months.

overall, the last world linkings been a massive failure once again. overstacked servers merged together, servers that never play with each other linked as well, ppt blob monsterservers linked up...


the algorithm is so absurdly bad and done for, yet anet keeps not pushing into alliances since so many years. i have no real words for this anymore.



On 3/17/2022 at 10:32 PM, Morden Kain.3489 said:

But!!!  Where is the fun in that??  I want to farm them over and over and over... oh, you mean I can do that in WvW with a reward track... DOH! 😆

about that, i have the track of cantha currently running through the 10th time or more, but i didn't figure out fully what those scraps are there for lol

the pvE metas are too unstable to play for my taste. i don't wanna risk wasting so much time in pvE for a meta that just fails after 40min :S

Edited by kamikharzeeh.8016
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It's pretty bad ngl, after almost a month since EoD launched aswell.

It's not exactly dead, but there's simply not that many active wvw guilds as I remember after PoF released, or even open voice tags nevermind full squads, outside of reset night. So there's rarely any queues, besides when the few blob guilds are raiding and it's not even the summer yet.

It's unsurprising though, as there is nothing really new in wvw, until Alliances are implemented. Not even the Elite specs shook up the meta, in their current state, but it is a pretty niche game mode, nevermind the gvg playerbase, which is even smaller.

Edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048
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13 hours ago, phokus.8934 said:

What's hilarious is that they think fixing rewards and adding alliances is going solve all the WvW problems.

How completely out of tune can they be?

Yeah because the rewards is exactly why im playing this game mode... They are indeed out of touch with the "veteran" playerbase,however you wanna call it.

Edited by Caedmon.6798
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My post here was deleted...? Why? This is all I said:

  • Perma stealth thieves
  • Unkillable HEALERS
  • Insane mobility(mainly disengage)
  • Burst too high on some builds(sic em one wolf pack longbow ranger)
  • Perma super speed + CC immune boonball zergs

These things are why WvW is a ghost town.

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