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"Blah Blah Blah...I am full zerker and you are this..and that Blah Blah Blah" = average WvWer on whispering chat


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The title describes your every day salt whisperer when he can't kill with his newest FOTM build like full shout bladesworn or full celestial Harbinger , as we all know running a FOTM spec in GW2 turns you into a PvP legend over night am I right? But it's ok let me go and call "a bunker" that puny ranger running a power Untamed , how does he heals? I have only eaten several ambush skills and got this annoying weakness on me...but it's OK, I am a full shout Bladesworn...I am a PvP legend and I can kill anything...don't even need to dodge....might makes me right carry me to the heavens and behind...shout shout goooo! This ladies and gentleman is my usual routine in wvw every time I log in, and we all know...in GW2 if you don't die to the newest OP FOTM spec...you're full celestial, bunker with no damage.....even though I am the one facing builds going from 10% to full, several times during the space of 30s.....ironic isn't it?


Edited by Arheundel.6451
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3 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

The title describes your every day salt whisperer when he can't kill with his newest FOTM build like full shout bladesworn or full celestial Harbinger , as we all know running a FOTM spec in GW2 turns you into a PvP legend over night am I right? But it's ok let me go and call "a bunker" that puny ranger running a power Untamed , how does he heals? I have only eaten several ambush skills and got this annoying weakness on me...but it's OK, I am a full shout Bladesworn...I am a PvP legend and I can kill anything...don't even need to dodge....might makes me right carry me to the heavens and behind...shout shout goooo! This ladies and gentleman is my usual routine in wvw every time I log in, and we all know...in GW2 if you don't die to the newest OP FOTM spec...you're full celestial, bunker with no damage.....even though I am the one facing builds going from 10% to full, several times during the space of 30s.....ironic isn't it?


Anet not only failing to see warrior's issues but also ensuring that it will nerf tactics once more since if not removed, tactical reload cannot realistically be nerfed. And if they do nerf it via CD increases, congrats, a dead elite that no one uses instead of fully removing it and promoting explosion synergy with the spec. 


Too much to ask for from this studio. I'll never tough Tactics abuse bladesworn. It's the culmination of all bad things. Promotion of skill spam, promotion of facetanking (not strategically mind you), promotion of heavy condi build counters to overpower it's cleansing etc.


Looking forward to the devastation of the summer patch!

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1 hour ago, Dralor.3701 said:

Not that the glass cannon fans want to hear it but being able to 1 shot(combo, burst whatever) people does not equal skill or a higher skill ceiling.


Agreed. Same with being a bunker that entirely relies on stacking conditions on the enemy and boons on itself. 

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On 3/19/2022 at 9:34 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

The title describes your every day salt whisperer when he can't kill with his newest FOTM build like full shout bladesworn or full celestial Harbinger , as we all know running a FOTM spec in GW2 turns you into a PvP legend over night am I right? But it's ok let me go and call "a bunker" that puny ranger running a power Untamed , how does he heals? I have only eaten several ambush skills and got this annoying weakness on me...but it's OK, I am a full shout Bladesworn...I am a PvP legend and I can kill anything...don't even need to dodge....might makes me right carry me to the heavens and behind...shout shout goooo! This ladies and gentleman is my usual routine in wvw every time I log in, and we all know...in GW2 if you don't die to the newest OP FOTM spec...you're full celestial, bunker with no damage.....even though I am the one facing builds going from 10% to full, several times during the space of 30s.....ironic isn't it?


      I'm not a fan of bunker nor tank unit; however, I get used to them as opponents. I'd rather go to somewhere else than wasting time to dance with them from sunrise to sunset.

Edited by Sylvia.4870
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nice random sh#tpost OP... idk, i'd never bother to saltwhisper anyone.


but, stuff like weaver tank with condicrap is pretty annoying, to say the least. my best conclusion is to not go fighting that crap. just gank them, usually their broken sustain fails against any 2 dps classes yet.


wvw just isn't 1v1 duels... while i'd always recommend let players who obviously do even sided 1v1s to finish before u interviene. most don't even do this tho... but it's people and people are random. i find it also a bit kitten when players watch a pvp build chase you on support or zergbuild and assume ur "dueling".

Wvw is simply a largescale focused mode and u should never expect anything else than that from it.


average wvw player shouldn't whisper at all. if u want salt about dueling, go spvp. wrong mode here. fights are mostly teamwork, not single "hero" actions.



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My favorite wispher are from people who call me trash when they encounter my full Cele necro. 

I run a Squad build. I have 1 Stab on my build. 

They somehow can't kill me. But sure buddy, I'm trash because your uber roamer build can't kill a single necro who can't even fight back. 


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13 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

My favorite wispher are from people who call me trash when they encounter my full Cele necro. 

I run a Squad build. I have 1 Stab on my build. 

They somehow can't kill me. But sure buddy, I'm trash because your uber roamer build can't kill a single necro who can't even fight back. 


Necro OP confirmed.

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this was a thing in GW1 as well people used to set themself as do not disturb PvP and when you kicked there team's kitten they would IM to kitten talk you. Of course you could not tell them to grow up or anything like that becuse they were set to do not disturb and all replys were not delivered


Online Gaming gotta take the stupid with the fun

Edited by dusanyu.4057
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3 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

My favorite wispher are from people who call me trash when they encounter my full Cele necro. 

I run a Squad build. I have 1 Stab on my build. 

They somehow can't kill me. But sure buddy, I'm trash because your uber roamer build can't kill a single necro who can't even fight back. 


this is also why harbinger cannot ever be OP. that thing has the classy necro no stab policy. like most necros but unlike most necros, it has literally no bulk. it does about four times faster than any other necro

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34 minutes ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

this is also why harbinger cannot ever be OP. that thing has the classy necro no stab policy. like most necros but unlike most necros, it has literally no bulk. it does about four times faster than any other necro

Uhm, harbinger has better stab access than core necro or scourge (as well as quite a few non necro specs) and most of those i run into (and there's actually a lot of them) are quite survivable with lot's of sustain and boons, dmg and cc. The average reaper or scourge tends to be easier to kill, only core necro is usually tankier, but also with much lower dmg.

Harbinger might not be the most op thing out there, but it certainly is on the stronger side of things in WvW currently.

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Some of the best tells I ever get are the rare time I'm on ranger in an anti-condition build.  Some condition roamers will spend an hour sending me tells on an off about how my damage is crap because they couldn't kill me like they did everyone else.  When the whole point of the build is for me to tank/troll them so they can't take the camp they want or kill the unsuspecting, who I just keep ressing.

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8 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

Uhm, harbinger has better stab access than core necro or scourge (as well as quite a few non necro specs) and most of those i run into (and there's actually a lot of them) are quite survivable with lot's of sustain and boons, dmg and cc. The average reaper or scourge tends to be easier to kill, only core necro is usually tankier, but also with much lower dmg.

Harbinger might not be the most op thing out there, but it certainly is on the stronger side of things in WvW currently.

just that core has 2nd hp bar and scourge doesn't care because the stunbreakbarriers give u just the survival effect when u need it. but yeah, you'd not go into hot situations on a slow class like these two anyways


harbinger has literally 2 cc in shroud and 1 longer boonload. reaper is highly  different depending on its player. 99% of the reapers in wvw are super casual, bc its not a very useful class on the larger scale and has no range at all


nah, harbinger underdps scourge and has 70% less strips during anything around 30ish sized fights yet. it performs pretty poor for its tiny survival abilities.


it has good matchups, like rangers and thieves (and funnily, all other necros) are mostly easy money... and other "heroes" that start running if u don't run from them. also its great to pressure and kill low hp target and downed. still, absurdly squishy and not great at corrupts, which makes it nearly some kinda of anti-necro

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19 hours ago, kamikharzeeh.8016 said:

just that core has 2nd hp bar and scourge doesn't care because the stunbreakbarriers give u just the survival effect when u need it. but yeah, you'd not go into hot situations on a slow class like these two anyways

Harbinger has an evade, more mobility and way more healing than other necro specs, and the very high dmg potential allows someone to build more defensive while maintaining good offense. Which absolutely seems to make up for the loss of shround/barrier.


99% of the reapers in wvw are super casual

99% of all players are super casual, regardless of class (and there are actually quite a few pretty decent reaper players arround). Still, reaper has compareable low healing and shround can be kited, meaning it's offense and defense is easier to counter. And it still is a solid option for small scale.



nah, harbinger underdps scourge and has 70% less strips during anything around 30ish sized fights yet. it performs pretty poor for its tiny survival abilities.

Harbinger should fill a different role than scourge. Scourge provides mainly boon rip, secondary dps and support. The main reason it can end up high on dps charts is that it is very good at tagging many players. But it does not have good aoe burst and burst is what kills players, more than just "dps".

Harbinger on the other hand has very high aoe burst potential with some added boon strip and boon support. Many players also might be experimenting with builds and are probably running really bad ones, while on scourge everyone simply copies the tried and tested meta build. But yea, harbinger is probably more tricky to play in zerg vs zerg than scouge, so i can see why the average zergling might be unable to cope. After all zerg meta has alway been about safe and easy gameplay more than the potential a class offers in the hands of a good player.


still, absurdly squishy and not great at corrupts, which makes it nearly some kinda of anti-necro

It is only "absurdly squishy" if you build it that way, but then every thing is. There is more to survivability than high hp and shroud.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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no, it just is. on necro u can dodge and heal. that's about it. u have no aegis or evades or other spacy crap like twenty blocks or shadowsteps really.


even a blood magic + death magic harbinger is still pretty squishy, as it cuts its HP constantly even with the healing skill. blight always works against u. if u run the scrouge traitlines, u still have the heavily reduced corrupt numbers, as u have no shades, no trail, no healskillcorrupt, no breaches.... turn it how u feel, it's just by far inferior.


scourge on ever gets high dps bc it corrupts many boons into condis paired with powerdmg that adds up... so if u corrupt and aim good, then u do good dmg. ur still ideally never in the top dps ranks with scourge. if u are, the real dps classes are just bad


u don't understand necro really if u write such stuff. the meta build is kinda carved in stone, as it is maximum corrupts. u need spite and curses simply for best booncorruption on scourge, which is its job.


harbingers shourd 1+2 are projectiles. ergo, bad. random reflects or bubbles just shut too much dps from it. there's no other way around that. pew pew isn't useful dps.


harbinger has not really more mobility. outside of shroud, its a fat slow necro. the evade window isn't too big. ur mostly hitable during the 600 "gapclosers" ... which are btw half of your offensemodes in shroud that aren't shut down by projectilesblocks




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On 3/21/2022 at 11:36 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

My favorite wispher are from people who call me trash when they encounter my full Cele necro. 

I run a Squad build. I have 1 Stab on my build. 

They somehow can't kill me. But sure buddy, I'm trash because your uber roamer build can't kill a single necro who can't even fight back. 


ur a condi aplyer  :D what were  u expecting lol target are cleansing and taking damage or taking more damage and not cleansing...  only viable option  for easier fight would be a direct counter.

It kinda reminds me using my condi rev wining 1 vs 2 and 1 vs 3+ once in a while.. before the pwoer and healing nerfs.

Every condi player is a good players vs targets that already used all cleanses :F kitten, its just a matter of time if they  can kill fast enought the condi bunker if build does not allow that its a loose fight before even starts.

IF the atacker is a minstrell warrior on roaming like those i usually find... its a deserved kill.. they ramble so much and then hunt u towards 5+ vs 1 combats :P

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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Most hotshot complainers are usually people that bring spvp bunker builds and get mad that you have no obligation to fight them in a tiny circle. Their whole goal is to keep you in combat until their friends (totally repping something else) come along to accidentally interfere.

As a result you'll get yelled at more if you run a 1200+ range  build, because apparently you're supposed to fight them point blank. And what if you have mobility skills to make yourself a well rounded roamer and able to avoid zergs. Well, that's cheating you know. Because everyone will fight you in a fair fight.

But of course they also have ready to order excuses, like they've only played this build for so and so hours. Ok just shut up and come back with your "main" already.

Also 2022 and not bringing cleanses on a roaming build. Bless you all.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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