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Acquiring Gift of Battle Is Hell

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9 hours ago, Tatwi.3562 said:

Paying customers should not be forced to suffer the company's sunk cost fallacy.

But no one is forcing you. Is there someone with a gun standing behind you? Then you would be forced. 
It’s like running a marathon and you stop running after half way and complain that you can’t win. 

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11 hours ago, Bookah pls.9352 said:

You know what? I actually agree with the PvE players here, there should be another non WvW method to gain a gift of battle.

Give us the Gift of Battle PvP reward track!

Id love this tbh lol.

I like pvp but I don't like wvw, too much running around. 



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1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You can get Gob in PvE when Wvw get the following:

  • Atleast half the Gold per hour of an Openworld player. 
  • Gift of exploration in Wvw. 
  • The same attention PvE gets. 
  • Balance on the same level as PvE.


WvW are to PvE players what starving children in Afrika are to the average child is in a western country. 

Maybe let us get to eat for ones before you start complaining over a mild inconvenience. 


I'm with you on the gift of exploration. It could be something like repeatable visit every POI and interact with an item that has a 20 seconds interruptible interact time. One exists in every objective. Interact with all to claim your GoE. Which ought to take a while longer than PvE exploration. Which is exactly how I would like the alternative GoB. Have the good push into WvW by making it mandatory to get one GoB in WvW. And then open up a secondary path that takes 1.5-2 times as long in PvE. Meaning optimal gameplay is still WvW but you can spend significantly more time in PvE to get it too.

Gold already ought to be past that point. EoD reward track is worth ~64 gold. Drizzlewood Coast at least 47 gold. If you assume 4 hours per reward track (as is usually claimed) that isn't just half but it's even competitive with a lot of PvE options. Or, if you assume the other commonly quoted 8 hours without boosters it's at half the gold per hour you can get in good PvE farms. Requires active conversion of all mats but especially tomes (~1g per) and some of the legendary mats (if crafted into a sellable legendary) boost the value drastically. And legendary mat acquisition time is the highest in the game in WvW. That's why a fair amount of commanders run legendary factory guilds. 

Same attention as PvE is too much. PvE is like 4 modes mashed together. Story, Instanced content, Metas and collections / questing. To demand equal attention and investment as all combined is over the top. Though I'm happy they look at it more closely currently and hope they give it its fair share of attention. 

Balance in PvE is mostly broken too. Content where it actually matters is absolutely dominated by like 3 or 4 elites with 1 - 2 builds each. I'm happy they seem to decouple it more (as stated in the recent blog post) because PvE is held back by PvP and WvW just as much as PvP and WvW are held back by PvE or each other. 

The real issue is that WvW if played optimized for GoB only is dreadfully boring. I don't enjoy anything that's going on so it's semi afk gameplay for hours on end. Gift of Exploration requires more activity and thought. Despite being one of the most brainless things to do in PvE. Made worse by the fact that I have to play mostly during peak times and even waste spots of other people who might actually want to play it.

At least in PvE you don't impact anyone else and can progress at any pace you want. I agree GoE is a problem too. Frankly, if you can buy the entire legendary then most components should be possible to purchase or gain in any mode you want.

But one problem doesn't mean other people having an issue with it should be ignored. The reason we primarily see complaints about GoB is because the majority of players is in PvE content and a significant amount of WvW players enjoy PvE content. So the group of people who have an huge problem with GoE acquisition is drastically smaller than the amount of people who have a problem with GoB.

Edited by Erise.5614
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20 hours ago, Hellion.2360 said:

WHY on tyria we STILL need to do WvW on order to get gift of battle?

Sorry, that statement is wrong and therefore all further statements from you. You can get the Gift of Battle without WvW.



15 hours ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Honestly, wouldn't it be a good thing if it was tradable? WvW players could make gold selling it that way.

GEN1 Legendaries are already tradable. So many players can avoid getting the GoB.

Edited by BadHealer.3608
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Josh Strife Hayes even mentioned how one of the seven deadly sins of bad MMO design is forced interaction. WvW players seem to use the argument of "well I need to do PvE to get all of the other materials", but I think this complaint of Gift of Battle stems from several factors:


  1. The players are older now, and most won't have enough time to spend an entire afternoon running around in WvW
  2. Fun is subjective, and to them the idea of running around aimlessly for 4-6h capturing random objectives, or getting mowed down by a zerg / group of roamers isn't fun 
  3. When you got a new expansion and a bunch of other content to play, the last thing people want to do is to sit through a monotonous 4h session of WvW, with more than half of that time afking or walking to your objective

I think it sucks that I need to get one every time I make a legendary, and I'm not looking forward to having to do it multiple times for the legendary trinkets. Part of me is beating myself up for not stocking up on them when it only took 500 badges of honor to buy one, but it is what it is. 


Still a more enjoyable experience than ranked pvp

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16 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:

As a WvW'er with 10k max rank and over 25k skirmish claim tickets (disclaimer to the snowflakes out there: I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this to prove that as a player myself who plays WvW all the time and knows what they're talking about, can still agree with someone who DOESN'T enjoy WvW, should also have access to this item as well), I agree that players shouldn't feel forced into doing a game mode they don't enjoy, for the gift of battle.


I feel the same way towards Anet forcing us players to do a raids-like group strike mission if we want to get the siege turtle mount. I hate raids, and I hate strike missions. It would be nice to have alternatives for all game play modes for these things, so that we as players can 'play how we want' in our preferred game mode.


We should all be able to get the same items / goals / accomplishments via our own preferred game play mode. I really dislike Anet going the way of 'we like strike missions, therefore you must like them too'.

I don't think you really know what you're talking about.  😉  What do you need a siege turtle for if you really spend so much time in WvW?

The gift is a component for a "Legendary" item.  The original intent of "Legendary" items were to show that you don't play just one game mode, but you've explored the breadth of the entire game.  It's one big game, not multiple little different games.  Please stop encouraging the dilution of that intent.


Also, there are all kinds of WvW players.  A lot of the ones I play with enjoy doing raids and strikes because they're the one thing in PvE that is most similar to the coordination, teamwork, mechanics and group comp theorycrafting seen in WvW guilds.   Your post makes me think that you don't play WvW that way and hence rank, etc. doesn't really prove you know what you're talking about.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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20 minutes ago, Nex.1453 said:

Josh Strife Hayes even mentioned how one of the seven deadly sins of bad MMO design is forced interaction. WvW players seem to use the argument of "well I need to do PvE to get all of the other materials", but I think this complaint of Gift of Battle stems from several factors:


  1. The players are older now, and most won't have enough time to spend an entire afternoon running around in WvW
  2. Fun is subjective, and to them the idea of running around aimlessly for 4-6h capturing random objectives, or getting mowed down by a zerg / group of roamers isn't fun 
  3. When you got a new expansion and a bunch of other content to play, the last thing people want to do is to sit through a monotonous 4h session of WvW, with more than half of that time afking or walking to your objective

I think it sucks that I need to get one every time I make a legendary, and I'm not looking forward to having to do it multiple times for the legendary trinkets. Part of me is beating myself up for not stocking up on them when it only took 500 badges of honor to buy one, but it is what it is. 


Still a more enjoyable experience than ranked pvp

Hayes is wrong at least as often as he is right.  

You do not need to spend an entire afternoon running around in WvW. Five minute increments will provide progress. If you are too old or have too many responsibilities to squeeze in 5 minutes of game time then an MMO may not be for you.


And, of course, there is the fact that playing wvw is not required to get a GoB. Sure it is much faster than the alternative but it is not required.


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21 hours ago, Telgum.6071 said:

For the same reason WvW players have to explore the core map: because there is time and resources invested in said content and they want you to give it tries.

EoD feels especially horrible even though it is only 4 maps as well. Heart tasks that move progress by 1 pixel. =_=


On the other hand we should focus less on how to make things equally bad for everyone and more on how to make it better for everyone instead.

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30 minutes ago, Nex.1453 said:


  1. The players are older now, and most won't have enough time to spend an entire afternoon running around in WvW



You don't need an entire afternoon.  Just do dailies.  They usually take 30m or so.  The thing really doesn't need to be gotten FAST.  There are a ton of other examples in the legendary crafting process that are intended to be worked on over time.  This one is no different.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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16 hours ago, Zaoda.1653 said:

As a WvW'er with 10k max rank and over 25k skirmish claim tickets (disclaimer to the snowflakes out there: I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this to prove that as a player myself who plays WvW all the time and knows what they're talking about, can still agree with someone who DOESN'T enjoy WvW, should also have access to this item as well), I agree that players shouldn't feel forced into doing a game mode they don't enjoy, for the gift of battle.


I feel the same way towards Anet forcing us players to do a raids-like group strike mission if we want to get the siege turtle mount. I hate raids, and I hate strike missions. It would be nice to have alternatives for all game play modes for these things, so that we as players can 'play how we want' in our preferred game mode.


We should all be able to get the same items / goals / accomplishments via our own preferred game play mode. I really dislike Anet going the way of 'we like strike missions, therefore you must like them too'.

If you are rank 10k you must know that one is not forced to play wvw in order to get a GoB, right?

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I get heap-tons more anxiety having to do fractals for a leggy over just slow-farming a reward track in WvW. At least with WvW there are ways to finish solo, albeit slower, but still solo. With fractals you have to group and to complete the collection you have to do the fractals...no way around it.

Edited by DragonMoon.6098
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Lol pvpers always get the short end of the stick. We still have to do pve to get gear for WvW. I sucked  it up and did pve in this game with an open mind and stayed positive. Turns out it’s pretty fun I actually enjoy the pve in this game. Now I’m actually learning pve mechs and I think I’ll start doing the raids or whatever. Up until now I just did openworld. 

so the time it took you to write this post complaining you could have invested time into learning WvW. Do the simple collection to get a warclaw and find a guild to run with. You might meet some fun folks and have a good time. 

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2 hours ago, Nex.1453 said:

Josh Strife Hayes even mentioned how one of the seven deadly sins of bad MMO design is forced interaction. WvW players seem to use the argument of "well I need to do PvE to get all of the other materials", but I think this complaint of Gift of Battle stems from several factors:


  1. The players are older now, and most won't have enough time to spend an entire afternoon running around in WvW
  2. Fun is subjective, and to them the idea of running around aimlessly for 4-6h capturing random objectives, or getting mowed down by a zerg / group of roamers isn't fun 
  3. When you got a new expansion and a bunch of other content to play, the last thing people want to do is to sit through a monotonous 4h session of WvW, with more than half of that time afking or walking to your objective

I think it sucks that I need to get one every time I make a legendary, and I'm not looking forward to having to do it multiple times for the legendary trinkets. Part of me is beating myself up for not stocking up on them when it only took 500 badges of honor to buy one, but it is what it is. 


Still a more enjoyable experience than ranked pvp

A game is always going to have some degree of "forced" interaction.

But granted going by the constant whining over GoB - literally the simplest and cheapest part of a legendary - I am surprised there arent more threads on for example why you need to plug in a monitor to play GW2 when they already bought a computer.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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23 hours ago, Hellion.2360 said:

WHY on tyria we STILL need to do WvW on order to get gift of battle?

Why forcing players to do a pvp game mode? 

Anet made MC and clovers much more spread out through the game modes on the base of "if u dont like X go do Y", why not with that horrible gift of battle?


Don't give that stupid answer of "just afk for 5h" or "just go with a zerg for 4h" or "just do dailies for 15min over 1-2weeks" the game mode is not for everyone, especially player who do not have the warclaw mount and besides, don't u prefer to PLAY the game and not afk for 5h?


I and others want to play game mode we ENJOY doing or at least are close to what we are doing, aka, PvE players can go do PvE stuff (OW, strikes, dead raids, fracs)  and PvP players can go do PvP and WvW.


It blows my mind how anet didnt addressed that horrible design of theirs, is it to force ppl to play WvW or just for saying "f the PvE players, they can go run on foot for hours and die to a random zerg hahaha"


SALT 🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂  🧂

Its super easy quit complaining.

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1 hour ago, captrowdy.9561 said:

Lol pvpers always get the short end of the stick. We still have to do pve to get gear for WvW. I sucked  it up and did pve in this game with an open mind and stayed positive. Turns out it’s pretty fun I actually enjoy the pve in this game. Now I’m actually learning pve mechs and I think I’ll start doing the raids or whatever. Up until now I just did openworld. 

so the time it took you to write this post complaining you could have invested time into learning WvW. Do the simple collection to get a warclaw and find a guild to run with. You might meet some fun folks and have a good time. 

Heh ... it is not necessary to do PvE to get gear for WvW in the same way that it is not necessary to do WvW to get a GoB

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48 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

A game is always going to have some degree of "forced" interaction.


I disagree with regards to legendaries in GW2.  They are not required to complete any content.  Nothing in the game forces any player to chase legendary items.

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2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

EoD feels especially horrible even though it is only 4 maps as well. Heart tasks that move progress by 1 pixel. =_=

Ugh. I've been trying to do the training grounds to get the 4 hour buff as I'm leveling up masteries. After the JP, dodging to the chest, breaking the golem's blue bar a couple of times, I'm left circle strafing Mr. "Avalanche" for 1 pixel progress per attack he makes and praying that the training event will start.

2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

On the other hand we should focus less on how to make things equally bad for everyone and more on how to make it better for everyone instead.

But, I walked to school through the snow uphill both ways!


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