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Do you use your Turtle?

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On 3/28/2022 at 3:26 PM, Veprovina.4876 said:

If so, what for? 

Cause i did the DE meta, numerous times... Got the egg, hatched and cared for it (did achievements), the turtle was following me all around Arborstone, and then i finally unlocked it as a mount...


And since then i forgot it existed... 😕


Anyone else? Or just me?


My default on X is Skyscale, and it is still the nr.1 mount to use anywhere.

On land, beetle is better than turtle, especially if you know how to drive it. Barring that, raptor gets you places more elegantly.

Some metas don't even allow for mounts so you can't use it there, and as just map traversal, it's not for that...


Idk, this feels like it should have been a WvW mount, like Warclaw, you use supply to attack and maybe weaken walls, like warclaw can weaken gates.


Where in PvE are you using turtles?

I just use my Panda Pet and never touch the turtle. Panda Mini is the best mini in the game and no one has it. Cheers

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Nope. Mostly forgotten it exists.
After finishing the story, I find I mostly play the same content I did before EoD...

Time to design a way to bring the Siege turtle to WvW I think. Make a one time seige turtle WvW reward track that unlocks it in WvW and some special WvW masteries (like warclaw). It's pretty underwhelming in open world, but I think it has a lot of potential in WvW (with tweaks of course).

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5 hours ago, firedragon.8953 said:

Nope. Mostly forgotten it exists.
After finishing the story, I find I mostly play the same content I did before EoD...

Time to design a way to bring the Siege turtle to WvW I think. Make a one time seige turtle WvW reward track that unlocks it in WvW and some special WvW masteries (like warclaw). It's pretty underwhelming in open world, but I think it has a lot of potential in WvW (with tweaks of course).

I would love to see it in WvW!

Even if they make it so that you need to spend tons of suplly to bring it in. I doubt they'll allow just everyone to run around on turtles, but it would work as a special kind of Siege weapon, kind if like golems.


Or maybe anyone can call it, but require supply to fire cannons.


Of course, no jets in WvW, that would be broken.


Maybe like canons for walls, stomp for gates.


Idk, tweaks would be necessary, but I think it would work!

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  • They don't do enough "normal" damage to replace 2 players' contribution in an event. If they made them too strong nobody would go around on foot, too weak and they're useless. That's a toughie to fix.
  • Their single player usage resorts to melee range stomps which messes up everyone's visibility in events. They need a "swap to gunner" mode so single player users can just go turret mode without movement so they can shoot from range. But that leads back to point 1 about damage vs player damage - why go fixed turret when I could go into combat on foot
  • I can't re-mount my combat focused mount when in combat. Needs to be able to summon mount on a large cooldown during combat
  • They can go underwater, but there's nothing to do there. And how does player 2 target underwater enemies with cannons?

I still think they're fun. Just need reasons to use them.


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Tried playing with my SO in Vabbi to collect HP. We both had half the WP so we switched back and forth teleporting. But the walking to each, horrible. Yeah we couldn't stop laughing, but it was because it was like walking a giant turtle with lunar gravity. You can't turn, it's super slow. The guns recharge way way to slow. Having the circle enemies just to shoot is stupid. Gun recharge based on move speed just doesn't work and needs to be redone. A fixed ammo recharge rate would be better. It should recharge fast enough that you can constantly attack with it, just not with the sudden multi shot burst you can do at the opener.

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1 hour ago, Reborn.1738 said:
  • I can't re-mount my combat focused mount when in combat. Needs to be able to summon mount on a large cooldown during combat


That's a big one for me, something like this would make it so much more dynamic.

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19 minutes ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

You can't turn, it's super slow.


Gun recharge based on move speed just doesn't work and needs to be redone

I kinda like the slidiness of the turtle and it's bad turning. I don't think it's really meant for the same kind of environment that the Jackal or the Raptor is used for, so having it drift on corners is ok, I think? I don't think it drifts when you set it to walk mode, but it moves at the speed of... a tortoise.

Gun recharge is definitely a thing that needs work. Maybe it needs a faster firing weaker weapon AND the slow bunker buster cannons. Something like an auto blaster for the gunner, possibly one for the driver too. Then the gunner will have essentially an auto attack while waiting for the big cannons to recharge, and the driver will be able to engage in ranged combat too.

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- The meta that require it(fort aspenwood), is least popular, and don't have much unique loot or integration into economy.

- Turtle is very popular in Drizzlewood Coast, but its more a happy accident, than a design intended decision. So, theres a risk future update will mess siege damage here, and turtle become useless on Drizzlewood Coast too.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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10 hours ago, HonesltlyX.7164 said:

I think it's designed to be a mount that can do a little of everything for newer players, but IMO vets who have all the mounts from PoF won't find much use for it.

Certainly feels that way at times but, new players won't be able to get it ironically. You need to complete EoD story and then finish DE meta or grind that map to even unlock it. 
And then come the achievements.


So if they intended turtle to be for new players, they totally failed lol. 

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3 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Certainly feels that way at times but, new players won't be able to get it ironically. You need to complete EoD story and then finish DE meta or grind that map to even unlock it. 
And then come the achievements.


So if they intended turtle to be for new players, they totally failed lol. 


Yeah, gating a mount behind the DE meta was a terrible idea and it was basically useless to put a training area in EOD expac when players need to be level 80 to get there anyhow.

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8 hours ago, HonesltlyX.7164 said:


Yeah, gating a mount behind the DE meta was a terrible idea and it was basically useless to put a training area in EOD expac when players need to be level 80 to get there anyhow.

Yeah, that training area should be moved to starting areas. Or at least like, lvl 20+ areas, when people unlock some of their skills or something. Or keep the one in Seitung, but make a new one for each starter zone. 


Putting this in EoD is cool, but people need to be taught this way earlier. 

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I wonder if Turtles would be more useful and used if they were customisable and offered some support roles in combat? Maybe your Jade Bot could augment the turtle and give the driver new abilities based on what it has equipped?

  • Offensive Support Turtle -  Apply Jade Tech Offensive buffs to nearby players
  • Defensive Support Turtle -  Apply Jade Tech Defensive buffs to nearby players
  • Heal Support Turtle - AoE heals and regen?
  • Damage Turtle - Add a weapon for the driver

It's all open world only so it isn't going to mess up raid/fractal/dungeon/strike meta, and it could promote more useful combat abilities for the combat mount

I'd probably use mine a bit more if I could be a lazy boon buffer!

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I wish there was a valid reason to use it but as is, its just a damage decrease which prevents you from tagging mobs for loot in group content. If they gave the main rider the ability to fire the cannons as well (on a separate ammo count) it would be fun enough to use despite the dps loss.


As the only mount you can use in battle, I feel the most novel niche which could be developed for the turtle would be as a commander "chariot" which got stronger the more people there were in the commander's squad. For instance, give four 15 minute cooldown abilities with each consecutive one being unlocked for every 10 people in the squad - then flavor the abilities to actually help casuals learn group mechanics. These abilities would not be designed to be reused multiple times in a single event, rather they would allow a commander to sufficiently mitigate a boss fight mechanic a single time to help people learn what to do.


10 in squad ability:  Jade Shell: Creates a defensive dome around the commander's turtle mount (with green arrows pointing down to it) for 10 seconds and gives everyone inside the dome protection and a stability. Will res up to 4 players downed in the dome while its up but will unsummon the commander's turtle in 4 players are ressed.


20 in squad ability: Choya Style: Gives everyone superspeed, aegis and a low gravity jump for 10 seconds.


30 in squad ability: Prismatic renewal: Extremely large area healing ability - double the healing of regen per second (including to downed players) but completely drains the turtles stability bar in 10 seconds - which will cause it to de-summon. 


40 in squad ability: Contingency Waypoint: In a massive swirl of sparky fx, the turtle summons a jade tech waypoint above its head for 10 seconds which anyone in the squad can port to. After 10 seconds the turtle unsummons.


20 in squad passive: The turtle mount can receive boons and be healed by other players.

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