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Will Pay You to Leave the Zone

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4 minutes ago, Forgotten Legend.9281 said:

ANET has added "guild boss instances" for Triple Trouble (limited to 50-player squad)

Cannot find info about that instance, do you have any links perhaps? I exprienced guild spawned Tequatl and it was just started by a guild squad but happening on the normal map, not an instance. Accoridng to wiki guild world boss event is the same as normal event spawn. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_World_Event

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25 minutes ago, Atria.6729 said:

Cannot find info about that instance, do you have any links perhaps? I exprienced guild spawned Tequatl and it was just started by a guild squad but happening on the normal map, not an instance. Accoridng to wiki guild world boss event is the same as normal event spawn. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_World_Event

well, then, maybe i misremembered... i claim Chronic Bacon Deficiency Disorder

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odd, when EoD dropped a few enterprising extortionists would announce to the map that they were not going to participate in the meta, but that they would leave the map if they were given enough gold.  The situation seems to have flipped on its head, commanders remembering that people can be persuaded to leave the map if given a bribe.  Interesting. 
Well at least people aren't still getting on their turtle near the end of the meta, and taunting in map chat, "I already got my turtle, and you just wasted 2 hours!" 

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2 hours ago, Wonderly.1324 said:

 How would you design content that caters to 50+ groups of players wanting to work together?

I would probably design the content scaled for 30 to 40 at its baseline with upscaling for greater numbers of participants. 

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LOL people couldnt afford the "fee" I would require to make me move off the map lol... they can be mad at anet for forcing an entire map to participate while making fishing and other achievements needed in the same map.     Sorry but if I am fishing and have built up stacks, no stupid lame meta group will be able to pay/harass me into leaving.  

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4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

That's just insane.

Especially when the squad is on voice chat, there are easy ways to get everyone on the same instance: jump on the map at the same time, and if people end up on different instances check the progress level and whether there are other tags on the map, then have everyone hop on the least populated instance.

That works on old expansions, but EoD has maps with surprisingly low population caps. If  you have a full squad, you can be practically sure not everyone's going to get in.

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6 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Exactly. We don’t know if this story is true. I have seen commanders asking others to leave the map but I have never seen anyone offering to pay them to leave. 

Yeah, same. But even if we consider it to be true without any specifics or proof, it's still a thread that tries to make an overblown claim of "this happened to me once [in a month], so now it means that the whole meta made the community unhappy about seeing other players". Seems dishonest and intentionally overblown.

And of course, if all they're doing is ask, then I'm not sure what exactly the problem is supposed to be here. They want to play with their group, so they ask if people are able to swap instances. If you don't want to then you just won't and you're free to play the meta with that organized squad now. Or don't, keep fishing, gathering or w/e, that's nobody's business either way.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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6 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Exactly. We don’t know if this story is true. I have seen commanders asking others to leave the map but I have never seen anyone offering to pay them to leave. 

Did you just miss the entire first few weeks of DE where this was happening everyday back when it was the only way to get the Turtle egg? Did you miss a "Hardstuck" commander start a group on LFG on their alt in an instance they wanted to fail while their main used a hidden tag to rally people into their instance? 
This stuff's been happening since launch. People have been paying others to leave the map since launch. It was first reported weeks ago. 

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15 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Did you just miss the entire first few weeks of DE where this was happening everyday back when it was the only way to get the Turtle egg? Did you miss a "Hardstuck" commander start a group on LFG on their alt in an instance they wanted to fail while their main used a hidden tag to rally people into their instance? 
This stuff's been happening since launch. People have been paying others to leave the map since launch. It was first reported weeks ago. 

Yeah, I've read that reddit post too. It was one guy that did it and he was kicked from the guild. Meanwhile another "Hardstuck" player apparently was in the instance """they wanted to fail""" and... that instance succeeded as well.

Nice way to share half of the story in an attempt to draw conclusions you want to draw, though.


And as always, be confused about the reality all you want, I'm still correct:



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I've seen this happening on and off since EoD launched and it's just another sign (in a long line of signs) that the meta's design is still too weak and imbalanced to entice players to bother with it long-term. If you have to pay people, trick them off the map, or threaten them to get an event working in the open world, something is terribly wrong.


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12 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, I've read that reddit post too. It was one guy that did it and he was kicked from the guild. Meanwhile another "Hardstuck" player apparently was in the instance """they wanted to fail""" and... that instance succeeded as well.

Nice way to share half of the story in an attempt to draw conclusions you want to draw, though.


And as always, be confused about the reality all you want, I'm still correct:



Whether you are correct or not, doesn't matter. The fact is that it was happening, that is what is proven here. Which means the whole design as a whole is flawed. Doesn't matter as well if the meta succeeded or not, none of that matters. 
What matters here is open world in GW2 is not designed for raid level bosses. The way instances work in GW2 with EoD's low population counts does everything in its power to make raid level content fail. If you want to fish or do story or map completion, you are making the event harder for the people actually doing it. The only way around this is to either trick and lie to people, or pay them? It is bad game design. 

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27 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Whether you are correct or not, doesn't matter.

It matters, because you're -intentionally or not- sharing half of the story, trying to avoid the fact that there's probably way more well-intended people "fixing the wrongs" of those singular badly-intended players. Even in the very example you've brought up here.

If some player decides to scam someone, it doesn't suddenly mean that the game encourage that and it actively pushes the community into scamming. It doesn't, but the people that would want to trick others for their own profit will exist one way or another.


The fact is that it was happening, that is what is proven here. Which means the whole design as a whole is flawed. Doesn't matter as well if the meta succeeded or not, none of that matters. 
What matters here is open world in GW2 is not designed for raid level bosses. The way instances work in GW2 with EoD's low population counts does everything in its power to make raid level content fail. If you want to fish or do story or map completion, you are making the event harder for the people actually doing it.

Yeah, "the fact is that it was happening", but that fact is still singular instances instead of being a widely spread problem of the whole community, not even close. But yeah, I know, conveniently "nothing matters" now, since some people want to pretend that the whole community turns into a behavior that's in reality sometimes exhibited by some individuals. It's far from the norm and far from a major part of the community.


The only way around this is to either trick and lie to people, or pay them? It is bad game design. 

That's what I'm talking about: stop pretending that people complete this event only by being dishonest, creating full premade guild squads and tricking people out of the map. That's false. Plenty of lfg squads are succeeding there. You bring up single instances of people doing what you don't want them to do and then try to paint it as some kind of "new norm" -but that's not even close to what you claim it is.

And that's also the point I've made in my previous post btw.



Ah and while it is a harder meta, this is not a "raid level content", so there's no need to pretend it is.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, I've read that reddit post too. It was one guy that did it and he was kicked from the guild. Meanwhile another "Hardstuck" player apparently was in the instance """they wanted to fail""" and... that instance succeeded as well.

First, that original Hardstuck commander didn't specifically want that other map to fail. He just wanted everyone not in his squad gone from his map. And he was willing to cheat other players to achieve this.

Second, the reason why that second instance succeeded was because someone else noticed what he was doing, felt sorry for everyone cheated, and decided to organize that instance too.

Third, as it turns out the person in question was known for a long time to have "problematic behaviour", but everyone in HS was pretty much ignoring it until that point.

Fourth, he was not the only member of HS participating in that scheme, but was the only one kicked.

Fifth: practically the only reason why that even came up is because he made a stream doing it, which made the whole case very public.

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nice way to share half of the story in an attempt to draw conclusions you want to draw, though.

Yeah, i agree. You should have included the whole story.


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17 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

First, that original Hardstuck commander didn't specifically want that other map to fail. He just wanted everyone not in his squad gone from his map. And he was willing to cheat other players to achieve this.

Not sure why you felt the need to explain that to me. Explain that to the commenter that actually made the claim and I've already corrected in my post.

And of course I know they didn't want it to fail. I've literally included 3 sets of quotation marks to signify that and somehow you've still managed to ignore it in order to pretend that's somehow what I actually think, apparently just so you can feel that little tingle from ""correcting me"" (notice the quotation marks here too and let me quickly explain: you're not correcting me when you actually just repeat the correction I've made in my post) out of someone elses made up claim. 🙄 


Second, the reason why that second instance succeeded was because someone else noticed what he was doing, felt sorry for everyone cheated, and decided to organize that instance too.

Why are you attempting to explain to me something that was said by the previous user and I've already corrected? What are you even doing with this response? 🤨

And yeah, initially I wrote that "someone from hardstuck saw what he did and decided to help the other instance", but then went for the source to make sure i'm not misrimembering it and subsequentially changed it to what the actual source we have said. Somehow I trust that source more than your random claim. One way or another, the result is the same and whether somehow from that guild "already was in that instance" or "decided to hop to help" seems rather irrelevant to what I wrote? Or does it somehow meaningfully change what I wrote?


Third, as it turns out the person in question was known for a long time to have "problematic behaviour", but everyone in HS was pretty much ignoring it until that point.

And that addressed what exactly in my post?


Fourth, he was not the only member of HS participating in that scheme, but was the only one kicked.



Yeah, i agree. You should have included the whole story.

I did, with source -next time try clicking on the link in the post you're responding to. Nice you've felt the need to correct what was already corrected though.

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8 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Exactly. We don’t know if this story is true. I have seen commanders asking others to leave the map but I have never seen anyone offering to pay them to leave. 

It's true. I run with a commander sometimes who does it. 

Edit: You wouldn't see it, because people are whispered. Obviously you don't want to say something like that in map chat. You'd just have people inviting their friends into the map for a payday.

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That works on old expansions, but EoD has maps with surprisingly low population caps.

No, it works fine on EoD maps as well as the community with whom I am frequently running this meta (not Hardstuck) is doing it that way and has no trouble getting 60 people over on one map.

It just takes a bit of preparation (~10-15 mins) and patience from players with the bottleneck (i.e., not rage-quitting upon not being able to immediately hop on the Commander's instance). Everyone has been able to successfully make it with the aforementioned method in the past four weeks.

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Few days ago i was mining jade nodes and the Comm was telling everyone who is farming or runing achievs to leave the map because it is an "organised" map. Ofcourse peole refused and then it got bad after that. Lots of arguing and name calling. If we are not participating in end meta then we have to leave to make place for his organised squad members. This happens quite often since comm wants to bring his entire pre made squad into the map. 

Thanks Anet what a great meta you have created that now players are unhappy to see other players on the map.

Edited by Mickey.4207
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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

No, it works fine on EoD maps as well as the community with whom I am frequently running this meta (not Hardstuck) is doing it that way and has no trouble getting 60 people over on one map.

It just takes a bit of preparation (~10-15 mins) and patience from players with the bottleneck (i.e., not rage-quitting upon not being able to immediately hop on the Commander's instance). Everyone has been able to successfully make it with the aforementioned method in the past four weeks.

same, the guild i run with everyday just ask for guildmates keep trying join map.

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