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Bring legendaries to the gemstore just like china servers have it. COME ON ANET!

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6 hours ago, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:

Legendarys are hard to acquire I find. And putting them on the gemstore would be a great idea I think. Chinese players already have access to this and I think it would be a great addition to Guild Wars 2 on NA and also bring them alot of profit. Some people don't have the time to make a legendary and work alot so doing this would make it easier to access them. Anet consider my post and look into this. I would definitely buy some if not all of them. 


if not oh well. lol maybe one day i will find the time to actually craft them. lataz


Have you ever considered moving to China? 

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People getting salty because they spent so much time making their legendarys and don't like the idea I understand. I just don't see the difference if you can already gem to gold and buy them. All I am saying is the other way around so what would be the actual difference. But I understand peeps you don't like the idea. GOT IT lol. chill. If the price was the same value as what it is now on conversion what is the difference. Their wouldn't be one just more convenient.

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5 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Depends on the price. The current gem to gold ratio means I am fine with my ascended weapons/trinkets.

I just stick with Exotics, works the same for me. I only own 1 legendary and probably will never make more because of how grindy they are to get materials and gold for. I play by myself, nobody else to help much so I just don't bother taking on fractals/raids where the higher tier gear/weapons can drop from. I get what I need to play the game without it being exhausting, and I have completed all story with all exotics. Though the legendary in gem store option would probably be very expensive, and probably not worth it compared to making one yourself. I still think a lot of their skins are too expensive, but if I have some money for one or two that I like, then sure I'll buy them. It all depends on the cost and how much I like what they offer, and if I want to shell the money to support the game - that goes for any game not just GW2. 

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I don't see why not, but the legendaries bought for money should be visually distinct in some way - and this should apply to any legendary equipped by an account that didn't craft it. You get your EZ legendary, but everyone knows you're actually super lame because your Bolt's footfalls are brown instead of blue 😛

Edited by nosleepdemon.1368
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Geez, there have been a lot of these posts about making legendries "easier" to acquire. It almost feels like people are asking for "pay to win".  What's up gamers!?

Almost everything in the game is mostly short term goals except for legendaries. The game needs to have long-term goals. People say, "only 10% or 6%" of people have the item. That's because they are LEGENDARY. Everyone wants to be legendary when they are just casual. Legendaries were never made for "casuals". More than 90% of the game is "casual friendly" legendaries are really the only prestige item more hardcore players can work on in the game, and most of those have even become easier over time, and honestly you can "swipe" for many legendries as it is now. What are players going to do when there is nothing left to work towards? Quit probably...

I've seen the argument "causals don't need legendaries" many times, but honestly, I agree with that more than ever. If you don't have time to craft a legendary, do a collection, engage in group content, play specific roles, etc., then you have no business worrying about on-the-fly stat swappable gear. The game has tons of weapons and armor skins and most exotics can be purchased for less than your daily 2g. There is no reason to constantly switch stats because most casuals don't fill "roles" because they usually solo or just play open world with some friends.

This post isn't to harp on casuals. I love casuals. Many of my friends are casuals. I am casual 90% of the time with some hardcore stints. I don't even own legendary weapons myself (because like I said, I'm casual) I'm just tired of so many posts on these forums with people begging for watered down content that can just be paid for. That's not a game, that's a virtual shopping mall of pixels. No thanks!

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5 hours ago, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:

i know you can trade gold to gems. but what is the big problem if they just added them to the gemstore. its literally the same thing no need to get all upset over a forum post.

I'm going to reply on the assumption that you're arguing in good faith.

First off: as others have said, this sort of thing encourages bad monetization for GW2 and especially in the foreseeable future. It's a line that can't be uncrossed: once you start selling Legendary Weapons, what stops you from selling Leggy Armor, Accessories, Backpieces, etc.? What then stops them from making Gem Shop-exclusive Leggy game pieces? What about Legendary...Chairs? Mini pets? A Legendary Omni-Gathering Tool?

Again: not a line you want to cross. It's like blood in the water for corporate suits.

Second off: you already get a pretty easy compromise via in-game legal RMT, why not just...convert gems to gold and then buy the leggy?

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2 hours ago, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:

People getting salty because they spent so much time making their legendarys and don't like the idea I understand. I just don't see the difference if you can already gem to gold and buy them. All I am saying is the other way around so what would be the actual difference. But I understand peeps you don't like the idea. GOT IT lol. chill. If the price was the same value as what it is now on conversion what is the difference. Their wouldn't be one just more convenient.


That is nonsense because buying these items strait from the store can circumvent the gold-gem conversion. That alone is a huge difference and not only in relation to the tax put on the conversion, which is substantial, but in the fact you are cutting out the interaction with another player and the gem-gold economy.


Being able to buy gems, then convert those gems to gold, then using that gold to interact with the market further and trade for materials etc is a VERY different interaction than strait up having the ability to buy items for gems only. Your claim that this makes no difference is strait up untrue and/or just shows your lack of understanding of this games economy systems.


This games economy and entire setup is reliant on encouraging interactions between players and the gem-gold exchange. It is central to balancing inflation and revenue.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I would approach this issue by asking what it is that op wants from the legs: the visuals or the QoL? Because I do think the latter one is a valid thing to be wanted for the gem store. 


As people already have commented, there needs to be long-term goals and prestige items in the game and I agree that visually distinct and cool gear is those. But for the gameplay QoL I think we should have a solution that's available for more players. Some people don't have enough time to play to craft those items (for real; ppl often don't realise that many of the players are people who might have only a couple hours per week to put on the game. And I'd want them too to be able to enjoy endgame with different classes and builds etc, because the more people we have playing, the better it's for everyone). 

Edited by Elenna.3769
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To reply to myself: I've only ever wanted one legendary for the graphics and I was lucky it was a Gen1, so I was able to purchase it. For the rest I don't mind having "normal" skins on, but I really feel like I need the ability to stat-swap to be able to enjoy the game to the fullest (for me). 

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3 hours ago, Elenna.3769 said:

I'd want them too to be able to enjoy endgame with different classes and builds etc, because the more people we have playing, the better it's for everyone

What you seem to be missing here is that the current legendaries we have, especially the tradeable ones (gen1 and gen3 weapons), are a serious part of "more people playing" in this game. Cut those out, and you cut out longterm goals for plenty of people to the point where you risk people leaving because they have nothing pushing them on between raids and fractals.

On top of that, you take away goals from people harvesting by reducing the demand for crafting materials, take away goals from crafters by reducing the demand for time-gated materials like deldrimor steel or spiritwood planks, as well as other, non-gated materials (e.g. mystic curios). You cut off people that play to use spirit shards to gain gold from material conversion.


You put a ceiling on prices for non-tradeable goods like gift of exploration, that people now use to convert their time in game into gold (spend time exploring the maps, craft legendaries from the exploration gifts, sell those on the trading post), running the risk that it'll no longer be profitable to craft legendary weapons for sale, which in turn would put a lot of people out of things to do in game.


Long story short: putting legendary gear into the store for gems cuts out a lot of gaming potential not just for the player that wants said gear, but also for plenty of people involved in producing said gear for trading in the game. It potentially leads to one person enjoying the game more (although there's plenty of cases where the oposite is actually the case, as people suddenly find that their purchase has actually robbed them of a goal to go forward), but at the same time kills in-game goals for several other people in the process.

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14 hours ago, SLOTH.5231 said:

All you people saying no like you wouldn't buy the kitten if Anet actually put legendries in the gem store. You aren't fooling no one 😂


Speak for yourself? Pretty sure the people that would buy a legendary from the store are already converting gems to gold, and the vast majority probably aren't.


It's not like they are hard to craft, only gen 2 is annoying with the sheer amount of mithril/wood you need, and there's so many ways to make gold now.

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You guys are looking at this all wrong. OP just wants to streamline the ghaming experience.

In fact, we should really push Anet to put everything in the gem store. I mean who here wants to play a game when you can just grind ££ irl, purchase all the items and achievements, mounts etc. and complete GW2 without ever leaving the cash shop? That's the real dream, a game I can 0-100% by doing nothing but throwing ££ at it 😄

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8 hours ago, nosleepdemon.1368 said:

I don't see why not, but the legendaries bought for money should be visually distinct in some way - and this should apply to any legendary equipped by an account that didn't craft it. You get your EZ legendary, but everyone knows you're actually super lame because your Bolt's footfalls are brown instead of blue 😛

Maybe they could also have dollar signs $ $ $ $ for footprints?

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1 hour ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

What you seem to be missing here is that the current legendaries we have, especially the tradeable ones (gen1 and gen3 weapons), are a serious part of "more people playing" in this game. Cut those out, and you cut out longterm goals for plenty of people to the point where you risk people leaving because they have nothing pushing them on between raids and fractals.



You put a ceiling on prices for non-tradeable goods like gift of exploration, that people now use to convert their time in game into gold (spend time exploring the maps, craft legendaries from the exploration gifts, sell those on the trading post), running the risk that it'll no longer be profitable to craft legendary weapons for sale, which in turn would put a lot of people out of things to do in game.


Ah, I'm sorry, I was a bit unclear on what I meant: I wouldn't put current legs (with the visual aspects) on the store, only something that implements the stat-swapping part of them. Visually distinct and flashy gear pieces would still require that hard work put towards them. 


And thus I wouldn't say there would be a ceiling for material prices, as there would still be demand on them. Of course demand might be lower than now, as some people would be happy with just the stat swapping part. Or maybe not; I don't have the data to make any real predictions on that. 

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15 minutes ago, Elenna.3769 said:


Ah, I'm sorry, I was a bit unclear on what I meant: I wouldn't put current legs (with the visual aspects) on the store, only something that implements the stat-swapping part of them. Visually distinct and flashy gear pieces would still require that hard work put towards them. 


And thus I wouldn't say there would be a ceiling for material prices, as there would still be demand on them. Of course demand might be lower than now, as some people would be happy with just the stat swapping part. Or maybe not; I don't have the data to make any real predictions on that. 

I dont care for current legendary weapon skins so the idea of paying for stat swapping rather than jumping through legendary crafting hoops does have some appeal.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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5 hours ago, Elenna.3769 said:



I would approach this issue by asking what it is that op wants from the legs: the visuals or the QoL? Because I do think the latter one is a valid thing to be wanted for the gem store. 


As people already have commented, there needs to be long-term goals and prestige items in the game and I agree that visually distinct and cool gear is those. But for the gameplay QoL I think we should have a solution that's available for more players. Some people don't have enough time to play to craft those items (for real; ppl often don't realise that many of the players are people who might have only a couple hours per week to put on the game. And I'd want them too to be able to enjoy endgame with different classes and builds etc, because the more people we have playing, the better it's for everyone). 

I would buy gem store exotic quality weapons and armor that offered stat swapping. That would allow me to experiment with builds without all the current hassle. I don't need or want that ability to be legendary. Theory crafting builds in this game is too expensive and time consuming for me. I would play more with access to weapons and armor like this and it wouldn't hurt the current legendary implementation.

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17 hours ago, SourceOfTrippy.4207 said:

i know you can trade gold to gems. but what is the big problem if they just added them to the gemstore. its literally the same thing no need to get all upset over a forum post.

It's the same thing?  Howso?  Players selling on the TP compete against each other over price.  Now you want to add in the game maker which can dictate prices through the gem store to compete with them as well?  It wouldn't be a trading post "market" anymore if they did that.  Seems quite different to me.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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7 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

What you seem to be missing here is that the current legendaries we have, especially the tradeable ones (gen1 and gen3 weapons), are a serious part of "more people playing" in this game. Cut those out, and you cut out longterm goals for plenty of people to the point where you risk people leaving because they have nothing pushing them on between raids and fractals.

On top of that, you take away goals from people harvesting by reducing the demand for crafting materials, take away goals from crafters by reducing the demand for time-gated materials like deldrimor steel or spiritwood planks, as well as other, non-gated materials (e.g. mystic curios). You cut off people that play to use spirit shards to gain gold from material conversion.


You put a ceiling on prices for non-tradeable goods like gift of exploration, that people now use to convert their time in game into gold (spend time exploring the maps, craft legendaries from the exploration gifts, sell those on the trading post), running the risk that it'll no longer be profitable to craft legendary weapons for sale, which in turn would put a lot of people out of things to do in game.


Long story short: putting legendary gear into the store for gems cuts out a lot of gaming potential not just for the player that wants said gear, but also for plenty of people involved in producing said gear for trading in the game. It potentially leads to one person enjoying the game more (although there's plenty of cases where the oposite is actually the case, as people suddenly find that their purchase has actually robbed them of a goal to go forward), but at the same time kills in-game goals for several other people in the process.


This such a good post because it outlines something very important: this game has a pretty fun functioning economy, but it is largely under-girded by people getting Legendaries.

Mess with that too much and you actually wreck a lot of fun for a lot of people.

Edited by lorddarkflare.9186
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