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This game needs to rely less on players using third party websites for information.

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On 5/2/2022 at 6:35 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

I think in some cases this is a difference between how Anet intended the game to be played and how players want to approach it. For example I think they didn't provide timers for world bosses because they wanted it to seem unpredictable and be a bit of a surprise when it happened. But players discovered they give good drops so they want to farm them and so worked out a schedule to do so.

erm.... world bosses are not unpredictable, it is on a timer, the fact that Anet put an item in gem store to show you where to go for next world bosses already mean they knews putting world bosses timers in game is a very good idea. 

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12 hours ago, HonesltlyX.7164 said:


Has nothing to do with exploring the game world. My words were "introduce". All the game has to do is point the player in the right direction.

That is what the hints are there for. You need turn by turn walking directions?

12 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I want the game to message me at work, discord, text or email are all acceptible, to let me know that it has solved every tidbit of the game for me, and provide a list of the achievements that it earned for me.

Well have I got a game for you. Let me introduce you to today's sponsor "Raid: Shadow Legends" 😁

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On 5/1/2022 at 4:46 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:


Can't you just add a big circle on each map, and when we mouse over it, it displays a timer so we know when to go where?

You could also add a neat little list of the 5 current/upcoming big world events, world bosses or map metas to occur.

I'm... Not fully certain if you are yanking my chain 


Why should they personally list the game's puzzles? They very clearly thought that part of the fun was using the achievement hints to locate each egg. Similar to how it does everything else. And no... They aren't that vague. I found those eggs well before the guides were out. Its a natter of how well do you remember the landmarks.


Additionally... They sell an item that does exactly what you want regarding world bosses. It gives you an alert for when a world boss is about to spawn. And you can use it to teleport to the world boss location. Should this be a standard feature? Not really.


Edited by Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497
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I kind of agree with OP to some degree.. If the text regarding the collections objectives were more clear it would be nicer for people, but some people do like this kind of thing the way it is. It would be a hard thing to find that sweet middle spot that won't kitten anyone off. Veteran players are already used to have to tab to gw2 wiki from time to time to do things, but new players won't prob know about it for a while.

Now regarding the fact people often don't know what to do next.. you could always check the timers for map metas and world bosses if you want to do something that is happening at the exact moment you are online. There are two ways to know these.. 1 being gem store items that will keep telling you in chat what is happening now and another one being the timer on wiki (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers).

But if you feel like doing something that takes longer to complete, you can do collections or achievements, fractals, chest gathering at Bjora Marches for some cash.

The thing is, there are a lot of things you can do, and Anet will never direct people like you would HAVE to do this or that thing next. Freedom to choose is a curse and a blessing.

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Isn’t this just the state of software in general, though?

There was a time when software came with manuals on how to use it. Nowadays, at most, it comes with a search bar in a menu that will pull up information through your web browser. Beyond that, it’s largely “watch some YouTube videos” if you want to learn.

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On 5/1/2022 at 11:46 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:

Where is that next Skyscale egg? I'll check on Google, then go back to the game, then back to Google again for next one.

What about this collection from a LW episode? Oh yeah, back to Google.

Oh, and when is that next big event or world boss? Guess I'll check on the third party event tracker.


Can't you just add a big circle on each map, and when we mouse over it, it displays a timer so we know when to go where?

You could also add a neat little list of the 5 current/upcoming big world events, world bosses or map metas to occur.

As someone who sometimes doesn't know what to do in the game, I know that'd be super useful for me.


Honestly I just want to play GW2 without having to close the game so much to get data elsewhere. It's a thing for every MMO I think, but more so with GW2.



If you're supposed to look for an egg (or a part of a LW collection), then you're supposed to look for an egg. You choosing to look for a map/location online is nothing else than your choice to take a shortcut someone else made for you.

Boss timers on the other hand... probably yeah.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, patton the great.7126 said:

Pre CU SWG would have eaten your lunch and pulled your undoes up over your head. Modern MMO people are so spoiled, it's no wonder MMOs are a almost forgotten genre

yea, when i was a kid we had to play computer games on jagged rock fragments, and  we had to fight off the dinos

before we even got out of the cave. water wasnt even invented yet, so we had to drink glowing lava.

good times indeed...i wonder why they changed?

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All you need is the wiki, we needed that also on Guild Wars 1. It provides most of the information you seek in order to navigate maps, collections, achievements etc. I don's see it as a problem and I actually prefer it rather than have a visual cluttered UI with navigation lines, chat boxes, timers and markers. 

Shoutout to the wonderful people that maintain the wiki. You are doing an awesome job. Thank you for your service all those years.

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You can't please everyone.


Collections: search yourself and have fun doing it or use the wiki or YT and bypass the boring bits = totally up to you personally.


A journal for list of things you are collecting is a great idea, my desk does not need more scraps of paper on it.


What I think DOES need assistance is G1 and 2 legendary creation - it is so complex and there are NO instructions in-game to even set you on the right path once you have done the collections and received your precursor.

EDIT: all you get is a mystic hint in an email that says - "go speak to Myani"

Edited by Kystene.3917
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You know, I've been playing a bit of ESO lately (much to do still in EoD, but too much real life going on to concentrate on it), and I was remarking to my husband just the other day how quickly ESO got monotonous despite me starting a new chapter (expansion) i hadn't played before. It feels like "go to quest marker, do something, go to next quest marker, do something, go to next quest marker ...".


I'm a player that loves exploring. I've been playing computer rpgs for more than 30 years, and exploring and figuring things out have always been on top of my list of enjoyable content. I love that GW2 is offering me so many things to explore, complex maps with lots of little nooks and crannies, events to discover, collections that make you look all over the place. I'm one of those weird people that absolutely loved the skyscale collection, it was among the most fun I've ever had in this game.


I get that there are people that don't enjoy that kind of things, that find scavenger hunts tedious and puzzles infuriating. The point is: if you don't like that kind of thing, you can go and grab resources that have done all the exploring/hunting/puzzling for you. Nobody is forcing you to go to those resources, but the game allows you to do it and even offers the most extensive resource, the wiki, right from inside the in-game chat. There's room for all kinds of players this way.


If you start spelling everything out in game, you cut out people like me that like to explore and puzzle themselves (and there are plenty of us around, too). By integrating a "follow the marker" kind of interface in game, you cut off those of us that find following markers monotonous and tedious. There will no longer be an option to choose whether to figure things out yourself or go to outside resources, since the game will spell it out for everyone right in their face.


I think GW2 is for the most part doing a great job in giving out hints that allow you to figure things out on your own. There are things that are a pain even for people like me (looking at you, Ember Bay token collector), but these really are few and far between. Most of the examples given in this thread are things I stumbled upon myself just by playing the game and exploring maps. Please don't change the game to be another of those "sightseeing on rails to check off checkboxes" rpgs just because some people want the answers handed to them even more in their face than the resources that are already available.

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Is an absurd collection that was balanced around people on release combing through the island like we are searching a missing person in the woods. And after that you really need the wiki. Because the hints are crap and Anet leans why to much on the user generated wiki. Even if you could ask an veteran player they would look it up in the wiki too. The wiki is so much part of the game one person thought it is part of the company. Which it isn't. Which becomes very clear if you switch the language on the wiki to something non-english and halve the content is missing. There are so many design mistakes in the game who are carried by the wiki.


I certainly don't want marker for the collection. But there is so much stuff missing or poorly explained in the game because they lean on the wiki. Let me check what my specter shroud ability's do. Oh I cant! Now dear reader you may say the wiki is there so it isn't a problem. But its a third party site and has a number of complication that follow because of that. Lets assume for a second not the whole world speaks English. German Spectere wiki entry.




Oh great. Was zum Teufel fang ich hiermit an? Its empty.


Imagine they port the game ever to another language. What are they gonna do? Translate the whole English wiki?  Hope the new players base does their work for free again? Ship GW 2 without a wiki?







Edited by Albi.7250
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Token Collector in Ember Bay is completely bonkers yeah. Thats definitely not a good design. Its pretty much impossible for anyone to figure it out all by himself unless he really goes pixel hunting every inch of the map. And even then I dont know how the ones at the top of the chalice were figured out. Feels almost like glitching outside of the map boundaries.

Well its ok if its meant as a collective search. But then it should be an optional collection without anything tied to it. In this case you need it for gobbler and aurora I think.

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On 5/4/2022 at 1:00 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

Isn’t this just the state of software in general, though?

There was a time when software came with manuals on how to use it. Nowadays, at most, it comes with a search bar in a menu that will pull up information through your web browser. Beyond that, it’s largely “watch some YouTube videos” if you want to learn.

Not really.

If manual exist people complain about being told to read the manual

If manual doesn't exist people complain there is no manual to read.

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45 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Not really.

If manual exist people complain about being told to read the manual

If manual doesn't exist people complain there is no manual to read.

I may have been unclear on what I was saying.

Nowadays most software requires finding outside resources to learn it. Why would complex games be any different?

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10 hours ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

Or it is simply indicative that most of GW2's player base consists of the type of players that really enjoy afk mobile games. I'm willing to bet that the majority of players that are upset that GW2 doesn't hold your hand enough can't even pull 10k dps fully buffed.

10k fully buffed is just autoattacking on a DPS oriented build.

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At the very least you need to be able to right click stuff and go straight to the wiki page for it. The game itself is horrible at guiding you through achievements and crafting. There's just no way to do some stuff without external guides.

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in the first year i played gw2 i never knew about dulfy.net. Now though there are so many resource sites that basically explain the game because the game doesn't give good hints at how to do things, you really do rely on these 3rd party sites to figure things out.


But i thought about how would you go about creating content that changes daily/ weekly/ monthly/ qtrly on a radno rotating basis so 3rd party sites won't have the proper information?

Edited by Kelly.7019
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i'm sure they could make more gem store things for you to buy to notify you. 😄 they do have the world boss timer and HoT event timer for purchase on gem store already. they probs should make more of these things but also add another free bag specifically for these items

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Maybe solution is to include the wiki into the game.


1) have a character animation showing you reading a map when looking a the map (wow does this)

2) have a character animation showing you reading a book when looking at the in game wiki

3) have a character animation showing you looking at a pocket watch(?) when looking at the event timers.


more animations to show others what you are doing and more immersion into the game space is what i would do if i were king.  everyone wins.


4) and so that anet can make money you sell different animations of the above 3 or possible a really expense "scholar tag" that lets people edit the wikis.  something really expensive to filter out the hooligans. just spitballin ideas.

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On 5/1/2022 at 5:46 PM, Aodlop.1907 said:

Where is that next Skyscale egg? I'll check on Google, then go back to the game, then back to Google again for next one.

What about this collection from a LW episode? Oh yeah, back to Google.

Oh, and when is that next big event or world boss? Guess I'll check on the third party event tracker.


Can't you just add a big circle on each map, and when we mouse over it, it displays a timer so we know when to go where?

You could also add a neat little list of the 5 current/upcoming big world events, world bosses or map metas to occur.

As someone who sometimes doesn't know what to do in the game, I know that'd be super useful for me.


Honestly I just want to play GW2 without having to close the game so much to get data elsewhere. It's a thing for every MMO I think, but more so with GW2.



I use the world boss portal thing I bought with gold converted to gems when it was on sale, and set the options to tell me 10 minutes before a boss starts, and port me there. Pretty sure there is a meta event one too, but I could be wrong there. 


As far as collections go, they aren't quests, and shouldn't hold your hand. They offer the absolute best rewards, and they aren't mandatory. 


The game you're looking to create #oesnt promote exploration, just like WoW has far less people out in the world looking for new things. They follow the arrow, to whatever it is. This game is better than that (in that aspect), and I would like to keep GW2 from becoming a mindless walking simulator. If you need direction at all times, download taco.

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