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I want to stop working on my legendary armor.

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5 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I think that it doesn't work that way. A lot of people really don't want to do other types of content and rather not do them and give up legendary armor instead. 

The fact that PvE armor has OW components, isn't a good argument. It still requires raids and on that alone means that the vast majority of PvE'ers won't ever try to get it.

You know, all of this would've been fine but then the legendary armory came out. That's what makes things very different now and why people are asking for it more now.

It's not even for myself. As I said, I chose the way of WvW because I don't mind being patient, but I do understand why people are asking for an OW Legendary armor set now that the legendary armory is a thing. I don't need Anet to do it, but I do understand why people are asking for it and I don't see a reason for Anet not to do it.. 

Look at the reality of things. There are trinkets like the two accessories and amulet that are what I would consider PvE, so they've already done legendaries for OW. And the vast majority of PvE'ers don't even have legendary armor even when WvW is dead easy to do and is just about time spent. Essentially you get it for showing up and staying for a while every day. And even that they won't do.

So no, I have to disagree with your view that it encourages players to try new content. It just doesn't. As I said, I don't need Anet to do it (in spite of what Sobx says but then he's a troll), but I do understand why a lot of people want it. 

I can understand it as well, doesn’t mean I support it. People always want a lot of things, doesn’t mean that they should get it. 

I know quite some players that got encouraged by the legendary armor to try aspects of the game they haven’t really done before. 

The funny thing is, you rarely see PvP or WvW players complaining that they have to do PvE to get Aurora, Vision or legendary weapons. Think about that. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Oh, but you said gold is everything, so which one is it?

I want the armor . I won't have time  go in Drizzelwood and gain gold , if i am in under-rewarding  areas like the Skyscale


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10 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

I can understand it as well, doesn’t mean I support it. 

I know quite some players that got encouraged by the legendary armor to try aspects of the game they haven’t really done before. 

The funny thing is, you rarely see PvP or WvW players complaining that they have to do PvE to get Aurora, Vision or legendary weapons. Think about that. 

In PvP the stats are equal and the WvWer's  prefer a more low cost armor, but choose to do mass battles .

Raiders want to kill epiq bosses and OW people want to fun

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6 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

I want the armor . I won't have time  go in Drizzelwood and gain gold , if i am in under-rewarding  areas like the Skyscale

Drizzlewood isn't somehow the only profitable ow area and any idea mentioned about ow leggy acquisition just listed "do 1000 OW meta events and get ported to jps a few times [or park alts]".

You want more rewards? Play more of the game's content. It is already true and it does make complete sense. But you don't want to play more of the game's content, you just want to double dip for additional rewards, I know.

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11 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

I know quite some players that got encouraged by the legendary armor to try aspects of the game they haven’t really done before. 

True, I know players that got initially pushed into content outside of their comfort zone due to rewards they wanted to get and then kept playing that additional content. It doesn't work for everyone? Sure and it doesn't need to. It still does work though. Aspirational content/rewards and all that.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Drizzlewood isn't somehow the only profitable ow area and any idea mentioned about ow content just listed "do 1000 OW meta events and get ported to jps a few times [or part alts]".

You want more rewards? Play more of the games content. It is already true and it does make complete sense.

As i am trying to explain to Yori , that different modes attract different kind of people and legendary reward can act as "carrot" to get rewarded for their efford in something they love  .

Wasn't there a tread , a while back where a person was asking "If you not doing raids , what you do ?" And some people replied that they tried , but it is not their cup of tea . Why prohibit t them from having  an armor ?

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12 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

So it's obvious why Anet spends more resources on that type of content.

Questionable at best as it always depends on how rewarding an open world map is. If it weren't for Aurora/Vision and "Return to" Achievements, several living world maps would be throwaway content. One major complaint about living world has always been that you play the map for a few days for achievements and then abandon that map. S3 maps are basically useless at this point - especially after Arena Net streamlined trinket stat combination distribution and introduced Eternal Ice Shard exchange - which even made S4 kind of pointless. You can only split up players to a certain number of maps until the playerbase becomes too fragmented. I'm actually happy that IBS focussed on developing decent maps with BM and DC.

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@Aridon.8362, take a break for a bit.


If you choose to get another armor weight that is legendary, then consider WvW. It's a very easy and passive path to legendary armor.


Look up some gold guides, things like daily crafting, node farms, alt parking, bauble farming, and yeah T4 fractals. Alt accounts if you are looking to spend real money for fake money, generate lots of gold for the dollar amount spent as opposed to just converting to gems.

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On 5/13/2022 at 9:49 AM, Aridon.8362 said:

And the worst part is that the Wiki LIED about these things dropping in the crystallized supply cache, NOPE, there is a 0 chance of them dropping you have to do the meta.

The wiki didn't lie, they do drop from the caches it's just a very low drop rate. I think I've dropped 3 from caches ever and I run Chak a lot. They also have a low drop rate from Zinn's supplies in Rata Novus, or if you're really that sick of PVE you can get them from the Tangled Depths Reward Track in PVP and WvW too (it's the 15th reward on both of them, so you could get 1/3rd into both tracks and get two eggs that way)


Though, honestly, if you are as angry as you sound about this and you've still got that many Spirit Shards to go, I'd just stop and take a look at where you're at with it now, stop and go play the game the way you enjoy for a little bit. You'd get the shards as part of that whenever you level up and just drop into Chak occasionally when you see it's up instead of forcing yourself into a routine with it daily when you don't enjoy that. That way you'd casually get it done in a month or two, because clearly you're not enjoying the game the way you are forcing yourself to play it atm. No gear grind means Legendary Armor is there forever, you're not just suddenly gonna have to do this grind again in 2 years time, so might as well do it in 60 days instead of 10 days if it means you don't full on hate the game in the process, just an idea.

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3 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

I know quite some players that got encouraged by the legendary armor to try aspects of the game they haven’t really done before. 

And i know quite some players that either got discouraged by legendary armor being behind a content they'd rather avoid, or burned out due to getting it through the content they did not like. You obviously think your group is more numerous. I happen to doubt that. Besides, even if i'd be wrong, your group is still a gain for that specific game mode only. The group i speak of is a loss for the game.

3 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

The funny thing is, you rarely see PvP or WvW players complaining that they have to do PvE to get Aurora, Vision or legendary weapons. Think about that. 

That's due to two reasons. First, there's simply much less SPvP and WvW players overall. Second, those threads, when they do appear, end up moved to the WvW or SPvP subforums very fast for some reason, so most players will never see them.

Not to mention legendaries just don't work in SPvP, so pure SPvP players have no real reason to care about them, and hybrid PvE/SPvP players obviously have far less problems with PvE.

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10 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Ok if you get legendary armor for doing what your doing now anyway its a reward you get passivly without doing anything for it.

There you go explained it for you plain and simple.

Doesn't the same thing apply to people that are doing Raids-WvW-PvP ?

They are playing the mode they love  and get passivly rewarded

While the OW players are not allowed to -_-


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8 minutes ago, Luci.7018 said:

Yeas i can play whatever i want

Yup, that's exactly true. So go play what you want and have fun. Again, I'm not sure how anything here is somehow an issue -the level of fun you're having from your fun-inducing activities isn't dependant on the tier of your gear, especially beyong ex/asc one.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yup, that's exactly true. So go play what you want and have fun. Again, I'm not sure how anything here is somehow an issue -the level of fun you're having from your fun-inducing activities isn't dependant on the tier of your gear, especially beyong ex/asc one.

Yeah i don't understand why we can't have something , for the mode we love , like the rest 3modes.

Why are you so against the idea ?

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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Ok if you get legendary armor for doing what your doing now anyway its a reward you get passivly without doing anything for it.

If you have to do something in order to get something then, regardless of why you're doing it, it's per definition not passive.

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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Nope, based on facts. What fun are you having in the game currently that you somehow can't be having without better gear than you currently have? 

I wrote that in last few posts and you just keep dodging:

You've said that you want to play whatever is fun for you and that's what you're doing. That alone tells you that your current gear is enough for you to do whatever "fun" activity you want to keep doing in the game. This is not "because I said so", it's literally because that's what you said, so stop trying to spin it into something it's not in a weak attempt to play a victim here.

So based on you , i want better gear (stat wise) ?

I want to be rewarded in the area i love , just like Raider/WvWvW/PvPers in their respected area , with a long term goal  .

Why i cant have that goal ?


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3 hours ago, Luci.7018 said:

Doesn't the same thing apply to people that are doing Raids-WvW-PvP ?

They are playing the mode they love  and get passivly rewarded

While the OW players are not allowed to -_-


No they play all the content their game mode got so far over the span of the game.

Not their fault it was bread crumbs released for it over 10 years.

If you played all pve content you would have legendary too after awhile.

8 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

If you have to do something in order to get something then, regardless of why you're doing it, it's per definition not passive.

If you get A for doing something then later you get A+b the b is added on top so its passive increase to what you already got.

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10 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

No they play all the content their game mode got so far over the span of the game.

Not their fault it was bread crumbs released for it over 10 years.

If you played all pve content you would have legendary too after awhile.

People had already 10 years to test other modes . After 10 years the OW doesn't deserve an Armor?

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37 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

If you get A for doing something then later you get A+b the b is added on top so its passive increase to what you already got.

What you just described here is merely the concept of getting more than one reward for doing something. Also: notice how you moved the goalpost from "its a reward you get passivly" to "its passive increase" (which doesn't really mean anything other than "the devs increased the rewards" and would ofc. also apply to things like the "Crystal Oasis: Hero's Choice Chest" / the "Antique Summoning Stone" from the DE meta event).

A passive reward on the other hand is something completely different as it would necessitate the absence of a requirement which is directly based on an action taken by the player.

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1 minute ago, Raizel.8175 said:

That's wrong. A generalist MMORPG needs exclusive rewards for every kind of content. If not, most people will choose the path of least resistance.

  1. Keeping QoL exclusive is probably not the best choice. Making QoL as accessible as possible is usually a good idea for retention. 
  2. Least resistance is to significant amounts about reward structure. Not necessarily about type of quest / content. 
  3. What's wrong with the path of least resistance so long as it keeps players engaged?
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On 5/13/2022 at 12:10 PM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Thank the lord I'm a Wvw player and got the WvW Legy armor just passively while playing.

And here I was thinking, who's going to brave and tell him what's involved for the WvW legendary armor (if you're not a wvw player)... 😉

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